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posted by SilverWings13
Hailey was first aware of the glass digging into her cheek, then the ringing in her ears. From her awkward angle on her back, she could see where the door had been smashed inward. Cracks spiderwebbed across the window pane.
A horrible screeching filled the wrecked limo as the door was pried off its hinges. Hailey raised an arm against the glass raining down as the door was yanked away, revealing the night sky. The stars were so abundant that it was easy to find the trail of smoke smudging out the dots of light.
Hailey grabbed ahold of the arms reaching down. Her left shoulder protested, but her heart was pounding louder than the screaming pain. The mansion was exploding again and again in her mind. And Aleksander, standing on the balcony above the crowd, the epaulettes on his shoulders winking beneath the chandeliers. Even as she was lifted from the wreckage, Hailey scrambled to her feet. She needed to get to the house, to the last place she had seen her best friend alive.
"Woah, wait--"
Hailey whirled around to the man standing behind her. The finely dressed stranger put up his hands defensively. He had the widest, brownest eyes she had ever seen, with a shockingly bleach-blond fringe that offset the seriousness of his three-piece suit. "I am so sorry that I T-boned your limo," he apologized.
"Did you just come from the party?" she demanded, his attire throwing her off.
"Oh, no, I was just heading there. Fashionably late and all." The young man gave her his proudest, cheekiest grin. It faltered though, as he looked past her and toward the house. "I hit you because the explosion distracted me. My father's in that house..."
Hailey stiffened, her heart demanding her attention with its urgent race for Aleksander. "I need to get back there, right now."
"All right, one of my men will stay here with your driver," he assured, going to his car and opening the passenger door for her. "I'll drive you back. I owe you for nearly killing you, after all."
"Yes, you do," she agreed, eagerly climbing into the barely-dented tank-of-a-jeep. There were two guards in the back seat, whom she hardly noticed as she glanced at her injured shoulder. The dark bruises were peppered by cuts, but none too deep to worry over.
The engine revved under the young man's hands as he jerked back from the crushed limo, yanked the steering wheel, and stomped on the gas to send them flying towards the burning mansion. "I'm Callaghan, by the way," he called over the engine's roar.
“Alek!” Anastasia opened her mouth to scream again, then realized the name had never gotten past the snow in her throat. The cold stung her skin as she rolled over, pushed herself up to her knees, and hacked up the ice from her lungs. “Alek?” she wheezed.
The air around her was choked with smoke. Trees were barely visible in front of her, and her back was hot. Glancing over her shoulder, the source of the heat proved to be what used to be an expensive Lithuanian mansion. Instead, there was a blackened monster with flames roaring in its empty eyes sockets.
As she watched, a blackened body stumbled out of the burning mansion. Ana lurched to her feet and moved backwards as quickly as her frozen knees would allow. The corpse reached towards her, opened its mouth in a silent scream. It lurched toward her, blackened skin dripping from its fingers, before it fell face first into the snow. Ana could feel the goosebumps texturing her skin.
The young woman kicked off her heels as she swiveled around in the ankle-deep snow. “Alek!” she screamed. There were other corpses laying in the snow, some charred, some twitching in ripped suits and gowns. Ana’s eyes scanned every one of them, searching for her brother. A woman in a red kimono, one she recognized from Wilhelm Magnus’ entourage, groaned into the snow. The redhead stumbled to her side and turned her stiff body on its side. The representative had already taken her last breath, and her eyes only blankly stared up at the teenager.
A growl resonated from the burning house, then echoed ahead of her. Ana lifted her gaze from the corpse to find eyes drilling into her, glowing through the smoke. As she watched, the skeleton of a cougar separated itself from the shadowing trees. The smoke clung to its bones as it stalked forward. Ana froze on her knees, transfixed by the massive canines nearly grazing the fallen snow. The undead animal stared at her over the dead bodies littering the ground between them. It didn’t seem to breath as it opened its jaws to snarl at her again. Ana wanted to growl back, but her voice stuck in her throat, frozen by the snow and suffocated by the smoke.
The cougar’s bones shifted with eerie smoothness as it crouched to lunge. She wanted to run, to not find her brother among the unrecognizable burn victims, to get warm and away from the undead cat about to pounce on her like a defenseless field mouse. But her bluing legs refused to move even an inch.
The cougar's eyes bore into her with a driven hunger, then just as quickly darted away. Its gleaming bones shifted soundlessly as the cat retreated a step. A figure separated from the trees as soundlessly as the beast—a brunette in a thick ermine coat, a manicured hand white-knuckled around a revolver.
“Octavia!” Ana exclaimed with relief. She winced when the cougar’s tail—a chain of arrowhead-shaped bones—flicked at the sound. The fire was roaring behind her, but the bonfire was a background noise to the soft crunch of snow as Octavia stepped carefully around the bodies to reach Ana. Her polished boots gleamed in the starlight, undeterred by the thickening smoke or melting flesh. The woman came to a stop a foot away from the redhead. She stood over the younger, her back perfectly straight and mascaraed lashes unblinking. “The fire threw you a little farther from the back door than I calculated.”
Ana stared up at her brother’s ally. “What?” she asked dumbly.
“These ones jumped from the windows.” Octavia gestured casually to the graveyard around them with her chin. “You should have seen it, but I guess you lost consciousness when you hit the snow?”
“Where’s Alek?” she whispered, the cold and smoke fighting for control of her lungs.
“Oh, he’s…somewhere around here. My kitties will find him, I’m sure.” A second skeletal feline had stalked from the woods. It paced just behind Octavia, waiting obediently for the next command. The witch smirked as the teenager slumped with relief. “Ah, you thought he might have known about this? God, no. That man thinks he’s a genius, but he underestimates love. Ever since I found out that bastard was alive, I’ve wanted him dead for killing Thomas…There will be plenty of people who want him brought to justice as well, seeing as he’s so suspiciously the lone survivor of this catastrophe.”
Ana didn’t need to contemplate her meaning for long once the revolver’s muzzle was raised at her forehead. “I wish my birds had been successful in capturing you in Berlin…it would have made things a lot easier. But if I let you live, Aleksander will just find a way to keep using you in his schemes…Why did you let him use you tonight, as something for others to rally behind?”
“Because I trusted him,” Anastasia spat at the witch. Her own fire fought back the ice threatening to choke her again. “Just like we trusted YOU.”
A click came from the revolver as it was loaded. The undead cats’ heads twitched as their nonexistent ears perked. Octavia smirked. “Well, don’t you feel stupid?”
posted by Blitz359
"Your mission here is quite simple," began Cole. "Simply exterminate the head chairman that controls the factory near this location. You need to do this with stealth and with haste; if you are spotted, it is in your own hands to escape." Richi looked at Cole with disbelief. "So you expect us to sneak into this factory, assassinate the man who controls the building, and then sneak back out before anyone sees us?"

