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Chapter Three - Return to Jasper Park

Ok, here is the third chapter to A Lonely Omega, which is becoming a great story. In case you didn't know, this story is basically the Alpha and Omega version of my Rio story, Decision, but I made this more different and added a more depressing feel to the story. In Decision, Blu reflects on his past and goes into a deep depression, while Jewel is the only one that can bring him out of his depression. Humphrey has reflected his past and in a depression that Kate can heal and take away from Humphrey. Now, I'm going to combine all the choices while Option A will be part of future chapter plots. Before you read, I suggest you get this song so you can listen to it while reading. It's called Hey Jude from The Beatles, but the version I'm using is the version heard on the movie, Across the Universe. Now, here is the next chapter to my popular A Lonely , here is the next chapter to my popular A Lonely Omega.

Flashback - Three Months Ago - Humphrey's POV

The air was cold tonight, and the ground was covered in white stuff I now know as snow.

It was very lonely here and been about three months since I gave up looking for a home.

I was still a lost pup, desperately looking for acceptance, but what do I get, nothing but pain and suffering.

Luckily for me, I found this den that I now call my home.

It wasn't the best den but it was something.

I was now walking through the lonely area that was my home, and a few times, I swore I saw my mother walking by, an image I longed to see.

The funny part, I haven't seen images of my dad, just my mother... only one time I saw him was when I started my lonely new life.

"Humphrey..." A soft voice said, a voice I knew so well, my mother's.

"Mom! Is that you?" I asked, hoping to hear her voice again.

But as usually, nothing was heard, only my breathing and the slight noise of my heart falling to pieces.

I lowered my head to the ground, shaking with sadness.

"Ahh! Why is this happening to me! I'm going crazy!" I shouted, then lifted my head, "Mom! If you're out there, please answer me! I'm all alone here and need to hear your voice again... I just need to hear a voice... any voice..."

Nothing was heard again, as I ran back to my den and broke down crying like a newborn pup.

Things were now getting really depressing for me.

Am I going to die alone, and with the way things are looking now, I will.

Then a voice spoke out to me, but it wasn't my mother's, but a soft angelic voice...

"Hey... don't cry..." the voice said, indicating it was a female.

I looked to see who it was but saw nothing, then I closed my eyes and let out more tears when the voice spoke to me again.

Then for the first time, I saw a slight glimpse of a young female pup.

All I heard was her voice, didn't see what she looked like.

After that, I didn't see her anymore... I haven't seen much of anyone, like they were either avoiding me or what.

Before I would get a few visitors every once in a while but now, I'm all alone.

My once shiny grey pelt was now a dirty grey color, my fur all in a mess.

My face was all covered in tear stains from all the crying I did.

To make matters worse, I noticed that my food source was getting a little scarce now, which made me both scared, angry, and happy.

I was scared because I didn't know how I was going to live on, I was angry because I had to eat and if I hadn't eaten, then maybe there will be more food for other wolves who are more important than a stupid ugly wolf like me.

Then I was happy because I now have the reason to starve myself so I can see my parents

The next month was just depressing for me as I tried killing myself.

It snowed pretty hard and wanting a way to kill myself, I slept outside in the snow, hoping the cold will kill me.

But it didn't work, my damn fur kept me warm, but what was strange was it felt like someone was snuggling next to me, but there was no one.

"Damn, I'm going crazy... there's no one here, it's just me... it's just... me," I said, breaking down into tears, "Why can't I die! I want my parents again! I'm tired of being alone!"

As I shouted that, I banged my head against the ground, hoping to crack open my head, but it didn't work.

Then came to the last option, slicing my throat, so I stood over a pond so my blood won't stain the ground.

I had my claws against my throat, and dug it into my throat, but it was not deep, just broke the skin.

The blood slowly came out since it was just a small cut, I tired to go deeper but struggled to do it, like someone was screaming for me not to do it.

Why would anyone care if I do that, I was no one special and no one would loved me.

I tried going deeper but still struggled, as I broke down crying again, shaking in both pain and sadness.

