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posted by Red_HoodYJ
Red Hood was on patrol with Batgirl. It was unusual, yes, but they worked surprisingly well together. As they were going through an alley, this is what Aeronwen heard:
“Hey I just met you~ And this is crazy! But here’s my number, so call me maybe~” Batgirl started singing under her breath. Aeronwen froze.
“For the love of-!” She exclaimed, turning on the red head.
“Barbara, I will kill you. Don’t tempt me” Red Hood growled, pointing a finger at her companion. They continued down the alley. Red Hood saw a shadow pass over and brought out her knife. Batgirl brought out a bat-a-rang and they stood back to back. Red moved closer to an escape ladder, closer to the wall. Suddenly, Nightwing swung down, holding onto the second last ring of the ladder with his knees so he was upside down.
“It’s hard to look right at you BAAAABY-!” he sung loudly. Before he could continue, though, Red Hood pushed his head up, now glaring at the wall in front of her.
As Red Hood jumped over roofs to her house, she saw a mugging attempt and jumped down, easily tackling the mugger. She grabbed the victim’s I-Pod and went to hand it to the unfortunate girl when this song abused her ears:
“I threw a wish in the well, don’t ask me, I'll never tell. I looked to you as it fell, and now you're in my way~” it blasted. My eye twitched and I practically threw the music device at the girl before running off. I ran home and changed into my pajamas, flicking on the TV, only to find:
“Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin' Hot night, wind was blowin' Where you think you're going, baby?~” Carly Rae Jepson sung.
“AH!” Aeronwen smacked the remote, turning off the TV. She heard a cackle.
Red Hood was surrounded. Stupid henchmen of Black Mask. Or was it the Joker this time? Maybe Penguin? She didn’t care, because all that mattered was that Red Hood was out-numbered and out-armed. Suddenly, some speakers started blasting this:
“And all the other boys, Try to chase me, But here's my number, So call me, maybe?~” That got to her all right. Red Hood screamed in anger and horror and pulled out both her guns, shooting at the source of the torture. In fright, the henchmen ran off. Red Hood walked off, grumbling.
“I swear, if I hear that song one more time, I’m going to kill myself” she muttered darkly.
Aeronwen Todd walked pleasantly to meet Grayson and Thalia. Well, as pleasantly that Aeronwen could muster. She was humming a song that she couldn’t name. A smile graced her lips as she walked. When she met with Dick, he smirked. She was still humming the unnamable song. They walked in partial silence (Aeron’s humming filling the air) as they met up with Thalia. She gave the younger girl an odd look.
“Aeronwen, I thought you hated that song?” Thalia tilted her head.
“What song?” Aero asked
“That Call Me Maybe song” she said. Aero froze as they walked.
“GRAYSON!!!!!” Aeronwen screamed. Dick laughed and ran off, cackling his ass off. Aero chased him, yelling death threats in Romanian at him. Thalia laughed. She managed to understand one threat:
“I swear, when I catch you, I’m going to shove that damn stick of yours up where the sun don’t shine”
posted by Robin_Love
He looked her over, examining her scars and scrapes. There wasn't too much, except the wound in her back. He put a salve on it and wrapped it up.
“Not too tight!” Cat hissed.
He lowered her shirt and came around to face her. She had several scrapes and would end up with a scar across her cheek. Other than that, there was little other damage.
“Way to go warrior. Zero would be proud.”
Cat smiled a little and looked down at her hands.
“I heard Alex again.”
“Really? What'd he say?”
“He told me to prepare. But I don't know what.”
“Sounds like you'll be on an adventure soon.”...
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"Is this cool or what?!" the teen exclaimed more than asked. His companion merely grunted a reply barely audible over the cheering crowd.

"Oh come on! How can you not like him?!"

"Do I really need to tell you again, Parker?"


"He's an eccentric, playboy billionaire who goes out at night and--"

"And?" Peter asked, smirk plastered to his face.

Sam grinned. "Ah, you're right." He frowned again. "I still don't like him."

"Whatever." Peter said, waving his hand absentmindedly.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, Samuel Grant!"

The crowd burst into fresh cheers as Sam walked on-stage and shook the billionaire's hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark."

"He's a natural actor." Peter shrugged.
posted by Blaze_YJ
Name: Blaze Burnett

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: blonde hair and dark blue eyes ( eyes can change colour depending on mood)

Personality: she is very strong willed and powerful, she often enjoys sparing but seems to be very stubborn when she needs help or is in danger.

Powers/ Abilities: she can teleport ( but usually fails) she is very handy with her sword and has many skills in combat .

Past: when she was young, her mother died being stabbed by her father and she was abused by her father for many years, she ran away and was set off on her own until she was found by flash and was recommeneded to jooin the team.

( hope you like it i worked really hard and think i did a good job)
posted by Robin_Love
Oh yeah! My creativity strikes again!!!!

The sound of a gun and breaking glass pierced through the night. The sounds of a struggle were clear for anyone close by. Meaning only two. He stumbled backwards, taken back by the blow. It didn't last long. He kicked, punched, dodged, did all in his power to keep the other one down. His cape shadowed his every move. He was a figure in black, manipulating every thing with his tactical brain. He threw the other one against a wall, watching as he fell and knocked over a few trashcans. He was breathing heavily but prepared for an attack. Nothing. He laughed...
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posted by The_Writer
(I'll have pictures later)

"No results in police database, google--"

The large computer chimed. 

"One result..." Sam muttered, opening it. A chill ran down his spine as he read the two words. "Turn around"

He spun, grabbing his sword and pointing it at the figure in the shadows.

"Come out." he said.

The woman walked out. Now that she was standing still in front of him, he could get a better look at her. 

