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posted by SilverWings13
The full moon hung high over the boat, as if purposely shedding its light on the children below. There was never total silence, even this late into the night. The waves lapped softly against the hull. And there was always that buzz, orchestrated by the light breeze blowing off the ocean and its current gently rocking the boat; the song of the sea.
Whisper lay on the stern, drifting between subconscious and the verge of sleep. A sudden sound caused her to snap awake, her body tense. Another splash, closer, she thought. Too big to be a fish.
Worried calling out to the others would startle whatever was creeping up on them into action, Whisper tried to keep as still and quiet as possible, praying it would leave them be. But when she heard a third splash, a whimper escaped her lips involuntarily.
"Whisper?" A soft voice called. "Are you awake?"
The girl recognized the voice, the soft Russian accent that had not faded even the slightest the last year and a half since they had escaped CADMUS. "Whisper?"
She shushed him quietly. "Listen."
Again the splash came, this time right next to the stern. She saw a silhouette from the cockpit of the boat stand. Thirteen climbed onto the stern and inched his way toward the frightened girl. He leaned toward the edge. "Wait," she tried to warn him, but he ignored her.
A high pitched whine emitted from the waters and Thirteen fell back, startled. He let out a laugh and a soprano cackle joined in.
"Is that..." Whisper crawled to the edge and peeked over, where her suspicion was confirmed. Sticking its head out of the water was a friendly mammal, water gleaming off its skin in the moonlight. "A dolphin," she breathed.
"A curious one, at that," Thirteen commented. He came back to the edge, leaning close to the water. His fingers stopped just above the dolphin's head as he hesitated. It raised its beak and nudged the boy's hand, permitting his touch.
Thirteen grinned and ran his hand over the mammal's slick head. "Go ahead, Whisper," he coaxed. "You try."
Weary not to startle it, the girl moved slowly. She placed her hand gently on its beak and ran her fingers over the top until they reached its forehead. Whisper giggled as it nudged her hand happily.
Before either of them had time to react, the dolphin turned and dove under water, splashing them with it's tail. Both let out a gasp of surprise; the dolphin leapt out of the water ten feet from the boat and dove back in. The two could here it cackling when it resurfaced.
"Show off," Whisper uttered good-naturedly. Thirteen laughed and offered her the blanket from the captain's chair. They sat beside one another until the dolphin finished its show, gave one final cackle, then disappeared under the waves again.
"We should get back to sleep," Thirteen advised.
"Right..." The boy caught her hesitation. "It will be alright, Whisper. I am sorry if the critter startled you, but you will be safe." He waited for her to nod in agreement, and when she did not, he added, "Unless.. there is something more that is bothering you."
The 14-year-old looked at her feet; blue locks fell to hide her face. Thirteen scooted closer and slowly reached a hand, brushing the strands back and tucking them behind her ear. "What is the matter?" he wondered, the concern clear in his voice.
"I'm scared, Thirteen." She spoke so softly that it would have been difficult to catch the words had they not been sitting so close.
"Of what?"
"What's going to happen to us? Me, you, Electra, Stretch, Bugger... We're strong together, but I don't know if we can keep fighting off CADMUS. And now that 'Lec and Bug are talking about going to Canada while Stretch is planning on the States... We're going to be separated. How are we going to survive?"
Thirteen put his arm around the shaking girl and she laid her head in the crook of his arm. "I will not abandon you, Whisper. We can stay together, venture to where ever we want."
There was a moment of silence between them before Whisper spoke again. "You aren't scared at all? The world is a big place and CADMUS-"
"Do not worry about them," he dissuaded. "If they come for us, we will be ready. Like Dr. Felis always told us, 'You will always prevail as long as you fight for good.'"
Whisper giggled at the impression of the scientist who had raised them. "Do you miss him?" she asked.
Thirteen was taken aback by the turn in conversation.
"I.. Yes," he admitted. "I do. He was a great man, and despite Stretch's contemptuous remarks, I believe the doctor cared about us. Loved us, even."
Whisper nodded. "You're a lot like him. Logical yet compassionate, strong yet gentle, you even look a bit alike."
Thirteen was quiet a moment. His thoughts had taken him back to a conversation from the previous day where Stretch has suggested they all choose more conspicuous names for themselves. They had been born as subject numbers, and that is what the scientists and researches referred to them as. Only themselves and Dr. Felis had used the nicknames they had created for each other, but now that they were going into the world where they would potentially interact with other people, they needed authentic names.
Whisper had decided to keep hers, for she felt it fit her well, and was not too anomalous. Now an idea for his own name occurred to Thirteen.
"Aleksander Felis," he tested, weighing the full name.
"What?" Whisper glanced up at him to meet his emerald green eyes. Her own was reflecting the night sky and navy blue sea, but caught a hint of the green-emerald and silvery-gold the sheen of the moon colored the boy's hair.
"Perhaps that shall be my name. What better way to honor Dr. Felis?"
"Aleksander," Whisper tried. She smiled. "I like it. It suits you well." She yawned and nestled her head in the crook of Aleksander's arm, listening as he uttered the name to himself, getting familiar with his new identity.
posted by Gunfire
OOC: this is an new oc, part of her background hapend in my war in gotham seires, so she is frome thad timeline. The stuff you should probly knowe frist is downe as latest in the bio.

