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Devs~ If it’s okay with you, I made some kids for Aisling and Rowan that you can put in Generation of War if you want. Let’s assume this is a universe where Jackson doesn’t exist, so Aisling and Rowan actually end up together.

Name: Victor Matthew Heyywood
Hero Name: Apocalypse
Age: 16
Appearance: 6’1” ish, strong/solid build, wavy dark brown hair, blue-green eyes, light skin, freckles, he looks a LOT like his mom although his facial features are a bit more like his dad’s
Powers: Vic can fly, like his mother Aisling, and he also has super-strength. He mainly fights with hand-to-hand combat; he prefers his own fists and strength to any other weapons. He is surprisingly fast, but not particularly agile or coordinated.
Weaknesses: He is not very coordinated and is very clumsy. He has a deep fear of guns, and he is also very impulsive and can be quite reckless.
Personality: Vic is fairly outgoing but he is quiet. He is kind of the “strong and silent” type, but he isn’t particularly shy. He is rather impatient and his temper is easily set off, but when he’s angry it usually fizzles out pretty quickly. He is confident and a natural leader, and he is extremely focused. He has a sarcastic side, which will usually show when he is ticked off or angry. He usually works well in a group but he is more of an individual kind of guy.
Relations: son of Aisling and Rowan, older brother of Annaliese and Aris.

Name: Annaliese Charlotte Heyywood
Hero Name: Fathom
Age: 14
Appearance: also tall, probably around 5’9”, wiry build (more like Rowan’s), wavy purple hair a little longer than shoulder length, blue-green eyes, light skin, freckles
Powers: Somehow Annaliese got the short end of the deal, her only power is gauging measurements (like Aisling’s). She is also good at hand-to-hand combat, and the combination of her height with her wiry “runner’s” build means that she is strong but also fast and agile. She has incredibly sharp aim due to her gauging power, and so it’s not very hard for her to pick up new weapons as long as they involve aiming and they aren’t too heavy. She is better at thrown or “shot” weapons than hand-to-hand ones such as swords, bo staff, fighting knives, etc. She has a great sense of direction and is good at navigation and mental maps. She has a highly logical mind and has a great memory for strategy and numbers, figures, calculations etc.
Weaknesses: She is a bit uncoordinated but less so than her mother and brothers. Her logic helps her but when it fails or she’s in a situation that is beyond logical explanation she feels very vulnerable and is often unable to think properly. She is terrified of the unknown, and anything she cannot measure or gauge. She panics easily and she is rendered completely useless in these situations; this also occurs when her emotions impair her logic.
Personality: Annaliese is shy and timid at first, but very sweet and kind once you get to know her. She is agreeable for the most part, but her love of logic and strong desire to put logic above emotions often gets her into situations where she might come off as rude or unfeeling to people. She tries not to let her emotions take control of her, to the point where an outsider might think that she doesn’t feel emotions at all. Like I said before, she is extremely logical and also quite clever. She is quiet and tries not to “show off” with her intellect.
Relations: daughter of Aisling and Rowan, twin sister of Aris, younger sister of Victor

Name: Aris Jensen Heyywood
Hero Name: Nova
Age: 14
Appearance: tall, like 6’2” ish, strong build (he’s built more like his mother), wavy dark brown hair, purple eyes, light skin, freckles, wears glasses
Powers: Aris got his father’s powers of creating “clones” of himself, although unlike Rowan, his clones look exactly like him except for the eyes (which change color depending on the clone). His clones, although controlled by him, have personalities of their own and will often rebel against him. He does not have multiple personalities or multiple “sides”, but rather his clones are like their own people when they split off of him. Each clone has its own strength, for example one of them is fast, one is strong, one is stealthy, etc. Aris, especially his “stealth clone” is good at stealth and alright at hand to hand combat. He will occasionally pick up weapons such as knives but usually he fights with his own fists.
Weaknesses: His clones can be very uncontrollable sometimes because they have their own personalities, and he can be weak-willed sometimes. He is extremely clumsy and uncoordinated, and he has the least muscle strength out of his siblings (but the highest stamina). He is overconfident which can get him into trouble sometimes.
Personality: Aris is the most outgoing one in the family, and he is spunky and rebellious. He has an attitude, especially towards authority figures, and he can be very snarky, sarcastic, and teasing. He is cocky and confident, and a huge prankster; he often uses his clones to help pull off elaborate pranks on his teammates. Sometimes his confidence gets him in trouble, and he always speaks his mind. He is extremely honest and will never lie about ANYTHING. He has a great sense of humor and he can be wild and out of control.
Relations: son of Aisling and Rowan, twin brother of Annaliese, younger brother of Victor
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