Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by khanna266
3:45 AM Paris, France AmourCafe
Cross has been sitting at the table closest to the exit for about 5 minutes now.
"Where is that idiot?"she sighs aloud drumming her black fingernails against the table. She looks at the clock and sighs again.
"Hey there toots,I'm here now." Bart stands next to her in formal attire.
"Don't call me that. Why are you late?"she gives him a dirty look.
"I was freshening up. Do you know how hard it is to find a cheap tux in France?" he sits across from her. Cross rolls her eyes annoyed by Bart.
"Where's Artemis and Wally?"she asks,and just then they come in.
"Right here."Wally says and they both sit down,
"So,Why are we dressed formally?" Bart asks
"There's a secret Gala tonight here in Paris held by a group of villains called the Aries Army,and they have invited villains from around the world to join.We're going disguised as villains to see what's going on."Artemis explains and looks at Wally and Cross,"You two are going as a couple."she finishes. She's disguised in her old villain disguise as,Tigress.
"What?! Hell no I am not doing that."Cross objects and so does Bart.
"Look,it's just for one night,and it's only pretend you don't even have to kiss."Wally says and the two younger ones agree to do so.
"Thank you, now Bart go put this wig and eye patch on in the bathroom.Your villain name will be Scar.Cross put on this mask and some red lipstick.Your going to be Mistress Death."Wally demands,and they follow his orders.He is disguised in a black mask,thin mustache,and a Dark brown wig,wearing a black tux. Bart and Cross finish putting on their disguises and go.

