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posted by BladeYJ

If you've ever lost sight of the world-even for a moment-then suddenly found it again, and it was a whole new place-I know the feeling. There was a struggle, a quick feeling of freedom, then restraints, a needle, a fiery liquid, and fading words that were so foreign to my unilingual mind.
One moment I was Blade.
The next moment, I couldn't tell you the last time I slept.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Damian pulled a red book that was old and too worn to read the gold lettering. In seconds, a groan sounded from a nearby bookshelf, and it slid back then to the left, revealing a passage that quickly filled the air with rotting meat and death. I had to bite my lip to hold back the audible gagging.

The dracula turned to me, took my wrist and pulled me close,"I told you we were going to clear your mind, so come on-the sooner the better." The way he said that, the twinge of malice that lingered after that sentence, was so visible you had to be blind not to see the evil that the words hinted at. Damian pulled me toward the stairs and I jerked away,"I am not... going down there.. especially with you."
"Yes you are.."
"You're not my keeper or anywhere close to it. So no. I. Am. Not. Going. You. Incompetent. Bastard."
"Big words," his hand twisted mine until there was a sick popping,"For a worthless peice of shit like you. We're going, weather you like it or not."
"Y-You like to hurt people, huh? Gee, you and Terror would get along g-great..," The pressure to my wrist was added with each word and I didn't care one fucking bit,"Maybe y-you two c-could hook up instead of him being with that dumb s-skank he has now."
Though I was talking my fill, I showed no more restraint, so he returned my hand to it's original position and led me to the, once, concealed entryway. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if he was burned long as I was the one burning him.

I was being dragged down a stairwell. With each step the shadows came closer, the air grew thicker, my sight grew hazy, until I couldn't see my hand in front of my face-even with the advanced vampiric vision. The cold hand around my wrist pulled harder as we neared, what I thought was, the bottom.

My bare feet hit cool concrete as we entered the basement. The dark here wasn't the dark everyone fears as a child, this dark was much more...sinister. It took in every inch of my body, consumed me, and extinguished my flame of existence. Quietly I let out a hard breath only to suck it back in when I realized the grip on my wrist had been released. I had two options.

One: Stay, probably be beaten senseless, and then partake as the victim in Damian's sick experiments.

Two: Run, try to get free, most likely be caught, probably be beaten senseless, and then partake as the victim in Damian's sick experiments.

Abruptly, I turned on my heels and was up the stairs in a matter of seconds. The sound of my heartbeat pounded in my ears, the adrenaline mixing with the fear that kept me alert. As I made it to the top, I slid to the same book he pulled earlier and ripped it from the shelf. The false bookshelf screamed as it jolted back to its concealing position. Desperately, ignoring the spiking pain in my wrist, I shoved chairs and tables-anything I could get my hands on-in front of the secret entry.

Once satisfied with the mound of objects blocking the only way out of that hell-hole, I focused on escaping. I thought I'd be familiar with the place, but in truth I had only ventured as far as my room, the main dining hall, and the bathroom; I never really went exploring.

My fingers trained on walls, taking in every aspect of the mansion. Just in case, I didn't make it out this time, and I had another chance-I would know this prison like the back of my hand. Room after room, I searched. Only to rewarded with either locations with pillows strewn everywhere, multiple king-sized beds, heavy-secret keeping-curtains, and a strong smell of incense that made me too hot and too heavy; dining halls; bedrooms; or just rooms full of art, creepy demonic art.

Finally, I found the main entrance. Rushing to the door I pulled on the grand, handles, but they wouldn't budge. "Shit..." I hissed as I frantically searched for another way. The windows were the only way, though I do like to leave in style, busting out of windows wasn't one of them. But sometimes, you're forced to play what cards you're dealt. Silently, I wished for myself to actually escape as I took a few steps back. Planting my right foot forward, my left one back, I leaned forward and sprinted at one of the small metal framed panes of one of the windows. I placed my arms over my head and smashed through the glass, feeling shards embed themselves in my skin and irritate my wounded wrist. As I tucked-and-rolled on the soft grass, I looked back for only a moment to find no one was following me. Had I really lost him? It was this easy? I was finally free? Sweet! Screw the vendetta on Terror, I could do that myself. Either that or move on. I didn't need help from some horny vampire; I didn't need help from anyone in that matter. I was an independent woman now. Not one thing could stop me.