It was all true, I was pathetic, but why would anyone want me alive.

After hours of crying, I decided not to kill myself and just let starvation take me.

With the little food left in the area, I decided to leave it for more important wolves

The last two months were very slow, as I was slowly surviving off the squirrels that were in the area.

I barely ate, only time I did was to keep me alive a little longer, hoping to hear my mother's voice again or that mysterious girl.

Then one night, I was out walking and then...

End of Flashback

I woke from my little flashback and realized that the girl who was speaking to me earlier was none other than Kate herself.

Then I felt someone cuddle closer to me and saw Kate smiling in her sleep.

The moonlight made her fur sparkle in it, as if stars were dancing on it.

But the question remained, why did I hear her voice, was she really speaking to me or was it all in my mind.

I was now going crazy, thinking this journey to Jasper was going to bring me even greater pain or just completely destroy me.

I really hope so, because I want out of this life, I want to be in my mother's soothing embrace.

Kate got closer, burying her face into my neck, as I felt the slight puffs of her breath, making me smile.

This was the first time I smiled and I wasn't sure why I smiled, maybe it was because a girl is doing this to me, when many other girl run away from me.

She doesn't care about me, even if she is really pretty... no, I can't think like that, she's probably going to kick my ass when she wakes up

It was a good two days for me, first I saved her life, then the next day, she offers me a chance to join her pack, then we form a bond, something I never had since my parent's deaths

There was something about her that's different from all the wolves I met, something her presence that brings peace to me.

Another thing about her is her personality, it fits her perfectly.

She was also willing to share her past with me and wanting to help me overcome this depression.

My depression had a strong hold on me, like I didn't want to wake up anymore.

But now, with Kate here, I feel free again... maybe happy again.

I know I'll never be loved by anyone, but when I look at Kate, I could feel my broken and damaged heart slowly being put back together.

As much as I want to believe that Kate is fixing me, I can't let myself fall into any more tricks.

"Stupid Humphrey... stop falling for tricks, that's all she's doing, is tricking you..." I said to myself, as I looked back at Kate, wondering what she is thinking about.

By Humphrey's Old Home - An Hour Ago No One's POV

A group of REBEL wolves were meeting with Miles and his pack.

"Oh come on, we'll help you get this Omega, and all you have to do is capture this Alpha..." Miles said.

Nigel, who was by his side, looked at him, "I thought you said you didn't need her."

"Shut it, dirtface! I was just going to leave her but if I let her go now, then I'll lose my reputation, besides, no female could resist my gaze, I just wasn't doing right earlier..." Miles said.

Then one of the wolves that were in the shadows spoke up, "So, let me get this straight, this Omega is traveling with another Alpha, a female by the way you described her, and you just want her, but this Omega has been here most of his life, and he has grey fur and blue eyes."

Miles nodded, as the wolf came out of the shadows, revealing to be Sam, the leader of REBEL.

Nigel was shocked, "What?! I thought you were dead!"

Sam growled at Nigel, "Shut the fuck up! I wasn't dead, you idiots, I had a fucking decoy attack those pathetic mutts, it was so easy fooling them!"

"Yeah dumb ass, I knew about it the whole fucking time!" Miles shouted, smacking Nigel.

"So, this wolf, what was his name?" Sam asked, wanting to know more.

Miles looked at Sam, "Humphrey..."

Sam's eyes went wide, "What the fuck! You mean this Omega is Peter and Sarah's son!"

Miles shrugged his shoulders as Sam punched him in the face, sending him flying.

"Your entire fucking pack deserves to die, but you and your dumbass friend, Numb nuts..." Sam said, but was cut off by Nigel, "It's Nigel, not Numb nuts!"

"Kill the entire pack, but leave these two alive, they're coming with me!" Sam shouted, as many of his wolves went past Miles and Nigel, killing everyone that was there.

The area was now filled with screams, growling, and barking.

Miles looked back at Sam with anger, "Why did you do that!"

Sam smiled, "Because I'm evil, and I want things done my way..."

