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Ana stretched her arms as she sat back in her seat, sighing as she slouched in the tall chair and surveyed the crowded bar. Between the time she had arrived with Callaghan and the time she finished her food, the relaxed dinner crowd had been replaced by rowdy evening drinkers.

There were mostly young adults, couples and friend groups. A teenager in a flowered sun dress cuddled up to a young man in a jean jacket and beanie. There was even a band consisting of a violinist, drummer, and guitarist setting up their equipment in the back corner.

Ana returned her attention to her own dinner partner. He was picking at the last of his spaetzle-- which the girl understood to be thick, cheesy egg noodles. She had already cleared her plate of sausages, sauerkraut, and a pretzel the size of her head. The rich new tastes had paired so perfectly with her frothing pint of beer that she had downed two of them to wash down the meal. The bar tender was eyeing her and her small stature as if expecting the girl to topple out of her chair. For once she felt thankful for her upbringing in a desert with little water, but plenty of fermented cactus juice.

Just then the band came to life. It was a raucous combination of hammering drum beats, sawing violin-ing, and singing too closely to the music. Table mates crowded closer together to shout over the noise. Voices, laughter, swearing, and music melded into a cacophony of weekenders splurging their work and college frustrations. Ana noticed Callaghan wince. "What's wrong?" she called over the noise. "You don't like music?"

"I forgot they played live music here on Friday nights! I feel bad for your terrible introduction to Berlin. I was hoping to make up for dinner with somewhere low key, not insane!" he shouted back. As if to prove his point, two beefy college boys tumbled to the ground as the wooden table gave way under their overly enthusiastic arm wrestling. A roar of laughter momentarily overtook the music as the fallen men were helped up by their comrades.

"It's okay, I like it," Ana insisted. When Callaghan's unconvinced frown remained, she rolled her eyes. "I thought you were a photographer, an artist. Aren't artists supposed to live in the moment, be a free spirit?"

She didn't hear his response as the back corner started clapping along as the band finally found their beat. But she could read the tension in his shoulders, the annoyance in those brown eyes. Flabbergasted with his stubborn decision that he had ruined her evening with a poor choice for dinner, Ana abruptly stole the warlock's drink, downed the pint, pushed back her seat, and jumped down from her chair. She stuck her tongue out at the warlock as she retreated through the crowd and towards the band, swaying with the beat.

By the time Cal caught up, Ana was nodding her head and shoulders in tune with the bass, clapping along with the rest of the crowd, a wide grin on her face. The warlock chuckled, amused by how easily the girl got into the music. She misinterpreted the laughter for mockery. Sticking her tongue out at him again, she spun past him, her elbows just barely missing him. "Hey!" he objected, attempting to catch her, but she twisted back with a giggle.

He followed after with a laugh as she ducked under an elbow of a meaty jock and skipped to an opening in the crowd. Ana danced backwards until Callaghan caught up, then squeaked and hopped onto a chair, then its table. Cal stopped himself from following after, remembering the earlier fiasco with the arm wrestlers ruining one table already. So he settled with watching her move to the music, bouncing on the balls of her feet, whirling in a slow circle, letting her arms lead her to the violin's tempo. She pushed her coppery curls from her face with her fingers and left them there as she rocked her body with the drummer's beat. The girl in the sundress leapt up beside her and they both giggled, putting their backs together and glancing over their shoulders to watch the other rock her body with the guitar's rumble.

Ana's eyes found Cal dancing beside the denim-jacketed teenager with a laugh. She jumped down from the table to let the other girl have the spotlight, accepting the beer that was offered for her joint performance. Parched and sweaty from dancing in the room packed with bodies, Ana drained the jug before rejoining her original dinner partner. He grinned when he saw her and let her move in close, swaying with him. "Having fun finally?" she shouted, her lips brushing his ear.

"You were incredible!" Callaghan yelled back. His next words were lost in the roar of the guitar solo. "What'd you say?" she asked once it gave way to the drum's beat once again.

"I asked how you do it, let yourself be so carefree. Most people who have been through what you went through would be so jaded and somber. But you don't let those things weigh you down!"

