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Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.-Jose Ortega y Gasset
Bandages wrapped around his sweaty, matted hair, covering his closed, damaged eyes. The blood had been cleaned from his head wound, stitches put in place, and morphine injected into the blood stream of the 12 year-old-boy. Now he lay on the cot, chest rising with each breath. A women with the same fiery red hair as her son looked down at him with sad eyes.
"Margaret," a towering man with jet black hair murmured to her softly and set a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at him with glistening green eyes, then at the two children asleep on the chairs. She nodded to her husband, picked up Adam, and filed out the door, Coda and Mr. Kenway close behind.
Before the door shut, two kids slipped into the room.
"Jazzy?" the younger said softly. Her short blonde hair was singed and ash still covered her. And her eyes were red from a combination of smoke and sorrowful crying. The older male beside her looked little better.
"He isn't awake, Cub," he muttered, voice accented and rough.
"Don't you think we should drop the code names,
"Jasper!" the girl exclaimed, her stormy grey eyes lighting up with a relief.
The red-head winced at the girl's squeal. "Mind keeping it down, Aryess?"
"Sorry," the 10-year-old whispered, earning her an amused smile from the wounded boy.
"You're awfully quiet, Nic," Jasper remarked. "Not that it is of you nature to be happy and squealing." Aryess blushed slightly as her actions were defined.
"There gone, Jazz," Nic said solemnly. "Spencer, Danny, Will, Marquez," his voice cracked, "they all died in the fire. We're the three sole survivors of the Pack."

3 was her magic number. 3 survivors of a genocide. 3 members of her family still alive. 3 years as a Pack member, being unknowingly trained for the future of a killer. 3 sides of which she had taken: young hero, merciless assassin, and now a solo vigilante. 3 times she had been targeted, and those closest to her had been killed in cold blood.
And know there were 3 hours left ticking on the clock before a girl was killed. Unless an impossible ransom was paid.
Perhaps 3 was Aryess's cursed number.

"So, we're alone?" Aryess said, voice small and eyes wide.
"No, kid, you have your brother. And I have Adam, Coda, and my parents," Jasper said.
Nic was silent.
"We still have each other," the youngest said. Long stretch of silence.
"We could be a team. And you, Nic, would lead us. Raptor always said you were a natural born leader," Jasper added.
The fire-caster snorted. "Yeah. A juvenile pyromaniac leading a little kid and a rich-boy telepath around the streets of Gotham."
"I'm not little!" the girl protested.
Blind, rich-boy telepath," Jasper corrected. More solemn silence.

"She's unstable."
"Six months she was gone, and we don't know where that time was spent."
The members of the League could have been whispering with bullhorns in there little huddle in the cave of Mt. Justice.
"For all we know, she was supporting the Light."
Seeker and SilverWings, brother and sister, exchanged a glance at the accuracy of the guess.
"But SilverWings does know the underground network of Gotham city as well as the four already chosen."
"I trust her," Harley said from the group opposite of the huddle. All discussion ceased. Batman, Superman, Flash, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Green Arrow looked up at the young women.
"As do I," Nightwing said.
"Me three!" Pheonix added.
"Me four," Hot Shot joined in.
Superboy nodded in agreement.
"I do!" Miss Martian exclaimed.
"Ditto," Deminsion completed the rally.
The six Leaguers practically sighed in unison.
"Fine, she may go," Canary said.
"If we are allowing the vigilante to go, then we may as well let Red Revenge and Seeker tag along," Flash muttered.
"Alright," Batman said, "Obscurity, Seeker, and SilverWings will make up Alpha Squad, Miss Martian and Phoenix- Beta Squad, and Revenge and Hot Shot Gamma Squad. Wheels up in 10."

"We'll always stick together," Jasper muttered drowsily. "Ruse, the Blaze of Glory, and the Angel's Wings."
"Silver," the girl corrected. "Like my blades." But the boys did not miss the subtle action as she fingered the little silver angel that hung around her neck.
"SilverWings. Catchy," the oldest slurred.
Nic put a hand on his closest friend's arm. "Get some sleep, Jazz."
Jasper nodded and drifted off almost immediately, the morphine in his veins slowing down his thought, turning them into dreams.
The two children walked out of the room.
"This isn't going to work," Nic said immediately. "Your brother will retrieve you, Jazzy will go back to his family, and I'll be put in foster care." He sighed and ruffled the girl's hair. "I'm sorry, kid." He turned, but didn't take one step before the girl called him back with two words, "Train me!"