Nigel rolled his eyes but Sam saw this and smack him into a tree.

He then turned his attention to Miles, "Now, if you help us kill this Omega, then the Alpha that is with him, is all yours..."

"How are you going to do that, I can get her, she just needs to stare into my eyes and she'll fall for me, all females do!" Miles said, grinning.

"Oh really, if you could do that, then she would have fallen for it in the first place, my pack is special... we can brainwash her for you... we did it before to many Alphas... so, what do you say, do we have a deal?" Sam said, holding a paw out.

Miles looked at it and back at Sam, "Only on one condition, she get's to listen to me, I know all about this whole brainwashing thing, so she gets to listen to me."

"Of course, because you will be there when we do it to her, so deal..." Sam said, grinning.

"Yeah deal," Miles said, shaking paws with Sam.

Sam smiled as he saw all of his wolves walking up to him, blood all over them.

"Is it done?!" Sam shouted, as all the wolves nodded, making Sam smile, "Good, you're all great loyal Alphas!"

"All hail Sam!" All of the wolves said, saluting Sam.

Sam looked at Miles and Nigel, pressuring them to do the same.

"All hail Sam!" Miles said, looking at Nigel, giving him an angry look.

Nigel looked down as he did the same thing, "All hail Sam!"

"Good, now... Lets Go, We Need To Catch Them... Now!" Sam screamed, as everyone started walking north, where Humphrey and Kate went.

Before Sam got farther, he was called by a soft voice, "Dad?"

He looked and saw his son, Fang.

Fang had silver fur just like his mother but had Sam's eyes, which was a reddish color.

Sam walked towards Fang with an angry look, which sent caused Fanged to back away slowly.

"Daddy, please don't hurt me! I just wanted to come with you!" Fang said, shivering.

"You should have listened to me, boy! Now, I have to do this!" Sam said, grabbing Fang by the neck as he screamed for him to stop.

But it was too late, Sam snapped Fang's neck and threw him to the ground dead.

Sam turned around and saw everyone looking at him.

"You saw that, an Omega did that to my son! An Omega came out of no where and snapped my son's neck!" Sam shouted, smiling.

Nigel looked at Sam with fear and confusion, "How could you say that when you did it yourself... there was no wolf near you two."

Sam ignored Nigel's comment as he shouted, "You saw that Omega! He killed my son, and that is a reason to exterminate them... they are VERMIN! COCKROACHES! BUGS WE NEED TO CRUSH!"

All the wolves were looking at each other, then began agree with Sam, causing Nigel to drop his mouth in shock.

"Death to the Omega! Crush them!" They shouted, causing Sam to grin evilly.

Just then, a train horn was heard, causing Sam to grin again as he walked over to the train tracks that was near and saw the train coming.

"Good, now we got out ride, try to hide from us, puny Omega!" Sam said, as the train got closer

Kate's Dream - Kate's POV

I woke up in my den in Jasper Park, but there was no where there.

I walked outside and everything was quiet, like Jasper was abandoned.

"Kate..." a soft angelic voice said, alerting me.

I looked around and saw no one, which freaked me out.

"Kate..." the voice said again.

This was really freaking me out, last thing I remember was sleeping next to Humphrey, then I woke up here with no one around.

"Kate..." the voice said, but this time, I was no longer waiting for someone to show up.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you want?!" I shouted, scared out of my skin.

There was a moment of silence when the voice spoke again, "Don't be afraid Kate... I'm not here to hurt you, just want to talk?"

I turn around and saw a silver furred wolf standing at the entrance.

She looked just like Sarah, my mother's best friend, and Humphrey's mother.

"Sarah... is that you?" I asked, not wanting to believe my eyes.

She smiled, "It is me, my dear... and you sure do look like your mother... so beautiful."

I blushed by her comment, "Thank you, and it's an honor to meet you mam... I can see where Humphrey gets his looks."

She let out a laugh before giving me a serious look.

"Listen closely Kate, what I'm about to tell you, might shock you..." She said, as I listened closely, "When me and Humphrey's father, Peter left your pack, we was being hunted down by some wicked wolf Sam, you might know him as the wolf your father banished a long time ago."