"What are you talking about?" she called, pulling away just a bit. The young man attempted to explain over the drums, "I mean what your sister had done to you-"

Ana had backed a foot away from him. Even as the dance's intoxication faded, her cheeks were flushed with the onsetting effects of the fourth beer. The music died away, and in the clamor of applause that followed, Cal realized he had made a mistake. " dad had people watching you and Eline," he attempted to explain. "I thought you knew!"

"Watching us?" she demanded. "You mean SPYING on us?" The redhead suddenly spun away, pushing through the crowd. She easily ducked and squeezed through the crowd with her tiny stature and had already stepped outside by the time Cal stumbled out into the dark alley.

"Ana, wait! You can't leave alone, you're drunk."

"Your dad was SPYING on us?!" she shouted. "That's insane! So you think you know everything about me now? How MUCH do you know about me?"

"Ana, please, calm down. I didn't mean to overstep. What Eline's men did to you, it's nothing to be ashamed of-"

"STOP." Ana held up a hand. Her eyes glinted gold with unkempt rage. "How MUCH do you know?"

"Just- just that you grew up in a demon dimension with your elder sister," he stumbled over himself. "That when she became queen, she turned on you, paranoid of everything that could threaten her power. She sold you to a king, ruined the marriage with his son the prince by having four of her men attack you... and a year later, you tried to kill her. And you failed. So she branded you a criminal to make an example out of you, and you became a courier..." He trailed off, and she stared back at him. The recounting of the worst parts of her life had drained the energy from her, reduced her to her drunken stupor. "What do you want from me?" she asked. "Because you seem to already have all the answers."

"I...want an alliance, that's all. Our families are meant to work together, to get justice for what they did to your family, and regain honor for all of us." As he answered, she crossed her arms and walked a few wobbly steps away as to distance herself from him. He resorted to a calmer tone. "I don't know everything about you, I know that. I don't understand why you waited a year to attack your sister after she ruined your marriage, or why you tried to do it on your own. And I don't understand your spirit, Ana, how you keep fighting, laughing, dancing, despite it all. So no... I don't know everything about you."

Ana turned back, her arms crossed as if the warm evening night held a chill only she could feel. "You don't know ANYTHING about me."

Callaghan returned her glare with a stare before finally nodding in submission. Ana turned back to face the street, dismissing his questions and guilt. "Take me home, Callaghan."
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jaime (Adams) Norrian
Alias: Valac
Powers: Flight, (wings) Telepathic, and.....JACK FROST POWERS :P Sword fighting, acrobatics, hacking…..ya know, the usual.
Past: Jaime, so far….hasn’t been captured by the school when he was born. Why? Because he was born with wings. At the age of 7, Jaime was captured and they took his wings. He despises the school and tries to burn it down every chance he gets. While, trying to burn it down, Jaime was knocked unconscious and regained his wings. Then, at the age of 16, Jaime was out ice skating with Ciel the ice cracked beneath his feet and he plunged...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Jaime! Wake up!" Naliak shook the sleeping winged child that was sprawled out on Hitachiin twins couch. Jaime reached up and put his hand on Naliaks face, pushing him away. 
"Five more minutes..." he rolled over pressing his face into the couch cushion. 
"Get up! Unless you want Dariyn to burn to death, I SUGGEST YOU MOVE IT!" Naliak jerked Jaime off the couch as he snapped himself upright blurring off, still keeping a tight grip on Naliak.
"Gah! You could've gave me heads up!" Naliak hit the ground with a thud and Jaime blurred towards the burning building only to be tackles by the Hitachiin...
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So here's my new OC….hope you like her!
Power: She is good with computers/hacking and she transforms herself into a machine…..basically an attack robot
She is from a wealthy family so she is able to afford all of her gadgets and wheel chair mechanics. She has had several medical problems ever since her accident. A man broke into her house when her parents were away on business. The man tried to rape her, but she managed to get away. As she was darting towards the stairs in her house, another man appeared and threw her over the stair railings and she landed on her back. The men left….maybe...
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*Chapter XIV: "Distraction"
*Chapter XV: "Destruction"
*Chapter XVI: "Defusion"
*Chapter XVII: "Murder"


Part Three:

*Chapter XVIII: "Storm Rising"
*Chapter XIX: "Powers" Part 2
*Chapter XX: "Gone...for Good?"
*Chapter XXI: "What Matters?"
*Chapter XXII: "Worry"
*Chapter XXIII: "Secret Midnight"
*Chapter XXIV: "Murder Cont."


