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posted by Mclovin_69
The bio ship flew through the air in camoflauge mode, Meagan flew the ship in silence. Willow sat in her seat tears still coming from her eyes, Becca touched her shoulder, making Willow look up. Eclipse looked at Willow she was in shock. " Willow... are you alright.." Eclipse asked. Willow looked at her fighting the tears and shook her head no and threw her head in her hands, " its all my fault... if i didnt hit that ship none of this would hvae happened... Wally would still be here..." Willow mumlbed in shaken words, " dear its not your fault..." Eclipse said, Willow didnt answer she just kept weaping in her hands, " Willow.... Wally only did that becuase he loves you..." Becca said rubbing her back, " sometimes i question why he does...." Willow mumbled as the ship continued to be in silence, " we shall mourn later right now the earth should know that there are still heroes defending them...and make sure Wallys sacrifice is not wasted..." Aqualad said, " should we go back to the mountain?" Meagan asked, " no the hall of justice " Aqualad said.


" Fire!" the general shouted as two ships came, the army of people with guns began to fire but the ships shot their disingration beams back and were stronger, the army began to duck in cover, beams out of nowhere shot and destroyed the two ships. The bio ship landed and came out of camoflauge mode and everyone stepped out, the general smiled warmly and came up to Aqualad greeting him, " youve got the job done its good to see we still have heroes defending our planet" the general said, Aqualad smirked.

" so there all really gone...." Lucas mumbled as he and the others walked in the destruction that used to be the hall of justice. Meagan flew to her uncles ruined statue and landed there touching the stone head and crying, she gasped and flew back and used her strenght from her mind and lifted the stone head to reveal Martain Manhunter, " uncle jo'hnn!: Meagan yelled and flew down to embrace him but was stopped by Aqualad, " check his mind" Aqualad said, " its him hes alive" Meagan said with joy, she helped her uncle up. " i thought you were disingrated " Lucas said, " i thought so too.. but i cannot remember how i got here..." Jo'hnn said, Andrew thought for a minute " he must have been density shifting and the beam passed right through him " Andrew said, " scrambling his brains along the way!" Robin said after, " all i remember is i had to tell you something important... but i cannot remember..." Jo'hnn said, Andrew hit his head " duhh!! come on!" Andrew yelled, Melinda turned to him with a confused look.

" See i knew it these are the same things that power the zeta tubes! their not disingration rays, they teleport!" Andrew said in mind link, " so that means Wallys okay!" Willow said in mind link with hope, " thats exactly what it means " Andrew said. " I dunno maybe..." Robin said, " no maybe their all alive!" Lucas said, in that the ships began to come and shoot at them with their beams, everyone gapsed and hid behind cars and other things for cover. " Retreat everyone inside now!" Aqualad yelled out loud, everyone ran inside.

" Great now were trapped!" Lucas yelled, " not yer were not!" Robin yelled and everyone followed him into the main room to the Zeta tubes. " We can get in here!" Andrew shouted pointing, " can you get us in!" Lucas yelled at Jo'hnn, " yes but only one at a time" he said, " okay soilders in first!" Aqualad yelled, " no way you are accets we cant afford to lose " the general said, Aqualad nodded, they started going in one at a time, Robin BO 1, Gravity Boy BO 8, Astreous BO 15, Miss Martain BO 4, Sound Barrier BO 9, Dream Catcher BO 13, Cyrus BO 7, Shade B0 10, Superboy B0 6, Eclipse BO 16, Artemis BO 2 the machine scanned just as an explosion began, Aqualad yelled at Bullet, Andrew, Blossom to get scanned fast, Blossom got in as did Martain Manhunter. The entrance to the Zeta tube was about to cave in and that left Bullet, Andrew and Kaldur , " someone go quick!" Bullet shouted, Andrew growled and pushed Bullet to the scanner and pushed him into the beam and finally the entrance collapsed, Andrew and Aqualad turned around and were shot with a beam and were gone.
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