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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I am outside
And I've been waiting for the sun

Fang sat on the green chair. hands clasped, eyes never leaving the floor. He swallowed at the sound of the door opening, fully expecting Black Canary to be in front of him. “There wasn’t any you could have done, Fang.” Only, it wasn’t the voice of Canary, but someone much younger. The half-avian looked up briefly, watching the white fox tail swish back and forth. “Shouldn’t you be elsewhere, Scotty?” Fang’s voice was hoarse, his fingers digging into his hands, shifting his feet. "No.. Canary and Bats thought I could more out of you then they could.." He mumbled, sitting on the arm of the couch instead of across the room. "Fang-" Scotty was cut off as Fang held up a hand. The fox smiled and reached down, gently patting the raven locks.

With my wide eyes
I've seen worlds that don't belong
My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize
Tell me why we live like this

"I watched them all die, Scotty.. My child's husband, my brother's wife, my own brother.. I should have done something.." He whispered, his muddy eyes locking onto a spot on the floor. "Fang, you were so heavily sedated you barely had a heartbeat.. We only found you because of the tracker that's in your arm.." Scotty dropped his hand, looking up at the cave wall. "You did everything in your power, no one is going to blame you for anything." Fang didn't move, his lips pressed into a line before replying. "You don't kn-"
"But I do, Fang. I killed my only sister, the only person in my family who ever understood me. You watched them die, your mind was in working condition but your body was not. I'll be damned if I sit and watch you beat yourself up over something you couldn't control. There's a difference between what I did and what you did. Time will heal everything, Fang, but only if you let it." Scotty looked over, meeting Fang's gaze.

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me

"And you're not going back to that house, not for a few months. Let yourself heal before you subjugate yourself back to that.. I know you two worked hard to create a house that you and the kids could grow up in.." He stopped in mid-sentence, rubbing his head again. "I think you know what do to." Scotty shifted, straddling the arm of the chair rather than sitting on it.

'Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And oh, the promise we adored
Give us life again
'Cause we just wanna be whole

Fang let out a choked sob after Scotty's last sentence, tears dripping off his face and onto his hands before they hit the floor. Scotty took notion of this and frowned, resting his hand on the back of his head. "I think this the only time I've seen you cry. Please don't make a habit of it, it's quite unsettling." He joked, earning a soft chuckle from hybrid, despite his tears. "What do I do, Scotty?" Fang asked and looked up, for once completely lost with no direction on what to do. He wiped his face, only for it to be filled with tears soon after. "You pick up the piece and you move on. That's all you can do. Be there for those who have lost someone, but don't forget about yourself either. Let it out every now and then." He ran his fingers through his white hair, tail hanging off the arm of the chair. "Go to her, Fang. You're not together, but I know she still cares for you, she has to."

Lock the doors
Cause I'd like to capture this voice
That came to me tonight
So everyone will have a choice
And under red lights
I'll show myself it wasn't forged
We're at war
We live like this

The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the door opened again. Fang looked up, looking at the toddler in front of him. "Daddy, don't cry.." Jaime whispered, pushing the black fringe away from his father's face. Fang gave the toddler a half smile. "I'm sorry..:" He whispered and pulled the child up into his lap, hugging him tightly, unable to stop the tears. "You took the watch.." Scotty mumbled, hand snaking through Jaime's dark hair.
"It was the only way to keep him from hurting.. He lost as much as I did.." Fang whispered and stroked his hair, watching the toddler. "He'll remember them, but it won't be nearly as painful.." Scotty nodded and looked up at the ceiling. "He's almost a spitting image of you Fang. " The fox chuckled, looking at Jaime. 'It's unbelievable.."