Part Four:

*Chapter XXV: "Calm Before the Storm"
*Chapter XXVI: "Happy or Sad"
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Reporter: welcome to the Mclovins interview show, I like to welcome all of her OCs and tonight were here to see how we'll they know their creator.
Willow: ( looks around) I thought you promised free candy?
Reporter: I was lying now first question who is Devans favoirite oc?????
Rowan: id say me
Lucas: Rowan no its obviously me
Bentley: guys again why would you want to be her favourite?
Willow: ( blinks) true dat.
Myers: meow!!!!
Chance: does this kid always make animal noises?
Willow: dude he's deaf
Chance: oh O_o
Reporter: anyone have an answer?
All OCs: ......( blinks)
reporter: ( sighs) the answer is...
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posted by Blitz359
They left as the sun set in the horizon. Careful not to wake the others, Richi, Aryess, Nic, and Alek quietly left the hotel to finish the long adventure. Traveling across half of the city, none of them spoke a word the whole way through. Finally reaching the Itexicon building, Nic led them into the building from the rooftop. "You'd think they'd have better security..." muttered Richi, obviously suspicious of how easy it was to enter. After finding the stairs down, the 4 carefully climbed down the steps, floor by floor, until they stopped at the 10th floor, where the stairs were barricaded....
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Chapter Two.
"A Feather is Plucked"

A few years in the future, a lead was picked up by the FBI. It was a top secret file, until someone tapped into their database. New suspects arose, and the case was permanently stripped off of every tape, news report, cell phone camera. They even went to lengths so grand as to brainwash it from the officers on the case. The files, however, were taken from the database by a tick planted deep in the system. Investigation was canceled, due to the disappearance of young man -and survivor of an unknown mass murderer- Ciel Norrian.

"We've lost all communication."...
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posted by Robin_Love
Sleeping Devin ^-^
Sleeping Devin ^-^
Hello everyone! This is your daily dose of crazy via article from you leader, R_L!!!! I hope you all enjoy this! Today, I'm interviewing everyone's favorite Angel; Devin Grayson-Addams. Say hello Devin~!

Greetings fellow heroes.

Take me to your leader!


Oh dear.

Anyway, Devin you are here to answer questions some of your fans asked! Are you ready?

I will be as honest as I can.

Good! This first question is from SilverWings13. Silver asks, “If you could dye your wings ANY color, what color would it be?”

Hmmm....good question. Most people assume my favorite...
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posted by SilverWings13
Czarina, still on four legs, sped ahead of the others. She reached the edge of the zone of destruction and halted in her tracks. 
A semi-concious Scotch had her arms loosely around Richi’s neck, who stood in the center of the ruins. Everything surrounding them was blown back, demolished, as if there had been a vicious tornado, and the two teens had been in the eye of it.

“Remind me not to piss Scotch off,” Blaze muttered, who had reached the wolf along with the others. 

“Richi! Scotch!” Val raced forward to her friends. As she neared, she was able to better see the red beginning...
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posted by Robin_Love
Her eyes roamed around the room, taking in the familiar sight. Her stomach felt sick at the smell that had haunted her memory for months. The boxing trophies, the pictures, everything was the same. But cleaner. She sat up and tried to steady her heartbeat.
“Careful. You'll open the wound.”
She looked to the door then glared.
“You had no right to bring me here.”
“You were hurt. I wasn't going to leave you there.”
Cat looked away.
“I know you don't want to be here-”
“Do you?”
“But,” Tommy continued, ignoring her sarcasm, “there's no where else you can go.”
“I have friends...
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My evilness continues!!! *runs and hides* If you haven’t read it already, the prologue is link (it’s really short but pretty damn important).

2 weeks earlier.
A bow clattered to the hardwood floor, skidding to a stop in a patch of golden afternoon sunlight that reflected a blinding glare off of the metal. “No!” the dark-haired girl groaned, digging her fingers into her scalp in frustration. “How many times have I told you, that’s not how you hold it!”
Aisling didn’t respond, but shoved her hands in her pockets and crossed the training room to pick up her bow. Fin jogged over,...
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posted by Blitz359
The escape plan didn't work out as planned.

