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posted by yayshadowhunter
An hour has gone by since Alfred left to go get the door at two in the morning and of course Bruce is still up doing research on his latest mission for the Justice League. The silence of the night is broken when Alfred returns to the Bat cave, an expression of complete confusion on his aged face. “Master Bruce, you have a visitor waiting for you”
He manages to say still wearing that mask of perplexity. “At this hour?” Bruce questions yet he goes and changes into an extra pair of clothing he stores in the Bat cave. He follows Alfred into his office to find a girl, about twelve maybe thirteen years old examining the office as though she has never seen such a thing before. “Hello, I’m Bruce Wayne” He states simply to show to the girl he was there. She hastily turns around to face him and her baby blue eyes meet his, an uncomfortable awkwardness fills the room as she mutters “Hi”. Alfred slips behind the door leaving the strange scene. The girl tears her gaze away from Bruce trying to regain awareness of her surroundings. “Have a seat” Bruce motions, she sits down and suddenly asks “When can I see the Bat cave?” Bruce shocked but quickly covers his emotion with false confusion, “What are you talking about?” He questions. She looks at him, eyebrows raised in a skeptical manner then with a roll of her eyes she replies “ I’m Catherine, Catherine Wayne.” Catherine says it with pure casualty; anger rises in Bruce as his voice roughens “Who are you.” He demands. Catherine simply throws her long wavy black hair back and cockily motions Bruce to sit down. He surprisingly listens to her and takes a sit on the opposite side of his mahogany desk staring the girl down she does look oddly familiar he thinks to himself.
posted by Robin_Love
Becca's POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Turning, I heard footsteps come by my door and Sam's voice on the other side. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. It was a late night, but I was used to those. Besides, if Sam was up, I was going to miss out on all the fun. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair. I decided to just put it in a ponytail and then headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
As I left my room, I grabbed the taser I had stolen from one of the guards at Grant Industries. I hid it in my boot and headed out. I entered the common room, ignoring the whistling of...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Lucas sat on the couch watching TV with the remote on his stomach as he layed down, his veiw of the TV was suddenly blocked when Phoebe and Blade stood infront of him and glared at him, " what gives im trying to watch hockey" Lucas said sitting up and holding the remote in his hand now. " What gives with you!? running around town as a villian! " Blade yelled, " what are you talking about!? " Lucas said arguing. " Were talking about you running from the cops! " Phoebe said, Lucas glared at them " i need to get some air away from this crazy house..." Lucas mutterd angrily getting up and walking...
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posted by InfinityYJ
"There is no way we can get home, huh?"
"Not that I know of. My com was in the jet."
"Didn't know you could be so vocal, Fin."
"Shut up Nathan."
The two continued on in the cold. Fin's coms no longer worked on the spots they were currently in. Silence pursued for a while as each teen thought about what to say to the other- sorry was too general for the things they wanted to apologize for. Finally, they made up their minds.
"I have something to-
"I think you should know-"
They stopped and looked at each other. "You first," Fin requested.
"No, ladies first."
Fin glanced down at her feet. "I-I don't...
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posted by Mclovin_69
After the ceremony Lucas sat on the roof of the old facility, it was only so close when the games started. He jerked his head to the side when he heard a noise to see Artemis walking up to him, " what are you doing up here? " she asked, " getting one last look on the sanity in this world " Lucas said, Artemis sat down next to him " what do you thinks going to happen.... to... us ? " Artemis asked. Lucas faced Artemis now " i dont know... but i always have questions running in my head " Lucas said, " like? " Artemis said. " Wondering if im going to die.... wondering if i ill still be me " Lucas...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Somwhere in the Arctic, 6:31 a.m.

Nathan dragged himself out of the cave and was blinded by the glare of the sun reflecting off the frozen tundra. He was staving- but he knew he could go a lot longer without food than he could with water, and thankfully he was surrounded by it. He fell to his knees and scooped up a handful of slush, placing it into his mouth. His teeth and gums were suddenly numb, but he toughed it out and began to move on. "How-how about a story? To pass the t-"
He stopped mid-sentence. "Great, now I'm taking to myself." But in his mind, he was already flashing back to one of...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Mount Justice, 3:59 a.m.