Along I walked, all of a sudden looking up to see the moon overhead, was it already this late, it was morning only... Shit... what day was it, I couldn't remember.

A soft crack settled from somewhere, and I snapped my head to the left; that's when I saw them. Eyes. They were like crystals, like ice when it's still frosty. The shadows kept the holder a secret, but I kept my gaze trained on those diamonds, and they on my lonely ruby, for: One? Two. Three....Ten moments? Before I blinked, and they were gone. As if they were just an entity, a mind game my brain conjured up to substitute a longing for someone else to know that I was alive and not dead. Yet it was gone and it chilled me to the bone, the two orbs disappeared into thin air; they had just...vanished.

I decided to press on, though I had the chilling feeling that someone was following me. Was it Damian? No, every time I turned there was no one... like the person, or thing. Would just hide itself from me. It was, truly, starting to piss me off. A growl settled in my throat and I let it echo behind my words, directed to particularly no one,"Listen you prick! Show yourself and stop following me around like a creep." I stopped, letting the silence settle around me; ears alert for any scumbag that tried to creep on me. All of a sudden there was chuckle it wasn't Damian, I would've heard the lust laced around that laugh. This laugh? This laugh was teasing; someone was taunting me and it rubbed me the wrong way. I turned and threw my,bad, hand back, to swing at nothing, but something caught it.

Damian. "Hello, little lamb.. Are you lost?" He yanked me up by my injured wrist, causing a ripple of piercing agony to pulse through me,"It's okay, your shepherd is here..." The huskiness in his voice was chilling and I hated it, I almost spat back a reply but my clenched jaw didn't give in. He dropped me to the ground and I grunted as a rock jabbed into my back. I heard him take something from a leather strap, and mutter something about the "hard" way. Next thing I felt was a heavy weight to the back of my head, and as I struggled to get up, to fight, the blunt force came again and I dropped like deadwait. The last thing I saw, as the blades of grass, dirt, and rock scraped against my stomach and face while being dragged away, were: those diamonds, in the shadows. Watching. Watching. Watching. And doing absolutely nothing... that sweet taste of freedom was soured as the dark coat of unconsciousness came.


I pried my eye open, gasping in air. It was a dream... for sure. The back of my head was throbbing and it was dark, pitch black, and as I took another long breath a stench so unbearable made my stomach groan in agony. My wrist burned like fire and it felt like small shards of, something, were lodged in my arms. Groggily, I tried to stand. But couldn't. Odd, I'm just sitting, why couldn't I stand. Suddenly, a small light above me came on and, instantly, I shut my eye as the bright flash pierced the sensitive cornea. Slowly, I blinked a few times adapting to the blinding light. To my horror I was restrained, by metal, cuffs. One around my neck, two on my wrists, thighs and ankles. I attempting to jerk my head: bad idea, it only caused me to roughly cough, as the metal kept my throat in a tight grip.

Damian approached from the shadows and I felt my fury ignite as I wheezed,"Let me go, you fucking bastard! You peice of shit! I hate you! I fucking hate you!"
His hand collided with my jaw and I felt the soft warm fluid of blood, bead from wear his ring struck my lip. "Asshat.." I spat, red liquid splattering his shoes.
"Shhh...I told you we're going to clear your mind...You have nowhere to run, and soon you won't run." He flicked the tip of a needle, the liquid within the syringe was of a black-purple hue, that just looked like death. I screamed at him, a sob building in my throat, to stop.

Ignoring my protest, his smile was twisted as he brought the tip of the needle to my wrist, but quickly moved it to my neck-just above the restraint. "Dammit, Damian, this isn't funny! Stop it! Now!"
"I told you you to shut up!" On the last two words the syringe found itself in my jugular, a sudden feeling of a new substance pulsed through my veins, finding its way through my body. It was painful, like fire ants were crawling inside me, stinging every inch of my innards. It was like being stabbed in the same place, over and over. It was like having boiling water poured over you...slowly.

