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posted by Robin_Love
Callista Aldric
Callista Aldric
Might become a multipart series. IDK yet.

He walked deep into a forest, looking around. Where was he? What had happened? He couldn’t remember. But the further he walked, the thinner the trees got till he was eventually in a meadow. And the sun was shining brightly, dazzling the river water in rays of light. He went closer to the water, dipping his toes in the chill. He sighed softly. How long had it been since he was this relaxed? He couldn’t remember. He pushed the red hair out of his face as he walked back into the meadow. Then he stopped. There was a girl picking wildflowers. She looked to be about 15 years of age. Her skin was creamy and her hair was as red as a cardinal’s wing. Her eyes were purple, he knew from a distance they were. She was humming softly and smiling. She suddenly turned to him.
“Big brother!!”
She smiled brightly and he could only stare as she ran into his awaiting arms. The scent of roses filled his senses and he clung tightly to the girl, his arms wrapping tightly around her thin body. She hugged him fiercely and the two shared a quite moment.
“I missed you!”
Her voice was soft and smooth, a song to his heart, one he hadn’t heard in ages.
“I missed you too, Calli.”
He let loose the tears that he had been holding back for years and she smiled, wiping them away.
“Blaine….don’t cry.”
“It’s been so long, Callista. Thousands of years. How are you..?”
“Alive? I’m not. Not really. I came to see you.”
He sighed.
“So you aren’t alive….”
The sadness in his voice caused her smile to falter.
“No..but look at you! You’ve grown up; and are engaged!!! I can’t believe it! My big brother is engaged and it’s not to the nasty duchess!”
He smiled softly.
“You would lover her, Cal. She’s amazing.”
She touched his cheek and smiled.
“I know. She’s good for you.”
They shared a smile and he hugged her tightly.
“Please don’t go. Not again”
She hugged tighter and sighed.
“I have to, Blaine.”
“No don’t...not yet.”
Her voice faded and he tried to hold her tighter.
He gasped and opened his eyes, sitting up. He panted as he looked around. He was back at the castle. He had been sleeping. Ana slept beside him, her body the weight of reality he needed. He wiped the tears and sweat off his face. He looked out the window at the moon and sighed. Just a dream. It was always just a dream. He got out of bed and paced before leaving the room entirely. Everything felt too small, too out of place. He needed to get some air. He needed to clear his head. He needed to forget these dreams ever happened. He needed to move away from the death of his sister and be done. He paced outside, his head in his hands.
“Damn you to hell, Kuran!”
He stopped and wiped the tears away from his eyes as he fell to his knees, mourning the loss of someone he had held so dear. Nothing had haunted him quite like her death, not even the loss of his parents. He took several deep breaths and tried to stop the tears. When he opened his eyes, he was gone again, this time surrounded in dark forest. No light shone through and he could barely make the outline of the trees out. A shadow stood before him and his heart turned cold, his tears evaporating.
“What a pathetic king you are. Crying over something you can’t change. Why Father chose you is a mystery to me.”
Blaine glared up at the form and stood.
“You’re one to talk.”
The two glared at each other for several minutes.
“You can’t stop me, brother. I will get her and I will become the most powerful king the world has ever seen. You just wait!”
“Then you’ll be waiting forever cause I will stop you, Kuran!”
“Then give it your best shot, pathetic mess that you are.”
And in the blink of an eye, he was back, the moon shining bright once more. He growled and walked back into the castle, finding the study and pulling a stack of books from the shelves. He set to work on them, deciding now it was time to enable an act of war.
Kuran Aldric
Kuran Aldric
XxKFforeverXx's lovely work.

Jaime's feet hit the ground hard, and kept running carrying his younger sister is in his arms. 
"Bubby! Hurry!" Lexi screamed and held on tighter as Seraphs slowly gained upon them. 
"C'mere you brats!" Seraphs reached out and grabbed Jaime's jacket, slamming them both into the ground. Seraphs jerked Lexi out of his arms and soon pulled Jaime up, keeping a gun to both their heads. 
"Pity, you certainly don't live up to your fathers standards, do you?" Seraphs smirked and Jaime growled. 
"You're pathetic, he'll end up killing you one day."
"True. But I'll get one of...
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posted by Blitz359
“Recognized: SilverWings, B-26”
“Sil! You’re not dead!” The blonde had barely stepped through the zeta-tube
before she was tackled in a hug. “Hey, Mel,” she greeted with a wide grin.
“Where have you been? Are you okay? I died! Like, literally, it-,” the energetic girl
ceased her rapid-fire questions as the computer announced another presence.
“Recognized: Thirteen, B-35.”
“Alek!” Melissa turned, but froze as a snow haired, icy-blue eyed, frost-pale
skinned boy she didn't recognize stepped into the room. The Russian sighed, “I
am aware we have much to explain. But first...”...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
I had writer's block for almost 2 week that's y this is late.

