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Don't worry, this isn't a whole new series.. I kinda got carried away, so it’s probably gonna be at least 3 parts (would that be a three-shot or a series?? lol). BTWs this takes place when Aisling’s 8 so that’d, you do the math.
His eyes widened as he stepped into the alley, wrinkling his nose at the stench that wafted toward him in thick clouds. He had to walk on his tiptoes to avoid the piles of filth and unidentifiable substances, and he grimaced at the squelching noises his combat boots made on the ground. Pinching his nose shut, he scanned the alley, praying that no one would be there. If it was empty, he could leave. He could return to the base; yes, Katana would be angry, but it would be better than this. As he was about to leave, he spotted something. Two unblinking turquoise eyes, large and round, staring him down. Upon looking closer, he made out a face, stringy mud-streaked hair, a tiny, emaciated body. It was a girl, so dirty that she practically blended into the wall behind her. He knew it was his mission to get her, but his body didn’t want to comply, and he was already turning around and leaving. But it was too late, she had spotted him, and as he was about to step back into the normal world, relishing the fresh air, she let out a faint cry. Something in him made him turn around; he certainly didn’t want to, but it was his last spark of humanity, one that he’d so carefully hidden away when he was around Katana and the others. The girl had dragged herself forward and was sitting inches from his feet, the stench of filth, blood, and sweat wafting upwards, making him cough.
“You’ve come for me.” Her voice was surprisingly strong, for such a broken appearance. High-pitched, but it had lost almost all traces of youth in it, even though she couldn’t have been any older than eight. He couldn’t help but nod.
“What are you doing with me?”
He didn’t know how to respond to that. In fact, he wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to do with this child, what Katana’s plans were. So he didn’t say anything.
“You’re not gonna k-kill me, right?”
The man was speechless. It was as if this child sensed what he was, who he worked for. But it couldn’t be. Instinctively, he looked down, but he wasn’t wearing his armor, there wasn’t even a trace on his clothing that he worked for Kaos. Maybe she was just suspicious by nature, he reasoned. Years of living on the streets--because it was apparent she had been living here for most, if not all, of her life--probably just hardened her, made her wary.
“I hope not.”
She smiled, her blue-green eyes lighting up for the first time. “So you’ll give me a home?”
Something in the girl struck him. He couldn’t say no. She beamed, and without thinking, he hoisted her up into his arms. She was getting filth all over his suit, but he didn’t notice. His excuse for holding her was that she was probably too weak to walk the distance, as he couldn’t teleport. That would reveal his identity, and he didn’t want to do that just yet. As he walked, she shifted herself in his grasp. She was extremely light, her skin hanging loose off her bones, empty, hollow. But her gaze captivated him.
“What’s your name?” she finally asked.
“Axx--Bryson,” he replied, remembering just in time to give his civilian name. “Bryson Carter.”
She smiled, and laughed quietly. “Then I’d be...Aisling Carter. I like it.”
Luckily, Axxis hadn’t picked her up too far from the base in Tampa, only about an hour’s walk. If she’d been any farther, Gotham, for instance, that’d be a problem. He had the route memorized, so when he sensed they were getting close, he stopped and opened his rather large briefcase. “Can you fit in here?”
She nodded and climbed in slowly, hesitantly. “Why?”
“I can’t let anyone see you,” he lied. “Not till we get inside.”
He could see a million questions etched on her face, but luckily, she didn’t protest. It was a tight squeeze, but she was small, and he closed it carefully, leaving a small crack for air. Then he slipped the strap over his shoulder, buckling slightly under the weight, and continued on his way.
Aisling was curled up in the darkness, trembling. She wondered where this man, Bryson, was taking her, and why it took so long. But he seemed kind, if a little rough around the edges. She had gradually learned not to readily trust people, but there was something about him that seemed right. If any rate, she was saving her from the life she’d been living. That made her smile. Her years of hardship, of poverty and filth, were over. It was all over.