I withstood that agony until the numbing came, until I was lost in a serene daze, lingering between reality and sleep, unconsciousness, death? At this point.... I wanted to die. But, I wasn't, he wasn't going to let me have that kind of satisfaction. I felt his lips press to the small piercing then start chanting in Romanian? Russian? I couldn't tell, but it sounded sickly.... Finally, I submitted myself to the hands of mother night, she was the only one that could comfort me, now.


((Ahhh... I really am proud of this series so far... all my other one's felt... bleh but this one? Im okay with, the ending was kinda rushed; sorry! Anyway.. yeah woopwoop Damian is an asshat-Confirmed by Blade.. ALSO BTW.. Discord/Blade was actually never suppose to be present from the end of "Fangs" 'til the end of this.. So some things that have happened you know in the club or whateves don't apply in the story.. lol sows x3))
Also the same way I met Jack! :3

"You remember how I met Ciel, Jaime?" I looked over at the young winged boy.
"No..." He said, looking through his memory banks. I smiled and hopped into his lap.
"Story time!"

I ran through the forest, my boots hitting the snow furiously. All I had to protect me from the cold was Daddy's sweatshirt and some shorts, not good for below freezing weather. I skidded to a stop, just barely avoiding falling off the cliff. I peeked over the edge, and I couldn't see the bottom, and my eyes widened. Something shifted in the snow.
"Who's there!?" I whipped around. Amethyst...
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Greetings my fellow writers! It is I, 66Dragons aka The_Writer! I'm here to set a few things straight. I'm going to do this in a calm and mature way to prevent any fights, but I will mention names because I personally have no respect for anyone except Robin_Love anymore.

First off. Did you know that stealing someone's idea is a crime? A very serious crime in fact. It can result in you ending up in the unemployment line, or expelled. It can even result in a hefty law-suit...
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Twan burst through the bracken into a grassy clearing with his pursuer close behind. Blood covered and dripped from Twan's wolfish muzzle as he took a sharp turn; resulting in a loud crash from his predator hitting a tree. He skidded to a stop turning and facing the enemy, he couldn't bite back a smirk.

That quickly changed as the dhampir pounced at him pinning the lycan down a evil smirk crossed his face revealing the razor sharp fangs he possessed. Panic filled Twan's eyes for a split second as the fanged boy lunged at the werewolf's neck.

A loud scream echoed as a massive paw threw the dhampir...
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what the codes look like
what the codes look like
“ Mommy!? Mommy is that you!? “ Amara cried out with excitement and relief, Aryess let out a gasp falling to her knees hugging her tightly “ yeah its alright…..its alright mommy’s here…..” she breathed out running her fingers through Amaras long black hair. “ Mommy…..mommy….! “ she cried out wrapping her arms tightly around her neck, Aryess breathed out soothingly into her ear “ shh….shhh baby its okay…mommy’s here…”. Amara cried in Aryess’s arms still “ mommy….” she whimpered out, “ shh…..shhh…” Aryess murmured standing up holding Amara in...
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posted by The_Writer

It has been confirmed at last! Cartoon Network has confirmed the return of the DC Nation Block on January 5, 2013. This means new episodes of Young Justice: Invasion and Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

As we recently discovered, Young Justice Invasion went on it's fourth hiatus after only airing two episodes, not because of Cartoon Network, but because DC Comics and DC Nation lost the rights to some of the character's on the show at the last minute. (Static Shock, Wonder Twins, Rocket, etc.)

The cancellation was so sudden that the episode that was supposed to air (Before the Dawn) was...
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{Reader's Discretion Advised} The following selectiion contains a scene of suggestive material. Do not read if you are underage or this type of material makes you uncomfortable.