Fin grabbed her backpack and a thick coat. She changed into snow friendly civies, including long pants and a pair of sunglasses that she could later use for goggles. Biting her lip, she made her desicion. Against all orders-
She was going to find Nathan.
She quietly snuck out of her room and slid the door shut, sneaking out to the kitchen. Opening the cabinets, she grabbed anything she needed- cans of food, water, and even a pan. She concluded to grab some wood to keep a fire going, probably a blanket for if- no, when she found Nathan. She would find him. She had to. For......
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posted by robinluv14
Name: Kessandra "Kess" Jensew
A.K.A: Amethyst

Age: 15

Description: straight lilac colored hair, deep purple eyes, about 5'9", kinda skinny

Costume/Civies: black crop top with medium length sleeves, blue capri jeggings, black and purple high tops (or no shoes)

Personality: quiet, shy, but can get pretty fierce when overworked

Background: Kessandra was raised on the streets. She's social smart, not very book smart, and was found by Red Arrow on one of her attemps to make a living through magic tricks. He brought her to the team and she's been there ever since.

Abilities: Magic/Mystic Arts, shapeshifting...
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posted by Peturivar
Metropolis,Suicide Slums
September 18, 0:23 EDT

Hank ran across the alley, his red hair shining in the moonlight, but suddenly he stopped. Moving his muscular body, he saw the Sinestro Corp members who where following him. He started to run again, cursing his father for taking his power ring. While running he spoke his oath,

In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night, No Evil Shall Escape My Sight, Let Those Who Worship Evil´s Might, Beware My Power, GREEN LANTERN´S LIGHT.

His ring flew right to him. When he saw himself in his standard Green Lantern outfit he stopped running. The two Sinestro Corp members...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Everyone in the crowd the sun was covered by clouds in the sky and the day was dull, Black Canary finally picked up the microphone and began to speak, " Welcome Welcome... the time has come to select three corageous men and woman to contribute to the annual Hero games ", Mohve gasped trying to calm herself as she stood next to Steel, Steel looked at her and spoke to her " Mohve its only your first year that your name is in there...their not going to pick you..." Steel said holding her hand, Black Canary reached in the box on names and pulled out one, " Mohve Slade! " Black Canary said. Mohve...
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posted by Robin_Love
Aroan, wolf form
Aroan, wolf form
“While we head out, you can tell me something.”
“What do you want to know?” Becca asked.
“Why you're out. I haven't seen you in a long time. Ever since Hex came along.”
“Ugh! Please don't talk about that! I have nothing I want to remember!”
“Okay. But I have to know why you're out. You owe me that.”
“I'm out...looking for you.”
“For me?” Kai asked in pure surprise.
“Yes. I had a dream three nights ago. Of the night you saved me from Hex.”
“Why'd you want to find me?”
“I was hoping you could help me find him. So I can end this once and for all.”
“Becca...he almost...
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posted by Robin_Love
Serepta Info

Name:Serepta Devette
Occupation:Demon; Witch
Powers:Black Magic, master of the Mystic arts, skilled fighter, master of disguise, mistress of darkness
History:Serepta was the favorite daughter of Anton and Kendra Devette. She is the oldest of the Devette girls and third oldest beside her two brothers. She is highly intelligent and dangerous. She lived in the kingdom of Attalin, learning from her father, despite Kendra's wishes. When she was seven, Kendra gave birth to another girl. Serepta became jealous of her youngest sister and devised a plan to kill her. Serepta looked...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca Stevens
Becca Stevens
Shade Info

