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posted by SilverWings13
The endless halls of the immense cathedral were quiet, but not silent. Wind whispered through cracks in the ancient walls and wooden floors, like ghosts seeping in and out of the hallways. Tall stained glass windows allowed in colorful light during the day. The infirmary’s windows, however, were plain glass, and the moonlight filtered into the room as soft white light between shadows. The only color came from a single, small rose stain-glass window high above the door. Nestled in the center of the purple and gold petals was a tiny angel. The angel had its eyes closed and head bowed over the room’s single inhabitant, a man who’s skin and hair were as white as the moon’s light. He lay still as death in his bed until one of the shadows moved.
The vampire suddenly jolted upward from sleep. The figure in front of him was dressed in black, metallic looking material. A cowl covered the lower half of her young face. When she moved silently towards him, her long blonde braid swayed like a waiting cat’s flicking tail. The vampire opened his mouth to scream. The bandages in his neck where his skin had been ravaged pulled and ached in protest. The sudden memory of the one who had put him in that bed came flooding back, leaving him to choke on his scream. She had been red as a blazing fire, moved like leaping flames, and punished him like an inferno.
But when this new assassin’s hand suddenly clamped over his mouth, it was like a cool shadow suddenly materializing. Her eyes glinted silver as she warned him to be quiet or risk the blade pressing against his stomach through his thin undershirt.
“You look frightened,” she observed as she sat on the edge of the cot. Her voice could have been anyone’s mother’s, and her movements were as graceful as any caretaker’s as she took away her hand from his mouth and leaned over to slowly detach the needle feeding blood into his weak body. The threat of the dagger persisted against his gut.
“Gosh, my friend really did a number on you, didn’t she?” His colorless eyes must have bulged, because she quickly assured, “Oh, no, please, relax. I’m not quite as...brutal as her. A death by me is short and sweet, Xīn’Ài.* What is your name?”
He stared at her, speechless, until the freezing point pushed more insistently against his stomach.
“Neige,” he rasped, “Blanc du Neige.”**
“Snow White?” she asked. “Sounds like an assassin’s name if I’ve ever heard one. But you are not French.”
Neige nearly jumped when he suddenly felt the flat of the dagger punctured his shirt and rest against his skin. “N-no, no, ma’am. I’m of Siberia. I only came to the West once a hundred years ago, to Paris, and that is where I got my name.”
“Oh? You’ve come a long way to kill one warlock.”
“The money was very good. Technically the she-wolves and I were working together, but whoever actually brought back the Owl King was to be rewarded the full money. We weren’t hired to kill him, just retrieve him.” He panted from speaking so quickly, but only breathed as hard as he dared with the metal pressed against his skin.
“And? Who hired you?”
He only hesitated a painful breath before admitting, “I don’t know! A nameless messenger sought me out from my small village. It was the same for the she-wolves! They were also from my village, a place with no name, so I don’t have any idea who hired us or why. I just wanted the job. It is what I do! You understand.”
“I do,” she agreed. “Where were you told to bring the Owl King?”
“Here! It is why I came here as soon as I could drag myself out of the alley. But the nuns didn’t know anything about me, I don’t think. Whoever was meant to meet me must have arrived and fled without the clergy knowing.”
“Ah, don’t worry, I’m not inclined to torture Sisters of the Church. Unless, of course, you give them reason to come in here right now?” When Niege shook his head quickly, the black-clad woman stood from the bed. He sagged forward with a deep exhale, but was stopped from reaching for the blood bags needle by the question, “You live with wolves?”
“Yes...My father was a vampire like me, and mother was of the Velesian*** tribe, the horned white wolves. But I was not born with the ability to shape shift. Some thought I might be closer related to our ancestor, Rahurikkuja, the first king of Russia who was a simple human.”
“By Rahurikkuja, you mean Rurik?”
“Ah, you are a Westerner.”
The young woman nodded, as if satisfied, and returned her dagger to her boot. Neige relaxed back into his bed and slowly inserted the blood bag’s needle back into his arm. A satisfied breath hissed between his teeth as the elixir slowly flowed into him. When he reopened his eyes, he was startled to find the assassin still there.
Her eyes squinted as if she were smiling behind her cowl. “You’ve been most forthcoming. I thought all assassins were taught in grade school to withstand torture?”
“It is not you I am afraid of. It is that she-monster of Nav****! I’ve never heard of another creature drinking a vampire's blood so savagely. Keep that cursed blood red anathema away from me!”
“With pleasure.”
Her shoulder barely seemed to twitch, but her tiny throwing blade suddenly “thunked” into the vampire’s skull. His colorless eyes rolled back, as if trying to see the silver gleaming between his eyes, before his whole body slumped back. His head rested on the cot’s back railing so that his unseeing eyes were raised to the heavens.
A breath later the circular rose window clicked shut, leaving the corpse alone again with only an angel as witness.