“Who are you and how do you know my name?” Aquapoint inquired, aiming an arrow at Lelisa. Lelisa waved the arrow she had caught.
“The names Lelisa and for second part of your question,you’re an Aquanason, there’s only three like you around here, Salil the boy who’s got that archer in a loop hole, Kaya the heartless leader and you.”
“My sister isn't heartless!!” Aquapoint shouts at her, shooting more arrows.
“Why are you denying it, it is true.” Lelisa said, dodging the arrows.
“Don’t pretend you know her.”
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She layed in her bed while a blue gleam entered the room, her grey eyes blinked back tears, she felt lonesome, empty…..just like when her parents died. A knock sounded at the door along with the deep voice that was her brother, “ hey Ary you awake in there? We need to talk “ Declan said from outside the door. Aryess wiped tears from her eyes and hissed out “ I wouldn’t be asleep with how loud your talking anyway “, “ are you decent? im coming in “ he announced. Aryess let out a sigh of annoyance as a sign for him to come in, the door opened and the blonde haired boy entered...
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posted by BladeYJ
Mmmhphh c;
Mmmhphh c;
He was once again called to kill another idioct vampire, that believed he could take over the world, would they ever learn?


"Any last words?" he cocked his gun and smirked.
"You're an imb-"
He pulled the trigger before words could escape, and watched as the vampire disintegrated.
Quickly he left the church and headed into the woods, first a town of beasts and now a vampire, what more could he handle?
While walking, enjoying the night of no stars and a half moon, his red eyes caught a girl of smaller stature than his own. "A human? But I thought they all died in town."

D's eyes narrowed as...
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posted by BladeYJ
Dem eyes tho~
Dem eyes tho~

"Any last words?" he cocked his gun and smirked.
"You're an imb-"
He pulled the trigger before words could escape, and watched as the vampire disintegrated.
Quickly he left the church and headed into the woods, first a town of beasts and now a vampire, what more could he handle?
While walking, enjoying the night of no stars and a half moon, his red eyes caught a girl of smaller stature than his own. "A human? But I thought they all died in town."
D's eyes narrowed as he stalked the girl, she was running, but from what? Ignoring all his senses to pursue the her and take her fresh blood, he followed the human instead. She was quick and agile, her eyes showed no fear, yet deep inside he could read she was petrified. Suddenly, she stopped backing up against a gate, cornered as a dark shadow towered over her.
"I thought I killed him?" He hissed placing his hand on his Smith and Wesson.

Let the transformation begin.
Probably my sexiest boy OC.
Probably my sexiest boy OC.
Yeah, Probably.. (;
Yeah, Probably.. (;
Jet sat in the guest chair staring at the ink that lay across the paper of the form in his hands, he sucked in a breath as he read the words and they processed through his brain. He didn’t like the idea of doing this but it may be the only thing he can do for his cousin. Footsteps sounded suddenly as the blonde entered the room, grey met brown as she scanned her eyes down to the form in Jets hands “ whats that? “ she asked with some anger trying to be hidden by calmness in her tone. She knew, she knew what this form was for, and she didn’t like it. Jet let out a breath and muttered...
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The title says it all.
And no, I'm not leaving. That's not to say that I'm not pissed off at all you people. And I'm warning you now, you might hate this. You might get offended, you might hate me, but I don't give a flying Grayson about that. You guys have taught me just how stupid online drama is, and just how important it is NOT to let yourself get affected by it. So flame me all you want. I just need to rant.
Seriously, when did all this shit start happening? First our lovely Esmerelda decides to "leave forever" (anyone wanna count the number of times he's said that? Good. I didn't think...
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posted by Robin_Love
For those who love red-heads
For those who love red-heads
Name: Jackson Rider
Alias: J-Rider
Occupation: Shadow hunter
Powers: shadow manipulation, agility, fire, combat expert
History: Jackson grew up with Dylan in the orphanage. He was adopted before it was burned down, but his foster parents were abusive. He ran away and his fully developed powers acted upon his emotions. He accidentally started a fire in a nearby town before he was found by his long time friend. Dylan introduced him into the Shadow Corps, where he was mentored and trained. He has become an expert in destroying shadow realms, only beaten by Dylan himself. Jackson and Dylan have an...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I didn't expect you to come here. Maybe you're just a fool.”
She looked at the figure in her mirror. His dark laugh filled the room.
“I've come to collect.”
“You had your pay. You stole it. Or do you not remember.”
“Wrong. You are the one who has forgotten. I have big plans. And you still fit in the picture.”
She turned to face him, eyes blazing.
“You should know by now that I won't be a part of your games!”
“Not willingly, no. But you are not your own master anymore, Angel.”
He pulled a lantern from the shadows and her eyes fastened on it. Inside was a glow of energy.
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posted by FangYJ
Fangs backstory!

March 26
17 years ago. 