This shocked me, I heard about him as the wolf my dad banished for being too violent on Omegas.

"When me and Peter got to Idaho and found a pack to live in, I found out that I was pregnant with Humphrey. So we hid in secrecy until Humphrey was old enough to defend himself," she said, "Then Humphrey was born, and we thought life was perfect, until Sam came."

"The reason I'm telling you this is because the ones responsible for our deaths are still out there... trying to hunt down our precious Humphrey, which is why we need you to defend Humphrey," she said.

I nodded, knowing my new responsibility was to protect Humphrey.

My feelings for him grown ever since I met Humphrey, and the more I spend with him, the more he means to me.

"I'll protect him with my life, mam..." I said, proud to say that.

She smiled, "You are just like your mother Kate... you have a good heart... and that will get you everything... Humphrey will need you now, more than ever before... those wolves will try to use you against Humphrey, but you must stay strong."

This was a shock to me, why would they use me against Humphrey, but I knew that they will most likely use me to lure Humphrey but I care more about him than myself.

"I will protect Humphrey mam, I care more about him than myself..." I was interrupted by Sarah, "You love him don't you?"

I blushed, knowing my secret is out, "Yes... I do love him, even though we just met, I've been thinking about my feelings for him and discovered that he means more to me than anyone else had..."

"I'm glad you feel that way about him... if you're wondering, you're meant for him... how I know this, I saw the life you will have with him and it was a happy life."

This made me more happier, "You really mean that, I knew deep down that were meant to be but now, I know!"

"I really mean that, Kate... now, before I go, I want to tell you something, just love Humphrey and never let him go," she said, as I jumped for joy, happy that me and Humphrey are truly meant to be and that his mother wants me to love him for life, which I will.

"Don't worry mam, I won't let him go, it'll take a lot of wolves to separate me from Humphrey now..."

Then she slowly faded, telling me to tell Humphrey she and Peter love him with all of their hearts.

Once she was gone, everything went black.

End of Dream

I woke up, feeling happier than I did when I fell asleep.

Sarah, Humphrey's mother, spoke to me and I now know why my mother adored her, she was sweet and I could see Humphrey takes after her, but is stuck in this depression.

To make things better, she said that me and Humphrey are meant to be.

I looked outside and saw that we were getting a little closer to Jasper, but saw us crossing a big lake (The one that passed in the first movie)

I saw this as the opportunity to howl and hopefully get Humphrey to join me.

Wondering what I should howl or sing, I remember a song my parents used to sing at the moonlight howl.

It was a very iconic song and sang by some weird group of humans that I never heard of until now.

Hey Jude by The Beatles - Across the Universe Version, available on the soundtrack of Across the Universe

I took a deep breath and spoke in a soft voice, getting Humphrey's attention.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

My howl added a more heavenly feel to the song, as I continued to sing, pouring my entire heart into the song.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better

Humphrey listened to every word of the song, as I continued to sing.

Anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
Well, you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making it a little colder
Na na na na na na na na na

I let out a good howl while staring at Humphrey, wanting him to join me

Hey Jude don't let me down
You have found her now go and get her
(let it out to let it in)
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better better better better better better whooooooooo

Humphrey smiled as he got up and joined in with me, shocking me.

Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude

Our howls joined together to form a beautiful duet

Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Jude! Hey Jude! Hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey!
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude

I looked at Humphrey and smiled, as I shouted

Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Jude! Hey Jude! Hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey Jude hey!
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude

Then we both took a deep breath and sang together, our voices becoming one beautiful voice

Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na hey Jude

We ended the song with both of us giving a loud long howl, that lasted a few minutes.

I was both shocked and happy that he joined me.

He stared into my eyes as I stared into his beautiful eyes, the moon making it shine

"That was... amazing," I said, smiling at Humphrey.

"That was... you have an amazing voice and howl..." Humphrey said, smiling, staring lovingly into my eyes.

I smiled when I saw his smile, "You have an amazing voice, too... even an amazing howl, I'm already super attracted to you..."