Nightwing simply stood, in full uniform, right in front of the window, arms folded over his chest, eyes glaring through his domino mask at Barbara's arm holding onto Sam's bare chest tightly. The two looked peaceful. That wasn't why Nightwing hadn't woken them up. It was because he was entirely too pissed to move.

"Come on! Rise and shine! Let's--" Robin's words caught in his mouth as he finished climbing in Barbara's...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Cylus Stevens

Hero Name: Cylus ( si- less )

Age: 17

Appearance: dark brown hair( almost black), dark blue eyes and fairly tanned skin.

Relations: unknown older brother to Becca and Willow. He is also single ( wink wink ladiesssssss)

Civvies: he wears a snapback hat and a dark blue or grey shirt with an eagle logo on it, with either beige or blue jeans and purple skater shoes.

Personality: unlike Willow hes not the shyest but also not the loudest like Becca, he can be funny, even a sweet heart at times, he is protective over his sisters and like any older brother teases his sisters more than...
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posted by InfinityYJ
So, this is my new story... Yeah... link Enjoy~

Hiding in an alleyway, the small neko girl’s ears twitched as the sound of soft footsteps approached. Her green eyes went wide and she grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder and dashing further into the passage. Her light brown hair fluttered out behind her and her tail curled up. She ran into a dead end, a small sob escaping her. She looked behind her as the footsteps became louder and began to climb the gutter pole to get to the roof.
When she was about halfway up, the footsteps slowed, and from the shadows another teen came out....
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Aryess searched in her profile is he wasn’t here he would have to be on the highest floor beaten, but which floor was it….? That man kept her in that small town on that same floor for a very long time that she had no idea what floor was new. She scrolled down and saw the floor number she was on and the highest floor number beside it, floor seventy five…., her grey eyes scanned the floor number “ im coming Bent….” She muttered out quietly. She ran out the door locking it behind her and turned around, she let out a gasp when she bumped into someone and looked down “ Mommy…? “...
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(( Bentleys P.O.V ))

Those eyes….not those eyes, I never wanted to remember them again, I never wanted to see them again. Never could I even think that this would have to happen, me have to fight with the risk of others around me…., The beast pulled out its giant blade and let out a roar that echoed through the entire area. I pulled out my sword and flipped it into a fighting position and glared as the beast charged at me, I let out a deep sigh and jumped at the beast just missing the blade that sliced under me and sliced the gleam eyed beast in the chest twice, it let out a growl and sliced...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
At the age of Seven.
At the age of Seven.
Cuz her bio is like, a million years old.

Name: Melissa Elizabeth Adams.

Alias: Wings of Death

Appearance: Ebony black hair. Emerald eyes. Heavily scarred. Slender build.

Levitation, which can also manipulate ones actions.
Flight, wings.
Abnormal strength.

Sword fighting

Taken from her family minutes after she was born, she was experimented on until the age of eight. She escaped at the age of eight, learning how to fly on the fly. She lived on the streets for a year, until Fang and Devin found her. She got into the hero business shortly after. She learned her prophecy when she...
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posted by InfinityYJ
What happens when I'm bored in History class? I start a poem where you guess who's who. Yay.

Think of when the team was small
Think of it right now
Remember the people, remember them all
Of their powers and how they were found

Imagine the black winged, black haired male (1)
His wife of angel’s kind (2)
Their daughter with a prophecy to never fail (3)
Their son with a strengthening mind (4)

The blonde haired girl with the deathly aim (5)
Her boyfriend with secrets unknown (6)
An unsure teen with dimensional name (7)
Her colorful crush with the clones (8)

A goddess among us controlling her wonder (9)
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posted by Gunfire
OOC: this is an new oc, part of her background hapend in my war in gotham seires, so she is frome thad timeline. The stuff you should probly knowe frist is downe as latest in the bio.