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me

"Daddy, I'm tired.. Can we go home..?" Jaime asked and looked up, tearing up when Fang shook his head. "W-why not?' He whimpered out, bottom lip quivering. Fang bit back a few tears, brushing Jaime's hair from his face. "We have to stay here for a little bit, okay?" The toddler immediately shook his head and began to cry into Fang's chest, holding onto him tight. Fang teared up and hugged Jaime close, crying into the toddler's hair. He held him tightly and began to rock, slowly leaning back, brushing Jaime's hair back. Fang looked up to Scotty and the fox nodded, standing up. "I'll put him to bed.." Fang mumbled, heading towards the door. "Fang. Get some rest yourself and remember what I told you. Don't dwell on the things you can't change or fix." The raven haired male nodded once and walked out, carrying the toddler close to his chest.

'Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And oh, the promise we adored
Give us life again
'Cause we just wanna be whole

Tower over me
Tower over me

And I'll take the truth at any cost

'Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And oh, the promise we adored
Give us life again
'Cause we just wanna be whole

I'm not going to lie, I actually cried while writing this..
posted by XxKFforeverXx
And by few, I meant one.

Fang gave his wires a tug despite his brother's earlier comments, half-heartedly listening to the explanation. "So I'm alive only because someone jumpstarted my heart with their own.. Great, another burden to bare." He snorted, moving to let his legs hang off the bed. "A death on my hands and a metallic wings.." Chris only rolled his eyes. "His death is not on you, Fang. You did not decide for him, no one held a gun to his head." He leaned forward, letting his forearms rest on his knees. Fang was silent as he processed everything before twisting to the side, popping...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: Happens simultaneously as link

Death in the Garden

The bullets ricocheted off the purple shield of pulsing power. They bounce off the stone walkway and into the green grass of the perennial garden. Stray projectiles ate away at the stone three-tier fountain and east courtyard wall. The rat-tat-tat of the machine gun should have been heard by any passing outside the walls of the garden, but the whole city seemed to be hidden away from the deafening noise. There was a click-click. A sudden silence. The young man crouched behind the shield lunged for the quickest route to safety, the round...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Becca. No need for more.
Reason or meaning of name: It's just a short version of my real name..
Eye Color: Brown. Like...dark almost black..
Hair Style/Color: Black. (Like her soul!) Hey!
Height: Um I'm about 5'9”
Clothing Style: Depends on the mood
Best Physical Feature: My what? (Her legs. She has dancer legs)

Your Fears: Thunderstorms
Your Guilty Pleasure: Beating up the bad guys
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Idiots. (Uhh...)
Your Ambition for the Future: To live?

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Why am I up?
What You Think About the Most:...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Shane Parker
Reason or meaning of name: I'm not sure, honestly.
Eye Color: My mother used to tell me that they were an emerald green.
Hair Style/Color: It's blonde, and kind of shaggy.
Height: I'm right under 6'0, like 5'10, 5'11
Clothing Style: I like to be comfortable, in summer i'm always in cargo shorts and nike tennis shoes
Best Physical Feature: I- (His eyes)

Your Fears: Uncertainty.
Your Guilty Pleasure: Oh god, you really don't wanna know.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: When people chew obnoxiously, I swear I wanna punch Wally for it.
Your Ambition...
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posted by SilverWings13
Commonly known as: Ana Rome
Official title: Princess Anastasia Romanov II of Russia
Alias: Saint
Nicknames: Anaka, Annie, street rat, princesska, kotyonok
Affiliation: independent; force for good
Species: Kitsune
Religion: Catholic
Weapons: sword, claws/canines (when shape shifted; typically out of her control when enraged)
Sexuality: straight
Born: March 20, 1938
Age as of March 17, 2017: 17 yrs
Relationships: brother: Alaksander Romanov; niece: Noëlle Romanov; "uncle": Mikel Angelo; lover: ?
Significant scars/markings: missing her pointer and middle fingers on her right hand
Personality: hyper, headstrong,...
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posted by Eclipse-YJ
“Are you ready?’ Martian Manhunter asked. Phoebe gave a nod and slowly sat back on the chair, placing her arms and legs on the rests. She watched carefully as they readied the program for her. Most of the team had been doing these tests all day, a new type of training which gets you to come face to face with your greatest fears and confront them. Sounded like an easy trauma trigger to Phoebe. None the less she thought this experience could prove useful and since everyone else is going through it she was scared they would wonder and ask questions as to why she wouldn’t want to.