Later that night, she lay on her new bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was a tiny cot, more of a shelf, really, and the surface was hard, but she didn’t mind. She shivered slightly under the thin, ragged blanket. He hadn’t allowed her out of the briefcase until they were well inside the house, and she had looked around in wonder at the dingy concrete walls, the dim light, and the tiny, cramped rooms. She wondered what he was hiding her from; not a single other human was in sight. He’d taken her into the tiny bathroom, scrubbed her down---he’d had to cut off several inches of her hair just to get it out of the ponytail, and now it fell in soft waves just below her ears--and put her to bed. He hadn’t given her anything to eat, but she didn’t ask. Ever since they’d gone inside, he was different, uneasy, on edge, slightly snappy.
Happiness bubbled inside her, when she remembered what she’d realized in the briefcase. Her last thought before drifting off to sleep was I’m finally free.

So there we go! More on the way! Oh, and you can ignore the really awkward briefcase plot hole..I couldn’t think and afterwards I didn’t really feel like changing it. :P sad! sad!
Yayyy!! mini-Ash!!!
Yayyy!! mini-Ash!!!
posted by AislingYJ
Okay some of you might hate me for this, but just know that I don't care. The friends who mind, don't matter, but the friends who matter, don't mind. Like others have said, hate on me all you want, but just know that I honestly don't give a fuck about haters.
I left last night thinking that when I woke up this morning, we'd all be better. Our fight would be forgotten, everyone would wake up and realize how stupid we were yesterday, and we'd just be happy about the good things that happened: the return of Mercy, Delta, and Fin, and the people who decided to change their OCs for the better. How...
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To All Active Members of the Young Justice and Young Justice OCs Clubs:

As you may have seen, Bakes and BelovedRobin have been engaging me in a battle over morals. I will kindly ask you to judge this argument for the betterment of the world. If you do not wish to. Stop reading here and delete this message forever. Take no part in a moral battle of right vs wrong. But it is up to you to determine what is right. And what is wrong.

Bakes and Beloved Robin have stated that they will put themselves above anyone else. That they would not sacrifice themselves to save anyone else. They have stated, quite...
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Harley and Kaldur's Date Part 2

Atlantis 5:27pm.
Kaldur, STILL in his dreamy mood. Still dreaming. If there was a way to knock that bozo out, The YJ team would have done it ages ago-but apparently he had a head of a tortoises shell, it was too hard!
Kaldur swam but accidentally swam into the last person he was expecting TULA!
Tula-also known has Aquagirl. The girl of his dreams, the emotion, the feeling of affection, the hope, all came rushing back when he met her.
But then he stopped. No. That was a long time ago. She has moved on. She will never see me like that no matter how much I wish it to...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Whatever you're hiding Devin, you're a part of it. I know. You can't lie unless you're protecting someone. Who are you protecting?”
“Myself Becca.”
“None of your buisness.”
“Your brother is my boyfriend; you and I are friends. I'm sure it's my buisness!”
“No. It doesn't concern you. Leave it alone.”
“Becca, why can't you just admit you hate not knowing things?”
“Because you just did! Now tell me!”
The two glared at each other. It wasn't common for them to do so, but they had their moments.
“Why so secretive, Dev? We've always been honest...
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posted by FangYJ
Eh, it's okay..Sorry it's so short.

