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Chapter Two- "Second Date"


"That was the mission, Wally." Nightwing said, walking into the room and smirking. "Jealous?"

"What?" Wally sputtered. "No! I just don't think she should be going out with a rich piece of slime!"

Nightwing looked hurt.

"Sorry, dude."

"Was and Is the mission." Batman said as the computer recognized his arrival. "Revenge doesn't know how deep this runs. The assassination attempt on Grant was merely a face put on by the League of Shadows."

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "Grant seemed fine for a guy that had almost died."

Batman was silent for a moment before continuing.

"We don't yet now what their goal is, but we believe the target is Red Revenge. However, the attempts on Grant's life are still a serious threat. Artemis, you've been assigned to protect him at all costs. Kid Flash will be your backup of you need it, but he will remain invisible at all times."

The two teens nodded.

"Dismissed. As for Alpha Squad..."


"You realize you're going to tick him off extremely, right?" Nightwing asked as he walked with Batman to the zeta-tubes.

Batman let out a rare smile. "Counting on it."

"Recognized. Batman..."


"We try again tomorrow."


Artemis crouched on the building looking down into the crowd, keeping an eye on her target. Grant was evidentally important to something Batman needed or wanted. So she was to keep him alive at all costs.

Sam knew where his shadow was at all times. It wasn't hard to keep an eye on a blonde teenage girl in a green outfit with a bow & arrow in broad daylight, no matter how much she took to the shadows.

Frankly, he considered it a game with Batman. However, Batman assigning him a shadow was extremely annoying.

Sam messed with her head naturally. He would purposely lose himself in the school crowds and totally disappear at random times. He could tell Artemis was getting extremely irritated.

The expression calm before the storm was distinctly and sharply true in this situation. Lunch was as boring as it got. Everyone was quiet and sat motionless eating.

And yet Sam managed to disappear again. Artemis growled in frustration. Batman was going to kill her if anything happened to the boy. Leaving her position, she navigated the rafters trying to find the billionaire.

She nearly fell out of the ceiling when Red Revenge spoke behind her.

"Good job." he said. "I think you've proven Grant has better disappearing abilities than you."

"Hah. Hah." Artemis said un-enthusiastically.

"He knows he has a shadow. He knows she has blonde hair, wears green and carries a crossbow." Revenge said, folding his arms over his chest.

"So Grant can see me. It doesn't matter."

"Does it?" Revenge smirked beneath his mask. "And do you know where Grant is now?"

Artemis frowned. "What's it to you?"

Revenge grinned and saluted sharply before sliding into the shadows.

An hour later, history class was ironically disturbed. The class was studying the rifles used in the Civil War when a shot rang through the glass and landed half an inch from Samuel Grant's foot. He escaped death by the sudden movement to avoid a spitball.

Everyone scattered and in the panic, Artemis lost sight of Grant. Sam was in the closet, changing into his work clothes.

Artemis was about to fire an arrow at the green-clad assassin when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Hey, sis." Cheshire said.

Artemis whirled around and fired an arrow. Cheshire deflected it, slicing it in half. The two sides fell to either side of her. Artemis grinned and ducked. Cheshire looked at the two arrow halves that were blinking below her.

She jumped from the rafters as the explosion rained down debris on the screaming students. Artemis turned to look toward the assassin. A blur of black and green swarmed the roof where the assassin was.

Artemis quickly turned her attention to the other green-clad assassin. She dodged knife slices and fired arrows at point blank range from her hip-crossbow. Cheshire somehow dodged them all, careful to avoid exploding arrows.

"Where did Grant go?" Cheshire asked, brandishing her sword.

"You've got bigger problems." a new voice informed her.

Cheshire looked up to see Red Revenge's boot heading towards her face.

She grabbed his foot, but his hand came around and knocked her to the ground.

"You're not my type." Cheshire said, wiping the blood off of her mouth as she stood up. "But perhaps another time...?"

"Don't count on it." Revenge said, dangling cuffs in front of her.