SilverWings followed Phoenix into the bio-ship. The door closed immediately behind her. She sat in the seat closest to a navy-hooded vigilante. The ship took off into the deep sea of clouds and sparkling stars. Soon they were soaring above a blanket of clouds. Silver glanced over at Seeker, watching her older brother stare out the window into the night.

"Me? Train you?"
"Why not? My skills are sharp enough with my Pack training. But... You have more experience."
"With what? Running and hiding?"
"Fighting," Aryess said quietly.
Nic sighed, ready to shoot down the question, turn his back, and disappear forever into the fog of memory. But he looked at the younger girl. her stormy grey eyes were wide and desperate, pleading with him to take her seriously. To train her. To turn her strength and skill into a weapon. And the spark, of determination, dedication, the will to fight, was strong and bright behind her dark irises. He also knew she wouldn't ever forget her oath-brother, just as she would never forget her dead mentor, her friends, her brothers and sisters of the Pack. Nic wasn't going to be one more person for this innocent girl to add to her list of those who had left her, abandoned her.
"I'm going to regret this," the 11-year-old British fire-caster muttered. "Seven years, I'll train you. It won't be easy, but in the legacy of Raptor, I will try my hardest to help you."
Aryess squalled in excitement and tackled him in a hug. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet," Nic muttered even as he returned the embrace.
She looked at the Nervegear in her hands and let out a shaken breath and she turned around to look at Bentley who still layed trapped in his sub concious. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the empty side running her free hand across his exposed cheek once again, " im going to find you babe..." she muttered out gazing at him and finally looked back down at the Nervegear resting in her lap. " Im going to find you....." she breathed out once more, he still layed there lifelessly as she took one last glance around the room slowly placing the Nervegear on her head and layed down on the...
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posted by AislingYJ
Finally got the inspiration to write it!!!!!!!! Once again, all previous parts are in my favorites. xD
“Why don’t you ask my friends--your friends--about that?”
The three kids looked first to the woman’s still body, then to each other, and up to the crowd of Leaguers that had surrounded them. Confusion and disbelief clouded their faces, quickly fading to anger as the meaning of the fallen villain's words registered with them. Chandler was the first to react; his cornflower-blue eyes widened, then narrowed as he gritted his teeth. Without warning, he let out a strangled cry and lunged...
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WARNING: The following excerpt may contain medium to high acts of sexual desire and lust. If this is too graphic, or the subject area makes you uncomfortable, DO NOT PROCEED!!!

A/N: If this is too graphic for y'all, lemme know and I'll change some things. Thank you and enjoy!

Barbara placed the slide Sam had given her into a special part of the computer and waited. She groaned, wiping the sweat from her face again.

"Jesus it's hot in here." she exclaimed, pulling her tank-top off and tossing it on the floor. The only thing the red-head had on underneath was a gym-top which didn't cover much more...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Tarrant Hero
Tarrant Hero
Name: Dariyn Swift
Alias: Tarrant
Age: 16
Powers/skills:-Creates optical illusions
-master of hypnotism and mind control
-hand to hand combat
Past: Dariyn grew up in a wealthy family as well, along with Hikaru and Kaoru. Dariyn was sitting at his desk doing his school work, when his maid entered the room, and noticed a slight change of attitude in her and decided to make some arrangements to it with his powers. Dariyn met Jaime and the Eden twins while attending school.
Others: -People refer to him as the "Mad Hatter" because of his costume.
-Keeps cards in his hat.
-Occasionally uses his powers to get what he wants.
-Has flirtatious attitude as Hikaru and Kaoru.
Daryin civvies
Daryin civvies
posted by Red-Revenge

Revenge stood on the corner of a skyscraper. The night had been uneventful so far. Emerald was at the base trying to track down Dealer. Surprisingly, Reaper had not escaped prison yet. It surprised Red Revenge. Although Reaper had murdered his father, the man didn't know Red Revenge was Samuel Grant. His arrival always complicated things.

Revenge sighed. The last time he had faced Reaper was two years ago. It had been a small battle, hadn't even made the news. Reaper had escaped and Revenge had caught him and thrown him back. It was Page 3 in the Local section if memory served.

Red Revenge's...
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posted by The_Writer
NEW OCs!!!!