I twirled the rose between thumb and index finger, and looked up letting the winds breeze through my shaggy black hair. I heard a flutter of wings behind me and gripped my hands onto the rail to ease the nervousness inside me. I kept one hand on the rail and swiveled around to face Devin, she looked at me with her blue eyes, as they stood out from the surrounding darkness on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I hid the rose behind my back as Devin looked at me curiously, "Whatcha got there?" she said, tilting her head up attempting to see around me. "Nothing,...
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posted by BladeYJ
She sat on her bed looking at the ground thinking. She had been locked in her room for 6 hours straight now and she wasnt coming out. Blade sighed and layed down, rolled over, and looked at the ceiling. How was she supposed to choose? Either way one would end up being hurt. Blade sat up and grabbed the pistol under her bed.
"Either way I will end up hurting someone, but if I just 'disappear' they won't have anything to worry about," Blade mummbled as she got up and looked in her mirror with a cold expression. She's cried way to much recently, so she wasn't going to cry now. She glanced down...
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posted by Robin_Love
She was running along the street, a blur to all. She did a few tricks over cars, going too fast for any one to appreciate them. She laughed, enjoying her fun. She skidded to a stop when she saw a blonde haired boy in a black trench coat running away. She looked at him for a minute. Why was he running? She raced towards him.
“Hey softie!” she yelled teasingly.
The boy stopped, turning to her. He scowled.
“Shut up Erin!”
She stopped in front of him.
“Awww! C'mon Terror! I was just playing!”
“I don't give a care. Leave me alone!”
Terror turned to leave, but Erin grabbed his wrist. A...
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posted by CaseyYJ
Name: Casey Reynolds

Hero Name: None

Powers: Levitation

Appearance: Green hair, green eyes, 5' 8", thin, small tattoo on left shoulder

Personality: Friendly, hard-working, more of a leader than a follower, focused, loves to smile

Hero Outfit: Black tank top and black skinny pants, silver utility belt, white gloves

Civvies: dark green turtleneck, jean shorts

History: Was a secret agent for SHEILD and quit, then she started to become more of a "nighttime" vigilante. One night she bumped with Superman, who was impressed with what she could do and convinced Batman to let her in on the team. She has no...
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posted by Mclovin_69
( so just to be clear this article is gaping in random places in the series but will eventually catch up to that point okay just to make sure you guys understand )

( Basim Island 10:23 PM March 5th)

" so what are we suppost to do just ignnore her Bentely? " Lucas asked Bentley," yes, Just ignore her.... " Bentley muttered and turned around beggining to walk away, Blade and Lucas looked at eachother and followed Bentley ignoring her, A evil smirk spread across her face " so your favourite prisioner always mentioned you....." she said, Bentley stopped dead cold in his steps and...
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I flopped down on the couch in the lounge. I had been pacing across the room for the past forty-eight minutes, waiting for the Team to get back. I stretched my legs out, propping them up on the table, bored out of my mind. How much longer would they be? It was almost midnight, 11:52 to be exact, and they had been gone since 7:30. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the power to gauge time, it only made everything seem longer.

This happened a lot. Ever since the Team had so grudgingly accepted me as a new member, I was deemed too weak and inexperienced to join them on important missions. I resented...
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posted by Lollipop97
Full Name: Andrew Collins

Nicknames: Andy, Allie, A-man.

Age: 15

Aliases: Aurum

Identity: Secret to anyone but his family and the Justice League.