Jeb smiled, staring down at the small infant in front of him. 
"Magnificent little creature, isn't he?" Jeb held up the small dark hair child. 
"What make him more special than the other ones, Sir?" A scientist sat behind him, filling out paperwork. 
"Don't you know?" Jeb turned his head and looked behind him. "This little fellow was born two months earlier than expected." The scientist gave Jeb a confused look. 
"But Sir, he-" Jeb cut him off
"Yes, I know he looks like full term child...but he isn't." Jeb set the small infant down and picked up the paperwork...
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Greetings! I have debated this for several days and have finally made up my mind to leave fanpop forever. I will NOT be coming back under any circumstances.

Yes, yes, I know you're all anxious for me to get out the door, but I need to clear up a few things first:

Red Revenge VI: The Legend Falls WILL premiere July 26 on The Mega-Trailer reveal will premiere April 1, once again on The link to my account is link.

This will be the final book in the Red Revenge/DC Comics crossover. After this book, I will be publishing all of my Red Revenge books on the...
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Sorry this took so long. I really have no excuse, considering it was already written....Please don’t kill me. Old chapters: link and link
Aisling looked up in shock, her turquoise eyes round with terror. A moment’s panic stirred in her when she saw Fin, but her friend seemed to be fine, was already pushing herself into a sitting position, rubbing her bruised side. A sudden thought occurred to her, and she turned to Fin, questioningly. There were no signs of a bullet or any other weapon, so what had knocked her down?
    Before she had time to say a word, another blast...
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Everyone still stood in Rene’s apartment, besides Zack, when Tess walked in.

    “Dammit, I though no one would be here.” Quickly she went over to Rene and shook her. “Rene! Wake up! You’re Rene, not Cosette!!” Blade pulled Tess off of Rene and threw her on the floor. Rene woke up quietly without anyone noticing.

    “Tess, we can’t do that to her!” Blade whisper shouted.

    “And why is that?”

    “Because she’ll get utterly confused, sad, and she’ll have no idea what the hell anything is!”...
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posted by Mclovin_69
He store at the screen in front of him deep in thought as he looked at the young couple walk through the eighty first level, they were getting close, too close for his comfort. “ I thought you said you separated them…” he muttered sitting in his chair, the familiar man behind him looked down “ she escaped im sorry I failed you master “ he muttered, “ sorry? Im done with that word! You have failed me too many times! “ he shouted making the man behind him flinch slightly. He had a low growl and rasp in his tone “ I guess its time I do this myself since you are so incapable….”...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Phoebe took Rene to her apartment. Of course while Phoebe took her home, Rene clung to her as much as possible. Phoebe tried to pry her off without hurting her severely. They went into Rene’s apartment; the red head sitting on the couch, looking at what she though was her mother.

    “Okay R- Cosette, please stay here."

    “But, I want to go out, and see people.”

    “No! I mean, it’s too late Cosette. Maybe another time…”

    “Okay…” Rene said, looking down at the floor. Phoebe laid her down...
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posted by GlitterPuff
The girl sat in the training room, playing with a bunch of potions. She pulled a heavy cauldron from out of her locker and put it in the center of the room. The girl put in a few neon colored potions and a dark blue powder inside, stirring it with a big wooden spoon. A mist rose from the pot, making the room smell like thyme and rosemary. She said a few magic words, making the creation bubble, rising from the pot. Her voice grew as she said a spell and BAM! The creation exploded, making her fall back. Rene sat up and rubbed her head, looking around herself, confused.

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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jaime (Adams) Norrian
Alias: Valac
Powers: Flight, (wings) Telepathic, and.....JACK FROST POWERS :P Sword fighting, acrobatics, hacking…..ya know, the usual.
Past: Jaime, so far….hasn’t been captured by the school when he was born. Why? Because he was born with wings. At the age of 7, Jaime was captured and they took his wings. He despises the school and tries to burn it down every chance he gets. While, trying to burn it down, Jaime was knocked unconscious and regained his wings. Then, at the age of 16, Jaime was out ice skating with Ciel the ice cracked beneath his feet and he plunged...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Jaime! Wake up!" Naliak shook the sleeping winged child that was sprawled out on Hitachiin twins couch. Jaime reached up and put his hand on Naliaks face, pushing him away. 
"Five more minutes..." he rolled over pressing his face into the couch cushion. 
"Get up! Unless you want Dariyn to burn to death, I SUGGEST YOU MOVE IT!" Naliak jerked Jaime off the couch as he snapped himself upright blurring off, still keeping a tight grip on Naliak.
"Gah! You could've gave me heads up!" Naliak hit the ground with a thud and Jaime blurred towards the burning building only to be tackles by the Hitachiin...
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So here's my new OC….hope you like her!
Power: She is good with computers/hacking and she transforms herself into a machine…..basically an attack robot
She is from a wealthy family so she is able to afford all of her gadgets and wheel chair mechanics. She has had several medical problems ever since her accident. A man broke into her house when her parents were away on business. The man tried to rape her, but she managed to get away. As she was darting towards the stairs in her house, another man appeared and threw her over the stair railings and she landed on her back. The men left….maybe...
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