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posted by TimberHumphrey
i really don't wanna review this movie. i really, REALLY don't wanna review it. but since i had the balls to go and watch it.... this is my review/rant on the one and only..... Norm of the North..... god, help me!

so, Norm of the North follows the story of Norm, a polar bear voiced Rob Schneider - cause why the fuck not? - who's the prince of the Arctic (i think?) and spends most of his time twerking (yea, you heard me right: the bear TWERKS!!) while listening to shitty pop songs on his iPod and saying some of the worst jokes i've ever heard! he's not like any other polar bear considering he doesn't know how to hunt, but he's still in line to be the king of the Arctic somehow. right up till one day, he finds out that his home's being ravished by this one corporation called Greene Homes, who're gonna start building houses and condos on the Arctic. so now, Norm heads off to NYC with his 3 lemmings in hopes of saving his home and finding a loved one. now, i'm pretty sure some of you are probably all like: "okay, doesn't sound too horrible. a bit generic and stupid, but nothing to rage about". but oh!! you don't know anything yet. the stupid premise is just the tip of the ice berg here! i mean, i literally don't know where the hell should i even start with this disgrace to animated movies! everything wrong with animated movies today is literally in this movie! not only is this a disgrace, but it's also the worst animated movie to get a wide theatrical release! seriously, almost everything you can think about in this movie fails so hard, it's just appalling!

first off, the animation's a absolute eye sore. this has to be one of the worst looking animated movies in years! not only is it incredibly ugly, but there are times where it looked unfinished. from the terrible rendering, bad lighting and unnatural character animation, to the shitty character designs and the butt-ugly backgrounds, there's literally nothing redeemable about the animation here. there are times when even the lip syncing is so off, it's almost impossible not to notice! seriously, the lip syncing in this movie makes the lip syncing in Hoodwinked 2 look competent.

but that's just the animation, guys.... trust me, it gets even worse from here! first off, all this movie does is tell a message. an environmental message. and not just any environmental message. a environmental message that the movie just loves hammering it down our throats EVERY. 2. FUCKING. MINUTES!! the entire point of this movie is to tell the audience to save the Arctic, while throwing anti-industrialism into the mix. why the hell would we ever wanna live in the Arctic? i have no god damn idea, cause it never bothers to answer. that makes the movie so preachy that it treats the audience like complete idiots, thinking that we always need a fucking reminder about what Norm should do. to make it worse, the movie fills itself with a huge pile of plot cliches, making the movie so predictable that it takes every single bit of enjoyment it could've had and some boring-ass scenes that go absolutely nowhere and are never mentioned again. but the worst thing this movie could do is scrapping the bottom of the comedy barrel with some of the absolute worst fucking gags i've ever seen! and it's not just your typical gas humor and poop jokes. you have no idea how low this movie goes just to get even a single stupid laugh.

that's when the characters kick in. first off, we got Norm who's trying to save the Arctic from destruction and to find his long-lost grandpa, who disappeared when he was a cub. oh wait, was that spoiler? well i don't give 2 shits about it, cause the movie doesn't deserve it at all. the entire joke with Norm is that: he can't hunt and he twerks! he twerks a lot throughout the movie! really, movie?! a fucking twerking joke?! that's the best they got?! and Norm has other traits the movie forgot to explain, like: why's he able to talk to humans when the other animals don't? why should we know about his love interest and for him being the next king of the Arctic? who the fuck knows, cause the movie clearly DOESN'T! then, we got the so-called "3 lemmings", who're probably the worst trio of comic reliefs i've seen in a really long time! let me tell you: these 3 little shit heads are the reason why the humor's so god awful. they're nothing but obvious Minion rip-offs, but that fails cause they don't have any of the charm, quality or likability of the Minions. i swear, there's this one scene where the 3 shitheads take a piss in a fish tank, and it's so drawn-out and so unbearable, that i felt like i wanted to shoot myself.
and then, we got Mr. Greene. the villain of the movie with nonsensical plans about building condos on the Arctic and can be obnoxiously over-the-top with the way he moves. well, what do ya know? he's also trying to rip-off Chester V from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, a much better movie i wish i was watching right now. as for the rest, i just don't fuckin' care! they're so pointless that the movie would stay the same if you took them outta it. and let's not forget the fact that - according to this movie - New York City is populated by the most brain dead people you could think of. they either see Norm as a guy in a bear suit or even a actual talking bear, and somehow they're totally fine with it. are you fucking serious?!