Name: Alexa Veda
Code Name: N/E
Race: Caucasian
Age: 16
Hair/Eye Color: Black/Blue
Height/Weight: 5' 4"/121 lb.
Civilian Clothes: Black tank-top/ dark jeans, jacket OR black mini skirt, midnight blue top.
Hero Uniform: Tattoos on face glow white when willed or powers are in use to disguise Identity. Dark blue, form-fitting, sleeveless dress that reaches knees. Hair Band.
Superpowers: Control over mystical arts, specifically water and air. Fire if powers stretched. Scout of The Gang

Name: John Delegos
Code Name: Hammer
Race: African
Age: 18
Hair/Eye Color: Black/Black
Height/Weight: 6' 3"/257 lb....
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posted by Mclovin_69
Bentleys dad
Bentleys dad
" I wanna be drunk when i wake up on the right side of the wrong bed and evet excuse i made up ,tell you the truth that i get hate what didnt kill me it never made me stronger at all "

He rolled over opening up his blue eyes that were mopped underneath black hair, he sat up looking around the room knowing he was now in an empty bed alone, like he had been for years. He was hoping this heart ache would make him stronger but it only made him feel worse. He scratched the black rubble on his chin as he looked at the wall of his room as empty beer cans were filled on his nightstands. He blinked a...
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One Year Later: (Many are now 22, 24, 25, 26)
Clark zoomed to the cave, and dropped the Daily Planet paper on the floor in the middle of a training. Black Canary glared at Superman, she didn't need to be there at the training anymore, but today she was doing a review on all they had learned on their own. And she didn't like being interrupted, especially by a newspaper. Nightwing blocked Lagoon Boy’s attack and then picked up the paper and read out loud, “ Ex Heroine Obscurity has Been Released from Belle Reve.” The room was quite for a moment when Superboy asked, “She was released?...
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posted by CoaxochYJ

Fang backed against the wall, then kicked a Whitecoat off of him. I stabbed another, then kicked an Eraser off of him.
"You need to get. Out!" I shouted over the chaos. He shook his head.
"I'm not leaving you alone to die!"
"Yes you are!" I grabbed Fang's neck, then stopped,
"Oh no. No!" Tears streamed down my face. The prophecy.
"You are leaving. Right. NOW!" Fang shouted at me.
"I can't!" I screamed back at him, pulling away from his neck, and kicking a Whitecoat off myself.
"Mel....I cant....loose you!" His voice was solid, made of steel. More tears streamed down my face. This...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Future Fin fic. Warnings for major F-bombs. Based loosely on a prophecy line.

Rough weeks never end good for heroes. For a normal person you’d have a weekend to relax, watch some television or play a video game. But for the protectors of a city, country, planet, there wasn’t much to go home to, or much of a weekend to relax with.
Fin had had one of those weeks where she was just done. But a distress call from a warehouse two blocks down had her setting off in the direction opposite Happy Harbor. The fifteen year old was starting to wonder if this was actually something she’d be doing for...
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posted by BladeYJ
Rookies, Guns, and Drums

"Aisling correct?" Sarge questioned her.
"Yeah? What will I be doing? Shooting? Killing!?!" She smiled.
"Uhhh here take this gun and shoot that target ahead."
Aisling grabbed the gun and fiddled with it,"Sarge?"

Aisling pointed at the target and pulled the trigger but Nothing happened.
"It won't shoot"
"Are! You! Stupid! Soldier!?" Sarge pressed a button on the gun,"Safety was on.."
"Riiiightt! Safety..." Aisling aimed the gun and shot six times and missed.
"Soldier...." Sarge growled.
"SHHHH! I got This!" She aimed again and...
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posted by Robin_Love
Had him in my head for a few months. Just now wrote him up. Yay me! XD

Name: Satsuriku Kuran
Alias: None
Occupation: the Dark Prince; Full-blood Vampire
Powers:faster than light, strength, “kiss” of death, people speaking, super senses, endurance, excellence in fighting-with or with out weapons
History: Satsuriku was raised as the prince of Vampires, strongest creature there is. His parents died when he was eight (in human years). He became ruler of the Vampires. He was cursed by a witch with the power to steal souls; the “kiss of death”. He travels often, his band of vampires faithful to...
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posted by Robin_Love
The magic seeped inside, whispering in her heart, speaking out. Surrender. She chanted her spell again, fighting the urge to regain control of her magic. She had to do this. This was the reason she had been chosen. She was a fighter, but the best warrior had the humility to rescue anyone in danger despite the chance of risking their own lives. She had been trained, she'd known her life led up to this moment. She was strong on her own but there were weaknesses that had never been overlooked. Now it was time to let them all go; even if she took her life with them.

