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posted by The_Writer
With the World Premiere of Divided We Fall right around the corner, I thought I should give you guys an update as to WHA to expect in the most influential book in Red Revenge history.

Release Dates

September 29th: WORLD PREMIERE!!!
"Ominous Prophecy"
"Hell On Earth"
"Loss of Life"

September 30th:
"Trapper Part 1"

October 1st:
"Trapper Part 2"

October 2nd:
"Trapper Part 3"

October 3rd:
"Trapper Part 4"

October 4th:
"Trapper Part 5"

October 5th:

October 6th:
"Blind as a Bat"


That's the schedule for the week-long marathon. After that, I'll release two or three chapters every Friday/Saturday. Divided We Fall should be concluded with the ULTIMATE cliffhanger by Thanksgiving.


General Updates

Alright, so a bit of an explanation: "Ominous Prophecy" predicts the end. "Hell on Earth" and "Loss of Life" show the death of two characters and Revenge's most spiritual battle yet.

"Meanwhile" is one of the few "Team" stories in here. However, it's critical.

"Jolt" is the start of Red Revenge's mood lightening up, despite recent events. It also marks the return of Reaper, who not only killed Sam's father, but is Red Revenge's arch enemy.



Trapper is one of the most influential Red Revenge stories of all time. The five-part storyline so far is 13,000 words. That's a lot for one storyline. Several major things happen in this storyline, and also a few minor things that alter Revenge's life physically, mentally, and in other ways.

While this story is similar to "The Dark Knight Rises", I assure you, the plot was conceived before I knew about those Batman movies.

Trapper and Ominous Prophecy are two of my darkest fanfictions. Trapper contains extreme violence, sexual situations, and several other things I'm not gonna list that are DEFINITELY NOT appropriate for children under 15.



I know I haven't talked about Holly hardly at all on my Red Revenge series. She was a main character for the first book, even the third one, but she's sort of faded away. You don't have a clue about her, I know.

So Holly gets her own series: "Betrayal". A three-part mini-series exploring as much of Holly as I can fit in. Her childhood, her training, her view on the Black Hero, and her personal adventures.

Hopefully this is enough to satisfy your Holly needs for now, because she won't be in Book V at ALL. Well, at the end, but other than that, nada appearances.


Wrapping it Up

Divided We Fall is one of the biggest and most influential books for Red Revenge I have ever written. You skip out on this, you will not understand the Red Revenge world the way you should. For those of you who know how the whole series ends, I've got a bigger finale cliffhanger for you.


Thank You for reading and following!

Remember to catch the Divided We Fall WORLD PREMIERE Saturday, September 19th, only on!!!
posted by Blitz359
The two sides stared each other down in silence. As the silence grew, Richi's eyes darted around the room, taking note of decor still hanging on the walls. Spears hung on the wall with a small plaque under them, though he was to far to distinguish what it said. Torn curtains hung on a large window behind Giovanni, which overlooked the ocean they had crossed to reach this island. A small blurb on the edge marked the location of his boat, still intact. He re-directed his attention to Giovanni, and watched him as he made a loud whistle. Immediately, the walls to the teens' left and right broke...
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posted by Robin_Love
She awoke to a rythmic jolting, her head aching. She wanted to open her eyes but they wouldn't obey her. She realized someone, maye something, was holding her and walking. Her reflexes kicked in and she tried to move away. But not being able to see things made it hard.
"Relax! It's just me!"
The sound of the voice should have made her scared. Instead, she relaxed. His voice had changed to a deep echo inside his chest with the slightest undertone of a hiss. But it was still him.
"Why can't I open my eyes?"
"Cyvus cast some sort of spell. As soon as you were out, he and Syl left."
"How am I supposed...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Two enemy scout ships flew past the cave scanning and searching, as they finally disappeared around a corner of rubble and ashes. " Everyone knows there positions? " Flynn muttered meeting all the pairs of eyes staring at him, " I'll repeat the plan once more, Amara, Ayton and Perris you three are searching for food supplies, Daemian, Duke, Jake, you three are looking for any survivors... while I and Red Tornado rondaivou the perimeter, we have our communication devices so if something's wrong or someone's hurt everyone makes their way back to the cave and I and Red Tornado will deal with the...
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Babs was standing on a roof looking out over the city, as she heard somwan coming up the roob nehind her, she turnd around to see a familiar face.
So a phonenumber and coordnets, smart and pretty just like i remmber. Twan said to her.
She smiled. Good you noticed, sorry fore al the secretsie thouw. She said as she took of her cowl and sat down on a chimny, looking at him.
I dont mind. I knowe the bat and your dad dont trust me, shamefull thad it has to be like this thouw.
Wel they just dont trus anyon who is labelt as a crimanal, dont take it personely.
I dont, and lukkly i dit not come here fore...
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posted by SilverWings13
Titanium’s form was rigid as he stood of the deck of the speed-boat. But the freezing ocean water soaking his ivory hair, dripping from the bleach-white wetsuit, may not have been the source of the quiver in his form, his back turned to the leading squad members. Jace and Ivara had been ordered bellow deck to change and conduct injuries checks so that the “adults could have a chat”.
“What are you doing here, Ti?” Blaze asked once the elder boys were alone.
“I took a visit to headquarters,” the Russian answered without turning, an unusual tightness in his voice. “I took notice...
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posted by SilverWings13
Knowing she should be helpful in the sense the Superiors had had in tasking her with her particular task, Ivara activated her ability. It only took a blink of her cream-orange eyes to switch on the Sight. The dark around her became illuminated in a collage of colors. The life force of the invading plant in a green glow, the fiery red of the male at her side, a hint of inanimate yellow where the aluminum walls still remained untouched combined to create the image of an artist’s paint pallet. The only negative was the steel grey haze in the air that alerted of a dark event that had taken place,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Wolf form
Wolf form
Just bare with me. He may not be staying, but I need more guys. So...ta-da