Cole looked at the blonde with a face plastered with mockery. "And here I thought you had at least above-par intelligence. Seems like I was wrong if you need your instructions told to...
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posted by Blitz359
The boat hummed as it skimmed across the water in the dead of night. The three passengers were completely silent as their destination loomed overhead, looking ever so mysterious in the light of the moon. As the boat docked, the passengers quickly jumped out and covered the boat with a dark tarp. In their stealth suits, they seemed to resemble assassins, but they're purpose to being on this island was a mystery to even them.

"Where's the rendezvous again?" asked Valeriya. "The directions weren't too clear." Without hesitation, the violet-haired girl replied, "It's about 5 miles north of here."...
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posted by Blitz359
Scotch patiently waited on the park bench in the dim lamplight for the others to appear. She looked down at her new watch and sighed. "Movie's starting soon. Where are they?"

5 minutes later, she rose from her cold seat and stretched her legs. Probably forgot. She started down the sidewalk when she heard her name being shouted behind her. Turning around, she saw Richi running toward her, his clothes slightly disheveled and slightly out of breath.

"Sorry, had to meet up with an old friend for a moment," he apologized. She gave a small smile to let him know it was alright. She peeked around Richi...
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posted by Robin_Love
Okay here's another update. Since I keep making bios, I have to straighten out which are for story use and which are my “main” ones. Why the quotes? Because they are the ones I use or plan to use most though they are not all my actual main Ocs. Just keep that in mind. Okay? Good. Look below and you'll see the list of my main Ocs from the very beginning.

Guardians (Dylan's four)
Notte (Dylan)
Aria (Devin)
Speed (Erin)

So those are the main ones I use more than the others. And then here's who is added to that list due to recent bio creations. And I'll post pics of these guys. You may remember them.


