Young Justice Club
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It was an average evening at Mount Justice. Megan was baking, Artemis and Wally arguing, Super Boy watching static, Scatty and Aqualad talking about warrior methods and how they have changed over time (ugh, boring) while me and Robin played a game of War.
“One…two…three…flip!” I said, flipping over my card. We both had kings. We set up three cards, leaving the two kings in the middle. I looked at the card I was facing with. A 3 of diamonds.
“One…two…three…flip!” Robin called. Just before we flipped our cards, the power went out. I smirked and switched my card, taking a King. Mwa ha ha ha!
“I can’t see anything!” Wally complained
“No duh! The power is out!” Artemis snorted
“Robin! Fix it!” Wally ordered. I heard Robin sigh.
“I can’t fix it if I don’t have light” he pointed out
“Let me” I said, pressing the trigger on my wrist. My finger’s burst into multi-colored flames. I walked around. I found some paper towel.
“Megan, you mind if I borrow some of your forks?” I asked
“No, why?” she asked. I stuck the paper towel on the double-pronged fork and let the flames light the towel, creating a make-shift torch. I passed them out to everyone aside from Kaldur and Megan.
“Now that we have light, fix it!” Wally demanded
“Dude, my gauntlet is offline!” Robin exclaimed
“Penny, how long will the light last?” Megan asked worriedly
“I can only keep it going for so long, since it uses my aura” I explained
“I wonder what’s up with the cave” Robin said
“Fuse blew?” I offered
“Who knows? I’ll just call Batman and get him to fix it” Robin said
“Why don’t we get Red Tornado to fix it?” Wally suggested
“Hello Megan! Why didn’t I think of that?” Megan said, lightly hitting herself on the head.
“I’ll go look for him” I offered
“Not without a group you aren’t” Wally said, speeding in my way.
“I can take care of myself, Wally” I rolled my eyes
“First horror movie rule: Never go off by yourself” he said.
“Wally if you don’t move, I will feed you to the things hiding in the shadows” I growled. He backed off.
“If a zombie eats your brain, don’t say I didn’t warn you” he said, his hands held up in surrender. I walked out and started to look for Red Tornado, our Den Mother. The cave was almost…spooky with no light. I gripped my torch harder. The flickering light made the shadow’s look like they were alive. I rushed my pace a bit more.
“Tornado? Hello?” I called. No answer. Where was that damn robot? I had already covered the places he frequents most. I started down a hall darker than the rest. I heard footsteps behind me that were way too light to be Red Tornado’s. I spun around and came face-to-face with a vetala. I screamed, a loud echoing sound.
I heard a scream.
“Sounds like Megan found her” I grinned. Wally laughed. To play a little prank on Penifila, we sent Megan after her disguised as a vetala to give her a little scare. Nothing more.
“Do you think she’ll be mad when she finds out?” Wally asked
“If she finds out, you mean” I smirked
“Do you think she’ll be mad if she finds out?” Wally asked
“Maybe” I shrugged. I heard another scream.
I screamed again, holding out my torch. The torch withered and died that second. I looked around and realized the vetala couldn’t have picked a more convenient place; I was cornered. I jumped over it and started the way I had come, sprinting as fast as I could. I ran into the lounge and everyone looked up, startled.
“Vetala!” I screeched. They all started grinning. The vetala walked casually into the lounge and sat down. Then, it shifted back into Megan. My mouth fell open.
“Y-you-but-the-how-how could you?” I snarled, the planes and angles of my face shifting, becoming more barbaric. My fangs suddenly seemed longer and my gaze more piercing than before.
“It was just a prank, jeez” Wally laughed. I stormed from the room, fuming.
“Told ya we shouldn’t have done that” Connor muttered as I stormed off. But while they were talking about their prank, I thought of my own. I cruel smirk came to my lips. I saw Red Tornado up ahead.
“Hey Red. Wanna play a little payback-prank on the team with me?” I whispered. If Robot’s could smile, I knew Red would be.
“What did you have in mind?” he asked. I whispered the plan into his ear. He nodded, then walked off, returning with a sharp blade.
I heard a terrified, blood-curdling scream. My head snapped up from the torch I had been staring at while I tried to interpret the flames.
“What was that?” I demanded
“A scream” Wally said
“No shit Sherlock. Who’s scream though?” I asked. Red Tornado came running in.
“Team, something has occurred. You must follow” he ordered, running off again. We looked at each other, then followed the red robot. We followed him to a hallway, which was currently splattered with a red substance that looked suspiciously like blood. Then it hit me. The stench of vampire blood.
“Oh god” I gasped. I saw a sharp blade covered in blood on the ground. Megan screamed. On the walls, written in blood, in the Ancient tongue of Danu Talis was the words ‘She was a fighter. I prefer runners’ I screamed.
“What is it? What does it say?” Robin asked
“Something killed Penny. And now it’s after Wally” I yelled. I took three deep breaths.
“Judging by the language and the font, I’d say a real vetala got in here” I said, trying (and failing) to calm myself. I heard steps behind us and spun around. I came face to face with a clocked figure. I screamed, along with everyone else. The hooded figure pulled down its hood, revealing a smirking girl with pale skin and mischievous green eyes. Her blonde hair was pulled out by two pale hands.
“Boo” she smirked
“Penny?!” I screeched
“You didn’t actually think I was dead, did you?” she laughed
“Not funny” Wally said. He was shaking. Penny’s face turned serious.
“Neither was your prank. I actually thought we were all in danger and that one of us wasn’t going to make it” she said, serious.
“Well, we all thought you were dead and Wally was next” I countered
“You didn’t actually bye all this, did you? I made it over-kill for a reason. If you were thinking, you would’ve remembered a real vetala wouldn’t have wasted this much blood” she said, gesturing to the red hall way.
“Wait, how’d you get all this blood set up? You were only out of our sight for like, five minutes” Wally asked
“One, it’s not blood” she smirked, holding out an empty can of red paint and a paint brush.
“And why didn’t RT freak when he found this?” Wally continued
“Because he is the second reason I got it finished so fast” Penny’s smirk only increased “What better prank partner than one whose mind can’t be read?”
“You were in on this, Tornado?” Artemis demanded
“Yes. I am surprised you didn’t guess, considering I told you first, and not the League” he pointed out
“Gimme 5, Red” Penny laughed, holding up her hand. Red Tornado gave her a high five.
“And now since the prank is said and done, time for a quick clean before Batman finds out and kills me” she closed her eyes, then opened one “I suggest you move, unless you want to be under a torrential down-pour” she said, summoning water and cleaning the hall.
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