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posted by MercyYJ
At the Purple Team base:
She placed her thumb carefully on the trigger, waiting until the beep went off to signal her that it knew who she was. “This is so cool!” Mercy mumbled out under her breath. “Yeah? Just wait until the game starts!” Charlie looked over at his hot-headed friend. Mercy stuffed the gun quickly into her holster, “How much longer until the game starts?” Charlie glanced at his wristwatch, “About 25 minutes. Hey, Madds? You ready?” A girl with short brown hair and a purple cowboy hat walked out of one of the rooms,
“Get your jacket on!”
“I don’t wanna!”
“Green doesn’t go well with purple!”
“You’re our captain! Just do it!”
Maddi gave a laugh and walked over to the coat rack by the door, pulling off the one with a patch on the sleeve labeled “captain.”
“Wait, I thought green and purple were complimentary colors!” Mercy sat down on the couch and began to lace up her boots. “Whatever!” Maddi laughed, zipping up. “Hey, where’s everyone else?” Charlie asked. “Getting their stuff.”

At the Green Team base:
“Are we all ready and in position?” Twan pulled his finger off of the small com around his ear, waiting for a reply. “All ready in sector 2.” A first voice responded. “We’re good in sector 5.” A second replied. “Ready in 1 and 4!” A third joined in. “Well, what about sector 3? Sector 3, come in.” Twan pressed the com closer into his ear, trying to listen for anything he might have missed.
There was a quick static break before a fourth voice arose, “Yeah, we might have some complications here in sector 3!” Twan growled, “Like what?”
“We spotted some blue team members advancing toward the base.”
“Well, as soon as the beginning siren goes off, shoot them!”
“But Twan-“
“What, Tara?!”
“There’s- um… - a complication…”
“Care to elaborate?”
“Red team is hot on their trail, and one of them might have spotted us.”

At the Orange Team base:
“Okay, so I just press this little button right here?” Scarlet placed her thumb down on the thumb pad of her paintball-pistol. “That’s what the captain told me, so, it must be true!” Aisling shrugged. “Why is this stuff all so dang complicated?” The two girls both laughed quietly.
“5 minutes until start!” A voice called from the loudspeaker in the corner of the room. “We should probably go take our places.” Scarlet suggested. “Yeah. I’m in sector 1 to start out, what about you?” Aisling asked. “Sector 5, so we’re kind of close!” And with that, the two girls grabbed their team jackets and headed out the door.

Sector 2:
“You ready?” Charlie nudged Mercy with his elbow. “Ready as I’ll ever be…” Mercy nervously replied. “You’ll do fine! The trick is to shoot and run for your life! Do that, and you’ll be fine!”
Suddenly, both of their com-links let out a small buzz, “Guys, you ready over there?”
“Yep.” Charlie replied. “Good, we have 2 minutes until siren. Just try not to be seen or make a ruckus, and get to yellow team base to retrieve their flag first.” There was another small buzz to signal that Maddi had cut off.

Mercy took a deep breath, “And you said no powers allowed, right?” She glanced nervously over to Charlie, who was positioning himself for long range shooting when the game started, “Yeah, it wouldn’t be fair… remember?” Mercy nodded and looked down at her wristwatch to see the time, “14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,” A loud siren began to blare, along with several loud bangs of paintball guns.
Purple Team Jacket
Purple Team Jacket
Green Team Jacket
Green Team Jacket
Orange Team Jacket
Orange Team Jacket
posted by SilverWingsYJ
Don't kill me! I just got bored of making OCs that I have to kill off soon (non that I've presented to the club yet).

Name: Crystal Adams

Hero ID: Can't think of a good one, so Crystal.

Age: 12

Physical Appearance: 5'2", dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin, black wings (14' wing span)

Race: Avian-hybrid

Relation to YJL: Fang's little sis. Surprise!

Abilities: mild martial arts, flight (wings), ability to change her appearance

Bio: Escaped from the School when she was 8. She hung around other mutants. A group of mutants, calling themselves the X- Genes, manipulated Crystal into helping them conn the rich...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I guess you could say it all started about a week ago, after my dad's company  transferred to Manhattan. So why my parents were house hunting, I was dumped at my creepy great aunt Catherine's place.