Then a few tears came out of his eyes, as he pulled me into a hug, softly crying into my shoulder.

"You really mean that..." he said, as he silently sobbed and I held him in my arms.

"Yes Humphrey, you do have an amazing howl..." I said, as I rubbed his back, trying to get him to stop crying.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes and a big smile plastered on his face, "Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me... I always thought I had a bad howl."

I rolled my eyes at the bad howl comment, "Oh come on, not all wolves have bad howls... and your howl is definitely not a bad howl... I find your howl to be se... ahem... really beautiful..."

He hugged me tighter, not wanting to let go, "Thanks Kate..."

I saw the sign that said we were in Jasper Park and now, some very familiar scenery.

Humphrey saw this and I told him it was time to leave.

We got off the train and was now heading towards Jasper, where my pack is waiting for me to return.

As we were walking, I was daydreaming about my life with Humphrey again, imagining our wedding.

With me walking towards him, looking really beautiful and Humphrey, looking really handsome.

We said our vows and the rubbed noses together, sealing us as mates for life.

But my daydream ended with almost walking into a tree, but I came to my senses before I did.

Humphrey saw it and let out a small laugh before continuing walking.

I blushed and walked ahead, if other wolves from my pack tried attacking Humphrey

But Humphrey was now walking slow, his head low to the ground, silently sobbing.

I head that and turned to face him, only to see him standing there, letting a few tears fall from his face.

"Humphrey, what's wrong?" I asked, walking up to him.

He looked up at me and smiled, but his smile faded fast and he lowered his head again, softly speaking, "I'm sorry for making you worry... I'm fine..." He couldn't finish when his body began to shake, not in pain, but in fear and sadness

This worried me because he was in a mess already and don't want anything else to happen to him, especially since he is my future mate.

"You're scared of being rejected again, aren't you?" I asked, knowing that was the reason he was scared.

He just nodded as I nuzzled his neck gently, calming him, "It's OK, they won't reject you, they are the best pack to live in, besides... you have me, and I'll make sure they accept you, or else, I'm staying by your side..."

He lit up when I said that, smiling again, but I smiled even more, happy to see him smile more now.

"You're smiling more now... that's so good to see," I said, smiling.

Humphrey blushed, "Well, you should thank yourself, ever since you came into my life... I've felt... really different now, like I'm alive or something."

"I'm so glad you feel like that, you touched my life, too..." I said, lost in his eyes, "In more ways than you can imagine."

There was something else in his eyes, it was hope... hope that he could live a normal life again.

It's funny how some wolves get depressed and then, someone else comes into their life and everything is changed.

Humphrey was very special and to know that I changed his life for the better was something that made me feel better.

Then fear came back and he lowered his head, as I lifted his head with my muzzle, gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I'll tell you what... I'll go to my parents and tell them about you, and if they say you can join, then I'll get you," I said.

He looked at me with doubt, then nodded, as I walked to find my parents.

Before I got too far, I turned around to face him, "Don't worry, I'll be back... I'm not going to abandon you!"

I would have him come with me but if he's scared, then I'm not forcing him, he means so much to me now and couldn't force him to do anything.

I ran till I reached the Alpha Den where my parents would be, but as soon as I got there, someone shouted, "Kate's back!"

Out of nowhere, all the wolves surround me, asking me if I was ok and where was I?

I kept telling them that I was OK, till I heard my mom shout my name.

"Kate!" Eve shouted, running to me and hugging me tightly, "I was so worried about you!"

"I'm fine mom... the humans relocated me to some place down south, and it was a good thing they did, I found someone who really needs a pack to live," I said, making my dad perk up.

"Oh really, where are they?" Winston asked, wondering who I was talking about.

"He's by the border, but was too scared to come in... he's been rejected by many packs and... been really depressed most of his life..." I said, "You know his parents..."

Eve perked up, "What are their names?"

"Peter and Sarah..." I said, smiling, as soon as I said that, Eve almost fainted but she kept herself up, leaning on Winston.

