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posted by SilverWings13
Alek unwrapped the bandages from his hand and stared down at the scarred knuckles. Scars not from his recent injuries, but from cuts made long before he had gained the ability to heal so quickly. He flexed his fingers, the fluid movement unhindered by any pain. The only reminder of Alek's outburst from the night before was the broken mirror, the glass of which the teenager had cleaned up. He made a mental note to replace the shattered mirror just as he heard a soft murmur behind him.
"I thought you had left." The girl standing in the doorway of the bathroom wore a white tee-shirt that hung loose to her mid-thighs. The fact that the tee-shirt was his brought a rueful smile to the boy's face. Tara noticed the grin and ran her fingers through her tangled locks self-consciously. The gesture was lost on Alek, for the sleepy eyed girl had never been more beautiful to him. 
"Are you hungry for breakfast?" he asked her. "I know a nice restaurant by the pier we could go to." When Tara only returned his gaze with baffled wide eyes, he added quickly, "Or I could cook us something if you would rather stay in. Pancakes, maybe. I'm sure there's some morsel of ingredients to our disposal that the others haven't had the opportunity to-"
"Alek," she interrupted. 
"You don't have somewhere you have to be this morning?"
Alek racked his brain a moment, wondering if he had forgotten something of great importance. He shook his head slowly at her. 
"So, Nic hasn't called you for some mission or pow-wow?"
There was only one thing Alek could think Nic would want to talk to him about, and he dreaded it as a ship's crew dreaded a storm on the sea's horizon. He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waste. "What if I were to quite Double Helix?" he pondered aloud.
The astounded look on Tara's face redoubled. "What?"
"It seems worth considering." Alek would have admitted that the thought had only just occurred to him and leave it at that, but elaboration on the idea came easily. "I have enough training that I don't require the extra assistance of a second team. And It would mean more time for us to be together. I see no reason why Batman would object to us working together on missions if we prove to be an effective team."
He looked back down at the girl to find her shocked into silence. Just when Alek began to think relating the inquiry had been a mistake, Tara finally responded, "You would just quite? But they're your family."
"They are my family," he agreed. "But that doesn't mean they need me there to fight. "
"What about Silver?"
The image of his sister as he had last seen her, pale and still on the cot, nearly made him wince. "She will understand." That he had no doubt about. Though he was uncertain wether Nic would be furious at him or happy to be rid of the boy who had lashed out at him, Aryess would agree that this was the right choice for Alek if she could. 
"Is it that easy?" Tara asked, sounding doubtful and elated at the same time.
"I'm sure there'll be a few things to put in order, but it would not take long for me to be a member of this one team and free from my duties on the squad."
"Only if you're sure..."
Alek grinned and kissed Tara lightly on the lips. "I'm positive," he assured.
Tara matched his smile with her own. "Now," she said. She trailed a finger over a scar on his bare chest, "about those pancakes."


