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posted by robinfanforever
Normal POV

A week after the dreaded mission to save Joseph Billing and the Immobilizer, Robin sat on the couch updating the security codes for his glove computer. He felt a lot better with himself after the several missions with the team afterwards, or at least he felt more useful with the team.

Things were still strained back at Wayne Manor between Bruce and him though. Neither one of them were talking with each other, which was making Robin feel like Bruce didn’t want anything to do with him.

He had been spending the last few days at the mountain so he wouldn’t have to hear the silence that always came when Bruce and him were in the same room. He felt better around his friends, like he belonged with them more than Bruce.

Kaldur was leaning up against the wall by the kitchen watching Robin. He had noticed the change in Robin since the Billing mission, how he went from fine and in a good mood to the days before, to quiet and more reserved the day of, to almost locking himself away, to becoming his more normal cheerful self. This bothered Kaldur greatly, but he didn’t know how to approach Robin without him going back to secluding himself, or brushing it off all together. ‘Perhaps I should talk to Batman about it.’

Wally walked out of the kitchen area, holding a few of M’gann’s burnt cookies, and saw Kaldur leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest staring at Robin.

“Uhhhh… what are you doing?” Wally asked with his mouth full.

“Robin has been acting differently over the past week. I am trying to decide if I should talk to Batman about it, or leave the matter alone,” Kaldur answered not looking away from Robin.

Wally looked over to Robin. “I don’t see anything wrong with him,” he said and then popped the last bite of the burnt cookies into his mouth then looked back to Kaldur.

“Recognize Batman, 02. Martian Manhunter, 07. Captain Marvel, 15. Red Tornado, 16.”

Kaldur, Wally, and Robin all looked up at the arrivals, Robin looking ashamed when he saw Batman. M’gann, Conner, and Artemis came in the room from different parts of the mountain.

The four Leaguers walked to the large holo pad that the team used for training. When everyone was present, they made six stone tables appear in a circle in the middle of the pad.

“What are those for?” Wally asked.

“Well, if you’d shut up for five minutes, Batman could tell us,” Artemis said in her usual snippy tone.

“We are going to put you all through a virtual training exercise,” Batman answered ignoring their bickering.

The team all looked at him confused. Batman saw this and continued. “Manhunter will psychically link the six of you in an artificial reality.”

“Will we know it’s an artificial reality?” Robin asked quietly.

Batman turned to him. This was the first time Robin spoke to Batman in over a week without being spoken to first. “Yes,” he answered then turned to the rest of the team before continuing. “You will go in knowing that what you are seeing is not real. If anything should happen to you while you’re in there, you will wake up back here.”

“Anything, like us dying?” Wally asked.

“Yes. This exercise will be a real life situation, so you have the possibility of dying if you make the wrong decision,” Batman answered then explained. He looked at the entire team as he explained and said the part about making the wrong decision when he looked toward Robin.

Robin looked away from Batman in shame. He knew Batman was directing that statement toward him and he felt small.

The others just nodded then the entire team went up to a different stone table and laid down.

Robin’s POV

I was finally starting to think I was useful somewhere. That I wasn’t such a big mistake. That I actually belonged somewhere, then Batman goes and ruins it. He reminds me that no matter what I do, where I go, I will always be a problem.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should just quit before I hurt anyone.

No. I can prove I’m still worth something. I can prove to him that I’m not a failure, not a mistake.

I can do this. I can be someone. I won’t fail.

I can’t.


Bruce’s POV

The exercise was going according to plan, that is, until Artemis didn’t wake up.

She had failed, died in the simulation, but she didn’t wake up like J’onn said she would. Instead, she went into a coma.

Something was wrong. J’onn said that Miss Martian was causing this. That she had taken over the simulation.

We kept an eye on the others, and as the simulation continued, each of them slipped into comas, Aqualad, Superboy, then finally Robin and Kid Flash.

I really hope J’onn can bring Miss Martian out of this. I don’t know what I would do if Robin was permanently stuck in this coma.

We’ve been so distant lately. I really need to talk to him about everything. Figure out why he’s always quiet, always moping around. I’ve noticed that every time I look at him, or he looks at me, he always looks ashamed of something.

I’m not the reason he’s acting like this, am I?

