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posted by SilverWings13
Aryess trudged into her room, threw her heavy backpack on the floor, and flopped facedown onto her bed. School had sucked and nothing exciting had happened in the past 24 hours. Even if it was jinxing it, the teenager wished something would just HAPPEN.
Suddenly, the door to her room was flung open. Ary didn't have the heart to jump in surprise or even react when something soft hit her head.
"SilverWings!" Alek said in a sing-song voice from the doorway. She answered with a groan into her comforter.
"Fine, be that way," her partner said, "Guess I'll just tell Blaze you aren't up for tonight." He was silent for a second, before adding, "You forgot about tonight, didn't you?"
Before he had even finished the sentence, Aryess had jumped to her feet, snatched up the pillow Alek had thrown at her, and chucked it at him.
"Out!" she ordered, pulling her shirt off over her head.
"Gyah!" Alek exclaimed, stumbling back and pulling the door shut behind him.

SilverWings sprinted across the rooftop of a high-rise dressed in her all-black-civvies. She languished on the burn of her muscles, the wind in her hair, free of it's usual braid, and the energy that coursed through her veins, goading her to go faster.
Silver shot her grappling hook and leapt off the building. She swung through the air and yelled out a loud "Wahoo!" as she felt the freedom of the air.
Her whoop of excitement was echoed as a winged creature swept over her head. Silver didn't have to look to hard at the figure to know it was no bird, but one of her teammates.
"Immunity!" she shouted. The dark haired avian hybrid looped back around and circle around the swinging girl before shooting straight up into the air.
"Silver!" Thirteen called. Silver landed on a building rooftop just in time for her partner to fly past her on his hover-board. He circled back around and landed the board beside her.
"Hey, Thirteen," Silver greeted, slowing to a jog then walk. She was panting, her lungs screaming for air, even as she felt the adrenaline fill her limbs.
"Having fun?" her partner asked. Even if he wasn't nearly vibrating with energy, a spark lit his emerald eyes, shining light on the mischief and joy that hid beneath the shadow of passive calm.
"Yupyupyup!" his partner said. "I was just about to-"
A gust of wind passed them as a bright flame shot between them. The scent of smoke was left in Blaze's path as he whizzed between the buildings. The two blonde teens grinned at each other, accepting the challenge, and leapt off the building. One swung on her grapple hook, the other glided on his hover board.
Thirteen wove between the building, matching Silver's speed, and gaining on the flaming torpedo.
The three raced as they would on their motorcycles or on a track, only thirty stories higher and more of a risk of being flattened by the concrete.
The pair of pursuers realized where there prey was going at the same time. The building were declining in height, and the traffic was becoming less and less frequent as they neared the marina.
Silver and Thirteen exchanged another pair of mischievous grins before nodding to each others and the boy aimed his board up and out of sight.
The girl threw her weight into the swings, gaining speed. She shot her hook into a crane, swung in a half circle, and nearly collided with the flaming boy.
Blaze let out a yelp as he tried to avoid his student. He tried to aim upward, but at that same moment, Thirteen whizzed past on his board. Panicking, Blaze lost his hold on the fire coursing around him and distinguished. He plummeted into the water inches away from where the younger two heroes had canon balled into the marina water.
All three came up at the same moment, sputtering water and gasping for air.
The furious expression in Blaze's face caused Silver and Alek to crack up. The hot-head swam to the dock. A strong hand gasped his and helped him up onto the dock.
"Thanks," Blaze grumbled.
"No problem," Ruse responded. He cocked his head and listened to the two younger members of their squad laugh. He recognized Silver's squeal of surprise as Alek dove under water and pulled her down by her ankle. "Those two make a good pair," Ruse commented.
"Yeah," Blaze agreed. He took off his shirt and squeezed the water from it onto the dock. A rushed breezed brushed the air and a winged teenage girl with long, wins blown black hair landed beside them. She stepped in front of Ruse and leaned into him.
"Hey, Immunity," Ruse said with a tinge of delight in his voice. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Hey," Blaze greeted. He crossed his arms and stared out at the water just as SilverWings and Thirteen emerged. Silver giggled and splashed her partner playfully, then turned an swam toward the dock.
Emily relaxed her wings and enjoyed the warmth of Jasper's arms around her. Energy finally spent, Alek and Aryess pulled themselves up onto the deck and huddled close together for warmth and comfort. Nic stood like a silent, shadowed statue, watching his squad while his eyes leveled int the sea.
posted by Robin_Love
His eyes snapped open and he looked around. He was sitting in the same tree he had come to hours ago. He pulled his shirt away from his body, only now noticing how it stuck to him with a cold sweat. He shivered and ran a hand over his eyes.
“I haven't thought of that in years.”
He looked up to the darkening sky and sighed. The memory itself was dear to him, but he could still feel the pain of that day as fresh as if it was happening now. The words from long ago played in his mind and he looked at the simple wedding band on his finger. Doubts flooded his mind as memory after memory drowned...
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posted by Robin_Love
Here you go Alex and GlitterPuff. The one-shot with a million ocs. I also didn't really know what to do so no one get mad at me.