Name: Ivic
Alias: Fury
Occupation: vigilante; team mate
Powers: fire, healing, super-senses, were-wolf
Skills: fangs, speed, agility, stealth, street fighting, boxing, claws
History: Ivic is the result of a now-lost serum. He was a test tube baby, the serum affecting him in some way no one thought possible. While the others died, Ivic remained healthy. He was a quick study from the time he could walk. He has been taught about his abilities but not how to control them. His temper ignited one day by mysterious reasons, Ivic...
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posted by KatRox1
------ Basics------

Full Name: Robert Hess

Nick Name: Griffin, Griff

Race: Human, Caucasian

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Occupation: Vigilante, Leader of Reborn

Blood Type: O

Traits of Blood Type: Responsible, decisive, organized, objective, practical, leader, stubborn


Height/Weight: 6' 2" Tall, 187 lbs

Hair: Light brown/ dirty blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Skin Tone: Pale, lightly tanned

General Build: Muscular

Distinguishing Features: Bullet wound scar on left shoulder, slight tremor in hands.

Preferred Clothing: White button down dress shirt, dark grey waistcoat, dark dress pants

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posted by SilverWings13
Under the sky of gentle waves, the sun was but a sparkling desk-lamp bulb, its fingers of warmth barely brushing a hair on the dark-depth’s head. The easy lull of the marine heavens were momentarily disrupted by the splash of one, two, three, four seal-like creators. Dressed from head to toe in foamed neoprene suits, black flippers, and glass masks, burdened by the cylinder tanks containing their source of air, the quartet descended from their surface world to the mysterious depths below.
As the sandy bottom neared and the sun’s alluring influence fell behind, they engaged their helmet-lamps....
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posted by SilverWings13
He readjusted the microscopic device and looked over at the table were his laptop lay open, showing a perfectly clear image of the living room. For the final test, he clicked a button on the side of his Rolex, then waved his hand in front of the camera lens. His wristwatch vibrated and flashed the image of the living room, then either bedroom, kitchen, fire-escape, and the foyer; the same clear live video feeds streaming on the six-way-split-screen of his laptop.
"Perfect," the young man muttered with satisfaction, clicked the button again, and climbed down from the step-ladder.
"Daddy!" the...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
this first part maybe boring but up coming will be more intresting.