Jace closed his fingers around the cold hilt of the dagger. He shut his  eyes, and with it, the world. The anticipatory expressions of his teammates, the curious eyes of the doctor, the hum of the refrigerators and buzz of the lights overhead. He concentrated on the icy steel in his fingers. And it's essence. 
At first there was nothing, then he saw it, or rather, sensed it. The warm glow was a fire among the frozen tundra of the inanimate object. He drew toward it with his mind and felt the heat envelope him and brought with it the light at the end of the tunnel.
She had almost lost sight of him in the bustle of the crowd. Once they had gone out onto the deck, it had been easier to spot the tall, burly man as he threaded around the ship to the engine room. 
She waits at the corner until the man disappears over the threshold, then races forward to catch the door before it slams shut. As quickly as she can without tripping on the him of the silk dress, the predator ascends the metal staircase to the second door where her prey had gone to. Slips into the room before the heavy door falls into place.
With no barrier against it, the roar of the engine room is deafening. In the dim light, it takes her a moment to detect the particular shadow of the man among the machinery. 
He is crouched, his back to her. The box he is meddling with blinks red.
"Disarm is," she orders. The man jumps up and whirls around, the metal shoe-box she has already already identified as a bomb is clutched in his hands. He chuckles. "This, girly?"
"Disarm it. Now." 
"And if I do'n't?"
She sweeps the slit in her dress to the side, exposing the sheath strapped to her thigh and pulls the hidden weapon from it. The familiar weight of the blade in her hand is reassuring as she faces the madman holding the explosive. "I'll disarm
"It's already set. You kill me, you kill eve'yone on dis boat." He says this with a hint of fear in his voice. No experienced terrorist would falter at the sight of one knife. But if he's a rookie, then how did he sneak past all of the guards to get on the ship and evade Ruse's telepathic influence? Her teammate would have picked up on the threatening thoughts, wouldn't he have? 
"I know someone you could disarm it," she assures. The truth is a partial one. Adam, the youngest of the Kenways, had a knack for creating stink bombs and timer explosives. Whether he could take one apart was another matter.
The man is shaking in his boots now as he thinks he has lost his leverage. She can practically see the fear radiating off him. "I-I ca'n't do dat," he stammers. Maybe it isn't fear that is creating the glow that forms a halo of gold around the trembling man. For the first time she sees the glint of something grasped between his left hand and the box that contains the explosive. "He'll kill meh." 
"Who?" she asks.
"Him, h-he- no, I ca'n't!"
"Sir," she lowers her voice, "there are people's lives at stake. You don't want to do this."
"No, I do'n't!" he's panicking, the glow nearly blinding. It is coming right from him, she observes as she lifts the hand not holding the weapon to shield her squinting eyes. "I ca'n't stop it. Help me!"
"Kill me!" the man begs. "There's no other way!"
She hesitates. "Hurry! Wha's so hard 'bout it? You were goin' to do it a moment ago, weren't you?"
The roar of the engines has been drowned out by a buzzing like that of a electromagnetic current in her ears; the terrorist was a shadow in the white light. She's blinded, yet can make out the target that would end the mayhem; deafened, yet can hear the shouts of, "Do it! Whatre you waitin' for?!". 
I'm sorry. She raises the ballistic knife, feels the recoil as the blade ejects from the hilt, stumbles back and trips, falls behind a water heater. She is aware for one moment of a stab of pain in her leg, then thunder claps and water rushes into the hull.
"Or what, sissy? You gonna stop me and the gang from messin' up the kid's face here?" The three other boys smirked as they knew they had the number advantage. But the girl also gave a tiny smirk. "Yeah, I think I will."

The pack laughed.

"You-you've got to be kidding! Hahaha!" Billy managed to get out as he laughed. "You and what army? Ahahahaha!" But she continued to give them a smirk. "Well..."


As if on cue, a blur rushed out from behind a bush, its target Billy. Before he could even register what the blur was, the boy slammed his elbow into Billy's face, sending him to the dirt. The...
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If you missed out..and I know the last one was "part 4" but I meant "part 3"

"Ahem.." A voice broke the vampire from his feeding and he turned with a annoyed look. "Damian, would you please stop harassing my sister..?"

I felt my breath hitch, and a huge lump of razors stuck in my throat, and I fought forcefully to fight back tears. "D..ante..?"
"Blade.." He narrowed his gaze and gave a me soft smile.
"Yo..di..d.." I couldn't push it out. My brother made his way between me and Damian and gave a me a hug.

Was he this strong.. .before.. he di..left?

"It's a long story, Kiddo, but I'm back now,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The sun had set and the lights replaced its rays. Yellow, red, blue, green lit up the night, causing the twinkling stars the young man was so acquainted with to sink away. Along with them went the average civilians of the city, and out came the nocturnal creatures of the night.
Declan ducked into an alley as a police car sped past, sirens wailing. He sighed as it passed and disappeared around the corner, the siren fading away. He laid his head back against the brick wall and closed his tired eyes. The click of approaching heels made him snap back to attention and instinctively turned invisible....
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posted by SilverWings13
Blaze yanked the steering wheel to the left, causing the truck to swerved a full 360. He ducked as the gun fire reached him. The windows shattered and glass sprayed across the empty seats of the Jeep.
Blaze slammed the door shut and crouched behind the truck, a steel shield. The gunfire ceased a moment as the men reloaded from behind their barricade of overturned cop cars. 
"Ruse!" he shouted, tightening the red bandana that served as his mask. The telepath sprinted from his cover of the alley and skidded to his friend's side. "About damn time," Ruse muttered, breathing heavily. 
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posted by KatRox1
------ Basics------

Full Name: Robert Hess

Nick Name: Griffin, Griff

Race: Human, Caucasian

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Occupation: Vigilante, Leader of Reborn

Blood Type: O

Traits of Blood Type: Responsible, decisive, organized, objective, practical, leader, stubborn


Height/Weight: 6' 2" Tall, 187 lbs

Hair: Light brown/ dirty blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Skin Tone: Pale, lightly tanned

General Build: Muscular

Distinguishing Features: Bullet wound scar on left shoulder, slight tremor in hands.

