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posted by Robin_Love
Full Name: Arabella Conley
Nickname: Ara
Reason or meaning of name: Ara meaning water; Conley meaning Fire
Eye Color: Green
Hair Style/Color: long, blonde
Height: 5’5”
Clothing Style: Modern
Best Physical Feature: Eyes

Your Fears: Loosing my mobility
Your Guilty Pleasure: Donuts
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Snobs
Your Ambition for the Future: To be big

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Time for greens!
What You Think About the Most: Dance
What You Think About Before Bed: Time to rest!
You Think Your Best Quality Is: My confidence

Single or Group Dates: Group
To be Loved or Respected: Loved
Beauty or Brains: Beauty
Dogs or Cats: Cats

Lie: Yes
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Believe in Love: Yes
Want Someone: No

Been on Stage: Duh!
Done Drugs: No
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: No

Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Favorite Animal: Swan
Favorite Movie: Swan Lake
Favorite Game: Musical Chairs

Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: July 16th
How Old Will You Be: 15
Age You Lost Your Virginity: Not yet
Does Age Matter: No

Best Personality: Funny
Best Eye Color: Blue
Best Hair Color: Silver
Best thing to do With a Partner: Dance

I love: dancing
I feel: proud
I hide: my tears
I miss: my parents
I wish: I was alone

Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Drives and motivations: To be better
Talents (hidden or not): Dancing
Extremely skilled at: Dancing
Extremely unskilled at: Cooking
Good characteristics: Open Minded
Character flaws: Too cute ;P
Mannerisms: Polite?
Peculiarities: I can cause rain storms and my eyes change color when I do.
posted by SilverWings13
It was her brother's idea of apologizing. Every time Ana left for an errand, or to go for a run as she had done two hours ago, she returned to find a new contribution to the ancient two-bedroom cabin. Yesterday it had been a pile of dry firewood, the day before a repaired kitchen window. She had considered tossing the logs into the freezing river or shattering the window with a stone, but despite her anger, those resources allowed her to stay in the dilapidated cabin away from the castle where her brother lived like the false prince he was. The freezing mountain side was unfamiliar territory...
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posted by SilverWings13
Aleksander was already awake when his sister knocked on his door. A blue messenger butterfly had flown through the cracked window half an hour ago with an urgent message from the Red Army: the White Army’s leader, Wilhelm Magnus, was expected to attend the neutral Circle’s spring solstice celebration. Aleksander had already received the same news from Magnus’ own daughter and was attempting to explain to the Reds that he had the situation under control--without revealing his communications with the other side.
Even if he had been raised a strategist, playing both sides when he only wanted...
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Smart Alex!
Smart Alex!
(So I haven't been on in quite awhile, I'm going to change that, I need an escape from Uni... Expect stories, Rps and general mischief!
I thought the best comeback would be to re-introduce my little bastards, everyone seems to be trying this format so.... Enjoy!)

Name: Knight, Alex Knight.
Reason or meaning of name: Sweet, short, rolls of the tongue ladies love it! (Oh boy, here we go.)
Eye Colour: Blue, I think? I can't really look myself. (Use a mirror, don't go cross-eyed!)
Hair Style/Colour: Blond and short but a tad messy, I call it styled. (Bedhead.)
Height: 6.2" / 189cm...
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posted by SilverWings13
There was a dull roar in his ears, what he knew immediately to be applause. Yet when Callaghan blinked his eyes up at the blinding fluorescent lights, he thought himself to at first be alone. There was a heaviness to his body that set him into a momentary panic. But the smell of disinfectant and cotton blanket beneath his fingertips explained the circumstances to him.