Normal POV

M’gann gasped then sat up and saw that all her friends were alive and ok.

When Batman asked J’onn about what happened, the Leaguers found out that the team forgot that the exercise wasn’t real. Batman then explained everything that happened.

Once Batman finished explaining everything, M’gann started crying. Marvel went over to her, pulled her into his arms, and tried to comfort her. The others just sat there.

After about ten, fifteen minutes, the team started moping around the mountain. Everyone was distressed and was taking the whole thing pretty hard, especially Robin and M’gann, but for totally different reasons.

M’gann knew that she caused the whole problem. She had a right to take it hard, but Robin didn’t. He was taking it hard for a different reason, he believed he failed again.


A week after the training exercise, everyone was still moping around. The League decided that Black Canary would talk to them and try to get them to open up and talk about what they saw.

Everyone talked to her openly the first time except for Conner which took him two sessions before he opened up.

Robin’s POV

I failed again. Yes, I know that we were supposed to fail, but I failed the team. I finally got the chance to become leader and what do I do, I kill them all. Ok, so Kaldur wasn’t my fault, but Superboy and KF, they were. I made Superboy distract the aliens so the rest of us could get in the ship and he dies. Then KF and I were trapped in a ship that was supposed to blow up and all we did was fight the aliens that were coming until it did blow. M’gann didn’t die, but still, she probably would’ve if it was a different situation.

And after all that, they had us talk to Canary, who helped me see the whole truth, that the one thing I was hoping I would become someday, was the thing that I feared the most.

I can’t sacrifice my friends like that, like him. I can’t watch my friends die or get hurt because of me. I was desperate to be like him, to be the leader of my team, but after that simulation, I can’t do it. I don’t want to do it.

And did I lie to Canary when I said that I still wanted to be a hero? I’ve made so many mistakes as Robin, and put so many people’s lives in danger.

Maybe it would be better if I stopped being Robin.

Normal POV

Batman sat outside the room where Black Canary was talking with the young heroes. He needed to talk with Robin and now would be just as good as any.

Robin walked out of the room, his head hug. He didn’t see Batman sitting there, so he jumped when Batman spoke his name.

Robin looked up surprised then looked away. He tried to walk away so he didn’t have to face him, but Batman blocked his path.

“Robin, we need to talk.”

‘Here it comes,’ Robin thought as Batman led him to the zeta tubes. Batman knew that the conversation could, and probably would, lead to them talking about things that could reveal their secret identities, so he would talk to Robin in the Batcave so the others couldn’t eavesdrop.

“Recognize Batman, 02. Robin, B01,” the computer announced as they disappeared.

As soon as they got to the cave, Robin ran to where they changed from their suits to regular clothes.

“Robin,” Batman called after him. Robin just ignored him and kept running.

By the time Batman got to the room to change, Robin was already dressed and heading toward the elevator to take him up to the manor.

“Dick,” he called a bit louder as he ran to the elevator to stop Dick, but the door closed before he got there.

Bruce quickly changed, took the elevator up to the manor, and walked to Dick’s room.

Bruce could see Dick’s door was closed and he guessed that it was locked, so when he got up to it, he knocked. “Dick, please, we need to talk.”

He could hear what sounded like drawers opening and closing. ‘What is he doing?’ “Dick?”

Bruce knocked again and then tried the doorknob with no luck then knocked again, begging Dick to open the door.

‘Is he crying?’ Bruce could hear what sounded like sniffing. This started to make Bruce worried.

“Dick, open this door,” Bruce said a bit more sternly. He hoped that if Dick heard him more serious, he would open the door.

“Dick, open this door right now, or I’ll break it down.”

Robin’s POV

Bruce is really starting to get mad. He’s threatening to break the door down, he never does that unless he’s really mad.

I have to get out of here. I can’t take him yelling at me for my mistakes again. I can’t listen to him telling me how much of a disappointment I am to him. I have to leave, get away.

“Good bye, Bruce.”

Normal POV

“Alright, Dick, I’m coming in,” Bruce said then took a step back. He kicked the door hard with his foot and the door broke in two and fell to the ground.

Bruce’s eyes went wide at what he saw, or rather, what he didn’t see. Dick was not here.