Preferred Clothing: White button down dress shirt, dark grey waistcoat, dark dress pants

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No words were spoken, no eye contact was made that morning. This didn't seem normal to him. To him, he and Aryess were practically married because they have been living together for almost six years, and not talking to her made him feel partially empty inside. These thoughts crossed his mind as he typed in the computer. A hand touched his shoulder making him flinch and turn around to see Jet.
"Are you okay?" he asked. Bentley blinked and looked down with a sigh as he hesitantly spoke. " Not really..."
Jet blinked, surprised. He had never seen Bentley be so open about his emotions in all these...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
"I'll be fine you guys can go now." Ashley told the girls, as they walked into the kitchen.
"Actually Canary told us to keep an eye on you till your brother comes home." Aryess said, taking a seat at the counter. Ashley open the refrigerator and took out a bowl of ice cream.
"You guys want any?" Ashley asked, waving a spoon at them both with a smirk on her face.
Ashley returned to the refrigerator and took out two more bowls of ice cream. She give both girls a spoon each and handed them the ice cream when she hear someone call Akash's name.
Melody walked in the kitchen with a shoulder bag...
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posted by FangYJ
Brendan stood in the dark, much of his body was covered from the shadows. His brown eyes illuminated the darkness of the hideouts the Seals were currently sealed in. The sound of footsteps intruded his ears and the smell of whiskey form the soldiers, the old room was dust and muggy and it was starting to give him a headache. Brendan cocked his gun and pushed open the door and into the blinding sunlight. Sand swirled up from the baron land. Brendan coughed and waved away the dust he heard the shouting of Arabians from not far away.
"Great." He muttered and coughed gently, walking down the dirt...
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posted by Robin_Love
He stepped out of the shadows, looking her over.
“You didn't tell him.”
It was a statement, but she still nodded.
“I told him what we agreed upon.”
“So when will we tell him?”
“When we know where she is. He can't help. I don't want him to worry.”
“Since when?”
She glared at him.
“Since I saw how much Tara loves him. Besides, it won't help us if he's chasing false leads.”
“Yeah. Okay. So what next?”
“We need to find her.”
“No kidding.”
“We have a week.”
“This will be fun. Where do we look first?”
“Scene of the crime. But I've gone over it four times. There are...
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posted by SilverWings13
The first thing I see is white. It is blindingly pure and I have to raise a hand to shield my eyes. When the light fades, I blink 8 times, trying to grasp my surroundings.
The room I stand in is warmed by the flames dancing in the fireplace. A burgundy couch sits on the flowered Persian rug, accompanied by two arm chairs and a glass coffee table.
The question
"Where am I?" leaves my mind in that glance. It is replaced by "Why?" and more urgently "How?". I walk cautiously forward and run a hand over a bookshelf crowded with thick encyclopedias and vibrant fairytales.
This place.
This house were...
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posted by BladeYJ
Cute~ <3
Cute~ <3
The girls giggled. It was a girls day out. Blade, Willow, and Becca were talking of relationships and boys while enjoying some ice-cream. Becca smiled at Willow as she talked about Billy. The autumn leaf haired girl's eyes sparkled as she went on about the red haired speedster. Smiles lit up all the girls' faces as Willow finished her story.

All eyes fell on Blade. "Well? What's new with Terror?" Willow taunted. A light blush filled her cheeks.
"Yeah? Blade...!" Becca smirked.
The blonde's eyebrows furrowed at Becca as a hint of malicious fire scorched in her eyes. "Oh, Becca, how about you enchant...
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posted by SilverWings13
Billionaires, business men, women dressed in lovely dresses. Champagne glasses, sparkling lights, and of course, the treasures of the evening. The precious jewelry and glittering gems. They were the most expensive objects in the room, even more than the yacht the auction was taking place on. And for that reason, the blonde and her partner had been assigned tonight's security detail. It also helped that their teammate's father owned the ship and was hosting the event.
Her stormy grey eyes rested on the glistening blue brooch. An aquamarine rose ready to become the prize of the lucky bidder tonight....
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posted by BladeYJ
He watched her leave, the slamming of the door told him she wasn't returning for awhile. A breath of exhaustion escaped the lips. He wanted to chase her, to grip her, shake her, slap her, kiss her, hug her.