Turning his head allowed the young warlock to find a man apparently twice his age sitting in a chair in front of the television, watching a black-and-white film of an ice skater. The whirling athlete on screen was a young teenager,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Name: Callaghan Ivan Rurik
Reason or meaning of name: Callaghan like the royal O'Callaghans of Ireland, Ivan for Ivan the Terrible of Russia, and Rurik because my mother's last name is more valuable than my father's.
Species: Warlock
Eye Color: Honey in the sunlight, midnight in the shade
Hair Style/Color: Short and dark with blonde highlights
Height: 6' even
Clothing Style: Flannels, t-shirts, jeans, and my glasses
Best Physical Feature: Everything (his humility)

Your Fears: Bats... Big, flying rats *shivers*
Your Guilty Pleasure: All night movie marathons...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Tristan West!
Reason or meaning of name: Urban dictionary says I'm most amazing-est guy there ever is.
Eye Color: Greeeeen.
Hair Style/Color: I'm a ginger.
Height: Like... 5'6, 5'7?
Clothing Style: It varies, usually what ever makes me most comfortable... like t-shirts.
Best Physical Feature: Freckles?

Your Fears: The speed force really trips me out man.
Your Guilty Pleasure: Eating like 4 tubs of ice cream at once. Massive ones.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Super super slow people. Like, turtle speed.
Your Ambition for the Future: I haven't given it...
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posted by SilverWings13
She could hear a clicking of a keyboard in the kitchen. The noise had given her dreams of her father, working on his typewriter at all hours of the night while she slept on the couch in their tiny two-bedroom apartment in London. Waking to a pounding headache to find herself alone in the dark had sent shivers down her spine. Worse was the ache of thirst in her throat. So despite her reluctance to face the warlock after the drunken outburst she unfortunately remembered well, Ana padded out of the guest room to the kitchen.
At least she had her own clothes back on now, dried from the rain. It...
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Ana stretched her arms as she sat back in her seat, sighing as she slouched in the tall chair and surveyed the crowded bar. Between the time she had arrived with Callaghan and the time she finished her food, the relaxed dinner crowd had been replaced by rowdy evening drinkers.

There were mostly young adults, couples and friend groups. A teenager in a flowered sun dress cuddled up to a young man in a jean jacket and beanie. There was even a band consisting of a violinist, drummer, and guitarist setting up their equipment in the back corner.

Ana returned her attention to her own dinner partner....
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Outside the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows was a maze of red steepled roof tops. Patches of green disrupted the city scape and, winding aimlessly through it at its own free will, was the wayward Spree. The rain had ceased and rays of sun beamed through the spent clouds to create glittering spotlights on the dark river's surface. Taped to the window's surface just above eye level were polaroid pictures of the city taken from different heights and angles. The river appeared in the montage again and again, populated with boats or bridges or pedestrians.

"I love it here." Ana jumped at the voice...
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posted by Robin_Love
The darkness was pierced by the light shining from the open door. A solitary figure stepped into the room, looking around for the object of their study. There was half a second of fright before they spotted it. A little black ball in the corner. With a soft sigh, he walked closer. The ball moved, weakly lifting it's head as the other approached. It hissed feebly, unable to do more. It had been days, almost a week since she'd been there. And almost a week since she'd had anything but the daily portion of water. She had become too weak to even hold her human form and had reverted to her cat form....
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posted by SilverWings13

The drizzle of rain was cool on her skin. She raised her arms to wonder at the minuscule droplets the same size and shape as the freckles decorating her bare arms and shoulders. Weeks had passed since the events in Venice. This was the first time she had been able to talk her way off the ship since then. The rain drops seemed to wash away the claustrophobia of being trapped on the ship with her traitorous brother and worsening nightmares of her sister. She tipped her head back and the peaceful feeling dissipated.
Anastasia was so used to the desert sun that the darkness of the rain...
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posted by SilverWings13
Cal wished to comfort the torn soul and shield its dying light from further darkness...
Cal wished to comfort the torn soul and shield its dying light from further darkness...
Demon in the Garden

Grey snowflakes danced in the wind. The air stank of burning hair and flesh. In the dark crimson tint of the dessert planet's infamous scarlet moon, pools of blood became inky black puddles reflecting the remains of the courtyard.
Callaghan Rurik could feel the fire at his back as it raged through the army barracks. Screams were whipped to and fro by the ghastly wind, making it impossible to tell if the wails came from behind or ahead. For ahead the author of this macabre scene continued her vengeful tirade. Callaghan's eyes drifted over the dark shapes littering the once...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
With permission of R_L, I give you, the story of Devin and Fang.. this is kind of the introduction, and here in the part, you will see the highs.. and the lows.

past experiences

What if we

Fang burst through the school door, Nudge tailing along on his heels.

