Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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This Fanfiction has been rated "M" for Mature. Reader's Discretion is advised. Extreme Violence, adult language & content, sexual content, debatable actions by characters, public trauma, extreme cussing, and other questionable events will occur. It is highly suggested that viewers younger than fifteen do not read this. It is also the author's suggestion that if anyone of any age feels offended by any of the content mentioned above, that they do not read it.


This fanfiction was originally delayed two weeks due to the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado. Events in this fanfiction contain events similar to those of the massacre and the Dark Knight Rises. However, this storyline was thought up before the plot for the Dark Knight Rises was revealed to me. Thank you.

Sam pressed Holly against the wall, her lips dancing against his as he pulled her in, intensifying the kiss. He slipped his hands lower and Holly moaned into his mouth. His hands moved softly as his tongue swirled about inside her.

They were broken apart by the emergency chime of Sam's police scanner.


"Draxx," Revenge replied, breaking away from his girlfriend and picking up his radio.

"Where the hell are you?!" Draxx yelled.

"I'm chilling. Why?" Revenge asked coldly.

"Somebody has forty hostages inside the Bank founded by Grant Industries on Ground Zero! That's why!" Draxx yelled. "So if your sorry ass-"

"I'm coming." Revenge sighed, already moving to put on his uniform. "I'll be there in five. Can you hold the fort that long?"

"Maybe. No guarantees."

"Was that smart-ass?" Revenge asked.

"No! Get down here now!"

Revenge cut the line and continued slipping on his armor.

"You gonna need me?" Holly asked.

"Probably not..." Sam said. "But you can come if you want."

"Nah," Holly said. "I've got homework."

Sam noticed she was fingering her costume.

"Alright." he said.

"What the hell took so long?" Draxx asked.

"I said ten minutes."

"No! You said five!"


"No, five!"

"Hey!" another officer interrupted. "We've got forty hostages inside?"

"Right." Revenge said, stepping towards the bank. As soon as he got to the door, the building exploded. Completely. The windows shattered and melted in the air. The supports gave out and the building fell in on itself, fire engulfing the area, scorching the police vehicles black. Those in front of the cars were burned alive. The smell of charred flesh was clear in the air as Revenge was thrown a block and a half away from the site and lay unmoving, his suit burnt and his armor smoking.

Sirens wailed as ambulances, police cars and helicopters arrived at the scene.

"-the worst mass murder in United States history. Police have yet to confirm that there were forty-two hostages within the bank at the time of the explosion, but it is highly unlikely the suspect, who remains unnamed, moved the victims from the bank before detonating it. Also, at least twenty police officers, firemen, and doctors were killed in the extreme heat after the explosion. As seen on the left side of the police car, the explosion..."

"Draxx!" Emerald yelled, swinging down next to the police chief. "Where's Revenge?"

"He's two streets away. He's not responding, but his armor looks like it held up." Draxx said. The man was getting up in his age. He was clutching his chest and breathing heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead. "Go. I've got this." It was clear to see the police chief was struggling not to say something nasty to the female, but when he looked back up, Emerald was already gone. She ran up to Revenge and squatted next to him. His silver armor was smoking and still hot to the touch.

"Come on!" she said, reaching for his helmet to hold his head. A female African American emergency worker noticed and grabbed her hand.

"Nah-uh, ma'am!" The nurse exclaimed. "That'll burn the flesh off yo' hands. Literally."

Emerald withdrew her hand quickly and looked down at the black hero, who had been laying unconscious for the past fifteen minutes. A few loose strands of her blonde hair fell down, shrouding parts of her face from view as she blinked back tears.

Revenge's armor clanked and his eye slits glowed red. He used one had to push himself up off the concrete, which left a smoking black impression in the ground. He leaned on his elbows.


"Relax." Emerald said. "You got caught literally right in front of the explosion. I'm amazed your armor survived." she squinted her eyes. "How are you not burning up? No one can touch you."

"Fire-suit. It can stand temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit." Revenge explained. "It's also fire resistant. And I'm putting it on the outside as well next time. That way I don't look like a killer robot from the future."

