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posted by SilverWings13
Alek unwrapped the bandages from his hand and stared down at the scarred knuckles. Scars not from his recent injuries, but from cuts made long before he had gained the ability to heal so quickly. He flexed his fingers, the fluid movement unhindered by any pain. The only reminder of Alek's outburst from the night before was the broken mirror, the glass of which the teenager had cleaned up. He made a mental note to replace the shattered mirror just as he heard a soft murmur behind him.
"I thought you had left." The girl standing in the doorway of the bathroom wore a white tee-shirt that hung loose to her mid-thighs. The fact that the tee-shirt was his brought a rueful smile to the boy's face. Tara noticed the grin and ran her fingers through her tangled locks self-consciously. The gesture was lost on Alek, for the sleepy eyed girl had never been more beautiful to him. 
"Are you hungry for breakfast?" he asked her. "I know a nice restaurant by the pier we could go to." When Tara only returned his gaze with baffled wide eyes, he added quickly, "Or I could cook us something if you would rather stay in. Pancakes, maybe. I'm sure there's some morsel of ingredients to our disposal that the others haven't had the opportunity to-"
"Alek," she interrupted. 
"You don't have somewhere you have to be this morning?"
Alek racked his brain a moment, wondering if he had forgotten something of great importance. He shook his head slowly at her. 
"So, Nic hasn't called you for some mission or pow-wow?"
There was only one thing Alek could think Nic would want to talk to him about, and he dreaded it as a ship's crew dreaded a storm on the sea's horizon. He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waste. "What if I were to quite Double Helix?" he pondered aloud.
The astounded look on Tara's face redoubled. "What?"
"It seems worth considering." Alek would have admitted that the thought had only just occurred to him and leave it at that, but elaboration on the idea came easily. "I have enough training that I don't require the extra assistance of a second team. And It would mean more time for us to be together. I see no reason why Batman would object to us working together on missions if we prove to be an effective team."
He looked back down at the girl to find her shocked into silence. Just when Alek began to think relating the inquiry had been a mistake, Tara finally responded, "You would just quite? But they're your family."
"They are my family," he agreed. "But that doesn't mean they need me there to fight. "
"What about Silver?"
The image of his sister as he had last seen her, pale and still on the cot, nearly made him wince. "She will understand." That he had no doubt about. Though he was uncertain wether Nic would be furious at him or happy to be rid of the boy who had lashed out at him, Aryess would agree that this was the right choice for Alek if she could. 
"Is it that easy?" Tara asked, sounding doubtful and elated at the same time.
"I'm sure there'll be a few things to put in order, but it would not take long for me to be a member of this one team and free from my duties on the squad."
"Only if you're sure..."
Alek grinned and kissed Tara lightly on the lips. "I'm positive," he assured.
Tara matched his smile with her own. "Now," she said. She trailed a finger over a scar on his bare chest, "about those pancakes."