Hold her.. just to feel the warmth that he didn't have..

He was a demon, he needed her to be the fire that burned within him. Right now he was cold.. cold.. cold. He didn't want to fight right now. It was stirred up over some stupid thing they didn't agree on.. yet again. Somehow though, in the end, they always ended up okay.

Blue eyes stared hard at the door, and the crash of the door ringed...
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posted by MidnightYJ
I Wuv Cat~!
I Wuv Cat~!
A list of things you should not give/do/take etc with Cat. Because, as ya know, she doesn't get a lot of things. She's too innocent.

Don't give her sharp things

Don't give her more than one cookie at a time

If you value your life and the life of others, don't make her cry

Do not make her angry

Do not bribe her

Do NOT eat cookies from her

No giving her wax/plastic/toy food. She will eat it

Don't take her from Scott without his permission (unless you're Terror)

Do not exaggerate or use figures of speech

Do not take and/or play with/dirty her Scotty dog

Do NOT give her rope unless it's thin yarn

Do not wake her up when she is sleeping

No taunting

Don't hurt her feelings or make her feel childish

Never let her in the infirmary unless she is harmed

Do not EVER scare her
posted by Robin_Love
The dress
The dress
She stood glaring at him. His face showed no emotion, but she could read the smirk in his eyes.
“You have no choice I'm afraid.”
Alika stood behind her, head down. Tara shook her head. He handed her the dress, just looking at her in the same way he always had; distant but warm.
“Either you put is on or I will do it for you.”
She glared at him, but took the garment.
“I swear Kuran. One day, I'm kicking your ass.”
“As you say. I wait for that day with eagerness. Now hurry. Lord Vale will be here soon. And we both know how he expects to see you.”
Their eyes met for a second and...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Alex Kyle
Alias: CheshireCat
Occupation: Unknown
Powers: teleportation, “phase” through objects, stealth, hacker, can visibly fade and “return” like the chesire cat, master of swords, master of combat, excellent senses, Neko
History: Alex Kyle is the older brother of Cat Kyle. Before Cat was born, Alex found out a disturbing secret about his parents. He was sworn to secrecy and into the secret. Even after his sister was born, Alex was never allowed to speak of it. His parents moved them a lot, so Cat became Alex's best friend. Cat adored her older brother and Alex did everything he...
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posted by KaliYJ
Emmerson and his darkself
Emmerson and his darkself
Oh, dig my shallow grave
It's not me you'll save
Cos' I'm a lost cause
I'm a lost cause
A lost, lost cause

"None of them get it do they?"

A mutter, he could only hear, broke the silence as the dark haired boy sat there, on his bed, staring in the mirror at his dark-self mocking him.

Wait, all this time that I have spent away
Makes me think that I might be okay,
For this, the deaf will have to wait
My head, is holding on to all those things you said
You taught me to be strong and get through it, the mist of darkness
In my head

"No one will ever feel what you feel; you're so pathetic.."

The boys face screwed...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Excited Rene
Excited Rene
Yay! More questions! Pwease answer them!

1)    What is your favorite color?

2)    Do you like Skittles?

3)    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

4)    What is your favorite song?

5)    Favorite book?

6)    Pumpkins or Squash?

7)    Favorite movie?

8)    Rap or Rock ‘n’ Roll?

9)    Do you wanna go mountain climbing with me?

10)    Monkeys or Elephants?

11)    Would...
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posted by InfinityYJ





Frail bones, frail mind
Slip away from peace and time
Falling, falling, slow and fast
Loved one’s name is shouted last

Child, child, all alone
Sitting here without a home
Stolen from your only friend
The true beginning of the end

Burning fire, burning blood
Lifting higher than you should
Raised in darkness part of hell
Part of your sweet soul to sell

Years will pass and dreams will reap
Till they save you in your sleep
Once you’ve left your tortured life
Now you start a silent strife

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posted by Robin_Love
“Heads up!”
She turned just in time to block the on-coming sword.
The metal screeched together before pulling away.
“That wasn't at all fair!”
“You think your other opponents will play fair?”
He came at her again, but she dodged and made a jab at his chest. He hopped backwards and blocked.
“You're still doing it wrong.”
“Shut up!”
He lunged for another attack, this time catching her shoulder. She hissed at the pain before attempting to hit him again. He just blocked before sending another swift mark. No matter how many times she came at him, he was better. Frustration...
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