Emerald smiled and stood up. He slowly followed, his suit clanking and hissing like a war machine. Black impressions were left sunken into the concrete from where he had come in contact with the ground. The nurses and doctors slowly edged away, but the two heroes didn't notice. Revenge's suit was definitely still hot, it was glowing in fact. The man on the inside burning himself. He could feel an intense pain on his chest. As much as he acted like he was fine, he really felt like he had just come out of the Sahara Desert. This entire smoking, metal body and his still glowing red eyes made people shrink away from him in fear,

"What-happened?" he asked. "Did the people-?" he was cut short as a microphone was turned on, attracting the attention of everyone in the area. Draxx stepped up to the news podium. He was now in charge of the Police Department considering all those above him were fried alive in the earlier blast.

"It has been confirmed," Draxx said as cameras focused in on him in the fading light of the cold December evening. "That there were forty-three hostages within the building when the bomb detonated." The police chief swallowed hard, trying to keep strong in front of the people he was supposed to lead by example, and continued. "More details will be released by the New York Police Department tomorrow morning at eight o' clock. Thank-thank you."

"No." Revenge said, leaning against a brick wall. It hissed and the nearby area shrunk in and turned black, but he ignored the sound. "Forty-three people. Dead."

"And..." Emerald said, struggling to get the words out. "And almost two dozen police and rescue workers."

Revenge didn't respond. He just stood for a moment, gazing at the asphalt of the road. After about two minutes he stood up and began walking towards the scene of the accident. He clanked as he walked, looking like a giant metal monster. Mothers grabbed their children and pulled them away in fear. Men backed away like Death itself was walking the streets of New York.

Draxx turned, his arm in a cast and half his head wrapped in bandages. He pulled out a pistol and aimed it at the metal monster.

"Hold on!" Revenge said, raising his hands in surrender. "It's me Draxx."

The officers very slowly lowered their weapons. They had moved from pistols to sub-machine guns. Very dangerous looking sub-machine guns.

Draxx looked the hero over before walking up to him.


Revenge was taken back. No one-

"I said go you bastard! You walked right up to that door and don't have a scratch! Meanwhile SEVENTY PEOPLE DIED! HUSBANDS, WIVES; MOTHERS, FATHERS, CHILDREN! AND YOU DIDNT TAKE ONE SCRATCH OR INJURY! GO!" Draxx yelled, spit flying from his mouth and landing, steaming, on Revenge's scalding armor.

Revenge stood shocked for a moment. No one had ever talked to him like that. No one had ever had the guts to confront a walking tank with enough weapons to be considered an armory as well. He looked around at the guns still half-aimed at him. The police were ready to assault him at a moment's notice. In the other direction, civilians fled before him. Revenge slowly nodded and pulled his grappling gun from a compartment and fired at the nearest building, disappearing into the night. Everyone was in a stunned silence as the police chief sat back down on the back of the ambulance and continued muttering "Seventy people. Seventy people."

"Didn't suffer a scratch." Holly mimicked Draxx as she dabbed a cold washcloth on Sam's red and burnt chest. "The damn bastard..."

"Don't, Holly." Sam said, keeping himself propped up on his elbows as the woman continued to tend to his burns. "He had a right to. I arrived late and seventy people died. Families, pieces of families, officers, rescue workers and innocent bystanders. All died because I didn't get there in time."

"You can't-"

"Yes. I can." Sam said, laying flat on the end of the bed. "It's all my fault."

Holly looked down at him and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "At least we're both still here." she said.

Sam didn't respond. His blonde hair had darkened in the past three years. It was almost black now and lay in clumps over his sweaty forehead. The long strands went right to the top if his eyes and the base of his neck. His masculine form was covered in blisters and a sharp, painful redness that was appeased only by the coolness and smoothness of Holly's skin. He was left in nothing but some loose pajama pants as Holly laid the cool rag on his chest and started towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Patrol." Holly said. "You are in no condition to go anywhere."

"Now isn't the best time-"

The door slammed shut.

"-for patrol." Sam sighed and laid back down. "Which I doubt you're really doing anyway."

"The leaders and political figures of New York City paid tribute to those deceased in the Saturday bank bombing today. While members of the police force and public departments payed tribute to their fallen comrades, the President of the United States had this to say..."