ugh, i'm done. i'm fucking done talking about this travesty. Norm of the North is truly awful! it's literally the worst animated movie i've seen in theaters! the animation's disgusting, the writing's abysmal, the jokes are at their absolute worst, the characters are unlikable, idiotic and brain-dead and the environmental message is unbearable. now i can see why Anthony Bell and Crest Animations said "no" to this movie, and they did the right thing! this movie's so horrendous, i'm actually starting to sympathize a lot more with other bad movies like The Nut Job and Strange Magic. it's literally a whole new low for Rob Schneider's career. and if somebody out there defends it with bullshit excuses like "It's just for kids", can i ask: who the fuck are you talking about? kids 4 and under with a lack of IQ?! all the kids in my theater couldn't stand 5 minutes of this abomination, and i definitely don't blame them.

that's why Norm of the North most definitely gets a big F! and yea, i know. i don't think i've been this pissed at a animated movie ever since Swan Princess 5, but i'm not lying when i say: this movie broke me!
Alpha and Omega: Debt paid with Blood

Alright first story Plz use creative critisizm

The Wind Crackled as it Passed throught the trees, Sending warm air into the undergrowth and into the bushes. A lone bull grazed below, it chewed on the wild grass it's long legs like stone pillars his antlers covered in velvet and the scratches of old fights lay visible.

The wind shifted , as the Old bull cocked his head releasing a loud snort. Admist the bush a pair of Glowing eyes focused on the moose, to the eyes their was nothing else just it's prey. the eyes took note of every breath , every movement, every...
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posted by PrinceRhaegar
I took Humphrey deep into the mountains and found the most quiet, yet beautiful place to grace Jasper. We sat atop an large cliff overlooking the rest of the park, all the mountains, all the little creeks. Meadows filled with the melting snow, small flowers beginning to peak up, despretely seeking the sun. We marveled at the conifer trees as well, a shining pillar of strength that refused to bow, even to the might of winter.
We just sat there, at this moment there was no need for words, we let the scenery around us speak.
"All matter is just a form of energy condensed into a slow vibration and...
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Kate got to the den where Humphrey was just laying on the ground.
“Umm,” Kate said.
“When’s my trial?” Humphrey asked.
Humphrey sighed, “I need a lawyer.”
“I got Hutch for you.”
“Thanks,” Humphrey got up approached the rock, “Maybe playing with the Omegas will help me forget this.”
Humphrey left and went to Mooch’s den, which was the closest.
“Hey, Mooch, I nearly killed Cando and I’m going to trial tomorrow. I just hope playing will help me forget about all this.”
“You almost killed a wolf?” Mooch asked in panic.
“Yup, trial is tomorrow....
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posted by xscash23
Demon Lilly apocalypse part 2
     Garth thinks that it crazy that Lilly robbed a store but he reported her behind her back and the cops showed up and took her to the police department big mistake she turned into the demon and killed every body in the police department and then ran home and she kicked the door down and slaughtered garth after mating one last time then turned back to normal and sobbed about garth she could not show her face again she ran ways away and hid then Humphrey came and found her ballling and said “C’mon Lilly come back the pack is in danger and...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 5
“That, was awesome.” Seth stated. “I know! Right!?” Kate said smiling. Seth and Kate passed over an arched bridge. The water lapped the bottom of the bridge. “We’re almost there aren’t we...” Seth asked. Kate turned away from him and looked out the train car. She looked at the mountain. She paused for a moment scanning the area. “We’re about two hours away...” “Okay, er...” Seth took a deep breath. “You can sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there...” “W-wait, why?” “You saved me... If you hadn’t hit Hunter before... I... Would of been killed......
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 2
“Right this way!” Sam said as he flew overhead. The wind buffeted Kate’s head and her fur ruffled and felt like it was going to fly off, but as an Alpha, she couldn’t let small things like that bug her. Rain pelted her and it felt like she was being hit with stones. “Where are we heading?” demanded Seth. There are mountains ahead! If we can pass them, we can reach the rock flow below! That will take you directly towards the pack’s territory!” “But won’t the rain make the rockslide a mudslide? A mudslide could kill us!” “I know! But if we hurry, we can get to...
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posted by katealphawolf
*Rated T for all the usual reasons, you have been warned!*