Jace closed his fingers around the cold hilt of the dagger. He shut his  eyes, and with it, the world. The anticipatory expressions of his teammates, the curious eyes of the doctor, the hum of the refrigerators and buzz of the lights overhead. He concentrated on the icy steel in his fingers. And it's essence. 
At first there was nothing, then he saw it, or rather, sensed it. The warm glow was a fire among the frozen tundra of the inanimate object. He drew toward it with his mind and felt the heat envelope him and brought with it the light at the end of the tunnel.
She had almost lost sight of him in the bustle of the crowd. Once they had gone out onto the deck, it had been easier to spot the tall, burly man as he threaded around the ship to the engine room. 
She waits at the corner until the man disappears over the threshold, then races forward to catch the door before it slams shut. As quickly as she can without tripping on the him of the silk dress, the predator ascends the metal staircase to the second door where her prey had gone to. Slips into the room before the heavy door falls into place.
With no barrier against it, the roar of the engine room is deafening. In the dim light, it takes her a moment to detect the particular shadow of the man among the machinery. 
He is crouched, his back to her. The box he is meddling with blinks red.
"Disarm is," she orders. The man jumps up and whirls around, the metal shoe-box she has already already identified as a bomb is clutched in his hands. He chuckles. "This, girly?"
"Disarm it. Now." 
"And if I do'n't?"
She sweeps the slit in her dress to the side, exposing the sheath strapped to her thigh and pulls the hidden weapon from it. The familiar weight of the blade in her hand is reassuring as she faces the madman holding the explosive. "I'll disarm
"It's already set. You kill me, you kill eve'yone on dis boat." He says this with a hint of fear in his voice. No experienced terrorist would falter at the sight of one knife. But if he's a rookie, then how did he sneak past all of the guards to get on the ship and evade Ruse's telepathic influence? Her teammate would have picked up on the threatening thoughts, wouldn't he have? 
"I know someone you could disarm it," she assures. The truth is a partial one. Adam, the youngest of the Kenways, had a knack for creating stink bombs and timer explosives. Whether he could take one apart was another matter.
The man is shaking in his boots now as he thinks he has lost his leverage. She can practically see the fear radiating off him. "I-I ca'n't do dat," he stammers. Maybe it isn't fear that is creating the glow that forms a halo of gold around the trembling man. For the first time she sees the glint of something grasped between his left hand and the box that contains the explosive. "He'll kill meh." 
"Who?" she asks.
"Him, h-he- no, I ca'n't!"
"Sir," she lowers her voice, "there are people's lives at stake. You don't want to do this."
"No, I do'n't!" he's panicking, the glow nearly blinding. It is coming right from him, she observes as she lifts the hand not holding the weapon to shield her squinting eyes. "I ca'n't stop it. Help me!"
"Kill me!" the man begs. "There's no other way!"
She hesitates. "Hurry! Wha's so hard 'bout it? You were goin' to do it a moment ago, weren't you?"
The roar of the engines has been drowned out by a buzzing like that of a electromagnetic current in her ears; the terrorist was a shadow in the white light. She's blinded, yet can make out the target that would end the mayhem; deafened, yet can hear the shouts of, "Do it! Whatre you waitin' for?!". 
I'm sorry. She raises the ballistic knife, feels the recoil as the blade ejects from the hilt, stumbles back and trips, falls behind a water heater. She is aware for one moment of a stab of pain in her leg, then thunder claps and water rushes into the hull.
"Good," Revenge said, putting his hands on his hips. "Now you guys can tell me what I want to go, and leave with no memory of the incident and just a few major injuries."

The greasy man noticed several other men in his same predicament. Red Revenge grinned. "I want to know who's been supplying the Crimsons with machine guns."

No reply.

"Ah, aha." Revenge said. "One last chance to do this the easy way."

Still silence.

"Very well," The Black Hero sighed. "Let's start with you Vice President." Revenge grabbed the man by the collar, dragging the second in command of the company to the edge of the rooftop. ...
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AN: Red Revenge: International (Man of Mystery) is a large book set to start publishing January 1st and go until April 1st, the premiere of the final RR book. This takes place in 2021. Current timeline is 2025. Also, a certain spy film series doesn't exist in RR's universe.

(RR: International takes place when Sam and Holly are 21 and 20. A certain spy-action adventure film series doesn't exist. >:)...))

Holly boarded the elevator, adjusting her jacket. God, they were secret agents. Why the hell did they have to dress up like bank owners and secretaries? 

"Special Agent Fowling says you're...
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posted by RichiYJ
Yup. It's a one-shot about Richi. Enjoy.

November 7th.....It was that time of year again. I stared at the horizon as the sun gently climbed up, spilling its rays across the forest Higher and higher it went, until it finally rose to the spot at which everyone sees it at as they climb out of their beds. Sighing, I leaped down from the tree, and landed on the cold ground with a soft thud.

I walked slowly to the forest's edge, mentally creating a shopping list of the items I need from the market, when an arrow zoomed so close to my face, it cut me as it flew past me and embedded itself in the trunk...
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Endgame Enable

(Part 2)

Previously on Red Revenge…

"Blue Beetle, report to mission room immediately."

Batman walked in and pulled up the necessary files. Beetle walked in.

"You're friends with Red Revenge, correct?" Batman asked.

"Well, more like acquaintances." Beetle started, but Batman cut him off."

"Good enough. Revenge claims he is faking his death to make the Light egotistical so we can cut him down. I don't believe it. I need you to track him."

Holly walked into the bedroom and started taking off her green dress covered with a black coat. "You know, we still have to wait on Rose before we...
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posted by Red-Revenge
End Strategy

(Part 1)

New York City,

June 17, 08:09 EST

Holly groaned and rolled over, feeling the cool air wash over her body. There was a certain absence in the bed which she quickly recognized was Sam. She sighed and laid in the bed for a little while longer before rolling out and walking into the bathroom. She took a quick hot shower and threw on a robe before walking into the kitchen.