Sam sighed and carefully undid his tie. It had been two days since the bombing. His scars and burns still hurt. The blisters on his chest had begun to ooze blood and puss which had started staining his shirt at the end of the funeral. Holly was in the kitchen making something to eat while Sam continued to undo the buttons on his shirt as the news continued to play.

"Samuel Grant, CEO of Grant Industries said that, quote, "This ruthless show of violence-"

A knock came at the door.

"I've got it!" Sam sighed, taking his time to get up and walk over to undo the lock. He was surprised to see, not media, paparazzi, or other public personnel outside, but a single girl.

"Becca." Sam said, suddenly aware he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Shut it, lover boy." Becca said, walking in. "I'm not here to see your abs, so put a shirt on."

Becca was a beautiful girl of almost eighteen years. Her black hair was dyed with strips of red and hung at near shoulder length. She was wearing her usual civilian clothes: black shirt with some crazy white and red logo on it, dark, skin-tight jeans, fingerless gloves, and several tidbits of jewelry including a promise ring Dick Grayson had given her five years ago, promising the two would be together forever.

"Then why are you here?" Sam asked, stepping aside to let the girl enter before closing the door firmly behind him.

"Nightwing thought you could use some help finding the bomber." Becca said, walking into the living room and catching the final snippet of the news report.

"...police officers continue to double their patrol in light of the recent disappearance of Red Revenge and his partner Emerald."

Sam shut off the television quickly. Becca looked at him curiously.

"Tell me you're not out there looking for this madman because you have some disability, and not because you have survivor's guilt." Becca said, putting her hands on her hips.

Sam didn't reply for a moment.

"If you're here to investigate the bombing, feel free. Miss Nightwing or whatever you call yourself now can have free roam of New York City. She can move in for all I care." Sam said, sitting back down and slipping on a white under shirt. He cringed as the fabric scratched the painful injuries beneath.

Becca looked at him strangely.

"Now please go." Sam said.

Becca stood for another moment, emotions flashing across her face. She finally tugged her purse a little tighter, pursed her lips, and walked into the kitchen where Holly was still clashing things about in a desperate attempt to make something to cheer her boyfriend up.

Sam paid little attention to what the two girls were saying. He didn't precisely care at the moment. He continued to stare at the blank television, letting his thoughts drift off into space. His thoughts, however, stayed on one subject.

Becca and Holly walked out of the kitchen and continued talking, Holly shooting a worried glance at the slouched figure of her boyfriend before following Becca out of the apartment door.

"Thanks, Becca." Holly said softly as she closed the apartment door behind them, leaving them in a silent hallway. "I'm worried about him. Really worried. He never slouches. And he would never let anything stop him from investigating something as horrid as this. Something just hit home."

"Could it be the police chief going off on him on International television?" Becca asked.

"You saw that, huh?"

"It's been all over the news." Becca replied. "I think National Geographic is doing a special tonight."

"So what did you come here for?" Holly asked.

"Originally, you guy's help. However, I think I'll have to do with your computer database." Becca replied.

Holly sighed. "I don't think I can get away. He'll hold me here. But you can go to the warehouse."

"Is everything still- I mean, with him here and Sarah-"

"Yeah. Everything still works." Holly said. She carefully looked around before handing Becca a USB drive. "Passwords and everything to get online is there."

"Thanks, girl." Becca said.

Holly smiled and nodded, retreating back into the apartment.

Becca carefully turned the key to the warehouse and walked in. Although she had had a key for almost four years now, she had never gone in. It was much more impressive than she had ever suspected.

Large computer screens mounted an eight foot by five foot space. At least ten different monitors hung in that area, while five more desktops littered a large table. Different mobile devices were scattered about. The wood flooring was ruined, but the smell seemed to make the girl at home. She looked around. A stairway on one end. Two closets, one of which she knew led to a zeta-tube. A small room to the side. Two chairs, a ratty old green and yellow couch, a flat screen, and a small table decorates the room.