What if we were us

He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind his lover's ear before placing a gentle kiss on her head. He pulled away, his dark eyes meeting icy blues.

What if we

Devin sat in silence on the ground in the main area of the cave, eyes closed as she meditated. Her hair pulled to a braid that wrapped around her shoulder...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
AU for Ciel and Jaime, my friend originally gave me the idea when she mentioned she mentioned a manga and thus, this was born.

Hi! My name is Jaime Adams, and I'm currently sitting in a blood donation center about to have my arm poked and prodded. Quite comical, really.. I hate needles, but I have a disease that causes my bone marrow to produce more blood cells, called polycythemia vera. I hate coming here, but today is different. Very different. I typically have blood drawn from this cranky old lady who gets annoyed about the fact that I don't like needles. Today, there's this tall, white-haired...
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posted by SilverWings13
Perhaps in need of a trim
Perhaps in need of a trim
I hope I did this correctly :P

Name: Leon "Aleksander" Alexievich Romanov I
Reason or meaning of name: My mother christined me Leon, but I was unaware until I was an adult and grown comfortable with going by the name I had chosen for myself, Aleksander... *mutters* And my father was Alexie Romanov.
Eye Color: Pale morning sky
Hair Style/Color: White as a dove's, perhaps in need of a trim
Height: 6'5" ((MY BABY GIANT))
Clothing Style: light colored dress shirts and jeans... No ties. Ever.
Best Physical Feature: Being taller than many can be fun? ((Dat jaw line tho))

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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Devin Adams
Reason or meaning of name: Divine
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Style/Color: Long and black (AND SILKY~!!)
Height: 5'11
Clothing Style: Modest
Best Physical Feature: I have none (Stop being humble. It's her eyes)

Your Fears: Losing everyone I love
Your Guilty Pleasure: My what? (Foot rubs)
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: I dislike those who devalue others (Bullies)
Your Ambition for the Future: I'm not thinking of the future

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Checking on my loved ones
What You Think About the Most: Humanity
What You Think About...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Shane Parker
Reason or meaning of name: I'm not sure, honestly.
Eye Color: My mother used to tell me that they were an emerald green.
Hair Style/Color: It's blonde, and kind of shaggy.
Height: I'm right under 6'0, like 5'10, 5'11
Clothing Style: I like to be comfortable, in summer i'm always in cargo shorts and nike tennis shoes
Best Physical Feature: I- (His eyes)

Your Fears: Uncertainty.
Your Guilty Pleasure: Oh god, you really don't wanna know.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: When people chew obnoxiously, I swear I wanna punch Wally for it.
Your Ambition...
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posted by Robin_Love
She stood with her back to the wind, looking around. This was the place she'd found herself. After eight years, she now stood looking to the place she had been living for awhile. She crept through the chain link fence, much like she had before. The place gave her the chills, but this was worth it. It was time to relive it and start healing. Her past was sorrowful, but it was time to face it. The small lot was covered in tall, dying grass, with various odds and ends of whatever people through over the fence. The house was more of a shed, rundown, and boarded up tightly. But there was enough...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Shane Parker
Alias: Psio
Age: 19.
Appearance: Shaggy, yet straight blonde hair that hangs around his face. He has piercing green eyes and a lower lip piercing that he fools with constantly. He's 5'11 and lanky, with a bit of muscles around his arms. Shane wears clothing that isn't black, nor skin tight. Loose fitting shirts and jeans with converse.
Powers/skill: Shane has a very strong telepathic mind, and is able to locate people mentally, however only if he has made contact with them in the past 36 hours. He also possess psychometry, which is the ability to learn about that...
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posted by Robin_Love
She stood in silence, letting the view take over her instincts. It was time. Everything was falling into place, just as predicted. She let out a heavy, shaky sigh. This was it....this was the last time. The sun was a needle in her side, portraying emotions she didn't feel. She looked at the sword tied to her waist. How she would have loved to not have this burden...but she'd fought so hard her whole life...she couldn't fight anymore. If this was what happened, she would do it. Not because of her life, but the lives of others. She had so many to protect now. And it was time to take her place,...
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