Name: Tess shepard ( shepard is gunfires last name, thad nowan but a few knowe))
Age: 13
Apearance: blond long hair, bleuw eyes, slender. He hase a few tatoos, one of them in a bullet made frome dates, to rember, her dat, wat hapend to her and who she is.
Cloths: depens on the situwation, mosly somting short, thouw she also whears robes when she wants to stay incospicuwaous.
Personanly: agresif, shoot first ask qwestions...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

So, after we settled that whole "gone evil" thing. I settled under the lights of our tree. I dunno why, but that was my new bed/hideout/whatever the heck you wanna call it. It smelled of pine and toothpaste... But whatever, the things you can hang on a tree!
"You, my friend, I don't know how we are related." Jaime said, crouching down and looking at me.
"You take one person, then take another person, then--" Jaime slapped his hand over my mouth and I continued rambling.
"I was kidding." His hand lifted from my mouth.
"Hmm." I said.
"'Sup?" Jaime looked at me. I slipped the pen from his pocket...
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posted by BeccaYJ
Not a two parter. So it will be answered

She woke up to the sound of light knocking on her door. She groaned, but got up. She yawned as she opened the door. Her eyebrows knit in confusion as she looked around.
“Strange. Could've sworn I heard knocking.”
She moved to close the door. Her eyes caught something on the floor and she stopped. Little blue rose petals. She smiled a bit and picked up the card that was leaning against the candle, surrounded by dozens of beautiful blue rose petals. She opened the card and smiled again. More rose petals. But these ones had words on them, arranged in a...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place

Yui let out a sigh as she missed another ball the Hikaru had tossed at her.
"Forget it! I can't hit a homerun anyways." She threw the bat down and Hikaru shook his head, and walked over to her.
"You aren't trying hard enough."
"Aren't trying enough? I've been doing this for days and haven't any better than the day I picked up this bat."

When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face

"I don't see why anybody would like me, after what I done.." her voice tailed off as Hinata stepped onto the field.
"I’ll marry you....
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posted by AislingYJ
So very sorry. CLICK.

Haha I didn't let you read the excerpt!!! Did the title get your attention? Good.
So...this is a new OC I’m making, Carmen. I probably won’t be RPing with her very much until I start my next series, Chasing Shadows (for reasons you won’t get till later), but I thought I’d introduce her now and maybe start RP...