"Nice bunk." Becca whistled. She shook herself out of the observance and turned to the computer, plugging in the USB drive. The screens lit up. All of them at once. Becca stumbled back as a blue globe formed around her. She looked carefully as lines beget lines and discovered it was a global map. She gingerly touched the continent of North America. I zoomed in. She tapped the state of New York, the city New York, and finally the ruined bank. A list of options came up. History, people who visited, any and everything about the building. She chose crime and selected the bombing.

Within that were several more tabs. She chose video and an image popped up on the computer screen. It looked like a YouTube video, and very well could have been. But this data was locked up in the police station tighter than anything she had ever seen. Even she had been unable to sneak in.

She watched. A man walked in covered in full black. He shot all of the guards in the chest and forced everyone to the ground. He placed a large suitcase on the floor by the bank teller and walked off.

"Security footage, outside cameras." Becca said into the musty silence. She suddenly noticed the room smelled like cinnamon apples.

The cameras switched, and the teen continued switching views until the man stopped running. He was large, buff, and when he pulled off his clothes, looked very much like a Danish Viking. Blonde hair, long beard. Bright blue eyes. About six' five", maybe 275 lb. and all of it was pure muscle. Becca noted this in her mind silently for later use. The man grabbed a video screen and Becca suddenly noticed he was watching a live feed outside of the bank. As soon as Revenge got to the door, the man pushed a button, wicked grin plastered to his face, and the building detonated.

"It wasn't his fault." Becca breathed. "It was a trap."

She pulled all the information she needed, put it on a memory card and tugged back on her jacket. She looked around one last time at the place and finally understood why Revenge spent more time here. It was homie. Cozy and warm and a place that made her long for her own home and her own family. An image of a black rose appeared in her mind.

She shook it away and walked out.

"Now's not the best time." Holly whispered.

"But this is important!" Becca exclaimed.

"Well, Sam has someone else over right now, and you don't need to be here."

Becca hesitated. "Okay." she said. "Tell him to meet me in Times Square in an hour."

"Alright, thanks Becca." Holly said, and hung up.

'Probably some stupid politician who wants funding' Becca thought, walking away.

"For the last time, no." Sam said.

"Come on, Grant. You're gonna let all this work for the past six months go down the drain because a handful of people got blown up?!" Rose asked, throwing her hands in the air as she tried to argue with her partner.

"A handful?!" Sam exclaimed. "Seventy people died because I didn't get there in time!" He looked over the girl in her tank-top and jeans. He glared at her one good eye. "Am I supposed to forget all that?" he asked.

"No!" Rose exclaimed, brushing a few strands of her snow-white hair back into her ponytail. "But I already am in this too deep! I can't just pull out now! This plan has to go through. And I can't do it with anyone else!"

"Why not?" Sam asked. "I had an ex-criminal turned hero here yesterday who would help you. Especially if she knew!"

"Who? Grayson's girlfriend? I don't need a punk girl, I need Red Revenge."


Sam sighed and slid into his chair. "I'll think about it." he said. "For you, Rose."

The girl nodded and walked out, glancing at Holly as she did.

"What?" Sam snapped as soon as Rose was gone, sensing his girlfriend had something to tell him.

"Becca called. Wants you to meet her in Times Square at three. She says it's urgent." the blonde stated, leaning forward until her arms were resting on the edge of the chair Sam was sitting in. He sighed and nodded. "Alright." he said.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Holly asked.

"Just dandy." Sam said.

"Now you're worrying me." Holly said, standing up.

"I don't see her." Sam stated simply. He didn't really want to find the girl at the present moment, but he had agreed, so he had come.

"There! In that alleyway." Holly said, pointing to the female figure.

The two had just started that way when the large television screens crackled and the advertisements for Coca-Cola were replaced by a face. The face of a deep southern hunting man. And the accent was as obvious.

"Hey there, citizens of New York City." the man said, smiling and taking the cigarette out of his mouth. "I see you've been havin' some... hero problems recently. I can help with that. Red Revenge, I wanna see you outside the city at the old nuclear power plant in two hours for a final battle. If you don't come... this precious city of yours goes up in smoke. Thank you kindly!" the man tipped his hat and the screen reverted to the former advertisements.

Becca ran up. "Well?" she asked.

