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posted by KatRox1
Name: Sailor Castello

Hero Name: Imagine

Age: 15

Power: Able to animate anything she draws or sees on paper by touching it with the tip of her index finger. She is also able to enter others dreamlands, and has no choice to enter her own when she sleeps.

Apperance: 5'7", blue-y eyes, purple hair (or anything that she chooses to dye it), thin-yet-exercised build

Personality: Very animated, not afraid to be herself and speak her mind, like a toned down Mercy, pretty much always smiling, very curious, loves making others smile

Civvies: Lightwashed skinny jeans, cowboy boots, white blouse, dark leather belt


Past: She never knew her father, and when she was 6, he mother was diagnosed with cancer. By age 10, her mother had passed away and Steffi decided to run away. She "disappeared", only to meet Mercy on the way. The two became friends, and now serves as a replacement on the team when Mercy travels.

-If not outside exploring, she would be found sparring or doodling

-Will fight as soon as someone close to her is threatened

-Goes to school under a fake name (Stephanie Ryders)

-Loves anyone who can make her laugh!
posted by SilverWings13
Names: Pollux and Castor

Ages: both 17 (twinzees!)

Species: demigoddesses

Birthplace: Egypt, along the Nile River

Appearances: As identical twins, the girls share the same darkened-bronze skin, round features, and coal-black curly hair. Pollux’s eyes are a cloudy white mist like the marine layer, while Castor’s are two starless night skies; their pupils are slitted like those of snakes. They have fangs that can extend from and retract into their gums. Pollux's venom paralyzes and kills; Castor's numbs pain. Also, they both have reptilian tails as long as the girls are tall. The tails aid in...
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posted by SilverWings13
“Then why did my gr- the king and queen tell me there was no solution?” Nerues demanded, managing to keep his tone level. At this, Thassa sighed and requested Yati, clearly his assistant, fetch tea from the kitchen. Once she was gone, the man explained, “I am a priest, young Nereus. As such, I have learned old ways that have been long forgotten.. or are strongly avoided. In this case, it is the latter. Your mother’s departure all those years ago remains sour in the rulers’ stomachs. They cannot bear giving you a gift only possible because of her treason against them. They are her...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Crane sat next a elderly woman, his legs crossed as he listened to her talk. The male chuckled and shook his head, sighing softly as he leaned back in the seat he was in. "Times have really changed.." He said softly and looked out the window of the nursing home. "That they have.. Such a shame you weren't around to face that change. Everything was thrown at you once, wasn't it?" She asked, pulling up the covers a bit more.
"In a way it was.." He said and chuckled again, shrugging. "I'm slowly staring to cope, I've been struggling a bit though..going from the forties to the twenty-first century...
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posted by Mclovin_69
"Everyone has that one thing that they wish they'd done, sure it may be different than others but it still hurts just the same."

The venom of his words recollected in his brain, but somehow it seemed as if he turned his fear into the desire of his fathers love it wouldn't seem so bad all those days ago. But that still didn't fade the memories and flashbacks he had about their last discussion.

"You're worthless you know that!?, can't you do anything right?"

He stiffened at the yelling from his father and sighed deeply closing his eyes as if the matter were his fault and true, but that wasn't...
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added by SilverWings13
Source: Google!
added by Eclipse-YJ
added by SilverWingsYJ
Source: Comic vine
added by DeltaYJ
Honesty clinched his teeth as he kept a fixed look on Ashley/Snowflake, she too did the same. A glowing light caught his eyes, he glanced at her left shoulder noticing a snowflake with a hexagon shape border around it. 'What in the world was Ice Hexagon doing on her shoulder? Its rightful place should be in the middle of her chest.' The blonde thought to himself. He then moved his eyes side to side noticing the shattered class windows that bar the chambers were now all over the floor. The other Hexagons namely, Nate, Melody, Phifi and Jaivus were all free from their bonds, but laid on the floor...
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Her head pounded as she slowly regain consciousness, the indigo-head strained her eyes open to a bright light in her face.
"You're up." Frostbite looks up noticing a woman with long midnight black hair. Though her head ached she manage to place a smile on her face. She looked around seeing that she was bonded in a chair in chains.
"I'm so happy that Queen of the Beetle is here to greet me on my wakening."
"Its my pleasure," Queen Beetle turned to Frostbite with a slight smile on her face in return Frostbite gave her a smile, "After all you did give permission take the Hexagons."
"I only did it...
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posted by Robin_Love
This is the time line where Lexi and the others are already there and Jamie has his squad. Sorry Sil, I mixed up the names DX