The ground shook to the beat, music pounding loudly though the walls. Her usual scowl in place, she sat cross-legged in a corner. She caught glimpses of Rene and Erin and Alex through the crowd. Her eyes scanned past them to the bar where Twan and Mafia sat at the bar. She saw Fang leaning against a wall, Devin at his side. Silver walked around a bit, Bloodmist at her side, head covered and concealed by a dark hood. Scott sat at a table, Cat and Mel with him. She guessed...
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posted by MafiaYJ
"You have to find her, and bring her here."

"Why must we make her one of us, would it not be easier to take her only when we need?"

"Oh, and have turn on us if she chose to? No, we need her on our side if we wish succeed."

"But how do I do it? She cannot die, can she?"

" *chuckle* humans cannot kill her. No one said anything about us."

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Well we'll never know if we don't try. So get out there. And bring us Babylon."

"Yes master."

"But be careful, she is more powerful than she seems."

Babylon was running, blindly. She did not watch where she ran, or what she ran into. She stopped...
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posted by Mclovin_69
She sat on the couch reading a book, but really she wasn't reading or thinking of the words on the pages in front of her. She was really confused and at a loss of why Bentley was acting weird around her as if he were hiding something. She was worried more than confused, she worried she had done something wrong. Had she been too resistant or unsure of trusting him?.

She let out a deep sigh placing the book down on the coffee table and laying there staring up at the ceiling in wonder.

Her phone buzzed on the table next to the book she had just placed down, picking it up she saw that the text...
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posted by BladeYJ
((This is a AU article...))

"How many?"
"For what?"
"I don't know, they're typing up the list."
"Well I need to know why my patients are in here before I proceed to... 'therapy'"
"They should be done shortly, Doctor."
"Well go check and quit standing here rambling."
"Yes, ma'am."
"And hurry back!" Doctor called as her assistant rushed into the main office. Her eyes scanned the eleven cells before her. It was ten soft rooms that lined the walls, five on each side, and one at the end of the hallway. These were the rooms she gladly shoved the impeccable creatures she was forced to oversee, due...
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posted by Blitz359
The guards went down before they could even blink.