*Xīn’Ài (心爱)= Love, Mandarin
**Blanc du Neige = Snow White, literally White of the Snow, French
***Velesian = people of Veles, king of the Slavic underworld. Depicted with horns as ruler of beasts.
****Nav = the underworld in Slavic/Siberian mythology run by the god Veles
(( Bentley’s P.O.V ))

I gasped out looking at the mirror in my hands, i-I saw me?.... no longer the avatar that hide my identity. The people around me all looked as surprised as I did, why would Keith Losanger creator of Swords and Shields Online do this?, why would he trap all of these people……why would he risk all this and risk losing everything if he was caught. The feeling in my stomach was strange and I didn’t like it, I looked up at him intently as he spoke once more “ …now… all of you are probably thinking that your family members or roommates can come and just unplug the...
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posted by HarmonianYJ
Name: Ciel Norrian.

Alias: Harmonian.

Appearance: 6'0 tall, purple eyes, white hair.

Gender: Male.

Civvies: Usually a white t-shirt and jeans will due, an occasional jacket as well.

Hero-Suit: PICTURE.

Weapons: Pocket knife.

Skills: Fair singing voice, extremely agile.

Powers: When he sings a special chorus, he can create or repair items such as..... a necklace made of pearls, he sings "Build it up with silver and pearl, silver and pearl, silver and pearl. Build it up with silver and pearl, my fair lady...." and then the necklace will be created, or repaired. Also capable of making weapons, but...
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(( Bentley's P.O.V ))

I dont understand.... a system announcement always means somethings wrong..... i have to tell Jet..., i swiped open my list looking for the log out button in my suprise it wasnt there. What was going on? everyone around me obviously had no clue what was going on either there was no point in asking obviously something was up, something big..., suddenly i saw it a big hooded figure appear before my eyes floating in mid air, who was the figure? what did he have to say?.

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posted by RichiYJ
I feel like I'm gonna regret even writing this story, buy whatever. Hooray for over-used world destruction plot!


Creak.... The branches of the trees groaned as they were pushed by the howling wind. The grass rustled, the leaves shook, and the night time air was cold. But all was safe in a particular branch of a large tree in the forest. Lychan and Hibi were asleep soundly, as they were used to the freezing weather. Richi, however, was being bothered by demons tormenting his dreams.


His dream shifted once more. Another piercing scream rang, and an evil laughter joined the horrible...
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In which the reader is forced to wait while I try and figure out what's coming up next. >-<

“Patience, Kyra.”
She got goosebumps at Chelsea’s calm voice, tears escaping down her face. The pain of the gold was immense but she couldn’t place why-- skin contact hadn’t affected her before. Chelsea’s chuckled reached her as she took in a shuddering breath. “I assumed it would pain you more than you believed.”
The dark cloth over her eyes slipped away and she blinked a couple of times. Chelsea sat across from her, scraping a jagged knife on rock, making earsplitting screeches....
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He leaned against the birck wall that lined down the alley way, the puddles rippled as the raindrops fell from the sky and smacked its way on the ground. The dark hood pulled over his head created a shadow that covered his upper features, his lips had a slight pout as he listened to the rain around him . “ Early much? “ a voice spoke out, he turned his head and stood up regularly uncrossing his arms and spoke out back “ early? We agreed we would meet here at six “. He sighed “ sorry but the Allpine woods aren’t exactly that close”, he looked at his companion still “ have there...
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No, this is not a new series. This just me doing something very brave and probably very stupid. With the help of InfinityYJ, I am songfic-ing each and every song from Linkin Park’s (semi) new album, Living Things. Wish me luck. Btws this and most of the other ones are all AU.