"I don't have a choice." Sam said. "I've got to face him. I've got to face him or millions will die. Including you two."

The billionaire playboy glared at the screen before jogging back towards his vehicle.

posted by NekoTheif
There was a large group standing down wind. Their horses pacing nervously. "I want that girl!" The leader shouted. The men nodded "Come back with out her and your good as dead to me" he hissed. This girl had eluded him for far to long. He had hunted Lycans for as long as he could remember (Lycans are a hybrid werewolf. They can change from their human to wolf form at any given time) His grandfather he remembered had one as a slave. The golden lycan had refused however to shift forms.

It was set loose then hunted. But as the Lycans went into hiding rarely entering their human form or their wolf...
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posted by NekoTheif
A is for Anger

Because Amara has so much of it

B is for Bonnie

Because she is their child blood or otherwise

C is for careful

Because Charm never is

D is for Danger

Because it's their life

E is for Ending

Because every bad dream must end

F is for Failure

Because Tundra can never reach Charm even when he's right in front of her

G is for Genuine

Because Bonnie knows her parents love is just that

H is for Hell

Because it's hell with out him there

I is for in love

Because Red Rose is in love with Bonnie as much as Tundra is with Charm

J is for jealous

Tundra is jealous that Becca has Robin when she doesn't...
continue reading...
posted by Red_HoodYJ
My name is Red Hood. And here's a little information on me:

Gender: female

Alter Ego: Aeronwen Todd

Nickname(s): Red, Aeron, Aero (prefers Aeronwen)


Known Locations: Gotham City, Blüdhaven

Personality: smart-ass, sarcastic, sly, intelligent, hot-tempered

Appearance: Black hair, green eyes, 5'10, 127 lbs

Civvies: black elbow sleeve boat neck shirt, black loose jeans, belt

Powers: trained by Red Hood to use firearms, knives and multiple other weapons, higher resistance to injury then the average human, perfect aim/never misses unless purposely

Weakness: more untrusting then Batman, proud,

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posted by Skittles98
I woke up in a small room, a large cabinet holding an assortment of hair products, from brushes and combs to ribbons and clips. I was in a long red dress and my hair felt heavy, which was a shock.
“Rypunzel, Rypunzel, let down your hair” someone called
“YO GAMBETTE! LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW!” a different voice yelled. I looked out my window to see Aqualad and Kid Flash standing there.
“Hey boys! You know what’s up with this craziness?” I asked
“Nope! All I know is that we’re in a fairy tale and Rob, Fang and the girls are gone” Kid Flash replied
“So, we’re here to rescue you”...
continue reading...
posted by Skittles98
A/N there's a better authors note at the end
I woke up and dragged myself out of bed. I slipped my slippers on and opened my door. Wolverine, Jean Grey, Cyclops and Beast were standing there. I slammed the door closed and moved against it. Shit! How on Earth did they find me?! Wolverine’s claws stuck through the door on either side of my head. I ran from the door and pulled out a tranquillizer gun, arming it. Wolverine burst through the door and I shot him ten times in the chest. He blacked out.
“Sorry, old friend” I said. The gun was taken telekinetically from my grip. I stood ready....
continue reading...
posted by Skittles98
Because I'm awesome XD
Because I'm awesome XD
Hey everyone! It's me, Skittles98, but you could probably see that. I just wanted you to know a couple things about my articles:

1) I have made an account on and am currently posting articles on there. They're called Barrier and are by Archers98Rule (me).

2)I also made an account on, but use it less frequently. I go by Enchantress98

3) I will not be conmtinuing my current articles on this site. It will be continuing on some of the above sites (as soon as I figure out how to work

So, yeah. That's it. I'll give you guys updates about when chapters are posted and still participate in everything, I just won't be an active writer anymore. And feel free to contact me by PM on any of the sites telling me where I should go next with my articles. TTYL :)
Because I felt like it XD
Because I felt like it XD
Gender: female
Alter Ego: Circe Valkyrie
Aliases: Circ (pronounced: sirs)
Known Locations: Star City
Personality: witty, smart, funny, mischievous (like her namesake)
Appearance: medium blue body suit with a silver crescent moon on the chest, a glowing silver chain as a belt and thigh high blue boots. Eyes are pure green and lips are silver. When in silver form, the pants some how shrink into a leotard and her skin turns into silver, along with her hair.
Civvies: Mostly just faded jeans with whatever top looks best with them and sometimes a pair of headphones. Green iris', normal lips....
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posted by GambetteYJ
These rules were made and approved by Kaldur Ahum and Batman. I am dead serious with these, no mattter how illegitement they may seem.