Name: Carmen Vidal
Alias: Moanna
Occupation: Hero
Age: immortal but looks 16
Appearance: about 5’6”, slender, lightly tanned skin, short wavy brown hair about shoulder length, dark brown eyes, Hispanic
Personality: sassy, sarcastic, rebellious, headstrong, friendly,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Dear amazing dudes and dudets of this site,

Everything about this site is awesome. The peeps (meaning you guys), the talent, the creativity, and the friendships. It's a great place for kids like us to spread our wings and show our colors. You already see where this is going, don't you? Do I even need to say it? I gotta fly. The responsibility I feel for this place and to you all as a member is getting in the way of that sick, cold, so called "real life". Wish I could fix the things I screwed up here, but I can't now. Maybe I'll be back in the New Year, though I can't insure that. Whether or...
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posted by SilverWings13
Collaberation by TwanYJ/ Twan/ the Twaninator/ Big T and SilverWings13/ Ducky/ the chick that needs to stop making up redonculous nicknames for everyone. Enjoy~

Rene slipped on the vest over her sweatshirt and pulled the straps tight. She looked at the black mask on the table and studied it a moment before putting it on. 
"Why are we wearing this, again?" Rene turned to see Silver standing in the doorway. She was outfitted in a similar uniform- black face mask (tinted glass, to support her secret ID), camouflage sweatshirt, dark denim jeans, grey gloves, and combat boots. 
Rene shrugged, "This...
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posted by Robin_Love
He groaned as he was rudely awakened by his youngest daughter jumping on his bed.
“Ugh what?”
“Your com is going off. I'm trying to sleep.”
“Oh excuse me!”
Lexi ran back out of the room and he grabbed his com-link. Devin had been out on another mission the night before so he was hoping it was her to tell him she was on her way back.
“Were you asleep?”
It was Silver's voice.
“No. My breath was even, my eyes were closed, and my brain was off.”
“Okay. Can you come to the mountain? It's kinda an emergency.”
“What did Mel and/or Jamie do now?”
“'s not them.”...
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posted by Mclovin_69
“ Why didn’t you tell me..? “ she breathed out with her back to him as she stood out on the balcony with her arms crossed, he let out a deep sigh and looked down “ I didn’t want to risk anything….”, she turned around as the cool breeze blew through her blonde hair. “ Risk what!? Bentley what could you possibly risk if people knew who you were! “She shouted, Bentley looked down still “it’s not like I wanted to keep it a secret from you….. I knew from the beginning but I just didn’t want to tell you because eventually I’m going to have to go on my own……” he muttered...
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“ So you talked to Jet? “ he muttered taking a sip of his pop and placing it back on the counter, she nodded “ I had only come back an hour later Bent, I found you in the Nervegear and Jet had sent you a message. I knew Jet knew about this so i made him tell me what the heck you were doing….” Aryess said gripping her glass of water on the counter with both hands, Bentley sighed “ Jet….he couldn’t even keep a stupid promise……”. Aryess perked up “ meaning? “ , “ I told him to do all he could to keep you from coming after me……but as you can see he did a bang up...
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Random questions for the OC's. From my Creator.

For Fang:


2.) Is your name Fang because you're secretly a vampire? o.O

3.) Will you give me back my eyeliner anytime soon?

4.) Why does Mel chew on you all the time?

5.) Can I touch your wings in exchange for your live daughter? ~Overly~Attached~Girlfriend~Face~

6.) Would you kiss the floor instead of me?


9.) Did you realize I skipped eight?

10.) Do you know Ciel raped Mel?

11.) Nah he didn't, just wanted to...
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posted by MercyYJ
(( Warning to those whom it may concern; this story does contain hints of rape and does bring up the subject. If you are uncomfortable with this in any way, feel free to just click "back" and go back to you happy life... Thanks! ))

Link to Part 1: link

She stood outside the hospital room, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "He can be released soon, right? I mean, it's only a minor gunshot wound to the shoulder. Nothing major, right?"
"We'll have to wait for his foster parents to sign out on the clearance papers."
"But- he's my partner!"
"Good for you." The doctor turned to the couple...
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(( Bentley P.O.V ))
Two months………, two months we’ve been trapped in this death game…. We had barely made a dent into reaching the one hundredth floor. The floor to freedom, I felt lost and tired but wasn’t in my right mind to give up. I walked through the streets in my black combat boots, black jeans, my black fingerless gloves, and fighting vest with swords crossing on the front. I walked past the fruit stands and opened my option list looking to see how much money I had, I clicked on an amount and a bag of money appeared in my hand as I walked over to purchase a bag of apples....
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posted by Robin_Love