Skin to bone, steel to rust
Ash to ashes, dust to dust

Wide eyes, narrow eyes. Turquoise blue to slate gray. The shock was clear on his face; she waved it off, the rage eating away at her heart. She knew that from the start, it was never going to last, she knew she could never have actually pulled it off, but that didn’t...
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posted by Robin_Love
She opened her eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. She read the time on the clock. Only noon. She had time. She reached under her bed and pulled out the suitcase. She got up and looked in her closet. Pushing the clothes aside, she grabbed all the weapons left on their posts. She placed them in the suitcase along with the other smaller knives and guns hidden in the room. S
he threw in a book of photos and her journal. She closed the suitcase, slipped her iPod in her pocket, and looked around the simple room she had called hers. There really wasn't much she had, a few books, few clothes,...
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Rene leapt over another roof, looking around every once in awhile. Ciel came up behind her. “See anything yet?”
Rene shook her head. “How ‘bout you, Ariel?”
A couple blocks away, Ariel held her hand up to her earpiece. “Nope,” she said, popping the ‘p.’ “I don’t think Revenge does either, but how should I know? He doesn’t talk.”
“Yeah, he’s like,” Aisling had a sudden coughing fit, “in that way...”
Rowan glanced over at her. “You okay?”
She snickered quietly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Tanner? Fang? Any luck overhead?”
The two landed behind them. “No, nothing,”...
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Can you believe it? It's officially been a year since Red Revenge made his first appearance in Heart of Courage...

And now it's time for the party to start! Later this week, 66DragonAnimations will be uploading a video celebrating the one year anniversary of this vigilante! The link to the link is below. They've even re-designed it for the special anniversary!!!

And what will the link account be doing you ask? Why, we're re-publishing every single Red Revenge story ever! Go check it out, fan us, and enjoy this month of the Black Hero.

Celebrations start December 1st and continue until the World Premiere of What Matters? on January 5th!

So please, enjoy this month of festivities and DON'T LEAVE!!!! WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!!!
Part 6! (Oh and thanx to my readers for reading...I really appreciate it :))
Since its a ling time since posting, This is more like a continuation article. Now we are definitely getting to the good parts hehe

At the same time...
“Girls, its fine, its just a power cut.” Shadow said. Reaching frantically inside one of her utility belt pouches she bought out a small flashlight and clicked it on.
“Oh yah”, Fin said, obviously creeped out, “Than what was with the scream? You know how creepy that was?”
All the girls stayed silent, too shocked to say another word. One of...
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This is not a fairy tale. There are no happy endings

Power can make even the greatest among us fall.

Allies Fall
Enemies Rise
Friends Return

The Story that changes Everything,
Starts Now


"Mr. Grant, Wayne Industries is the biggest company in the world second to LexCorp and us. I highly doubt a buy-out would be a good move on our part. Even if we did buy out Wayne, that would leave us with no money."

Sam looked at the man for a long moment before standing up.

"Follow me, all of you."

Eight Chairmen looked at each other before following the man who's name was hanging above the door. Grant...
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Red Revenge V:
What Matters?

Trailer 2-

In Cooperation With

For twelve years I've protected this city.

A red chevrolet, from the seventies, speeds down the street. Revenge jumps on top of it.

And this whole time, everyone though I was a hero.

Revenge grabs the driver and slams him into the steering wheel. The car skids and crashes into a wall, Revenge jumping off.

Let them think that.