12:24 EST time

Scott's father was the first to get out of the car first followed by Scott, his mother got out of the other side. 
"C'mon Scott it's only for a few days" His father looked down at Scott.
"But aunt Cathy's creepy."
"She's not creepy Scott." Said his mother,
"She's exetorant." Scott's mom giggled as his father said this.
"But she always creeps and stalks around like she's hiding...
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posted by Robin_Love
He stumbled, falling to the ground. Dark energy pulsed all around. He pushed himself back up, ignoring the pain flowing through him. He'd been gone less than a day and already was having issues. He fell again, this time staying down.
“Would you like some company?”
He rolled onto his back.
His scythe flashed white and then transformed. Her long blonde hair fell down past her knees, her cat like ears placed on the side of her head. She looked at him with her large red eyes. She was dressed all in black, the red accents drawing your eyes everywhere. She smiled at him.
“Hello master.”...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
Pixiv Id 767532
Pixiv Id 767532
Name: Aria Leonhart
Alter Ego: None
Age: 24 (For Baker’s story)
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown, looks auburn in certain sunlight.
Distinct Markings: she has a small mole close to corner of lip.
Height: 5’6” with heels 5’9”
Martial Status: Single
Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany
Current Residents: Wherever the hell “The Triangler
Relationship with: Likes London, however it’s up to Bakes whether or not they actually become a couple XD
Foes: 96/Alacurd

Articles she WILL appear in: “The Triangle” by Bakes2389

Powers: Ability of which she can control someone, or a group...
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posted by BladeYJ

"Phoebe! To the right!" She called out, Phoebe replied with a smirk and pulled out her Vorpal Blade, slicing clean through the tentical of the giant monster. Blood splattered her clean, white blouse. The monster let out a blood-curdling scream and grabbed at Phoebe, but missed by inches slicing through her blouse, barely missing her Omega necklace, exposing her chest and bra. It went for another swipe and this time caught her pants leaving her half-naked. It tried to grab her, but it's...
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posted by Obscurity98
when Roy is 18, Harley is14, and Skylar is.... don't think he want ppl to know so, never mind that.

Harley walked along side of Skylar's wolf forma s they walked through the forest. Harley smiled, "the poor wolf didn't even see it coming." Skylar smiled, "yeah i know." Suddenly Skylar's ear twitched to a side. "Did you hear that?" he asked. Harley looked around and took a deep breath. Her body froze and went rigid. the scent was too familiar.
Skylar sniffed the air. He knew the scent too, bu the couldn't place it. Some thing shifted near them, to their right. Skylar swiveled around to face...
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What was the last thing you ate?

What was the last thing you drank?

What's the best thing you've ever bought?
I have no idea!

What's the worst thing you've ever bought?
A hobo's sock... Don't ask!

What's the best thing you've ever been given?
Love- and then I lost it...

What's the worst thing you've ever been given?

What are your future goals?
Living long enough to experience my future!

Describe your bedroom?

What's your most embarrassing moment?
Not sure which is the worst!

Who do you consider the most beautiful...
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posted by Robin_Love
She sat alone in her room, listening to the song coming from her boom box. She hugged the stuffed bear to her chest, trying not to burst into tears. This day was one she had dreaded for months. She bit her lip as the music filled her senses. A light knock sounded at her door.
“Go away!”
Her command was ignored and Trevor walked in.
“What's up kitty Cat?”
“Leave me alone.”
He glanced over her and softened.
“What's wrong?”
Cat looked away, afraid she would burst into tears. Trevor came closer and sat beside her.
“Why so upset? Talk to Trevor.”
She smiled a little as his British accent...
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posted by NekoTheif
As soon as they had settled into their newer home in San Diego, California Amara had stared at the ring on her finger. She was officially engaged that's one step closer to closing the deal on her new family + one now. Matthew had still remembered the deal they had made 4 years ago when she found the little snot nosed boy hiding and given him a piece of mind. So now he was living with them until Zack realized his brother was missing and dragged the poor boy back home with him.

But now, now she had a fucking wedding to plan. And Charm was not helping her concentration on it. She had plenty of...
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Ravage Part III 7

Chapter Twenty-Two:

Artemis watched as the kid stumbled closer. He appeared dehydrated and exhausted. He kept stumbling toward them until he reached Artemis.

"So you're the great Artemis, huh? I thought you acted nice to your guests." the boy said after a moment of silence.

Revenge smirked.

Artemis grabbed the kid and tossed him to the ground, pinning him with her foot and her spear. His mask... It was just like Nightwing's... But looks were deceiving. "You've got a sense of humor. That'll do you no good in the colony. My name's Artemis all right. How did you know?" 

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posted by The_Writer
Ravage Part III 3

Chapter Eighteen: 

Yeah, yeah. The great Barbara Gordon got captured less than five minutes in this hellhole. Don't rub it in.

Besides, it's not my fault that I fell into the middle of a battle. 

It's quite simple what happened. I acted violent, the know-it-alls upstairs flipped a switch, I fell "behind enemy lines" and was captured. I almost got Cassie killed when I glanced in the cave, but she's fine for now. I landed next to M'gann, but she disappeared. Probably used her Martian Invisibility.