She was tall, that was for sure. She wasn't bad looking either, but the tattoos ruined it all. They covered her left shoulder and arm as well as her right hip and leg. Blackness swirled around the...
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posted by anime-niac
Korran's POV

I decided to go out and find a place to draw as there hadn't been anything huge happening in the cave for days now. I put my sketch book and pencils into my bag and walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. As I walked through the cave I noticed how deathly silent it was and shivered at the feeling of loneliness that tugged at my heart. It had been like this for days and I was still diturbed by it, I summoned my shadow beast Amoria in hopes that it would dull the loneliness. We walked out of the cave heading into town hoping to find a peaceful place to draw. I stuck to...
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added by Eliasse
added by The_Writer
posted by Robin_Love
I’ll add his OC Bio underneath all this. He’s one of the Outsiders, just one I don’t always use.

Full Name: Zeth Parker
Nickname: Z, Zay
Reason or meaning of name: Gift of God
Eye Color: Green
Hair Style/Color: Brown, short
Height: 5’ 7”
Clothing Style: Modern
Best Physical Feature: Eyes

Your Fears: Being found
Your Guilty Pleasure: Warm Fires
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: People you can’t trust
Your Ambition for the Future: Is to live an option?

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Must...sleep
What You Think About the Most: My old master...
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posted by MafiaYJ


Full Name : Katyushka Matryona Pavlova; Katyushka Dmitrievna
Nickname: Mafia, Cad, Yushka, Yona, Nana, Kat
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Nyda, Russia
Birthday: April 22, 1994
Currently living in: Based in Gotham; constantly traveling
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Russian
Occupation: Formerly, assassin
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Social Status: Unknown


Body Build: Muscular, some curves
Height: 5’5
Weight: 144 lbs
Skin colour: Warm Ivory
Hair style: To her shoulders to chin, depending on when you catch her, always down.
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour:...
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added by MinaBloodlust
posted by SilverWings13
It was her brother's idea of apologizing. Every time Ana left for an errand, or to go for a run as she had done two hours ago, she returned to find a new contribution to the ancient two-bedroom cabin. Yesterday it had been a pile of dry firewood, the day before a repaired kitchen window. She had considered tossing the logs into the freezing river or shattering the window with a stone, but despite her anger, those resources allowed her to stay in the dilapidated cabin away from the castle where her brother lived like the false prince he was. The freezing mountain side was unfamiliar territory...
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posted by SilverWings13
Name: Callaghan Ivan Rurik
Reason or meaning of name: Callaghan like the royal O'Callaghans of Ireland, Ivan for Ivan the Terrible of Russia, and Rurik because my mother's last name is more valuable than my father's.
Species: Warlock
Eye Color: Honey in the sunlight, midnight in the shade
Hair Style/Color: Short and dark with blonde highlights
Height: 6' even
Clothing Style: Flannels, t-shirts, jeans, and my glasses
Best Physical Feature: Everything (his humility)

Your Fears: Bats... Big, flying rats *shivers*
Your Guilty Pleasure: All night movie marathons...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: Happens simultaneously as link

Hounds on the Bridge

The girl blinked quickly as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight while the white portal she had stepped through faded from existence. A warm Mediterranean breeze rustled her untidy red curls, carrying the scent of the sea. As much as she wanted to run through the narrow streets until she was panting for that sea salt sweet air, there was no time for such leisure. Her concern was for someone who had been left behind in the city by mistake.
Before she could even wonder about the trio that had meant to accompany her, her eyes found them. Though...
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posted by Robin_Love
Jessie Bennett
Jessie Bennett
Name: Jessie Bennett
Alias: None
Powers: Healing, combat
Occupation: Doctor
Weakness/Limits: Unknown
History: Jessie Bennett came from a long line of pure-blood healers. Her race is unknown, despite how human she looks. Her given name has been forgotten. She came to Earth much like the Man of Steel. But she was found by a traveling caravan in an Arabian desert. She grew up among them and immediately took a fondness to medicine. By accident, she found out her inhuman abilities when she was five. Almost immediately, she was sent away, to America. She spent almost a year in a facility, learning English....
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Hi, life has been busy, sorry, kthnxbai

Chris' eyes widened as the weather began to spiral out of control, his grip on Alex tightening even more. "You're too emotional to even try and restrain him.." He swallowed and his eyes darted to Tobias who was tending to the speedster. "You three get out of here!" He handed Alex off to the two males, blowing into his hands afterwards. "Jaime!" He called out, slowly making his way through the blinding snow. Scotty snarled, snow and wind spiraled around the fox as he made his way over towards Cadaver, shoving Erasers aside and pushing his way through,...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Before work
Before work
I lumped the two new ones in together because I didn't want to spam with articles.. My older characters will be out later. (:

Name: Fletcher Caverly
Alias: Was formerly known at Catalyst
Occupation: Was a hero, now is a scientist who secretly assists the YJ team.
Age: 25.
Appearance: Brown hair that usually hangs in front of his eyes, however when he is working it is usually pushed up in the front. He has dark green eyes and is unusually tan for someone who doesn't go outside much. He stands at 6'2 and is fairly thin.
Powers/skills: Fletcher is able to speed up chemical reactions with his touch,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: For anyone not up to speed with my one hundred and then some OCs, the small child = Alek, the hero/ Tara's boyfriend/ that guy who was practically Ary's brother but you all shipped them anyway. Dr. Felis is the bad guy and Aleksander's father, though Al doesn't know that until he's older. It'll make more sense later.

The sun remained high in the sky, yet the air itself was practically frozen. Each breath promised a renewal of biting frost to the lungs and an exhale of smoke as white as the snow clinging to the grass. The men in black that marched toward the cliff were as silent as the...
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added by killer24
Source: Google image
added by Robin_Love