Power Corrupts

Sam picked up the helmet and slid it on over his head. The screens glowed red and activated. Systems, weapons. He had enough to take out half of New York and still resist the police...
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posted by SilverWings13
Maddex backflipped, avoiding two blunt projectiles.
"Ha! Missed- oof!" He stumbled back as a boots collided with his chest. He dodged another kick, then knocked it aside as it swung at him a third time. SilverWings fell back, her balance thrown. Maddex pounced on his opponent. She leapt out of the way at the last moment and he had to screech to a stop to keep from face planting into the wall.
Coaxoch and Harmonian walked in and face-palmed in unison. "They're still going?" Ceil said, astounded.
"Not for long," Mel got the sneaky smile on her face that made her friend nervous.
Silver swung a...
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posted by HarmonianYJ
This started out in IM... Enjoy!

Eclipse sat in her corner. Being the little emo she is, rocking back and forth. She sneezed, and she had wet herself. She continued to rock. Ciel felt for her, walked into his room, and searched his drawers. Meanwhile, Eclipse had crawled into her box. Ciel's walked out of his room, holding a pair of jeans, and a shirt. Eclipse crawled out of the box.
"Help?" She whispered. Ciel crouched down, holding his arms out.
"Come here..." He said, and she slid over, and her eyes had turned pink. He held his arms out, and she hugged him. He stood up, holding her.
"Lets go...
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The city was dark and cold. Even in summer, especially this summer, the nights were still cold. They were about to get colder. Moscow provided many shadows and alleyways to hide in. One was about to be used against the city itself. 

The man pulled out a cellphone and called. His silhouette was spotted three streets over by a professional sniper. The sniper had no interest in killing the man, however. He was the backup. 

"Are we all clear?" the deep, strong voice came over the phone as soon as the sniper picked it up.

"Affirmative." the russian accent came. "Good luck,  comrade!"

The bearded...
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posted by InfinityYJ
My mind wanted this.. and I completely hate my mind right now.. But I wrote it anyways... So... *goes and hides in corner*
It's kinda... creepy/weird. Forgive me.

“I missed you.”
The halls were completely bare, the rug was clean to perfection, but the house had an eerie air to it. The lights didn’t work well and the doors seemed to whistle creepily. Shadows bounced off the slightly dirty windows. He walked slowly, his bloodshot hollow eyes darting to and fro among the halls, jumping at even the slightest of noises. His mouth would open to scream when a sudden shadow came out at him, but...
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Eric stormed into the cave. “She’s gone.”
Delta looked up. “Who’s gone?”
“Your sister! She’s gone!”
Eric threw his hands in the air. “You’re all hopeless. Yes, Phoenix!”
“How do you know that?” Red said from the other side of the cave, beginning to stride closer. Ariel looked up from her spot on the couch, and Tanner came out of the hall, obviously just finishing a shower.
Eric sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing his forehead. “I went to meet up with her at her place. We talked a little, and both fell asleep, and when I woke up, she just wasn’t there.”...
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You guys are gonna kill me.

This was serious. No one could know. Not even Ciel. I had to do this. I walked into the cave.
"EVERYONE! Come, here." At first, I yelled, then it slowly became a indoor voice.
"Yessss?" Silver hung from the rafters. I snapped my fingers, this tugged up my heart, but I put on an evil smirk, and Erasers swarmed the cave. Jaime dropped down from the rafters.
"WHY ARE THERE ERASERS IN THE CAVE!?" He shouted. Just then, I wanted to break down and cry. I pulled my swords and lunged at him.
"Gyah! Clone!" He jumped to the side, sticking out his leg. I tripped, caught myself...
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Cassie took a large bite out of her hamburger, swallowing a gulp of her chocolate shake. "I'm ravished. That business in Moscow made me hungry."

All that food?" Tim asked, looking at the nice, neat, perfect salad before him.

Cassie shrugged. "Teen's gotta eat. I don't have to worry about the tighty-tights." Cassie stopped mid-chew. "Not that you don't look good in them."

Tim smirked. He was dressed in a tight T-Shirt and jeans. Cassie was wearing her usual civvies: Red spandex, white and red T-shirt, and baseball cap.

"You realize you've only mentioned the tights eight times in the last three dates,...
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