Name: Rebecca Uccello Stevens
Occupation:Minor; Vigilante
Powers:Magic, super senses, trained in all known and forgotten forms of combat, various weapon skills, super kick, hacking
History:Becca was taken from her family at the age of three. Her father killed her family and Becca was put into an orphanage. She was adopted by the Stevens family and trained to be a gymnast for the circus, which included ridding horses. Becca left the circus at age nine when her parents were killed. Her sister Serepta betrayed her, forcing Becca to live in the streets. Becca met Talia Al Ghul,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
SportsMaster was ready to stab Lucas but was hit back by an exploding arrow, SportsMaster got up and looked to the side to see Artemis with her bow in her hand loaded with another arrow, " so your girlfriend has come to save you how typical " Cheshire said. Artemis shot another arrow at Cheshire but Cheshire dodged it. Lucas gasped looking over, " Artemis! " he shouted. Artemis looked over to see her father about to throw harpoon at her but Artemis dodged, Lucas got up and used his gravity to take the sword off the ground and throw it at Cheshire, she grabbed it without looking behind her,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Batman allowed the team to take a vacation back at Andrews family farm, he was raised there. The team took the bio ship and was there in no time, Becca was excited becuase Andrew was talking about how he kept the horse that Becca used to ride when she was younger. The team was spending a couple weeks there to take a well earned rest from fighting. After Becca and the girls had settled Becca eagerly wanted to go see her horse and dragged Willow with her who happened to drag along Wally. The others did their own thing becuase there was lots to do up at the farm. " Okay Willow please for me!!!!...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca walked out of the bar and into the street. She nodded to the people who looked at her and then continued on her way. She walked in the streets, splashing through the puddles. She walked down to a food place, deciding it was better to rest a little while. A bell jingled as she entered. A little woman came to the counter, gray-streaked red hair pulled into a bun. Her blue-green eyes were warm and inviting. Just like her shop.
“What can I get you?” the woman asked.
She had a strong accent, one Becca couldn't place.
“A hot cup of coffee,” Becca answered.
“Is that all?”
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posted by Robin_Love
“Just open the door! Maybe she's asleep.”
“Erin! Calm down.”
“But Willow, I haven't seen her for several weeks! I miss her!”
Erin gave Willow her puppy dog eyes and Willow groaned.
“I hate when you do that,” Willow muttered, unlocking the door with the key Becca had hid.
“I know. Wally's been helping me with it!”
Erin smirked and ran through the open door way. Willow followed slowly. Erin suddenly came back. Willow examined the almost worried look.
“What's wrong?”
“She's not here!”
“She knew we were coming Erin. I'm sure she went out to grab breakfast and is...
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posted by NekoTheif
He whispered a name into her ear and she gasped out. "you...." she started to blink quickly her eyes stung and before she new it her hands were against her face and she was sobbing up a storm.

"Crap what I do?" he leaned away. She didn't want him to his touch was electrifying on her skin. "I-I don't know what to do!" she screamed. "It has to do with reason your here right?" he asked. She nodded stiffly her mind reeling.

"Tell me Amara" he placed his hand on hers and her skin burned. "I-I-I ran away" she chocked. "uh huh" he nodded. This girl was a run away? "what's a pretty girl like you running...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Where's the first pearl at?" Fang turned around to look for danger. 
"Great." Volt rolled the map.
"What? Where is it?" Fang snapped for the map, Volt blocked him by sending a shock of electricity through Fang's body.
"Agh!" Volt smirked.
"If you must know so much it's at Waverley Hills Sanatorium." Fang just looked at Volt.
"Isn't that a 'haunted' closed down hospital in Louisville Kentucky?" 
"Yep, c'mon let's get moving." Volt leapt up into the air and took off.
"What do you want from me?" I stared at Darien.
"C'mon. Switch...
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posted by Robin_Love
“You're WHAT?!”
“Calm down Wally. It's not like you care about her. Right?”
“No! I'm surprised! Or is that not an emotion you have?”
Billy clicked his tongue.
“Doubt and hostility. You sure are over her.”
Wally glared and Billy only smiled. He threw his basketball towards the net, scoring another point.
“Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to base. But let Willow know I'm waiting for the alter. She's very tempting. But the kiss will be sweeter if I wait.”
Billy strode away, whistling. Wally felt his blood boiling and ran faster than he ever had before. He made it to the...
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posted by robinfanforever
It was just another typical day at Mount Justice. M'gann was in the kitchen making cookies, Conner was watching the static on the TV, Kaldur and Robin were sparring, and Wally and Artemis were arguing.

"I did not!" Wally yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

"Oh you so did. Baywatch, I can't believe you!" Artemis yelled back then turned and walked away.

"Hey, don't walk away when I'm yelling at you!" Wally said as he ran after her.

"Oh so mature," she said turning her head to the side but not really looking back at Wally. As she turned her head back around to face ahead of her, she yelped a...
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