“Please Mr. Wayne? Pleasepleasepleaseplease? PLEASE?”
Devin followed the billionaire around the mansion, begging for his approval. He finally turned to her, his face set in stone.
“Give me a reason that you can back up.”
“The team has had major problems the past months from missions or personal lives. This is the ability to let them relax and have fun after all the hard work they've put in.”
Devin's no-nonsense face matched his. He studied for a time.
“You'll be in set-up, clean-up, and any thing else responsible for this.”
“I promise! It will all be...
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(( Bentley's P.O.V ))

I dont understand.... a system announcement always means somethings wrong..... i have to tell Jet..., i swiped open my list looking for the log out button in my suprise it wasnt there. What was going on? everyone around me obviously had no clue what was going on either there was no point in asking obviously something was up, something big..., suddenly i saw it a big hooded figure appear before my eyes floating in mid air, who was the figure? what did he have to say?.

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posted by Robin_Love
She winced as his fingers gently ran over the bruise on her cheek. She could see the angry fire in his eyes and looked down. His fingers pressed against her blackened eye gently and she pulled back a little. His hands moved to hold hers, which were in her lap. She glanced up and saw the pure rage that is surging through him, feels it in his shaking hands. She looks back down and tries ignoring his eyes boring into her. She looked back up, their eyes locking.
“Why the hell did they do this to you?” he asked.
“I was in the way. They wanted their loot.”
She shrugged and ignores the annoyance...
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In which the reader is forced to wait while I try and figure out what's coming up next. >-<

“Patience, Kyra.”
She got goosebumps at Chelsea’s calm voice, tears escaping down her face. The pain of the gold was immense but she couldn’t place why-- skin contact hadn’t affected her before. Chelsea’s chuckled reached her as she took in a shuddering breath. “I assumed it would pain you more than you believed.”
The dark cloth over her eyes slipped away and she blinked a couple of times. Chelsea sat across from her, scraping a jagged knife on rock, making earsplitting screeches....
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Can you believe it? It's officially been a year since Red Revenge made his first appearance in Heart of Courage...

And now it's time for the party to start! Later this week, 66DragonAnimations will be uploading a video celebrating the one year anniversary of this vigilante! The link to the link is below. They've even re-designed it for the special anniversary!!!

And what will the link account be doing you ask? Why, we're re-publishing every single Red Revenge story ever! Go check it out, fan us, and enjoy this month of the Black Hero.

Celebrations start December 1st and continue until the World Premiere of What Matters? on January 5th!

So please, enjoy this month of festivities and DON'T LEAVE!!!! WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!!!
Red Revenge V:
What Matters?

Trailer 2-

In Cooperation With

For twelve years I've protected this city.

A red chevrolet, from the seventies, speeds down the street. Revenge jumps on top of it.

And this whole time, everyone though I was a hero.

Revenge grabs the driver and slams him into the steering wheel. The car skids and crashes into a wall, Revenge jumping off.

Let them think that.

Power Corrupts

Sam picked up the helmet and slid it on over his head. The screens glowed red and activated. Systems, weapons. He had enough to take out half of New York and still resist the police...
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posted by The_Writer

((NOTE: This takes place in an Alternate Universe))

Sam looked at the puffy pants with disgust. He had been quick and happy to agree to do something silly for a kid's charity concert. If he had known that he would be doing the classic song "Can't Touch This" in the original music video's format, he would've suddenly become very ill. 

He adjusted the pants one more time when he heard the door squeak open. He turned to see Becca walk through the door.

"Becca!" Sam hissed. "What are you doing here?!"

"Look, if you're doing something ridiculous, I'm gonna be here." The ebony replied.

"I thought...
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