So now I'm hanging upside down over a pit of lava that the girls like to dip their...
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((I was going to post other ones (2 other articles) but they got erased from my compute D: any way.. This article is going to be VERY dark... So if you don't like dark articles don't read.
Btw this is a Song Fic! So the italic words are the verses. Unless it's a name))

"You didn't kill them did you?" Gage said calmly looking down with his eyes closed.
"Yes I did, Gage.." Her voice trembling.
"No you didn't, you know what happens when you lie."
"I'm not lying!"
He hit her... hard.. knocking her unconscious. This has happend twice this week but he always does something new.
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posted by MercyYJ
Name: Mercy

Alias: Bella Watson

Age: 16

Powers: Can control and create fire and other forms of heat. Is immune to burns and doesn't feel the heat.

Appearance: Orange-ish hair, blue-green eyes, freckles, 5'7", thin, small tribal fire art tattoo on her right wrist

Personality Around the Team: Very random and spontaneous. She can't really keep her focus for long unless instructed to. When needed to be serious, she will obey. Tries to aways be the life of the party.

Personality When Not Around the Team: Upbeat and simple. She is quite down to earth and not afraid to speak her mind. Much more toned...
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posted by Robin_Love
Spade costume
Spade costume
Name: Rylan Touya
Alias: Spade
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Agility, acrobatics, ability to manipulate, trained in hand to hand-to-hand combat, flight, trained with a pair of Sais, jinx factor
History: Rylan Touya was born and raised in Japan. Both her parents were of German background, but Rylan's mom married a Japanese man after her husband died; Rylan was three. Rylan's new father was a scientist experimenting with all kinds formulas. When Rylan was five, she discovered her new father was trading and making deals with the villainous Poison Ivy. Rylan tried warning her mother, but was ignored. Three...
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posted by Robin_Love
Loki uniform
Loki uniform
Decided to post info for this team too! :D

Name: Zeth Parker
Hero Name: Loki
Occupation: Minor, sorcerer, vigilante
Base: other dimension; currently Earth
Powers: Magic, elements, hand-to-hand combat, staff
History: Zeth was raised in the streets as an orphan. He was taken in by a kindly gentleman. Zeth soon discovered that his new guardian was a warlock. Zeth had potential in the magic arts and was trained to control his ability. When he turned six, Zeth was a talented warlock and was able to control the elements. It was then that his guardian came to the conclusion that Zeth was a demigod and the...
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posted by NekoTheif
Name- Tundra

Real name- Amara Noelle

Status- Married to Charm, one child

Gender- female

Powers- to create/control ice, turn into wolf

Upside- She always had a weapon at hand and has better smell and hearing

Downside- She can't use 2 powers at once. if it gets to hot it can affect her ice ability and make her use more energy.

What happened?-

After Charm's disappearance and her attempted arrest Amara fled and took Bonnie into hiding. She ran the drug trade and eventually moved in with the Jones family after finding Red Rose. Amara continued to look for Charm and raise/train Bonnie.


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posted by Obscurity98
Batman left her alone then, and she sank to her knees, the world was alive, people loved her. People she didn't want to hurt. Harley fought back tears, and threw her head back. If Batman found her, she was sure Superman, might be as well.

She was sleeping on the roof of the daily planet, when the sun came shining up. She heard a loud crash that woke her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw red yellow and blue zoom by. She had to leave. Now. if she didn't Superman would com back, and make her feel guilty. She didn't need that. No one understood that she had to do this. If she hurt them, she'd...
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posted by Robin_Love
Posting pics on the club. :)

Name: Beck Harrison
Alias: Falcon
Occupation: Hero; clone of Robin
Powers: Flight, agility, posses abilities of Robin, master hacker
History: Not much is known about Beck's past. All that is known is he is the clone of Robin. Beck has been trained to be the best. Was cloned by Talia Al'Ghul from DNA given to her by Becca Stevens before Becca turned against her. Beck now works with his team, who used to work for the JLA before going their own way. They are now located in Keystone City.
Notes: While he may have Robin's DNA, Beck doesn't always act like Robin. Beck tries...
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(don't worry it's just the title the series will continue!)

Day puffed out her cheeks she wished her brother would just pull her out from this school. It was breeding ground for bullies and cliques. "hey Day hows that hot brother of yours" a sultry voice called her. "Oh hello Alana. How are you any new boys in your shopping cart" she eyed the preppy blonde like the plaque. "Ph no but if your brother is open" she laid her claws on Day's shoulder. "He's got a girlfriend Alana" she snapped.

"doesn't mean i can't have my fun" she grinned "you touch my brother" Day pressed her forehead against the...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
Name: Terrance “Terry” Von Wolfstamdt
Alias: Prince Charming or just Prince
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 6’0”
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Place of Origin: Chevalier’s (the Country Side)
Accent: Danish, but it only comes out in certain words.
Allies: Young Justice
Occupation: Hero and current student.
Relationship With: She has a slight crush on Conner.
Family: Her younger brother: Fredrick “Freddy” Von Wolfstamdt and her mother.

Powers: None.

Skills: She knows the basic skill set of a solider of the army. Despite knowing how to use a gun, Terry only uses her battle-axe and a Swiss...
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