1) No hacking. Anything. (Robin)

2) No Parties with more than five people from outside the team/League (Wally)

3) No Batman video games (Wally, Robin, Gambette)

4) No making anymore "Gambette's banana Flambe"

5) If you break rule four, you can clean the banana off the ceiling this time.

6) No more "Show and Tell" time (Wally)

7) No more demanding Wally taste your food before you eat it to make sure it isn't poisoned.

8) No coffee for Wally, Robin or Gambette. EDIT:...
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posted by Skittles98
“Wait, he’s your dad?” Wally finally managed
“Yes” I nodded
“And you were hugging him because…?” Robin asked
“None of your beeswax!” I snarled
“Woah…touchy” he muttered
“I’ll show you touchy mister ‘I’m so cool and awesome because Batman’s my mentor’” I muttered under my breath.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Wolverine asked
“Because it didn’t concern you. My family concerns Me, Kurt, Laurna, Laura, Wanda and Gambit. No one else” I growled
“Why does it concern them?” Aqualad asked
“Because they’re the closest the to family I have, aside from Gambit”...
continue reading...
posted by Skittles98
The smoke cleared to reveal the X-men standing there, untying Wanda, Laurna and Eclipse. Young Justice and Batman were all encased in ice, courtesy of Iceman. Laurna angrily stood. The floor around my ex-team fell away.
“You’d better explain why you attacked my home and tried to take my guest” she growled
“We want our friend back” Wally said
“So you attack her?” Wanda exclaimed, her fists glowing red.
“Yeah, babe” Wally grinned, looking Wanda up and down. Kurt’s tail twitched.
“Megan, you like making people happy right?” I asked
“Yeah” she nodded
“Then why do you wish...
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posted by Skittles98
"Um...hi?" the red head said
"I'm Gambette, a some-what friend of tall, dark and brooding over there" I said
"I'm Miss Martian; this is Super Boy, Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis. It's great to see you" she smiled, shaking my hand.
"Pleasure's all mine" I said
"Soooo...what was with the intro?" Kid Flash asked
"Oh, nothing" I smirked. Batman grumbled something incomprehensible.
“Team this is your new team mate. She will be living here with Miss Martian and Super Boy” he said, then walked off.
“I really like your hair! It’s so long and pretty!” Miss Martian said. The blonde archer...
continue reading...
posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Benjamin Milito (Ben)


Age: 14 (would be 18 now)

Status: deceased

Appearance: dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 5'8, he always wore a beanies and really any headgear. and he always has black war paint on his cheeks.

Personality: He was very cocky and tried to make a joke out of everything, he always thought of cocky and sarcastic remarks to people who were trying to be serious. He was someone who lightened the mood when things got tough. especially being trapped in that town.

Powers/Abilities: he had the ability to create mist and fog to hide himself or confuse enemies, his weapon of choice was daggers and a small double handed scypths.

Past: he died in a escape plan gone wrong.

Others: He was one of the reasons why BloodMist never cracked under the sadness and how overwhelmed he felt being trapped there. He made him see the light in most of the situations and made him able to keep his composure.
posted by SilverWings13
A followup on Aryess that I've been meaning to get to...

A quartet of dark figures fell from the sky. They plummeted towards the earth in a diamond formation, each on the corner of a cardinal direction. Each jerked up a foot as their parachutes deployed, fanning out above them. The team of four landed on the field at a run, their plane already far gone in the cover of the clouds. They were sprinting toward the the compound in the distance when the first message filtered through the static of their radios.
"Betas, this is base, do you copy Betas?"
"Beta 4, copy," the blonde replied, her voice as...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Logan Sanders

Alias: unknown.