She pant, she ran, trying her best to out run the red head. She parted the wet bushes, the dewy leaves grazed her pale skin and pierced her in the eye, but she continued. She can hear her drawing near, she looked up at the moon and suddenly,Crashed!!!!
She hit the ground, she gasped heavily as she got on her hands and knees. She hears giggling, and she looks up, there Lelisa stood with a devious look and a sword in her hand.
"You have no where else to go." She says to Aquapoint, as she looks at her, Lelisa continues,"You certainly...
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posted by Robin_Love
He stepped out of the shadows, looking her over.
“You didn't tell him.”
It was a statement, but she still nodded.
“I told him what we agreed upon.”
“So when will we tell him?”
“When we know where she is. He can't help. I don't want him to worry.”
“Since when?”
She glared at him.
“Since I saw how much Tara loves him. Besides, it won't help us if he's chasing false leads.”
“Yeah. Okay. So what next?”
“We need to find her.”
“No kidding.”
“We have a week.”
“This will be fun. Where do we look first?”
“Scene of the crime. But I've gone over it four times. There are...
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posted by Robin_Love
He walked down the hall to her bedroom, passing his own in his wanting to get to her. The door was open when he walked in, but the girl on the bed was not the one he was looking for. She looked up when he entered, an apologetic smile on her face.
“Is something wrong?!” he asked.
“No. Not exactly.”
“Where is she?”
“She's fine. She just had to get out for a bit.”
“Where is she?”
“California, I think.”
He blinked, the words catching him for the first time.
“Wait you mean she's not here at all?”
“That's right. She wanted to wait for you, but said she was getting too restless....
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"Get your men back!" Blaze yelled as he trotted out the gateway of the abandoned maximum-security prison. The captain of the squad signaled the 50-or-so men of his betalian to retreat from the entrance. The heavily-armed soldiers positioned themselves behind the barricade of cars as the earth began to shake beneath their boots. A howl derived from Hell erupted from the dark, a first of anger and bloodlust. Blaze leapt onto the hood of an SUV just as the creature charged from the exit tunnel of the prison.
The monster could have been mistaken for a rhino, accept it was 11 feet long and shrouded...
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posted by BladeYJ

Part 1 ~ link


"Would you like to join the shadows, to walk with me in the night, to feed upon humans and they're succulent blood, would you like to be a vampire?"
"I understand it is odd, and you don't know me, but make a decision."
"Yes or no? But know now, if you say yes my bullet will pierce your lung giving you a short amount of time to live, in which I will then transform you. So make your choice."


Blade's eyes widened, for she realized she was taking a big leap..

Of faith.

She gave a quick nod, to the strange boy. Softness filled his eyes as...
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posted by AislingYJ
Yeah, I know. But since I basically deleted everyone and I only really RP with Aisling, I really wanted to make a new guy. I’ll probably RP as him (and I’ll try to not abandon him) and hopefully he’ll even get his own article series, probably after Chasing Shadows is finished.
Name: Vaxley Knight
Alias: Knight
Age: 15
Occupation: Spy; Hero; Vigilante/Freelancer
Appearance: Vaxley is of average height, about 5’9” or 5’10”, and average build. He has lightly tanned skin and faint freckles on and around his nose. His hair is copper-brown, thick and with a slight wave, and cut at an average...
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posted by KaliYJ
Emmerson and his darkself
Emmerson and his darkself
Oh, dig my shallow grave
It's not me you'll save
Cos' I'm a lost cause
I'm a lost cause
A lost, lost cause

"None of them get it do they?"

A mutter, he could only hear, broke the silence as the dark haired boy sat there, on his bed, staring in the mirror at his dark-self mocking him.

Wait, all this time that I have spent away
Makes me think that I might be okay,
For this, the deaf will have to wait
My head, is holding on to all those things you said
You taught me to be strong and get through it, the mist of darkness
In my head

"No one will ever feel what you feel; you're so pathetic.."

The boys face screwed...
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posted by Robin_Love
Red eyes
Red eyes
“How did it work out?”
“Just as you predicted.”
“Good. Just keep her away from the nosy crew. Before long, it will be time.”
“Don't order me around!”
“Of course not. It was merely a suggestion.”
“Keep your patronizing for your master.”
“Testy, aren't we?”
“Keep your end and I'll keep mine. It would be a shame if hey found her so soon. After all your hard work that is. To keep her hidden.”
His face turned to a frown.
“Yes it would.”
The knock at the door brought them to look at the solid wood. He turned back to his guest.
“You better leave.”
“Of course.”
He turned...
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posted by InfinityYJ





Frail bones, frail mind
Slip away from peace and time
Falling, falling, slow and fast
Loved one’s name is shouted last

Child, child, all alone
Sitting here without a home
Stolen from your only friend
The true beginning of the end

Burning fire, burning blood
Lifting higher than you should
Raised in darkness part of hell
Part of your sweet soul to sell

Years will pass and dreams will reap
Till they save you in your sleep
Once you’ve left your tortured life
Now you start a silent strife

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posted by Robin_Love
“Heads up!”
She turned just in time to block the on-coming sword.
The metal screeched together before pulling away.
“That wasn't at all fair!”
“You think your other opponents will play fair?”
He came at her again, but she dodged and made a jab at his chest. He hopped backwards and blocked.
“You're still doing it wrong.”
“Shut up!”
He lunged for another attack, this time catching her shoulder. She hissed at the pain before attempting to hit him again. He just blocked before sending another swift mark. No matter how many times she came at him, he was better. Frustration...
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