"Don't count on it?" Cheshire asked. Smoke filled the room and Cheshire disappeared.

"A fine job you did!" Revenge growled.

"Likewise!" Artemis retorted. "I see you didn't get your assassin!"

"Did you get yours?"

"That's not the point!"

"You lost sight of Grant! Luckily I got him home safe." Revenge growled.

Artemis tried to walk off, but Revenge put a hand on her shoulder. Artemis knocked it off. "Let me finish my mission."

"Try to." Revenge corrected.

Artemis growled and resisted the urge to punch the Black Hero in the nose.
posted by Mclovin_69
Bloodmist threw a punch at Whiteshadow but was kicked back and rolled back onto his feet, " looks as though you havent kept your practice dear brother " Whiteshadow said flipping his sword around and getting in a fighting stance. Bloodmist glared under his mask, " or i havent been in the mood for hurting people Shadow..." Bloodmist said in an annoyed tone. " Well i dont understand why you try to change yourself when you really cant brother....." Whiteshadow said, Bloodmist was filling with rage at his brothers words, " you can never be good " Whiteshdow finally said before Bloodmist snapped,...
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posted by EclipseYJ
Robin sat on the building the wind of the night blowing through his inky black hair perched on a gothic looking gargoyle with a stare that guarded the city of any movement. Nothing, no sight of the killer all night for two weeks. He heard soft footsteps behind him but didn’t move his eyes from his binoculars.

“Any signs of activity?” Miss Martian asked
“No, nothing to report tonight” He replied but suddenly stopped “or not yet, have you been able to get through to Artemis?”
“No her com link might be broken; I’ll have to find her mentally”
“That might have to wait, take a...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
A white-coat walked in carrying a plate of cookies and sat them down on a table and walked out locking the door behind him. The cages opened freeing the 3 kids as they raced to the plate of cookies.
“So you have your price," Nudge said with a mouthful of crumbs. "Your soul for a cookie." Fang made sure May wasn't looking and then shot Nudge the bird. Nudge giggled as she returned the favor to her brother. A tall man walked in holding a clipboard followed by two whitecoats
"This is Duerr he deals with all genetic engineered life-forms, including you three." Duerr looked at Fang.
"Is dere anysing...
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posted by KatRox1
Name: Heather Till

Villain Name: Viper

Age: 15 (Almost 16)

Powers: Copies other people's powers through contact, only temporary

Personality: Tough, sarcastic, doesn't judge other people, extremely agile

Appearance: Straight blonde hair with purple and pinkish tips, blue eyes, piercing on right eyebrow, 3 peircings on one ear; 2 on the other, agile, usually has nails painted purple, southern accent

Clothing: Wears a dark purple t-shirt and black skinny jeans, gold chain necklace, usually wears gloves, utility belt equipped with grappling hook, extra gloves, inhibitor bracelet (its like a mini-inhibitor...
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posted by killer24
hope you like it

real name:Alex knight




ability/power:inhuman strength,shoots webs/swings from them,can climb up walls,regenerates limbs,blends in to shadow

appearance:blond scruffy hair,blue eyes,well muscled,scar on lower back and one on chest,hides face all the time(know one know his secret id)

personalty:funny,shy,reasonable,focus when needs it,respects the team and there friends

story:born with powers parents disown him for being weird so went to the us and got raised by spiderman.was his sidekick but spiderman and batman said join the young justice program

other:born in the UK so has a british accent.will not tell past to any one
Alex knight
Alex knight
posted by InfinityYJ
"And they said nothing happened? Wouldn't believe that for a second. People don't just pass out because of nothing."
Charm's arrogant voice rang down the halls as most of the team stood in the training room and discussed what had occured. Most of the team. Delta, Aisling, Robin and Nathan all sat in Fin's room with her. "You're sure it was him?" Delta asked.
"Positive. I'd recognize that son of a bitch anywhere." Fin growled. "Brennan, goddamn ass."
"And Chelsea," Nathan added. "God, I hate her."
"So, do we tell them? The team?" Aisling watched the younger teens, concerned.
"No!" Nathan and Fin...
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posted by 66Dragons
A double storyline to introduce two of the best DC Comics characters ever.