In an instant, Scotch had shot 3 of the 5 guards with a syringe-like projectile in the unprotected part of their neck, which embedded themselves into the flesh and injected a fluid into their bloodstreams. As the guards fell unconscious, Valeriya played her flute, which caused the last 2 guards to collapse to the ground, writhing in pain from an inaudible noise. One of the guards' rifle fired a shot as it hit the ground. "They won't die, but the sound will leave them deaf for a couple of months." she reassured Cain as he looked over at her curiously,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Quiet, she couldn't make a sound, one wrong move she was gone, done, finished, or even dead. Her ebony locks intensified the color of her eyes that stayed alert and focused on everything surrounding her. She dare not move from the spot she stay hidden in. The openings on the vent casted bright lines across her face as she watched two guards walk past. Now was her chance. She opened the metal vent door slipping through with ease from her slim figure. She rolled behind a pillar and checked with caution to see if anyone had seen her. It was all clear. She rwached on her utility belt but gasped...
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The man tapped his foot against the floor of the elevator, begging the floor numbers to change quicker. 2...3...4... He swept the long ebony locks from his face, then combed his fingers through and they settled back in place over his steel, worry-filled eyes. His nerves jumped and fizzed with anxiety, fear.
"Angel has been admitted to the hospital," was all the text from Declan had said. "Gotham urgent Care Center. Room 613. 6th floor."
Bentley leapt from the elevator before the doors were fully open and trotted down the hall, noting...
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Anya as a child.. :D
Anya as a child.. :D
Name: Anya Kali Griffin (On-yuh Cal-ee Griff-un) ((They're not dumb)) Idc..

Anya meaning-Grace/Favored
Vara meaning-Hated/Stranger

Alias: ((Her middle name)) Kali

Age: 17 and a half

Height: 5'6in.

Weight: 120lbs.

Appearance: Anya, is quite short because her family was short. She has medium-tone,super short, purple hair, and purple/aqua eyes. Her eyes stay purple when she wears darker colors, when she wears lighter colors they turn an aqua. She has light skin with a hint of dark. She often dyes her hair to blue's and pinks and other colors, and since it's so short it differs in length because she...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Returning Thursday. SO WATCH OUT!

Jaime beat his watch against his computer while waiting for Slender to load. 
"Stupid piece of crap." The computer screen went blank and he was suddenly pulled inside the screen. "No!" Jaime hit the hard ground with the thump. "Jesus..what happened?" Jaime got up and flicked on the flashlight. All the color escaped from Jaime's body and seemed to have spilt onto the ground once he realized where he had been transferred. "Oh no. NO NO NO NO NO!" Jaime's senses sharpened when he heard footprints behind him, snatching the note into his hands. 
*"Ni siquiera he...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
First a list of my OC's.
The Adams Family. (Fang, Lexi, Jaime, Chris)
Scott and Sarah
Seraphs and Cadaver
Naliak, and the Hitachiin Twins.

Name: Felix Asher
Alias: Sol (Kinda ironic since it means sun...yeah. )
Powers/skills: Flight, super strength, super senses, heat vision
Past: Felix was born with xeroderma pigmentosum, and albinism. X.P causes your skins cells not to heal properly. This prevents Felix from being able to being in sunlight for long periods. If he is, it causes his skin to burn and won't heal for weeks. Albinism, a defect in the pigment of the color of his...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Bentley ran down the street to the infirmary as quickly as possible before Rene bled out. He heard a ding from her back pocket. It was her phone ringing. While he was running, he took it out and answered it.
“Hello?” He said quietly into the phone.
“Um, who is this?” The voice on the other line said.
“Bentley, this is Rene’s phone.”
“Where is Rene?” The man said worried. Bentley soon realized that it was Twan on the other line.
“Um… she’s currently...
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posted by Obscurity98
New Costume
New Costume
Hero Name: Obscurity
Name: Harley Mei Kent
Height: 5'5
Age:19 yrs

Powers: Super Strength, Invulnerability,Flight, Control Elements, Shape Shift into Large Tigress.

Weaknesses: Kryptonite, Collars used at Belle Reve,
Apokoliptic Devices, Her own hands and swords.

Notes: is a "Tri" She has her original self, a demon self known as Lena, and an angel self known as Erah. Has a pet tiger named Sy, with whom she saved and has a five mile radius psychic connection. Symbols appear on her body as if speaking to her the way Blue Beetles scarab. But they burn her.