He looked around the room. Dick’s drawers were open and empty, his four pictures, Dick and his parents, Dick and Barbra, Dick and the team, and Dick, Bruce, and Alfred, were gone, the window was open, and when he looked to Dick’s bed, he saw a not on his pillow. Bruce went over, picked up the note, and then sat down on the bed to read it.


    I’m sorry for all the problems I have caused you, both as Bruce
    and Batman. I am grateful for all your help over the past four
    years, but I’m nothing but a problem. I’m a target for criminals
    who want to ransom me for money, and a threat to the people
    of Gotham, the team, and you, so I’ve saved you the trouble
    and ran away. I won’t tell you where I’m going or how I’m
    getting there, and I got rid of all the tracers that you put on me
    so you can’t follow me. Again I’m sorry and I’ll never forget
    what you and Alfred have done for me. Tell Alfred bye for me.
    I’ve always thought of you like a father, Bruce, and I love you,
    but it’s better this way. Good bye, Bruce.

    Your ex-son,

Tears started to well up as he read the note, and by the time he finished reading it, the tears were streaming freely down his face.

He drove his son away with the way he was acting and treating him.

“I’m so sorry, Dick,” he said as he buried his face in his hands.
posted by SilverWings13
Proven part V
"Miss Weston," I stopped and turned on the stair as the tenant of the apartment building called my name. "A boy came by earlier," he said, "he insisted upon delivering a gift to your room."
"Thank you, Mr. Kox," I nodded to him and jogged up the stairs. My backpack was heavy from the extra books and homework and my shoulders sore from lugging it all the way home. Alek hadn't shown.
I was glad to find the door to my apartment locked. A good sign. Besides the fact, I was cautious as I turned my key and entered the hall. My prudence turned to surprise when I walked into my bedroom.
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posted by robinluv14
So that’s why a couple of hours later, Jessica had gone temporarily ‘good-guy’ and was helping save the world. And all she could think was:
Oh, the cruel irony...
They found Phoenix in the same place Jessica had left her, standing in a forest clearing, burning brightly. Ryan stood against a tree a safe distance away, sulking. His once green-now brown eyes widened as he watched the team approached, and he turned away, not willing to watch them come to her.
He began to walk away from them, but felt a hand tighten on his shoulder, and he turned. He found himself looking into Russel's green-grey...
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posted by Obscurity98
"Those things were your Parents?!" squeaked (Kyle) Fade, going paler than her already was. Alcor (Evan) nodded, "That is par to f what i should look like, but i do not know how to access that part of my that allows me to change into ALIEN form." Fade snapped at him, "Thank GOD for that!" Harley shot him a look. "Don't feisty with me right now babe." Kyle said. Harley rolled her eyes, "Its alright, But why didn't you tell us Evan?" Evan shrugged, "I guess i never thought we'd need to fight them. I thought they were dead." Kaldur nodded, "According to his history, They were."
Harley sighed, "I...
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posted by InfinityYJ
“So... Nathan Stone was really the son of the man who killed your parents?”
Kaylee watched Dick pace back and forth in front of the couch where she sat with Danna. Dick finally collapsed onto the couch with them. “A-yup.”
“And we don’t let him back.”
“I took his designation code out of the zeta beam’s computer, so the only way he can be back in here is with authorization.”
“Was he the mole?”
“Kaylee, we’ve already solved that problem.”
“Oh? When?”
“Like, ages ago.”
“Who was it?”
“Can we stop with this?”
Danna was standing over the two, rubbing her temples....
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posted by killer24
data in a brainiec top kind of Ironic
data in a brainiec top kind of Ironic
hope you like it

as the semi robot teen lost his footing and began to fall into the swirling time vortex a single shout bounced off the walls that one shout of his name was the last thing he herd before he vanished into nothingness."data".one lone tear down his cheek "good bye he whispered to the darkness as he fell into unconsciousness he knew he was never going to see his team and his friends again
"well i guess im a shadow said the black and red haired boy as he walked round a corner just then a bright light illuminated the destroyed building...
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posted by ZoeYJ
The car raced to the Mountains. Zinc had no idea where his 'Father' was taking him.
"Dad, where are we going?"
"Away, to keep you safe. You don't belong here" Replied the Death Spirit.
"What!? what about my twin Zoe, why aren't you taking her to be safe?!"
"She already is. In the eyes of the Spirits."
A cloud of thunder formed right behind the mountains. Echoing throughout the mountain air.
The Death Spirit made a left hand turn into a field of grass.
"Gnome. You'll be safe there". said the Death Spirit.
Blackness filled Zincs eyes, as he fell into a trance.