She flinched...
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posted by Robin_Love
Jessie Bennett
Jessie Bennett
Name: Jessie Bennett
Alias: None
Powers: Healing, combat
Occupation: Doctor
Weakness/Limits: Unknown
History: Jessie Bennett came from a long line of pure-blood healers. Her race is unknown, despite how human she looks. Her given name has been forgotten. She came to Earth much like the Man of Steel. But she was found by a traveling caravan in an Arabian desert. She grew up among them and immediately took a fondness to medicine. By accident, she found out her inhuman abilities when she was five. Almost immediately, she was sent away, to America. She spent almost a year in a facility, learning English....
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posted by Robin_Love
She stood in silence, letting the view take over her instincts. It was time. Everything was falling into place, just as predicted. She let out a heavy, shaky sigh. This was it....this was the last time. The sun was a needle in her side, portraying emotions she didn't feel. She looked at the sword tied to her waist. How she would have loved to not have this burden...but she'd fought so hard her whole life...she couldn't fight anymore. If this was what happened, she would do it. Not because of her life, but the lives of others. She had so many to protect now. And it was time to take her place,...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Sorry this took so long to get out, college is really kicking my behind with all the work I have to do. And I didn't realize how short it was...

"How do we know it's not a clone?" Tobias asked, tapping his fingers on his chin. "The scars on him are accurate, bruising around his face from the last fight.. but.." Chris muttered and walked, peeling off the monitors and lifted Fang up into a sitting position, his eyes going wide. "Wing has been replaced with an artificial one.." He said and slowly unfurled the metal wing, looking over it before letting out a low whistle. "Man, that's some fine work.."...
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posted by Robin_Love
I do not take credit from anything other than the backstory I gave to this character. Everything belongs to the rightful owners. Thanks to the show for giving me inspiration

Name: Dark Mousy
Alias: Dark
Powers: Unknown
Occupation: “Anti-Villain” (Hero but refuses to admit it)
Weakness/Limits: Undiscovered
History: Dark used to be known as a thief. Anything anyone needed, he'd get. For a price. He had been raised on the streets, where he learned all he knew about stealing. He was used to running, always moving from one place to the next. At one point he ended up staying in an orphanage where he...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"How did you?" Alex ran her fingers through her hair, shaking her head in disbelief. Her brother looked up, peeling away the plastic off the back of the monitors. Blake chuckled before he began to explain. Blake slid down the snowy bank, looking at the body that was slowly being covered with snow. "Jeez.. Why am I doing this?" The male grumbled, brushing the snow off before lifting the corpse with a grunt. Throwing Fang over his shoulder, he made his way back up the mountain side. "After examining, the nerve endings were so severed that there was no way he'd be able to use his wing, even a...
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posted by KatRox1
((BEFORE YOU READ THIS: Be warned that it is a lot of stuff in a little article. I found it while reading through some old documents, and realized I haven't really posted anything on Bella before she joins The Team and becomes Mercy. So if you want more on her pre-superhero life, let me know! KISSES!))

October 31st, 2011
Gotham, USA

There isn't much I remember about the accident. It all happened so quickly.
There was blood- a lot of blood. It was on the windows and the airbags and our clothes.
And there was screaming, but it wasn't coming from my mouth, or Gavin's. Gavin wasn't even moving. He just...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
A month passed since Scotty's "attack" and rescue.

Alex sat on the arm of her couch, slowly stitching up a pair of pants, humming happily as her husband slept on the couch. At the sound of her phone ringing she quickly reached out and silenced it, setting down her current project. She didn't bother to look at the number, walking into the room and answering with an annoyed hello. "I need you to come to me." He brother spoke, sounds of machines beeping behind him. "Why..?" She replied in a heavily confused matter, pacing from the bed to look out the window. "I have something you may want to see....
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So, like I was gonna wait to make this anoother time but, idk when I'll be able to get on again so yeah. Here's some more boring shit. :p