Age: 15 ( would be 19 now)

Status: deceased

Appearance: black hair, green eyes, 5'10, glasses.

Personality: he is very very smart and often thinks things through the logical way before actually doing it. He was often the one to speak his mind and opinion and prove that he was always right with his theories.

Powers/Abilities: he was truly someone with a brilliant mind, could hack systems, and develop inventions of his own that his team used. He had great combat skills with spears. His brain is his power.

Past: he was killed in a break out with his team.

Others: The teleport smoke bombs BloodMist uses were his invention and he taught him how to make them. Most of the adjustments in Mistys suit were Logan's invention (ex. the suction on his hands a feet so he can run on the sides of buildings, the wrist grappling hooks)
Early afternoon, gotham docks.
Twan climbed up on an shipingcrate folowed by Boris and Natasia.
He spoke in a loud voice.
Pepol of Gotham lissen,
You micht have heard rumerors about a confilct between myself and Pingweing.
Those rumors are truwe, thoug this is no mere gang ficht this is a full fleged war.
And if thad bird succeeds it wil be your homes he will loot, your woman he will abuse.
So Are you going to just hide and live to his began call, or do you stand whit us, and show him this is are city.
A few men stepped forward.
We will stand whit the dog.
Others in the crowed joind them, there numbers...
continue reading...
((This is super late, sorry <3 Also, sorry-not-sorry, Blade is an idiot))

"I'm bored..."
"Uhg... I hate this."
"I don't like you."
"Shut up!"
There was sudden silence.
Then a sigh of relief.
"Your hair smells nice..."
"So does your blood.."
"Can I bite you?"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!"
"I really don't like you..."

Two girls were posted up in a small enclosed closet. The team decided to go out on a mission; and like any third grade field trip, everyone got a partner. Rene went to gather her equipment and by the time she returned a very specific vampire was lounging on the...
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posted by SilverWings13
Tolf you i would get somethingpostes this weekend, RL.
The steady hoofbeats were a rockstar’s drum set in the boy’s ears as he rode through the silent forest. The only other thing he could hear was the pounding of his own heart in his ears. The deafening noise made it even more difficult to focus on making a distinction between the silhouettes of the trees and the shadows cast by the moon’s light through the branches.
They should have beaten the sun to the horizon, but the night had been too fast, even for the Arabian-quarter horse.
Aleksander leaned even further forward over the horse’s...
continue reading...
posted by khanna266
Name:Matt Nast
Alias: GreyStar
powers: clairvoyant, astral projection,he can resurrects the dead(but only if they have been dead for less than a day),and white magic
hero outfit:whatever he's wearing with a white cloak and gloves
appearance:black hair eyes sometimes blue sometimes brown tall average weight
race:half German half Vietnamese
BG story:Ever since his grandfather passed away he has been able to speak to the dead,and throughout the years he gained more powers.
Now he has decided to use them for a good use,and so he saves people and goes by the name GreyStar.

<3<3<3 Hope you enjoyed
Matt new to Gotham city
Matt new to Gotham city
posted by SilverWings13
This became a lot darker then I meant it to.. Which should just be my motto for my writing. Also meant to finish and post this two days ago. All well. BTW, if you don't immediately recognize the name, "Whisper," this will make so much more sense to you if you read these quick one-shots first:
Thank you, and enjoy!

Setting: Hudson River. Gotham City. 12:36 EST. March 3, 2014.
19 years to the day of the birth of the late Maevis de Vent, a.k.a. Whisper

The beam if the flashlight guided Aleksander down slope of loose rocks and damp soil. When he finally made it to the bank if the river,...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Just to fill in 'cos it's been awhile since I posted. blade got stabbed in the arm with some needle thing with weird serum in it and blacked out.. now VOILA!))

There was always three of us.
Then there was a gunshot.
Suddenly, there was only two.
Who knew a single bullet could tear apart a family.
Who knew I could tear apart a family.


I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe, at all. I tried to to suck in a breath but no air came. My lungs refused to work. Why couldn't I breathe? It was completely black, I couldn't pry my eyes open. Where was I? There was no water, no air, no nothing. It was...
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