As the gang began to make their exit, two gunshots rang out, and someone cried out in pain. "Scotch!" Valeriya exclaimed. She crumpled, and behind her, the thug that Aryess had left alive was standing with a pistol raised and a smirk on his face. "One down..." he muttered to himself. In an instant, where his head used to be was but a spray of blood. Throwing his sword on the ground, Richi knelt beside Scotch as she lay bleeding. The others ran over too, concerned for their injured teammate. "Two gunshot wounds," Richi noted, "one to the stomach, the...
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posted by Robin_Love
He stepped quietly but quickly up the steps. He hoped they were here, or at least Tara. As he walked down the hallway, his thoughts turned to his brown-eyed girl. Her soft lips, her willing determination, her splendid brown hair. He could see her soft smile, the playful fire in her eyes.
His heart ached just thinking about her. But if everything went as he hoped, she would be in his arms in a few minutes. His arms started to hurt from not having her close. He shook his head and looked around. Two more doors to go. He knocked on the door, practically vibrating with energy.
He was a...
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((Whoopdy fucking doo... *twirls finger in the air*))

*sticks tongue out at GlitterPuff* Just start allready!


1.    Would you rather ride a seahorse when you are shrunk at a itsy bitsy size, or jump into a pool filled with seahorses and see if they will form a giant seahorse you could ride at your normal size?

2.    If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?

3.    When...
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posted by ScarletYJ
1) If you had to choose between riding on a rainbow or delivering rainbows, and why?

Is neither an option, not a big fan of rainbows

She's in a shitty mood just warning you

2) When is someone going to go elephant riding with me?

I could go with you next week if you really wanna go that bad

3) Would you rather live in a giant pumpkin, or eat a giant pumpkin?

What kinda question is that

oh for cripes sake just anwser the question

Fine I'd rather live in one

4) Unicorns or Space Unicorns? Please explain!


I give up! Your hopeless

*sighs* Unicorns cause they're one of the nicest mythical creatures...
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((Rene has some questions that she would like you all to answer...))


((Calm down girl...))


1)    If you had to choose between riding on a rainbow or delivering rainbows, and why?

2)    When is someone going to go elephant riding with me?

3)    Would you rather live in a giant pumpkin, or eat a giant pumpkin?...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Name: Ashley Nickson
Hero Name: Aquapoint
Age: 14

Appearance: blue hair and eyes.

Personality: optimist, likes to talk and is very friendly

Powers/Abilities: An archer and can control water. She uses her ability to create a bow and arrows by freezing the water.

Suit Design: body suit;ocean blue with water streams running on the hands, legs and back and all connects on the bust of the suit which has an arrow symbol.

Daily Clothing: t-shirt [mostly blue] and pants [usually dark blue or black]; ballet flats aka ballet pumps.

Past: had to leave her home at the age of six along with nine others due to...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Felicia the ArchAngel
Alias: The ArchAngel
Occupation: The ArchAngel of Heaven
Powers: Felicia has the gift of invulnerability. She can also stop any opponent with her gold sword. Her wings are impenetrable and she can also control the weather.
History: Felicia was the first Angel made and, therefore, rules over all the others. She is charged by knowing all her Angels. Felicia has two helper Angels who attend to her and her commands. Because she is the ArchAngel, Felicia has been targeted many times. She keeps herself, and a majority of the Angels, hidden where no one can find them except...
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Drumroll’s my brand-new series, CHASING SHADOWS!!!! Hopefully this one won’t get abandoned.. Ahahahaha you’re gonna hate me for this! *runs and hides*

She was in the third bed, sitting up propped on her good elbow, the other arm in a sling resting on her chest. She gave a faint smile as he approached the only occupied infirmary bed, her soft turquoise eyes meeting his icy gray ones. “How are you feeling?” he asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed.
    “Better,” she said. She slid closer to him, her face serious. She sighed, resting her head...
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posted by Blitz359
Upon reentering the boat, Richi and Aryess could still hear the bickering of the "team" of who should be the leader. Sighing once more, Richi snapped his fingers, and black hands emerged from the walls of the cabin and shut the mouths of everyone who was talking. As if it were rehearsed, almost everyone shifted their eyes over to Richi to glare at him. He snapped his fingers again, and released his now-silent teammates. "Before we spend the rest of the day arguing," he began, "shall we head to Georgia first?" After some grumbling, more arguing, and almost burning to death, they all consented....
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