Weapons: Herself, powers, The Symbols, swords,...
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posted by MercyYJ
(( Warning to those whom it may concern; this story does contain hints of rape and does bring up the subject. If you are uncomfortable with this in any way, feel free to just click "back" and go back to you happy life... Thanks! ))

Link to Previous Part: link

"We're transferring the case over to Special Victims, since the murder is closed and the rape case is still open." Captain Marsden nodded to Bella, who was comforting a shocked Adam.
"Cap, you gotta let us finnish this! His mom di-...passed over 10 years ago, anyways!"
"We do our job, now let them do theirs."
"Yes, sir..."

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posted by CoaxochYJ
Fight with me and my worst than a scientist of a "father", OCified.

"Whats the password?" I yelled across the room.
"The Hell do you think it is?" Ciel yelled back. I rammed my head into the back of the couch, this was the seventh time he had changed the wifi password.
"Just tell me." I said.
"Look, missy." He stood up. He typed in the password, and jammed the enter key.
"Better?" He asked rhetorically. I remained silent, it was always better to just let him rage out.
"Look, you have some serious problems with talking to people. But you're going to have to deal with it, you're going to have to talk...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
“You want to get out of here. Do you not?” Jeb stepped from the shadows,
“Yes, I do.” The boys’ hands sparked with electricity, his eyes glowing white.
“You’re a do gooder, no? Never seen evil nor done it?” Jeb paced around him.
“Not true, I’ve done evil.”
“But as an accident, dear boy. You see Scott, you were brought back because, well we have reasons that shouldn’t be explained.”
“I was dead for two days.”
“But you’ve been here since.”
“I couldn’t move for most of that.” Scott crossed his arms.
“Your point?” Jeb stared.
“You wanted to make a change....
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posted by The_Writer
The next few books of Red Revenge may confuse some people, so I (with my professional little self) am going to try and clarify things:

Sam's father was killed in (surprise!) 2012 when Sam was (surprise!) 12. After two years of not being able to legally have vengeance, Sam (you'd never guess) donned the mask of Red Revenge and went out to kill the man who murdered his father. He was stopped by a police ambush, but the man who killed his father (later known as Reaper) was arrested, escaping judgement by faking being insane.

During a battle with muggers, a girl from Sam's school witnessed him unmasked...
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posted by Robin_Love
Get up. There is not much time left. You must hurry. Save them. GET UP! He jolted upright, eyes springing open. He looked around, breathing hard. His stomach was bandaged and He was in some sort of infirmary. He could hear soft whispers from inside. It was awakening. And bringing a great amount of pain.
Whispers filled his every sense, words he couldn't make out. Fears crowded into him, more and more with each painful breath he took. The room spun and he shut his eyes tight. The whispers became louder as more joined in. He put his hands to his ears, trying to get rid of it.
The whispering only...
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posted by SkylarYJ
Does Heaven have a phone number?

Harley went to Heaven, but I need her here today,

My tummy hurts and I fell down, I need her right away,

Operator can you tell me how to find her in this book?

Is heaven in the yellow part, I don't know where to look.

Because every night I cry....

I call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why.

Maybe if I call her, she will hurry home to me.

Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea?

She's been gone a long, long time she needs to come home now!

I really need to reach her, but I simply don't know how.

Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"?...
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posted by Obscurity98
- Ft. Mercy, Harley, Skylar, Silverwings, Tyler.

Harley sat in the cave’s couch, visiting. She was waiting for Skylar to stop chasing his tail. She wanted to talk to him, but he found his tail more interesting. Silver walked into the room polishing a weapon, she looked up, “Hey Har. You here to see Skylar?” Harley smiled her way, “Oh I see him alright.” Silver looked to where Harley was now pointing. In the entrance of the training room, Skylar was chasing his tail. Silver made a face, “Harley?” Harley only stared at Skylar but answered, “Yeah?” Silver asked hesitantly, “He’s...
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