"Humphrey wake up! Wake up man we got another lesson today!" Humphrey's eyes opened a little, he saw the lean, powerful figure of Garth standing over him. "Um wait, whoa, what?" "Its almost noon Humphrey get your scrawny butt up!" Humphrey finally came around and opened his eyes all the way and looked around. The cave was brilliantly lit with warm autumn sun, Kate still sound asleep snored softly. Humphrey remembered what he and Kate did the previous night and how tiring it was.

"Last night was amazing Garth you should have seen me!"...
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posted by UriahA
Humphrey, Star, and Kaltag go to school again.

Kaltag, Star and Humphrey got up and remembered they need to go to school.
“Crap, we didn’t go to school yesterday!” Star said.
“We had driving school,” Kaltag replied.
“Do you think they’ll excuse us?”
“Probably, we’ll have to bring our slips.”
“Wait, but Humphrey doesn’t have one.”
“We got to make sure he could be excused.”
They got to school. When they got to school, they went to the office.
“Here’s our slips for driving school.”
“Alright you two are excused.”
“He was with us and we took him and…”...
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added by SentinelPrime89
added by bossyalpha
added by TheChriZ1995
Source: A&O2, xNickTheBestx
added by SentinelPrime89
added by SentinelPrime89
Princess is hunting for herself when she Bump into someone.then she hear a she look up she recognize the wolf.
Princess: Runt?
Runt: Princess?
Claudette: Runt Who is this?
Runt: Claudette , Stinky Mom and dad this is Princess.
Kate: So Youre the one Look after our son aren't ya?
Princess: Yes and you must be Kate.
Kate: Yep that's me.
Humphrey: Hope he doesn't cause any trouble
Princess: Not at All I l like him a lot I've also left the pack.
Humphrey: Well you can stay with us.
Princess: Really?
Kate: Yeah.
added by LoneOmega
Source: Me !
"No, no, no, NOO! You can't die! I love you," wailed Humphrey as he wept over Kate's body.

Winston padded up to him, "Humphrey, she's dead, there's nothing we can do."

Humphrey looked at his pack leader, only to see his own sadness reflected in Winston's eyes.

"No, she can't be dead, she can't be dead, no," he cried. Humphrey then looked over at Tony, "This is your fault! If you weren't so greedy, Kate would still be alive! You old fool, Kate gave her life to save yours, and you don't even have the respect to mourn her."

Tony flinched away from the cold fire in Humphrey's gaze. "Tony, I think you...
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added by JennaStone22
added by Ignas357
Source: me!

I awoke to the shine of the sun hitting me in the eyes, a women who was opening the window "Who is it" I said rolling over.
I opened my eyes and she was sitting cross-legged on my bed. I sat up, "Hello-" I felt hands slide over my eyes.
"Guess who," said a voice that sounded so fimiliar, I smiled, "hmmm, I have no idea," I grabbed the arms and threw her over my shoulder on to the bed landing on top of her.
Alyssa gasped as I fell on top of her, "Well that was exciting."
"Alyssa what are you doing in here" I smirked Alyssa laughed and hopped off the...
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