4:00Am Paris,France hidden castle
"So,What's your code name?"Cross asks Wally telepathically while waiting in line to get in,
"Dare Demon"he responds and moves up.
"Invitations please." Dr.Light stands at the door asking."Here."Wally gives 4 solid gold invites.
"Go in."Dr.Light removes the rope,and they go in.They notice all the glowing lights,and golden streamers everywhere.Then, the lights dim.
"Hello fellow villains.I am Akito the main host of the Gala,I see so many new and familiar places.I'm excited to see all of us villains joined here together. I should introduce you to my friends.In fact,here they come now." Akito greets all the guests with a mischievous smile.
"I'm Kuro.Nice to meet ya."Kuro hops down
"We are Rika and Alek."They speak simultaneously intertwining hands and pressing their faces cheek to cheek.
"I'm MaryJade! Teehee!"she giggles
"Names Mick."he keeps a blank face
"Now that we have introduced ourselves,Please dance and eat.Have a good time."Akito announces and violin music fills the air. Couples start dancing,and Wally runs to the snack table,with Bart right behind him. They start pigging out when Cross and Artemis grab them and bring them to the dance floor.
"We're here on a mission,not to eat." Artemis whispers into Wally's ear.
"Sorry babe,I couldn't help myself."he whispers back to her,
"Your lucky I love you."she says aloud,
"Yup,I sure am."he says and kisses her lips gently,they then start dancing.
"Should we dance as well?"Bart asks Cross
"Guess so,"she grabs his hand
"Umm,"he mumbles
"What?"Cross stares at him
"I don't know how to dance."he blushes
"Just follow after me,I'll teach you."Cross says,and she begins to lead.
"My,my look here sister."Alek says to Rika,and she grabs his hand,looking at Bart and Cross.
"Well aren't ya'll just the cutest?" she smiles,
"What might ya'll be called?"she asks
"I am Mistress Death and this is Scar."Cross introduces,and bows slightly.
"No need to bow sweetheart,nice to meet ya."Rika shakes her hand,"May I dance with your beau?"she asks,
Cross looks at Bart,whom looks nervous.
"Forgive me,but I'm sort of the jealous type."Cross looks at her and declines,
"That's okay.Adorable,in fact."she smiles,and grabs Alek's hand.
"How about we dance brother,while M.J dances with Kuro?"she smiles at him
"Of course sis,"he kisses her hand and dances
"Is it just me or do they seem a tad bit incestuous."Cross suggests
"I think they are."Bart looks at Alek's hands on Rika's waist.
"Ew."Cross scowls in disgust,Bart then places his hands on Cross' waist.
"So,I place my hands here?"Bart smiles
"Umm,"Cross blushes,and Bart starts to lean in,
"You know your really not all that bad when your nice."he whispers into her ear,and she blushes even more.He then get's closer to her lips and they close their eyes.
"Attention!"Akito shouts,and they jump
"Before,we start getting into the dance too much,I would like to propose an offer to all of you.."he continues,and everyone stops.
"We,the Aries Army would like you to join us in our mission to Justice.Evil Justice.We could end all these stupid monarchy's and Democracy's. We can end,all these laws that keep us away from real justice,like lust,money,and power.We wouldn't have to abide the rules of the filthy Democracy's and Monarchy's.Instead,we can build our own Anarchy and rule the world!" he announces laughing evilly.
"He's a little cuckoo!"Wally whispers to Artemis
"Who will join us?!"he asks and a lot of hands go up.
"Any questions?"he asks Wally and Bart's hands go up and Artemis smacks Wally.
"Yes young boy."Akito calls him
"Can you explain that in English?"he asks,and Cross face-palms herself.Everyone laughs.
"Sure,What I'm trying to say is we can be the leaders of these continent's and take over the world.Would you join?"Akito looks at him
"Yeah! Ruler's of the world! Awesome!"he yells
"I love your enthusiasm."Akito smirks,and calls Bart to come up to the stage.Bart then enters the stage nervously.
"What is your name?"
"Scar,I like that name it has..Edge."
"So,Scar how would you try to rule the world?"
"We're doomed"Cross whispers,worried
"Well,I would first try to get people to like and trust me,then crush 'em."he smiles
"You got spunk kid I like that."
"Wow,most people hate it."
"Ha!Your funny,how about you introduce me to your girlfriend."
"Ok,Death come on."
"Uh okay,"Cross walks onto the stage
"What is he doing?!"Artemis whispers to Wally
"Don't worry I know what he's doing."he says
"Death? Interesting name,"
"Mistress Death,"she bows slightly
"You actually remind me of someone I once knew,she was quite the lady,until she joined those stupid Justice League sidekicks."
"You wouldn't would you?"
"No sir"she stutters,and he looks at her closer
"Well then,welcome back."
"Cross,don't you remember me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"No need to keep the act up,do you remember me or no?"he gets angry
"Yes"she takes off the mask
"What?!"Artemis and Wally look in shock
Bart looks confused and scared,
"My have you grown,have your powers grown as well?"
"Show me."
Cross then moves her hands in circular motions creating a black sphere representing the universe,and it glows with a dark aura.
"Beautiful.Everybody meet the wonderful Cross.
Formerly known as Black Death."
The crowd cheer's her on.
"Now,for the impostor's with her,show yourselves.Including,you Scar boy."
They all do and Wally and Artemis come up on stage.
"What a surprise.The Teen Justice's."
"We're not called that."Wally whine's
"Looks like we do get to have fun tonight."
"Aries Army,attack!"Mick hops down,and uppercut's Wally,then Wally punches him back in the gut.
"That tickled"Mick grins evilly
Then the other villains leave the fight to the Aries Army,and go away.
"So much for Allies."Akito frowns,"As for you,are we going to have to fight or will you come back peacefully?"he speaks to Cross
"I'm not coming back."she punches him in the chest,and he hits back.Then,the fight really begins."Kuro,come help,and get off your lazy ass!"Mick yells,"Your doing fine fighting him yourself.Just then Bart comes from behind,and hits him in the back."You better watch it kid!"Kuro swings at him,"Missed me!"Bart dodges and sticks his tongue out at him."Grrr!"
Kuro shoots an electric bolt at Bart,and it hims him in the arm"Ouch! that burns,"Meanwhile,Artemis fights off Rika and MaryJade."Ha!"Rika jumps and kicks Artemis in the head,Artemis hit's her back.Then MaryJade comes from behind and uses her banshee scream causing Artemis to fall over. "Damn! And I thought that girl from white chicks screamed loud." she then grabs her sword and continues to fight them off.
"So, Cross I guess after all these years your still just a traitor." Akito comes up behind her and holds her in a choke-hold."No i'm not, I've just learned wrong from right." she gets out of it, and throws a plasma ball at him.
"We're the ones that raised you! We treated you like our child! Yet, you betrayed us, your family!" he yells and uses his telekinesis to throw her against a wall. "Aagh!" she screams in pain,"Cross!" Bart yells and runs after her.
MaryJade freezes him and Akito runs to him.
"Now how would you feel if I hurt your little boyfriend here?" he threatens,and Kuro comes over to him too ready to electrocute him.
"No!" Cross yells trying to run to him, but Akito throws her against the wall again.
"So, will you come back to us Cross? It's the only way to keep him safe." Akito grins.
"Don't do it Cross!" Bart manages to escape him and runs toward her. He makes it to her and holds her tight.
"Look here kid, your ruining our plans." Kuro throws a lightning bolt at him.
"Leave.Him.Alone!"Cross yells and a force-field covers Bart and her.
"Whoa! Cross you've never done that before. how'd you do it?" Bart is left in shock.
"I-I don't know." she looks down at her hands, and then moves them really fast to one side throwing Kuro and Akito up against a wall.
"Man I feel bad for those walls." Bart comments
Cross then let's down the force-field and walks toward Akito and Kuro.
"Don't ever touch one of my friends again!" the castle starts to shake and every one holds onto something. "Don't ever claim yourself as my family again!" Akito starts to slide off the wall.
"A real family accepts one another! A real family loves one another! I don't give a damn that your my blood father!" her eyes start to glow and she levitates him up in the air. "What?!" the others scream in shock
"A real father loves his daughter no matter what! A real father would never hurt his daughter on purpose! A real father protects his child!" she screams louder and a tear goes down her face. "So, don't ever say what you said again! My friends are my family. So take this Bitch!" she blasts him through the wall and all the other Aries Army members run after him and leave.
"Cross!"Bart runs to her as she falls and catches her."I'm so sorry Kid Flash, I never wanted ya'll to know my secret.You won't leave me will you?" she cries and Bart lays his hands on her scarry cheeks. "Never." he say and kisses her.
"I knew they'd get along." Wally says and wraps an arm around Artemis' waist."Let's go home babe."Artemis responds.