Name: Tess shepard ( shepard is gunfires last name, thad nowan but a few knowe))
Age: 13
Apearance: blond long hair, bleuw eyes, slender. He hase a few tatoos, one of them in a bullet made frome dates, to rember, her dat, wat hapend to her and who she is.
Cloths: depens on the situwation, mosly somting short, thouw she also whears robes when she wants to stay incospicuwaous.
Personanly: agresif, shoot first ask qwestions...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

So, after we settled that whole "gone evil" thing. I settled under the lights of our tree. I dunno why, but that was my new bed/hideout/whatever the heck you wanna call it. It smelled of pine and toothpaste... But whatever, the things you can hang on a tree!
"You, my friend, I don't know how we are related." Jaime said, crouching down and looking at me.
"You take one person, then take another person, then--" Jaime slapped his hand over my mouth and I continued rambling.
"I was kidding." His hand lifted from my mouth.
"Hmm." I said.
"'Sup?" Jaime looked at me. I slipped the pen from his pocket...
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posted by BeccaYJ
Not a two parter. So it will be answered

She woke up to the sound of light knocking on her door. She groaned, but got up. She yawned as she opened the door. Her eyebrows knit in confusion as she looked around.
“Strange. Could've sworn I heard knocking.”
She moved to close the door. Her eyes caught something on the floor and she stopped. Little blue rose petals. She smiled a bit and picked up the card that was leaning against the candle, surrounded by dozens of beautiful blue rose petals. She opened the card and smiled again. More rose petals. But these ones had words on them, arranged in a...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place

Yui let out a sigh as she missed another ball the Hikaru had tossed at her.
"Forget it! I can't hit a homerun anyways." She threw the bat down and Hikaru shook his head, and walked over to her.
"You aren't trying hard enough."
"Aren't trying enough? I've been doing this for days and haven't any better than the day I picked up this bat."

When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face

"I don't see why anybody would like me, after what I done.." her voice tailed off as Hinata stepped onto the field.
"I’ll marry you....
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posted by AislingYJ
So very sorry. CLICK.

Haha I didn't let you read the excerpt!!! Did the title get your attention? Good.
So...this is a new OC I’m making, Carmen. I probably won’t be RPing with her very much until I start my next series, Chasing Shadows (for reasons you won’t get till later), but I thought I’d introduce her now and maybe start RP...

Name: Carmen Vidal
Alias: Moanna
Occupation: Hero
Age: immortal but looks 16
Appearance: about 5’6”, slender, lightly tanned skin, short wavy brown hair about shoulder length, dark brown eyes, Hispanic
Personality: sassy, sarcastic, rebellious, headstrong, friendly,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Dear amazing dudes and dudets of this site,

Everything about this site is awesome. The peeps (meaning you guys), the talent, the creativity, and the friendships. It's a great place for kids like us to spread our wings and show our colors. You already see where this is going, don't you? Do I even need to say it? I gotta fly. The responsibility I feel for this place and to you all as a member is getting in the way of that sick, cold, so called "real life". Wish I could fix the things I screwed up here, but I can't now. Maybe I'll be back in the New Year, though I can't insure that. Whether or...
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posted by SilverWings13
Collaberation by TwanYJ/ Twan/ the Twaninator/ Big T and SilverWings13/ Ducky/ the chick that needs to stop making up redonculous nicknames for everyone. Enjoy~

Rene slipped on the vest over her sweatshirt and pulled the straps tight. She looked at the black mask on the table and studied it a moment before putting it on. 
"Why are we wearing this, again?" Rene turned to see Silver standing in the doorway. She was outfitted in a similar uniform- black face mask (tinted glass, to support her secret ID), camouflage sweatshirt, dark denim jeans, grey gloves, and combat boots. 
Rene shrugged, "This...
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posted by Robin_Love
He groaned as he was rudely awakened by his youngest daughter jumping on his bed.
“Ugh what?”
“Your com is going off. I'm trying to sleep.”
“Oh excuse me!”
Lexi ran back out of the room and he grabbed his com-link. Devin had been out on another mission the night before so he was hoping it was her to tell him she was on her way back.
“Were you asleep?”
It was Silver's voice.
“No. My breath was even, my eyes were closed, and my brain was off.”
“Okay. Can you come to the mountain? It's kinda an emergency.”
“What did Mel and/or Jamie do now?”
“'s not them.”...
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