The Death Spirit had taken Zinc to a far away universe. He was held in a town called Gnome. No way there, no way out. Only by plane.

posted by SSTitanic
Name: Braxton Jordan

Age: 16

Alias: Augury

Occupation: Hero

Relationship to team: Newest member, Liberty's best friend. (Nothing between them.)

Powers/Skills: Telekinesis, telepathy, expert martial artist and hand-to-hand combat. All terrain acrobatics, master tactician and field commander.

Description: 5'11, fair skin, short blonde hair, emerald green eyes, well built, muscular.

Personality: Shy, quick-witted, able to think in situations when others can't, funny but serious when needed, trustworthy, loyal to friends and team old fashioned, all-American, caring.

Costume: black half domino mask,...
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posted by bluehawk_m18
.®.®.®.®.®.Chapter 4.®.®.®.®.®.

Well bye then.

Mount Justice

August 11, 3:57 EDT

"What, you're just gonna leave without sayin' good-bye?" Wally asked as he ran out of Mount Justice, chasing an undercover Robin.

Dick didn't miss a beat as he twirled around, walking backwards. "Yup," he chuckled. "It's not like I'm gonna' be gone forever. You'll take the bio-ship to LA, stop the mob, most likely get a souvenir, and as soon as you radio me that it's over, I'll be sprinting home, fast as possible." He smiled as Wally caught up to him.

"Whoa man. That's almost creepy," he joked, trying to keep...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Natalia Roth
Alias: Amora
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Empath, telepath, telekinetic, healing, hand-to-hand combat, expert swordsmanship, mystic arts, tongues(gift of languages).
History: Natalia was born in Russia, her home country. When she was seven, she had already mastered many languages. Her parents worked for a shifty businessman. When Natalia was nine, she arrived home to find her parents murdered. A man was waiting to take her to a lab where she would become an experiment. Natalia spent three years in the lab, doing many tests and becoming trained in extensive hand-to-hand combat as...
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posted by 66Dragons
Name: Mask
Secret Identity: Kana Ligete
Superpowers: None
Alliance: Justice League/Team
Race: (Bi-racial) African American/Caucasian
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 146 lb.
Distinguishing Features/Marks: A chocolate skin tone with a tattoo on the shoulder sporting the image of her mask. Shoulder-length dark hair worn in braids. Dark eyes. One distant scar on her right hand received in a fight with the Joker.
Relation to the Team: Was a good friend to Jason Todd and secretly helped him navigate the criminal underworld while he was Robin. Provided anonymous tips to Batman on several occasions about criminal...
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posted by Robin_Love
Transmission received.

Hello fools. You probably thought this was R_L. But instead, it's me, Tigress. I hacked into this computer, knowing you wouldn't listen to me. But anyways, I brought a gift. An update on the heroes you probably think are all okay.

Becca Stevens- Fatally wounded. She won't last much longer.

Erin Mavis- We caught the little speed demon. Now we get some fun.

Devin Grayson- Currently being....reconfigured. Lots of pain.

Terror-Broken, pained, completely willing to do as I say. Thanks Blade.

I know what you're thinking. We can get them back, we can save the day like the heroes...
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posted by DeltaYJ
I wake up in a soft bed, that’s the first thing that’s wrong. Adrenaline already pumping in my veins, I leap out of the unknown bed. I peer around the room, that’s definitely not Cadmus. Where am I? I ask myself. I realise another thing, I’m really tall. I look at myself in a nearby mirror. This can’t be happening someone else is staring at me through the mirror. I look like a pre-teenager, like Experiment 1535783. What was her image age again?......12? Yeah that’s it, 12 years old in human years. This must be a trick....a test! This is a Cadmus testing unit! Probably to teach...
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part VI
"Do you know where we're going?" Artemis asked, her irritation making her forget to be cautious of the noise we made.
"Yes," I said, "according to the map, we're almost to the main labs. We're supposed to meet the others there."
"I know where we're supposed to be meeting them," she snapped, "And what do you mean by 'according to the map'. What'd you do, memorize it?"
"Yes." I stopped when I realized Artemis had halted. "Why'd you stop?"
"You memorized the map?"
I rolled my eyes and kept shuffling along.
"Kaldur had it up for five minutes," she said, following me again.
"Five minutes...
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posted by Mclovin_69
( this article is 5 years later)