5:30 Am Mount Justice
"So, Aries Army wants world domination. How cliche." Nightwing says looking over the video from earlier.
"Can't villains ever have an original idea?" Tim says sarcastically chewing on a granola bar.
"Either way we can't let it happen." Cross walks in bandaged up.
"You should still be resting."Nightwing tells her, but she doesn't care and walks up to Bart.
"Hey angel. Are you better?" he asks
"Don't call me that....And yeah."she responds
"There's my special girl." he smirks and she sits next to him laying her head on his shoulder.
"Well I guess this is gonna mean war." Nightwing looks back at the video screen.
"Yeah,and I'm willing to fight it." Cross adds
"dido." Bart smiles and holds her hand
"You know I never thought I would say this,but I really like you goth girl." he finishes.
"Dido." she smiles and kisses him.

Hope you liked it <3<3<3
posted by MidnightMadness
The name is Rouge (Roo-je), like the color, not Rogue like the mutant girl from the X-Men. Just clarifying.

Name: Coral Styles-Kane
Alias: Rouge
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Can change the color and length of her hair; trained in combat; handy with a gun and sword
History: Coral was named for the color of the hair she was born with; a bright red. Her mother raised her as a single, hard working mother. Her father had left before she was born. When she was four, Coral was kidnapped. When she was found, her mother enrolled her in self-defense classes. Coral doesn't seem to remember all the details that...
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posted by khanna266
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"At the age of 17?"Dick added walking into the room."Dick what are you doing in here shouldn't you be in the other room with Jaime?"Ari worried,
"Don't worry sis,I just wanted to check on you."he answered,"So are you...
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posted by MafiaYJ
She ran her hands over the wrinkles in the bottom half of her dress, it was grey and light brown mix of a 1800s dress. She tugged on the long sleeves before picking up her umbrella. Babylon almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock on the door of her room. Ethan's voice came from the other side, "Come to the ball room Babylon." Babylon stiffened and nodded to herself, grabbing part of her dress to keep her from tripping, and opened the door, heading down stairs. Her hand felt hot against the contrasting cold of the stair rails. Elegant eerie piano music filled her spacious house....
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hey! I usually don't make articles like this,but i just wanted everyone to know I'm so very grateful for them.So whoever reads this even if I don't know you thank you so much,because even if I don't know I bet you've touched someone life too.I would love to thank MafiaYJ, Robin_Love,,McLovin and soooo many more you have all been a very important part of my life. I don't know how to show you how grateful I am.I would like to give you all a virtual hug and virtual basket of your favorite type of cookies. You are all so freaking awesome! I'm so grateful God gave me ya'll as friends.I love you...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name:Devin Grayson
Alias: Arhanghel
Powers: Flight/wings, “Divine power”
Occupation: Undecided
Weakness/Limits: Demon chants/weapons, high demon authority
History: Devin used to be a simple girl who lived with her parents and brother working in a circus. They worked the high wire and were known for their acrobatics. She was only a little girl when she died, due to some mysterious poison in her blood. She was born again as a little cherub; a baby angel. While a cherub, she was stolen by a demon named Teague. He used her for his own sadistic pleasure and abused her, though not sexually. He would...
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posted by SilverWings13
Names: Pollux and Castor

Ages: both 17 (twinzees!)