"Hurry! I saw them go this way."Jake yells and they continue running.
"Not on my watch." Alek pops up out of nowhere.
"We don't have time for you." Khanna bubbles him and they keep running.
"Hey let me out of here!" he bangs on the bubble but, it won't pop.
"Bubbles, never knew you had that power."Jake says as they turn down the next hall.
"Yeah, that's cuz I don't usually use it." she says and they find Daniel.
"Hey guys. They have cookies." he says as he munches...
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Hey guys so, I realized that I never continued the story on the Aries Army so, I figured this would be a good way to start off the New year. I also remembered the boss' name which is Akito (smh Khanna. You had one job.) Well Enjoy and Happy New Year to everyone.

4:00am Mount Justice
Khanna just woke up and walks around the place until, she notices Garfield sleeping on the couch. His mouth is wide open and drool is falling out.
"Omg." she snickers and pokes the back of his head.
"It's not a school day. I don't have to wake up yet." he says still sleeping and turns to the other side of the couch....
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posted by Eclipse-YJ
(In the not too distant future)

“I think Dad moved all the decorations down here” Said Jayson pulling on the cord switch. The florescent lights illuminated the basement with a series of clicks and flickers. Christian followed Jayson down brushing his platinum white dyed hair from his eyes.

“whoa, got enough boxes?” Christian asked gazing on the labyrinth of old boxes and various sized bundles of stuff. Jayson smiled as he bent down to peak into the boxes closest time him.
“It’s mostly my Mums stuff and my old baby things, I think they’re too sentimental for Dad to get rid of so...
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posted by Robin_Love
I apologize in advance for the background. Consider it a rough sketch of sorts till the holidays are over. I'll get it edited and cleaned up after then. Again, sorry.

Name: Ebonique
Alias: Eboni
Powers: agility, speed, manipulates light, night vision, voice that cause sleep.
Occupation: Not disclosed
Weakness/Limits: Not disclosed
History: Ebonique was an ancient Egyptian priestess of the Egyptian goddess Bastet. Her village was raided, and the people slaughtered. She was taken and sold as a slave. After years of torture and hard work, she was bought by another man. Her work was not as hard and...
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posted by khanna266
Thursday 12:00 am
Saudi Arabia
"We've been out here forever Jake are you sure they're attacking here?" Daniel speaks through his communicator.
"Yes Daniel I'm sure." Jake responds to him aggravated. Just then Mirajane and Rin walk out.
"Keep down!"he tells him and they see what Rin and Mirajane are doing.
"Too bad the others couldn't make it cause this is gonna be hella fun." Rin smirks evily,
"Yep. Sure enough." Mirajane adds and drops a big brown box on the ground. She then opens it and a bunch of machine guns and grenades drop out of it. Jake's eyes widen to the sight of all of them.
'What the...
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posted by SilverWings13
Princess Ana
Princess Ana
Part 1: link

The visitor pushed past without hesitation.
She had yet to get a chance to change. The uncharacteristically regal gown bellowed pale cloth over freckled arms, tightened her hips in an amber corset, draped gold over legs meant for pants and running. Only the wild red curls fit the intruder, tumbling freely over her shoulders after a night in tight pins and clips. Even the royal golden wreath was askew on the waves of red locks. The fury in her glimmering gold eyes was even more own of place than the dress.
"Our queen sister accepted your challenge," the girl growled through a clenched...
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posted by DiscordYJ
My newest doodles of my lil pup :D
My newest doodles of my lil pup :D
He's new to you all. But an old idea. He is probably my favorite just bc I put so much time into him.

Name- Porter DeBlanc

Sexual Orientation- Straight--but super bromantic.

Gender- Male

Nationality/Race- French-Hatian (Creole by the term of my World History Book) Werewolf.

Age- He looks 21. But he's really 147.

Occupation- He worked as a hunter for his werewolf pack, in the sewers of Gotham. As of now, he's currently unemployed.

Appearance- His skin is the color of coffee with the perfect amount of creamer on a cold Saturday morning.
His eyes are golden--he has to tell people he wears contacts.
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