Nationality: American

Father: Damon Collins, brooding, grumpy 51-year-old who disapproves of anything involving superpowers or inhuman abilities. He left his family when he became aware of Andrew’s powers.
Mother: Macey Collins, 47, stressed business woman who mostly leaves her kids to themselves so that she can work. She loves them but is too busy to take good care of them and be a good mother.
Older brother: Marcel Collins, 17 years, he plays...
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posted by Skittles98
I landed near the Brother Hood’s building. I walked in, walking up the stairs. I threw open the doors. Blob was sitting on the couch, Toad on his head, Avalanche was sitting in an arm chair watching television and Quicksilver was playing pool.
“Domino, didn’t expect to see you here again“Quicksilver stated
“Domino couldn’t make it, sorry. She sent me instead” I snarled, charging a card. I threw it on the billiards table and it exploded in Pietro’s face. I glared at him.
“You three-“ I gestured to Toad, Blob and Avalanche “-scram. I have some business with Quicksilver”...
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posted by Skittles98
I glared at him.
“You’ll never get answers that way” I said lazily.
“Where is Gambit?” he demanded. I kept my mouth shut. He raised his hand to slap me. As he went to land the blow, my hair snapped up and caught his wrist.
“So, are you going to untie me now?” I asked as I twisted his wrist. He yelled out some nasty words. A dark figure entered. It knocked the man out. It un-tied my hands and shoulders. I easily zapped off the ropes on my ankles. I stood up and saw an older boy with brown hair a blue eyes standing there, holding a crow bar.
“Thanks” I nodded
“No problem” he...
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SUP! My name is- well depends when and where I am. Currently I am Dana Grayson, sister to Richard “Dick” Grayson. My hero name is Data, given to my by the reporters of Gotham. Yeah Gotham, kinda bad idea just strutting up on the Batman’s and Robin’s turf, but eh I needed their attention. I may look like just another hero-girl but actually I’m a experiment; a failed one at that. I came from Cadumus, just another project, you heard of Superboy?
(*Footsteps, people walk into room*)
Same concept, I am from Project Justice we were given and created by DNA of the Justice League...
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posted by IHaveReturned
Harley fiddled with the hem of her cropped shirt, she felt herself being brushed by, by people walking past her. She looked at these doors that would lead her to a heart breaking moment that she was dying for. But she wasnt dressed. She felt bad for coming here in workout pants and cropped tees. But she knew she couldn't show up in her hero costume, that wouldn't help matters at all. Even being a hero, doing this kinda scared her, how would he react? Would he welcome her? Make a scene? Harley took a deep breath and with all the emotional strength she could muster, she pushed open those doors...
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posted by Robin_Love
When his hair was brown
When his hair was brown
Name: Aidan Wolffe
Alias: Frost
Powers: ice, snow, weather manipulation, intangibility, skilled with a staff
Occupation: “Guardian”; Hero
Weakness/Limits: He can only be intangible for a short time; he can only make it snowy or rainy with his weather manipulation (so he can make a blizzard); he has a limit to his ice-make magic.
History: Aidan has been mistaken as Jack Frost since his powers arrived. He was only 9 when it happened and, in fear of being shunned by his parents and friends, he ran away. However, it wasn't long before he realized that some problems were worse than his fears. He...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Mizore Shirayuki
Alias: Snow
Occupation: Snow fairy princess
Powers: controls all forms of water, can create anything from all water forms, stealth, fight
Weaknesses: Too much heat, limited fighting endurance
History: Mizore is a snow fairy from the monster world. She came to the human world as a little girl. She was taken away and was not able to return home. She was trained to fight and was used as a body guard because of her powers. When she was not in use, she was locked away in warm places. One night, someone slipped up. Her room was unlocked and she broke free. Mizore's powers grew stronger...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Idk how it happened..))


I was awoken by the creeping of my door's hinges. Quickly, I sat up; looking for who had the nerve to intrude my sleep. And as my lonesome eye scanned my perimeters, the silver moonlight fluttered along the curtains and poured into the room.

Everything seemed normal, all things went undisturbed by the entity, nothing seemed to be roused. In turn, I stood and gradually-tiredly-made my way over to the door, closing it before resting my head on the door; dead bolting it shut. Breathing in an exasperated breath, I brought my head back and moseyed back to my bed. Which...
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She hugged her knees tightly resting her head on them as she tried to rap her head around what had happened in the last twelve hours. She winced as she felt someone touched her hair, looking up with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, she saw the green-hair protector with a concern face.
"I see you got the scars bandaged up." Martina told her, but Melody did not comment.
"Um, Ashley please keep an eye on them?" Martina asked, walking away from the emerald head. Ashley, who sat on a stool nodded and faced the others in the cave's livingroom. Melody crouched...
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posted by BladeYJ
((want one? link
Serious face, don't get butthurt.. Crackships are called crackships for a reason...Hope this was pretty good, G, sorry if I failed xD ))

"Cat..?" He pushed himself into her room, his blonde hair masking the slight worry on his face. Again, he called for her carefully peeking under her bed and in her closet. Yet, to no prevail he couldn't find her.



Terror entered the Cave looking for any hint at the whereabouts of a certain vampire. Unfortunately, there was only a shirtless Tyler and Cat who was stuffing her face with cookies.

Dark blue eyes raised from his "50 Shades...
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