Sam was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. He had a steaming cup of coffee in his hand which he drank without seeming to notice the temperature.

"Happy Birthday." Holly said, kissing him on the cheek before...
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(Part 3)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"Batman, my detective the Question. Question, this-"

"We've met." Question said.

"Ah." Flash said. "So you know him Batman?"

"Too well." the Dark Knight growled.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed. The thief ran out into the hallway and was heading towards the doors when Sam grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. He snatched the purse away. Sam ripped down the man's hood and turned him around. He froze when he saw the man's face.

"It can't be." Sam said, stumbling away from the thief. "You-you're dead. I saw you-"

"Thank you-Sam? Sam? Are you okay? You look like...
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posted by Red-Revenge
Ask the Question

(Part 2)

The Watchtower

June 5, 11:09 EST

"Recognized, Flash. 06." Flash sped from the zeta tubes to a holo computer, typing frantically. Batman raised an eyebrow, looking up from his newspaper and coffee.

"Recognized, Question. Special Access 00."

Batman sat up straight and glared at Flash. The man who had walked into the Watchtower was wearing a suit, with a blue and yellow theme to it. His trench coat swept the floor.

"Ah, the Justice League's secret base. Where they're free to discuss their dirty little secrets."

Flash blurred over to Batman and grabbed his arm, dragging him over...
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posted by Red-Revenge


May 7, 09:08 EST

The figure clothed in black and silver landed gently on the rooftop in a squatting position. Her hood covered her face as she stood up and looked around.


"Good, but the police spotted you, they're closing in." the voice came over her comm.

"Alright, can you get me an accident?"

"Yeah, two minutes. Can you hold out that long?"


The line cut and Alexa grinned, bending down and starting to cut into the roof of a building. She was thankful Sam had sent the electricity user to Manhattan to assist her. With the police and the baddies chasing her, things...
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posted by Red-Revenge
Baby Sisters

(Part 1)

New York City

April 24, 04:09 EST

Sam yawned and slouched down even more in his seat.

"Sam!" Holly exclaimed.

Sam groaned and hauled himself up right in his chair. "How much longer?" he asked, yawning again.

"Thirty minutes ago." Holly said, glancing at her watch. "They had a storm over Hong Kong when she took off, but I don't see—"

"She's fine." Sam said, placing a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "Except she's late."

Holly sat in silence for herself. Had Sam been awake, he would've noticed his girlfriend fighting an inner-battle with herself.

"Sam, while we're sitting here...
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posted by Red-Revenge
Blind as a Bat

"All Units respond to a robbery in progress at Gotham First."

The crackle voice came over Red Revenge's com-link. It was acting Police Commissioner James Gordon's voice. Revenge knew who he was calling: Batman and his friends.

"Batman, you pick that up?" Revenge asked, picking up his radio while turning the jet towards the crime scene.

"Yes. I've got Static and Batgirl with me." Batman replied. "We'll meet you there."

Revenge cut the comm and groaned at the mention of the punk from Dakota City. The kid would've driven Red Revenge over the edge of sanity months ago had he been around...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
I got borrrrred! So I'm writing this! Not sure how long this shall continue...

Lexi, even though she was little, had a devious little mind. She had buttered the floor, making it slippery. She took a quarter out of her pocket, and slid it across the floor, it slid across perfectly. She smirked, this was a good prank, and maybe she would earn the title of, "Prank Master". This would be great...

Jaime rubbed his eyes groggily, and stepped--scratch that--slipped into the kitchen. He slid, and clumsily fell onto his rear. Lexi was giggling madly, sitting on the counter. Jaime winced, then looked up...
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Part 2:
Spectrum was in her room in Mount Justice. She had sheets of metal around her room and was testing her powers. Now she was trying to see if the Spark could actually cut through the metal than seal it off back again. She didn’t know why she was doing this. Even Ms Martian when walking past asked her frequently but the only reason she was doing this was because it helped her stay focused, and she also did a neat job on top of it.
She closed her eyes and raised her hand. She could feel the heat in her heart flowing through her left hand. Peeking under her lashes she saw a multi coloured...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Milton Khaners

Alias: Conscience

Age: 15

Appearance: he has kind of curly and wavy brown hair and crystal blue eyes.

Powers/Skills: he has the ability to read others problems and feelings and can talk to people in their minds helping them out, hes basically like your conscience and like a fortune cookie XD. Hes a very good advice giver.