"You... mean... to tell me... that the... wolf you have... is... the son of Peter and Sarah?" Eve asked, wanting to know if she heard me right.

I nodded as Eve smiled, tears forming in her eyes, "Oh that's so great to hear... I thought their pup was dead."

"Yeah, he's afraid of being rejected again, so he stayed by the border while I check with you, so can he join the pack?" I asked, knowing what their answer will be.

Winston and Eve shared looks before looking back at me, "Lead us to him, we want to tell him personally, he is accepted into the pack."

I smiled and pulled them into a hug, enjoying their embrace again.

Then I saw no sign of Lilly, "Wait, where's Lilly?"

Winston smiled as he broke the hug, "With her new mate, Garth... we united the packs between them, so you're free to be with anyone you choose..."

I smiled as I heard the news, "Good, because I have my eyes set on Humphrey... he's such a sweet wolf, and... so cute! I just want to kiss him up."

"Well... I see you have crush on him, I was like that when I met your father," Eve said, laughing a bit.

I led them to Humphrey where we saw, could scare any wolf.

Humphrey's POV

Why am I so scared, she said her pack will accept me, and her parents knew mine.

I'm so pathetic that I can't just...

"Hello fuckface!" A sinister voice said.

I turned and was smacked really hard in the face, sending me into the ground.

Standing above me was a wolf I wish to never see again, the one that killed my parents.

"I thought you died!" I said, fear in my voice.

"I didn't die, my fucking decoy did, now prepare to die, Omega!" Sam said, kicking me in the stomach.

The pain was now getting severe as Sam and another wolf who I recognized as Miles stood over me, calling me filthy names.

Miles pounced on me and began to tear my back open, blood covering the ground..

"Leave him alone!" A soft sweet voice said, as I knew who it was, Kate.

Just then, Kate pounced on Miles and began to punch him hard for hurting me.

Before Kate could react, Sam grabbed Kate and knocked her out.

"Alphas, tie her up while I'll deal with the Omega!" Sam said, walking over to me.

He was over me and stabbed me in the gut with his claws, tearing open my stomach

Just then, Sam heard an angry voice as another golden wolf came out of nowhere and attacked Sam.

"How dare you hurt my daughter! I'll fucking tear you apart then spread your filthy remains all across Jasper so your worthless pack won't find your fucking body!" Eve shouted.

Sam smiled and knocked her off of him.

He saw that Kate was all tied up, her paws and muzzled tied up, "Ok, time to go, move move move!"

Mile picked up Kate and ran off with the other wolves, as Sam looked at us, grinning.

"You're worthless Eve... as you always were... I got your daughter now, so why don't you choose, save Humphrey or your daughter, either way, I win... and you lose!" Sam said, turning to me, "As for you, cockroach, just die already, no one wants you alive."

"What are you going to do with Kate?!" Eve shouted.

"Oh Eve, you foolish Alpha... Kate is going to get a little re-teaching or as we call it, brainwashing!" Sam said, laughing as he followed all the wolves, leaving me and Eve alone.

I was bleeding badly and was slowly loosing conscious, but Eve made the first move and placed pressure on my stomach wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

The pain was unbearable but what Eve did made me feel comfortable.

Eve was in tears, from both seeing her daughter being taken to see me in pain.

"Just stay still... you'll be fine..." Eve said, trying to speak.

"Do... Do... you... know my... parents?" I said, shaking in pain.

"Yes... I adored your... mother, she was my best friend... and I'm so sorry about what happened to your... parents, but I swear to you... I will protect you with... my life..." Eve said, trying to speak but the tears kept coming.

I smiled and pulled her closer to me, "Thank... you... please... get... Kate... back..."

I closed my eyes as I felt Eve pick me up, after that, everything was blank.

A:N/: How was it? Is Humphrey dead? Of course not, I will never kill Humphrey, he's too much of a main character to the story, so it wouldn't be right to kill him off
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added by JennaStone22
added by JennaStone22
added by katewolf22158
added by KingSimba4Ever9
Source: omegawolf
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9