The Cause Behind the Cowl


The school bell rang as the students filed in. Barbara Gordon closed her locker and turned to see Dick Grayson smiling at her.

Barbara let out an exhausted sigh and turned to the boy. "What now, Richard? More homework?" 

"Nah!" the teen replied. "I just wanted to say hi!"

"Well now you've said it. Go." Barbara said, slightly irritated.

"Someone is certainly not feeling the aster." 

Barbara groaned and started walking away. Dick followed.

"Why are you following me?" she asked.

"Why did you...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Nudge where are we going?" May whined as the sat on her levitating rock while Nudge and Fang flew above her.
"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." 
"We're over the Arizona border. Where are we going?" Fang looked down.
"You wanna know, Fine! Where going to the school and putting a stop to this genetics crap." Fang stopped in his tracks. "You're joking right? Nudge, we can go up against these guys! Its probably 3 to about 500!" 
"That's why I've called in Lynsey, Sophia and Paris, and the rest of the Young Justice team."  May screamed as a familiar whizz zoomed by Fang's ear. 
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca's POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Turning, I heard footsteps come by my door and Sam's voice on the other side. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. It was a late night, but I was used to those. Besides, if Sam was up, I was going to miss out on all the fun. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair. I decided to just put it in a ponytail and then headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
As I left my room, I grabbed the taser I had stolen from one of the guards at Grant Industries. I hid it in my boot and headed out. I entered the common room, ignoring the whistling of...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Lucas sat on the couch watching TV with the remote on his stomach as he layed down, his veiw of the TV was suddenly blocked when Phoebe and Blade stood infront of him and glared at him, " what gives im trying to watch hockey" Lucas said sitting up and holding the remote in his hand now. " What gives with you!? running around town as a villian! " Blade yelled, " what are you talking about!? " Lucas said arguing. " Were talking about you running from the cops! " Phoebe said, Lucas glared at them " i need to get some air away from this crazy house..." Lucas mutterd angrily getting up and walking...
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posted by Mclovin_69
After the ceremony Lucas sat on the roof of the old facility, it was only so close when the games started. He jerked his head to the side when he heard a noise to see Artemis walking up to him, " what are you doing up here? " she asked, " getting one last look on the sanity in this world " Lucas said, Artemis sat down next to him " what do you thinks going to happen.... to... us ? " Artemis asked. Lucas faced Artemis now " i dont know... but i always have questions running in my head " Lucas said, " like? " Artemis said. " Wondering if im going to die.... wondering if i ill still be me " Lucas...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Somwhere in the Arctic, 6:31 a.m.

Nathan dragged himself out of the cave and was blinded by the glare of the sun reflecting off the frozen tundra. He was staving- but he knew he could go a lot longer without food than he could with water, and thankfully he was surrounded by it. He fell to his knees and scooped up a handful of slush, placing it into his mouth. His teeth and gums were suddenly numb, but he toughed it out and began to move on. "How-how about a story? To pass the t-"
He stopped mid-sentence. "Great, now I'm taking to myself." But in his mind, he was already flashing back to one of...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Mount Justice, 3:59 a.m.

Fin grabbed her backpack and a thick coat. She changed into snow friendly civies, including long pants and a pair of sunglasses that she could later use for goggles. Biting her lip, she made her desicion. Against all orders-
She was going to find Nathan.
She quietly snuck out of her room and slid the door shut, sneaking out to the kitchen. Opening the cabinets, she grabbed anything she needed- cans of food, water, and even a pan. She concluded to grab some wood to keep a fire going, probably a blanket for if- no, when she found Nathan. She would find him. She had to. For......
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posted by robinluv14
Name: Kessandra "Kess" Jensew
A.K.A: Amethyst

Age: 15

Description: straight lilac colored hair, deep purple eyes, about 5'9", kinda skinny

Costume/Civies: black crop top with medium length sleeves, blue capri jeggings, black and purple high tops (or no shoes)

Personality: quiet, shy, but can get pretty fierce when overworked

Background: Kessandra was raised on the streets. She's social smart, not very book smart, and was found by Red Arrow on one of her attemps to make a living through magic tricks. He brought her to the team and she's been there ever since.