Species: demigoddesses

Birthplace: Egypt, along the Nile River

Appearances: As identical twins, the girls share the same darkened-bronze skin, round features, and coal-black curly hair. Pollux’s eyes are a cloudy white mist like the marine layer, while Castor’s are two starless night skies; their pupils are slitted like those of snakes. They have fangs that can extend from and retract into their gums. Pollux's venom paralyzes and kills; Castor's numbs pain. Also, they both have reptilian tails as long as the girls are tall. The tails aid in...
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posted by SilverWings13
“Then why did my gr- the king and queen tell me there was no solution?” Nerues demanded, managing to keep his tone level. At this, Thassa sighed and requested Yati, clearly his assistant, fetch tea from the kitchen. Once she was gone, the man explained, “I am a priest, young Nereus. As such, I have learned old ways that have been long forgotten.. or are strongly avoided. In this case, it is the latter. Your mother’s departure all those years ago remains sour in the rulers’ stomachs. They cannot bear giving you a gift only possible because of her treason against them. They are her...
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Crane sat next a elderly woman, his legs crossed as he listened to her talk. The male chuckled and shook his head, sighing softly as he leaned back in the seat he was in. "Times have really changed.." He said softly and looked out the window of the nursing home. "That they have.. Such a shame you weren't around to face that change. Everything was thrown at you once, wasn't it?" She asked, pulling up the covers a bit more.
"In a way it was.." He said and chuckled again, shrugging. "I'm slowly staring to cope, I've been struggling a bit though..going from the forties to the twenty-first century...
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"Everyone has that one thing that they wish they'd done, sure it may be different than others but it still hurts just the same."

The venom of his words recollected in his brain, but somehow it seemed as if he turned his fear into the desire of his fathers love it wouldn't seem so bad all those days ago. But that still didn't fade the memories and flashbacks he had about their last discussion.

"You're worthless you know that!?, can't you do anything right?"

He stiffened at the yelling from his father and sighed deeply closing his eyes as if the matter were his fault and true, but that wasn't...
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added by SilverWings13
Source: Google!
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added by SilverWingsYJ
Source: Comic vine
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Honesty clinched his teeth as he kept a fixed look on Ashley/Snowflake, she too did the same. A glowing light caught his eyes, he glanced at her left shoulder noticing a snowflake with a hexagon shape border around it. 'What in the world was Ice Hexagon doing on her shoulder? Its rightful place should be in the middle of her chest.' The blonde thought to himself. He then moved his eyes side to side noticing the shattered class windows that bar the chambers were now all over the floor. The other Hexagons namely, Nate, Melody, Phifi and Jaivus were all free from their bonds, but laid on the floor...
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Her head pounded as she slowly regain consciousness, the indigo-head strained her eyes open to a bright light in her face.
"You're up." Frostbite looks up noticing a woman with long midnight black hair. Though her head ached she manage to place a smile on her face. She looked around seeing that she was bonded in a chair in chains.
"I'm so happy that Queen of the Beetle is here to greet me on my wakening."
"Its my pleasure," Queen Beetle turned to Frostbite with a slight smile on her face in return Frostbite gave her a smile, "After all you did give permission take the Hexagons."
"I only did it...
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posted by Robin_Love
This is the time line where Lexi and the others are already there and Jamie has his squad. Sorry Sil, I mixed up the names DX

Name: Irra Weldon-Addams
Alias: Ray
Occupation: Apprentice
Powers: bends light, controls heat, expert street fighter, small weapons
Age: 15
Weaknesses: If she is kept in shadows or cold for more than a few hours, her light extinguishes; if she expends too much light she becomes uncontrollable; limited fighting endurance
History: Irra's parents died before she was a year old. She was taken in by an orphanage. By the time she was four, Irra had escaped her foster care home...
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spikes pierced and wore her flesh
spikes pierced and wore her flesh
Back in the room with Jaivus and his twin brother Honesty, Honesty had taken over from Salil beating Jaivus with more anger and power. Jaivus grunting and gasping bounced off the walls the paste of the lashes slowed and eventually stopped. Honesty walked up to Jaivus, who pants for air, dropped the whip on the ground and says, "That's what you get for betraying your people." Jaivus side-eyed him and smirk suddenly spitting blood on him. Honesty wiped off the blood and left the room.
On the other side of the wall Rene and Zack watch as Ashley is slowly being froze to death. Rene narrowed her...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Code name: Weapon 010:
Powers:Telepathic; controls a beetle-like animal (which is called beetle) once implanted into someone whether person or animal he can control then. He can also materialize himself into thousand of beetles and can create clones of himself with the beetles.
Appearance: Blonde hair and red eyes. Usually wears a black hoodie cloak.
Attitude: frank, hostile and devious.
Relations: Twin brother to Jaivus.
History&Past: Honesty was separated from his birth parents and his twin brother Jaivus at birth. He is the eldest between the twin. When He was separated...
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"What are you doing here Lelisa?" She asked bluntly, the bed lamp was switched on shining the light a devious redhead putting the pencil that was a few cm from her side of her face....
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posted by Robin_Love
Dick Grayson all dressed up
Dick Grayson all dressed up
Captivating. That was the only way he could describe her. Captivated; the only way he could describe how he felt right now. He watched as she seemed to hover over the floor although the skirt of her dress was short. She had a brilliant smile and stunning eyes. But he could see a layer of pain behind the happy front she was putting on. Had he never been trained as he was, he probably would have never known. But he was trained that way and he couldn't help how he badly he wanted to wipe away the pain. His sister's dedication gala was in full swing when he found his way back from his thoughts....
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