She felt the wind rush along...
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posted by The_Writer
The World Premiere of Divided We Fall is right around the corner, this Saturday to be exact! I have everything for the premiere completely done (except one story I'm debating on).

Now, how will this premiere work? Immediately following the mid-season premiere of Young Justice Invasion, the "Prologue" to Divided We Fall will be published. Here's a schedule to keep you on track:

Sept. 29th:
"Ominous Prophecy"

Sept. 30th:
"Diabhal Part 1"
"Diabhal Part 2"

Oct. 1st:
"Trapper Part 1"

Oct. 2nd:
"Trapper Part 2"

Oct. 3rd:
"Trapper Part 3"

Oct. 4th:
"Trapper Part 4"

Oct. 5th:
"Trapper Part 5"

Oct. 6th:
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posted by FangYJ
It's okay...I guess.

Fang sat staring at his computer screen. 
"Gyah..No idea what to say." He frowned and leaned back against the couch for any ideas. A ding come from the laptop and Fang looked down and the highlighted question in the corner of his screen. 
"Lovely." Fang sighed and switched over to the questions, scanning over the questions. This should be interesting 

Are you goth or emo?  
What makes you assume that I'm either?

Why do wear so much black? Are going black and never going back?  

What's with the long hair? Emo or goth?...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx

Name: Alexis "Lexi" Adams
Alias: far!
-Flight (wings!)
-abnormal strength like her father,
-gained Fang diseappearing act, only when Lexi moves she's still completely invisible.
-super senses
-Can only control one element, wind. And she only uses to push herself along when she's too lazy to fly.
Past: Alexis was kidnapped at the age of 3 by the School. Only this time, it was different. Instead of keeping her in the United States, they shipped her to Germany, holding her hostage in Itex. At the age of 6, Alexis gained enough strength to break free, and setting free the other experiments along with herself.
Other: -Lexi, is a MAJOR mommy's girl.
-May look like Fang, but she acts like Devin.
-Youngest of all the kids. By 7 or 8 years.
-Easy to set off temper, but she hides it extremly well.
-She's extremly happy and cheerful.
-PLEASE DON'T give her sugar. She'll bounce off the walls.
posted by FangYJ
OOC: Never really explained Fang's mothers death...But I also wanted the post something about 9/ yeah..

World Trade Center, North tower
8:40 A.M. 

Brendan sat in the daycare room of the North tower in the World Trade Center. Crystal was across him, playing with some other girls around her age. The sky was blue, it was a beautiful, warm September day, until tragedy struck. All the kids screamed and looked up, as there was crash and a loud explosion. 
"Get the kids out!"
"I'm sure it was just!"
"Get them out! Now!" 
Crystal scurried up and clung to her mothers leg, 
"Let go sweetheart, mommy...
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posted by MeridianYJ
Name: Meridian RoCarren

ID: Meridian

Nicknames: Meri, Dee, Iya, Reeree

Age: 16 (immortal)

Appearance: Normal height, white skin and hair, feminine body structure, eyes are almost a clear silver, Hair grows quickly so her hair length depends on the situation or her mood

Powers: Telepathy (Rivals Megan's), telekinesis, invulnerable to everything except fire, Controls the darkness and shadows, Always carries a gun and a sword with her. Her telepathy can also be used to inflict illusions, pain, and other things..(she can crush a mortal from the inside out)

Bio: Once a princess of a hidden, yet very powerful...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
Mel shot up from her bed, panting, tired. She hadnt slept peacefully since she came from the future. She swung her legs over the bed side, and stood up. She got dressed, and looked in the mirror, and stared at her once happy, and warm eyes. That were now filled with sorrow, and sleepiness. She sighed, and walked out of her room, breaking cerfew by walking out zeta, but a firm hand grabbed her arm, she almost screamed, but her mouth was covered by a hand. Batman's....
"Where do you think your going?" He asked quietly. She looked up at him, fearfully.
"I-I cant sleep...." She stuttered. Fang watched...
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1) Harley is now the Demon Princess in Hell for her actions

2) Harley died by plunging a kryptonite needle into her heart, though she was to use it for blood samples.

3) Skylar was there when it happened, now he keeps her necklace

4) Harley has new found powers you can find it in either -Harley Anew or MY BIO

5) I whill come back onto this account for Posting only, RPing will be on HarleyYJ account.

6) I will Post artciles on her Death and what happens in between.

7) Perfect Creation will not have to much of an effect on Harley, as the Death and Demon thing will.

8) Soming back to this account and...
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