Abilities: Magic/Mystic Arts, shapeshifting...
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posted by Peturivar
Metropolis,Suicide Slums
September 18, 0:23 EDT

Hank ran across the alley, his red hair shining in the moonlight, but suddenly he stopped. Moving his muscular body, he saw the Sinestro Corp members who where following him. He started to run again, cursing his father for taking his power ring. While running he spoke his oath,

In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night, No Evil Shall Escape My Sight, Let Those Who Worship Evil´s Might, Beware My Power, GREEN LANTERN´S LIGHT.

His ring flew right to him. When he saw himself in his standard Green Lantern outfit he stopped running. The two Sinestro Corp members...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Everyone in the crowd the sun was covered by clouds in the sky and the day was dull, Black Canary finally picked up the microphone and began to speak, " Welcome Welcome... the time has come to select three corageous men and woman to contribute to the annual Hero games ", Mohve gasped trying to calm herself as she stood next to Steel, Steel looked at her and spoke to her " Mohve its only your first year that your name is in there...their not going to pick you..." Steel said holding her hand, Black Canary reached in the box on names and pulled out one, " Mohve Slade! " Black Canary said. Mohve...
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posted by Robin_Love
Aroan, wolf form
Aroan, wolf form
“While we head out, you can tell me something.”
“What do you want to know?” Becca asked.
“Why you're out. I haven't seen you in a long time. Ever since Hex came along.”
“Ugh! Please don't talk about that! I have nothing I want to remember!”
“Okay. But I have to know why you're out. You owe me that.”
“I'm out...looking for you.”
“For me?” Kai asked in pure surprise.
“Yes. I had a dream three nights ago. Of the night you saved me from Hex.”
“Why'd you want to find me?”
“I was hoping you could help me find him. So I can end this once and for all.”
“Becca...he almost...
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posted by Robin_Love
Serepta Info

Name:Serepta Devette
Occupation:Demon; Witch
Powers:Black Magic, master of the Mystic arts, skilled fighter, master of disguise, mistress of darkness
History:Serepta was the favorite daughter of Anton and Kendra Devette. She is the oldest of the Devette girls and third oldest beside her two brothers. She is highly intelligent and dangerous. She lived in the kingdom of Attalin, learning from her father, despite Kendra's wishes. When she was seven, Kendra gave birth to another girl. Serepta became jealous of her youngest sister and devised a plan to kill her. Serepta looked...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca Stevens
Becca Stevens
Shade Info

Name: Rebecca Uccello Stevens
Occupation:Minor; Vigilante
Powers:Magic, super senses, trained in all known and forgotten forms of combat, various weapon skills, super kick, hacking
History:Becca was taken from her family at the age of three. Her father killed her family and Becca was put into an orphanage. She was adopted by the Stevens family and trained to be a gymnast for the circus, which included ridding horses. Becca left the circus at age nine when her parents were killed. Her sister Serepta betrayed her, forcing Becca to live in the streets. Becca met Talia Al Ghul,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
SportsMaster was ready to stab Lucas but was hit back by an exploding arrow, SportsMaster got up and looked to the side to see Artemis with her bow in her hand loaded with another arrow, " so your girlfriend has come to save you how typical " Cheshire said. Artemis shot another arrow at Cheshire but Cheshire dodged it. Lucas gasped looking over, " Artemis! " he shouted. Artemis looked over to see her father about to throw harpoon at her but Artemis dodged, Lucas got up and used his gravity to take the sword off the ground and throw it at Cheshire, she grabbed it without looking behind her,...
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