Name: Irra Weldon-Addams
Alias: Ray
Occupation: Apprentice
Powers: bends light, controls heat, expert street fighter, small weapons
Age: 15
Weaknesses: If she is kept in shadows or cold for more than a few hours, her light extinguishes; if she expends too much light she becomes uncontrollable; limited fighting endurance
History: Irra's parents died before she was a year old. She was taken in by an orphanage. By the time she was four, Irra had escaped her foster care home...
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spikes pierced and wore her flesh
spikes pierced and wore her flesh
Back in the room with Jaivus and his twin brother Honesty, Honesty had taken over from Salil beating Jaivus with more anger and power. Jaivus grunting and gasping bounced off the walls the paste of the lashes slowed and eventually stopped. Honesty walked up to Jaivus, who pants for air, dropped the whip on the ground and says, "That's what you get for betraying your people." Jaivus side-eyed him and smirk suddenly spitting blood on him. Honesty wiped off the blood and left the room.
On the other side of the wall Rene and Zack watch as Ashley is slowly being froze to death. Rene narrowed her...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Code name: Weapon 010:
Powers:Telepathic; controls a beetle-like animal (which is called beetle) once implanted into someone whether person or animal he can control then. He can also materialize himself into thousand of beetles and can create clones of himself with the beetles.
Appearance: Blonde hair and red eyes. Usually wears a black hoodie cloak.
Attitude: frank, hostile and devious.
Relations: Twin brother to Jaivus.
History&Past: Honesty was separated from his birth parents and his twin brother Jaivus at birth. He is the eldest between the twin. When He was separated...
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Kaya looked into the mirror as she gracefully placed the dark blue lipstick on her lips, she suddenly hears the floor squeaks from the dark area where the bed is. She doesn't glanced to the bed nor tries to make a sudden attack but rather she continues with her makeup. She picked up the eye pencil, used it and slow returned it to its place but with quick reflexes she threw the pencil by its point to the dark shot.
"What are you doing here Lelisa?" She asked bluntly, the bed lamp was switched on shining the light a devious redhead putting the pencil that was a few cm from her side of her face....
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posted by Robin_Love
Dick Grayson all dressed up
Dick Grayson all dressed up
Captivating. That was the only way he could describe her. Captivated; the only way he could describe how he felt right now. He watched as she seemed to hover over the floor although the skirt of her dress was short. She had a brilliant smile and stunning eyes. But he could see a layer of pain behind the happy front she was putting on. Had he never been trained as he was, he probably would have never known. But he was trained that way and he couldn't help how he badly he wanted to wipe away the pain. His sister's dedication gala was in full swing when he found his way back from his thoughts....
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posted by BladeYJ
Ladies and Gents, Our Jack of Hearts
Ladies and Gents, Our Jack of Hearts

Blue hair fell to the floor as the buzzing of a razor screamed down the halls. "He had been fighting with a patient, clawed her eye out because she tormented the 'one'".
"And the injured one? In for?"
"Murder, of her brother... Says here she blew his brains out, then was sent here for talking to him, screaming at anyone who helped her,'I didn't kill him.'"
"Eh... You didn't report this file to Dr.Silver.."
"No reports are aloud to go to that division, not since the incident three days ago.


His hand grasped her and brought to her to a tiny chair, atop the wooden table at the opposite side....
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Cheshire sat in the pilot seat of the jet leaned back beceas it was on auto pilot, well Twan sat in the copilot seat next to her looking at the screen of the laptop on his lap.
Oke babs is everything redy? He asked.
Almost Twan just running some last background cheks and decrypting the codes of he security system.
Oke well I geas I will hear from you then.
Thad's rigt, but wait a minute I got a surprise fore you.
She said as the camera images on the screen chanced from Babra, to Cadmus and Tess back in the apartment, Twan looks at the screen chancing and was happily surprised.
Well this is a surprise....
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posted by KatRox1
Yeah, I left the team. Why do you ask?

Personal reasons.

My name? I thought this was already covered?

Bella Watson. Age 19.

No more powers for me. I grew out of them, like how you grow out of allergies.

I work outside the government. According to them, I died in a train accident in December.

Yeah, new clothing style. No more fancy costumes, just plain old jeans and jackets.

I dyed my hair to be more brownish-red, so that it’s easier to blend in. Government, remember?

The turtle backpack had to go, along with any other habits. So, no barefoot running, no teas… yeah.

No, I don’t miss it. It’s...
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posted by killer24
Name: James Bishop
Villain ID: Jinx (or another I cant think any ideas if you don't like it)
Age: 19
Height: 5,9
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Nationality: German
Father: John Bishop (deceased)
Mother: June Bishop (deceased)
Affiliations: him self

Powers: control over electricity/lightening, control over fire
Skills: master swordsman, killing, guns, multilingual and some other skills

Relationship status: no one but is a dangerous flirt (you have been warned)

Enemies: Alex, Ajax, Kane, the league, any hero or anti-hero

Likes: murder, sword fighting, orange juice, beating up Alex and de-limbing him, pizza, flirting,...
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posted by godmor
Twan walkd in the park enjoying the peace surrounding him.
Suddenly he spotted Natacha walking towards him flankt by 2 soldiers, When she reaches him she and the soldiers salute him, in reaction he returns the salute.
Comrade I have some troubling news.
Twan look at her. Watt is it natacha?
The Russian mafia chapter here is planning to kill Cadmus.
Twan lets out a soft grows and he felt an anger and rages he had not felt fore years, a feeling he though long lost. Thad basterd, Dimitri will pay fore this.
We re going to show his pattatic little mob watt happens when they mess whit my loved one's....
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