He walked through the sewers looking for any clues and saw a clump of ash on the ground and picked some up with his fingers rubbing it together, He cried out falling back on the ground and saw Aero behind him who was dragon form and had red scales and white glowing eyes, He grunted in pain as Aero put his paw over him crushing him, He sturggled but got nothing out of it " go ahead keep struggling..... see if you gain something...." Aero said in a deep voice, " leave him alone " a voice said and he turned to see Artemis with exploding arrows in her bow pointing...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Cameras flashed as a long table seated twenty people as people stood in the crowd Artemis, Lucas, Kaldur, and Willow stood in the crowd as a chinese dressed girl with a painted white face walked up towards everyone from behind everyone with a cart of food, Artemis, Kaldur, Lucas, and Willow turned around " thats far enough..... Cheshire.." Kaldur said glaring, the chinese ladies smile disappeard from her face into anger, Artemis took her arrow out and aimed it at her. Jade smirked and pressed a small button on her cart and pushed it towards the crowd and Lucas's eyes glowed orange and Kaldur...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley jumped from the couch onto the island counter. Her lips parted with a dangerous smile. Her teeth gleaming, and claws digging into the granite. She stayed in a crouching postition for a moment. Or atleast until M'gann turned around, cookies freshly baked. M'gann screamed as she came face to face with Harley, whose eyes looked beyond wild.
Superboy jumped up from his spot on the couch eyes no longer looking at static screen. But he made no advancement when he noticed Harley on the counter. "M'gann, dont move. If you do,she'll attack you. Just dont move i'll get the rest of the team. try...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca hid inside the vents, following the scent. I'm going to kill him! He kidnapped Willow; he's so dead! She paused for a breath and her phone vibrated. She rolled onto her back and looked at the text. Sorry Dick. Willow first. Becca ignored the message and continued on her way. She could feel Willow getting closer. Good. I'm going the right way. Becca peaked inside one of the rooms through the grates. Nope; just the archer. With a sigh, Becca continued on. She came to another grate. She heard noises. Looking inside, she saw it was her destination. She pulled the grate off and dropped into...
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posted by Dezzylove3
Things went fast from there..........

"So were are you from?" asked Robin.

"Boston."impulsia said.

"uhhm,so you ok to tell us your secret ID,but its tottaly ok if you don't." said a very interested Wally.

they were all in the kitchen while Miss m made cookies. you know after she washed it a bunch of times to get the taste of fish out of it.

"Sure,the names Allison Carter,But some of my friends call me Ally."

"Wait,you said some so does that mean other people call you something different?" Robin asked confused.

"Yeah, the people that dont like me very much call me.......well i wont go into details."...
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Secret Identity:Allison Carter

Powers:she can control fire from her hands and when she kicks.

Apperance:she has shoulder length dirty blonde messy and flyaway hair,tattoos on neck and over body,that symbolize fire,wears a choker necklace enhansed with magic from Doctor Fate that conceal her tattoos while shes in civil atire.

Civil Atire: A long sleeved belly shirt(dont wory shes well fit)a black leather jacket belly length also,black jeans with a chain attached to her wallet in her back pocket,red high-top sneakers,and the black choker necklace,sometimes she wears sunglasses,but not...
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posted by SilverWings13
I tried to put as many ocs as I could keep track of in this. I hope you like!!!

Silver Wings (POV)
I wasn't quite sure I had heard right.
I was so shocked, it took me a full five seconds to realize I was the one who had said it.
"Yes," Aqualad said plainly. "Stolen." 'How was he acting so calm?' I wondered.
"The alarm was triggered when the Weapon was stolen. The security system here at Mt.Justice is linked to the Weapon so that when it was stolen, we were immediately notified." 'Robin must have debriefed him while we had been gearing up,' I concluded.
"When was that installed?" Kid...
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