Civvies: he wears beige cargo pants and a green sweater with a snapback hat.

Personality: he is a very quiet and shy person ( especially around girls ) he is more on a bit of the nerdy side and smart side.

Past: unknown.
Trapper Part 4

Trapper busted open the door to his warehouse and hauled Emerald in.

"You have what I want?" he yelled into the darkness.

The lights in the warehouse ticked on, one-by-one until a dark, female silhouette could be seen on the balcony of the second story.

"Yes." she said, tossing him a bag and walking down he stairs. Emerald sucked in her breath quietly as she saw Nightingale emerge from the shadows.

The villainess was clothed in a dark, baggy T-shirt and jeans. Even out of her form-fitting outfit, she was beautiful. Emerald struggled against her guards, who had already handcuffed her...
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Trapper Part 3

2 Months Later...

Explosions rocked through the city. People ran and screamed as cars flipped over themselves, spraying shrapnel into buildings, people, other vehicles.

Emerald grappled through the city, crashing into a car with her feet and somehow prevented it from landing on a mother and her child, redirecting the object with her weight. The mother ran off without thanking the blonde heroine. Emerald looked around. With all the explosions and guns, she had moved to a full body suit.

While it wasn't Revenge's, it was still Kevlar with sewn in bullet/stab resistant armor. Her costume...
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posted by The_Writer
Yep! I hate to do it, but what's got to be done's got to be done and I don't see no one else doing nothin!

Alrighty, time for a rant about OCs and me to drop the excessive southern accent.

Let me be blunt: TOO MANY!!!! I have a horrible memory and am way too obsessed with my own to give a damn about many others. Look: I know the basic ones: SW, Becca, Willow, GB, I'm assuming Fin is Arty's baby they didn't put up for adoption, I dunno. See, this club is like the Kardashians:

Miss one day, you know nothing.

Sure, I understand we've all got a creative side (to some varying degree) and we want to...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Yes, I did base him off angel beats. No, he isn't the same, just looks and personality!

Name: Hinata Kennedy :3
Alias: Hinata
Age: 18
Powers/Skills: -Posses a bit of magic, whenever he says "Godskill lvl 1,2,3,4 or 5" some sword or bostaff, will appear in his hands.
-Sword fighting
Weakness: He has his physical limits.
Past: Hinata grew up a happy and healthy child, but that all changed at the age of 5. Hinata went through a untreated case of untreated rheumatic fever, resulting in two of his aortic valves to stop working. Soon after, Hinata had to have surgery to recieve two metal aortic valves,...
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OOC: Twas bored. Read on!

Rules for Newbies (Written by Kaldur and other members of the team)

1) If you are going to eat pickles, buy them yourself. Do not take any pickles from the fridge. EDIT: People, we’re not joking. Those two numbskulls in the infirmary? Arty broke one’s arm. The other had arsenic in his mouth.
2) If you like being in vents, be warned. It is commonly used as a source of transport between places in the cave, as well as a nap area.
3) You can easily get lost in the cave.
4) Do not start a pranking war with anyone, especially Delta or Infinity.
5) Don’t give Ashy caffeine....
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Megan stared at the papers that were on the table, she picked up the Daily Planet, and opened up to a random section in the paper. Her eyes bugged out. Harley’s picture was in it. She wore a skimpy bikini, blue with red polka dots. Large sunglasses, her hair had grown back to its normal length that they were all used to. She held a drinking glass, that held a red colored drink. Megan almost coughed up her cereal, when Superboy walked in. He strode over to her ad smacked her as lightly as he could on the back, hand tingling as he touched her. “You okay M’gann?” Megan nodded, “Yeah,...
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posted by KitanaRLYJ
Name: Kitana Strike

Age: 15

Details: Human, white, english

Powers: Red lantern ring, Superhuman strength and durability, advanced skills, knowlage and abilitys.

Story: Kitanas always been different, more angry than different. Her parents kicked her out when she was 5 and she was found and sent to a faster care home. Many familys came and went but she always ended up back at the care home. Over time she just got more outraged at life and how to her everyone seem to think they were better than her. It got to the point where she had tryed to kill herself many a time but Kitana was always caught. Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lanert Corp reached out a hand and saw in her eyes the ture potenial her rage had within.

Personality: Self obssessed and over confident, hot headed and bossy and to be frank stuck up!

Uniform: (I'll draw and post a pic soon!)