So any other Ocs you remember or have read a bio on, message me. I may have forgotten them or why they are important. So yeah. That's th list. Thanks for reading the update.
Felicia the ArchAngel
Felicia the ArchAngel
posted by Robin_Love
Name: Dawn Sayori
Alias: Yuki
Occupation: vigilante; Neko
Powers: agility, flexibility, claws, acrobat, “moonlight glow”, charm
History: Dawn grew up with everything handed to her on a silver platter. She has worked, but most everything has been given to her. Her mother is a Neko, her father human. Because of the mixed blood, Dawn has been pampered by both parents. She is an only child and accepts this. When her father's fortune failed, Dawn's mother moved them to the beach, still living in the Golden state. Dawn made new friends there and is still pampered with everything and anything she...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
"Why can't be hitch a ride?" She asks.
"If either of us uses our powers they'll know and they'll find us fasted." he tells her, and she nods.

A few hours later.

The young girl walked behind the young man, she drags her feet, she gasps with every step she takes. She finally gives up and falls to her knees.
"Rohan, I tired please can we stop. Rest a bit please." She tells him. Rohan halts and turn to her, he looks at her with sleepy eyes and then walks up to at her,
"Melody I know your tired so am I, but just a few more...
"You said that already," Melody said interrupted him, "You might be use to...
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posted by ValacYJ
Due to recent exercerions, and incidents, I will be leaving FanPop. Forever. Mainly because I'm gonna bring my schoolwork up. Good bye and have a nice life.

~Fly On,




..NAH! I'm just kidding, I cant survive seven hours. Much less a life time. Anyway, just giving you an update and all that...crap :P Anyway, so Dariyn is dead..he was part of Jaimes team.. Along with, Sift, Hinata and...someone else? And, I'll have a forum come around sometime...maybe. *shrugs*

DON'T go in a fit of rage, (Raven.) because i'm not actually leave..what? Can't a girl have fun? I'll be on as always :P
posted by WingsOfDeath
"Here you go dear." Devin handed the ten year old child a gremlin/Frankenstein looking creation. It had floppy cat ears, different sized button for eyes, and different scraps of fabric holding the body together. An evil grin spread across the bulbous head, almost enough to creep out Fang.
"Thank you mommy!" Mel squealed in delight.
"This will chase the monsters away." Devin kissed the child's head. Mel giggled, planting a kiss on her mother's cheek.
"Goodnight dear." Devin wrapped her arms around the small child, kneeling down. Mel wrapped her arms around her mother, giggling.
"His name is Jackson....
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posted by MercyYJ
I'm to HYPER to switch accounts!!!!!!!!!!!

NAME: Spin-- Get it? Since spiders SPIN webs? Yeah...

SECRET IDENTITY: (Not known to team- except Batman, since he knows everything) Hailey King

-Enhanced strength and agility
-Hand to hand and agility combat

-Extremely cocky
-Secretive; What would you expect? She cares about her non-hero life!
-A bit of a hot-head

AGE: 17

-Short blonde hair
-Blue eyes
-Agile build
-5' 7"

-Black leggings
-Long turquoise blouse
-Ed Hardy rain boots

Ummmm..... I still have...
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posted by BladeYJ
((each part is a different ship/couple I love))

Blade snuck into The Cave. Her steps were silent as she adjusted the bag over her shoulder. The clock that read 3:23 A.M on the wall, even seemed to sleepily drag on.
Slowly she she tip-toed to the stockings and dropped a small present in each one labeled with her teammates names.

A smile painted her lips as she turned to the hallway. Quietly she walked towards her destination, but stopped as a small figure stood in her path.
"S-santa?" The black-haired girl muttered still trying to rid the sleep from her eyes.
Blade stood shocked, her eyes wide,...
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posted by YJTTFAN
“Wow...” I breath out. This place was amazing, so many hallways and rooms hidden inside a freaking mountain! I have to jog to keep up with Nightwing, the handsome leader of Young Justice, the first Robin. This man was a living legend, who really lives up the the legend. I could see the walls turned from shiny silver metal to a dull grey metal, there was literally fuse marks in a shard-like shape, as if someone had took two pieces and welded them together. My eyes grow wide and a crazed grin comes over my face.
“Are we in the wing that wasn't blow up by Black Manta?!” I said giddily....
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posted by KineticYJ
Hero Name: Kinetic

Name: Violet Summers Age: 15 Height:5'5

Appearance: Purple hair, pale skin, green - blue eyes, killer smile. Rose tattoo on left hip.

Personality: Loyal, brave, protective, bubbly, spontaneous, loves people and animals.

Powers: kinetic absorption, Energy blasts, Force Fields, Flight, Energy Conversion, can use human, object, and animal energy to wield as she deems fit. Can remove energy from once body.Can seperate into 3, each one weilding all powers, one who's only human, and the other that can only reroute and absorb energy.
( Rarely ever splits )

Bio: (lazy style)
-Mother abandoned...
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(( Bentleys P.O.V ))
I dodged the attack and sliced at the beast in the chest making it disappear into sparks, I breathed heavily as I scanned the area for any more enemies, seeing nothing I flipped my sword back into my back shealth. Its been about six months since this whole game began, there were only so many of us left. It was sad really but in this game you had to keep positive and strong, being the black swordsman wasn’t at all what it was cracked up to be, a lot of players depended on me here and I couldn’t be everywhere to save people. I had only cleared so many floors and could...
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posted by SouthYJ
[Archer Clan. Moonset.]

"Tiger Storm?" The leader of the Archer Clan's voice was soft and comforting as he slowly entered her room.
"Yes, sir?" Aisling replied surprised," What brings you to my room at this time, you should be resting." Aisling continued cleaning her bow looking up at her leader from time to time.
"I have some business to discuss, it's about the Princess and this, this 'ransom'. I wa-"
She cut him off looking sternly at him,"You want me to beat the Rouges to her and bring her back here?"
The Leader smiled in surprise,"This is why I chose you, Tiger Storm, gather some supplies...
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The grey helmet in his hands looked quite harmless if he had to describe it, he sat on his bed staring at it and inspecting every angle possible. How could a little piece of head gear like this be such a danger?, he thought to himself, his train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the bed room door and the soft yet loud voice that he so loved shout from the outside of the door. " B!? im going out on a quick run ill be back soon " Aryess shouted out, Bentley heard the apartment door shut and her footsteps fade into the hallway and disappear. He breathed in deeply when his cell phone buzzed...
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posted by SouthYJ
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posted by Robin_Love
“NO! Nononononononononononononononono!”
“Yes! You have to-OW!”
Cat ran off in her footed pajamas and hide while Zeth walked over to the three others who had already tried.
“She BITE me!”
“She really hates bedtime,” Trevor commented.
Zero shook his head and led Todd into the living room. They could hear Cat laughing about whatever game had been left on that she now found entertaining.
“Die Zombie! Die! No fair! I killed that zombie!”
Todd chuckled as they entered the room and Cat ran off again.
“I don't understand how he gets her to bed.”
“The better for us.”
“Except Terror's...
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posted by ValacYJ
Name: Jaime Adams. Or…”princess”
Alias: Valac
Relationship: *giggle* Ciel Norrian (Harmonian)
Powers: -Flight (wings), telepathic, ability to learn new languages instantly
Skills: Sword fighting, acrobatics, hacking…..ya know, the usual.
Past: Jaime, so far….hasn’t been captured by the school when he was born. Why? Because he was born with wings. At the age of 7, Jaime was captured and they took his wings. He despises the school and tries to burn it down every chance he gets. While, trying to burn it down, Jaime was knocked unconscious and regained his wings.
Other: –Called princess because he’s lazy and won’t train.
-Keeps throwing cards, knives, etc. in his coat sleeves.
-Looks like Devin, acts somewhat like Fang.
-Picks on Lexi and Mel the most.
-Age is 16, Jaime stays in the 5 year timeline. Normally he would be 11. So, he's in the YJ Invasion crew...Just, yeah. It's confusing.
Ciel and Jaime :3
Ciel and Jaime :3
posted by NaliakYJ
A fourteen Jacob walked silently through his parents home, hold a freshly made clay pot in his hands, the leaned down against the wall and listened to their conversation. 
"We have to earn more money, what we are earning now, it isn't enough." His father sighed and relaxed in his chair. Jacob slipped from the wall and walked over to his father. 
"Look dad..I finally finished the pot you wanted me too...." Jacob handed the clay figure over to his father. He  closely inspected the figure and smashed it against the ground making a clattering noise. 
"How did you expect me to sell that! It wasn't...
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posted by Robin_Love
Irra-dressed as a girl
Irra-dressed as a girl
This is the time line where Lexi and the others are already there and Jamie has his squad

Name: Irra Weldon-Addams
Alias: Ray
Occupation: Apprentice
Powers: bends light, wings, controls heat, expert street fighter, small weapons
Age: 15
Weaknesses: If she is kept in shadows or cold for more than a few hours, her light extinguishes; if she expends too much light she becomes uncontrollable; limited fighting endurance
History: Irra's parents died before she was a year old. She was taken in by an orphanage. By the time she was four, Irra had escaped her foster care home and stayed in the streets. She...
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