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Spotted: Bass Bouquet???
Spotted: Bass Bouquet???
Episode 03- A Date With the Devil

Gossip Girl: # Spotted, Bass at Flower's Inc. Is that rose for a Waldorf or are you treating know what they say...players only love you when they're playing...careful B, don't go getting pricked by a thorn! You know you love me xoxo Gossip Girl! #

School Corridor
Chuck approaches Serena....

S: Hey....Chuck...
C: Did you talk to her?
S: Ummm ....yeh...but if you wanna know how she's feeling you should ask her not gonna be a messenger or anything.
C: I doubt she'll even look at me let alone talk.
S: Maybe you should atleast try Chuck!
C: Leave it. it doesn't matter.
S: Maybe it does.
C: Well it doesn't bother me.
S: (disappointed) Fine know sometimes, i see a side of you that makes me think...maybe he's not that bad afterall...but then you always do...or say something to change my mind again! I feel like after all these years i still don't really know you...and maybe what everyone says about you is true you why do i bother? you're the last person i should trust with my best friend! just forget it...ok.. see you later.

Serena proceeds to walk away.
Chuck calls out to her.

C: Serena.
Serena Turns around
C: Do me a favour.
S: What?

Chuck talks to Serena....what they are saying is unheard.

Lunch time at school
Blair gets a text from Serena
S Text: Hey B, i nd 2 talk 2 u, it's important...i'll w8 4 u in CB17 xoxo
B Text: Ok, btw isnt that room where ppl go to smoke weed. i cnt stand tht smell! XoXo
S Text: Ha! dnt wry no1 here xoxo
B Text: K, c u in abit XoXo

Blair makes her way to meet Serena.
She lets herself in and the door closes behind her and is locked. Key removed.

B: You! What are you doing! (attempts to open door but is grabbed by Chuck!) Let....GO!
C: SShhhh, it's locked, i have the key.
B: I dont want to speak to you Chuck! what do you want! ......
where's serena? she told me to now you're sneaking around scheming with my best friend...
C: Well i'd rather scheme with you, but you dont give me a chance...
B: After the way you treat me....
C: Thats the reason i called....well....tricked you into coming here.
B: I told you im not interested in anything you have to say....What's.....that? (looking at a blood red rose in his hand)
C: The begining of an apology...? (hands out the rose to her)
B: (doesn't take it) I dont wanna hear your meaningless dramatics.
C: It's not drama....i swear.
B: Then what is it.
C: It's a rose. I wanted to...(interrupted)
B: Not that! im talking about this! why have you called me here? what do you want?
C: Something i've.....never asked for before.......Forgiveness.
B: You don't deserve can't just fix things so easily!....i wanna make sure you feel the way i felt when you said those things!
C: (looks away...clearly disheartened) .....(turns back to Blair and walks closer to her) Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury..
B: (in two minds, looks hurt) You can make up a quarrel Chuck.....but it will always show where it was patched.
C: It wont be like that (holds onto her)....
B: You used admitted to that...remember...conquering the unconquered...
C: I didn't mean it...
B: You must have had a right laugh....Blair Waldorf...loses her virginity with Chuck Bass...a great headline and you take all the credit.
C: No...
B: Yes! You played a game and you fooled me...well fool no more...i'm not going to be a victim anymore...
C: Just listen to me....
B: I've listened enough...i might be naive but i wont let you drag me down's over chuck...what ever it's over...(breaks free of his grasp)
C: (contemplates giving up by turning away from her to let her go)
B: (turns door handle) I...need the key.
C: (turns towards her...gets the key out of his pocket...looks at it and then at her as she puts her hand out to take key) I made one mistake Blair.
B: One! huh! ....just give me the key!
C: The old Chuck wouldn't care....he'd let you walk fact he wouldn't have called you here in the first place...he wouldn't have gone into a public store to buy you a rose....don't you see...?
B: I .....I need the key.
C: The fact that i called you here to apologise...isn't that enough for you to see that i'm being genuine....? do you really think i'd go through all this trouble if i was using you...if i didnt regret the things i said...which by the way i didnt even mean in the first place.
B: Why would you say something if you don't mean it?
C: For the same reason you always say you hate me.
B: No, believe me, i do mean that.
C: (walks close to her again and puts the key back in his pocket) dont....(strokes her hair) the things i said...i dont know where it all came from...
B: from the bottom of your heart.
C: No, blair....i just said the things that i knew would hurt you...i didnt mean any of it...
B: And why did you want to hurt me? what terrible thing did i do to you to deserve such an insult?!
C: You changed me....over night.
B: Don't make me laugh! You can never change!
C: Maybe you dont see it...i dont blame you...neither did i. I thought she was just trying to brainwash me...
B: who?
C: But maybe she was right (referring to serena but doesnt say her name)....maybe she did see something good in me...something you brought out of me...and me...i dont like change.... i couldn't let you change me...when you got close...i had to get out...thats why i said those things to drive you away.
B: When did we ever get close Chuck...!
C: We would have.....if we realised how we felt....
B: do we....feel?
C: (lets go of her, it gets really intense, both are clearly close to tears) I just want you to forgive me. i want you to know that i didnt mean the things that i said...none of it was true....i didnt use you...the things i said about nate and doesnt reflect what i really think about that're better than her and Nate was a fool to ever let you go...and that night...i didnt sleep with you just to be your first...i did it was are special...and...i had the time of my life. and i'd like it if we could just start over? well not from the begining but...maybe from after...that night? just give me a chance to prove myself. (takes the key out of his pocket and hands it to her, hoping that she wont open door and will willingly stay in the room and accept his forgiveness)
B: (takes key and opens door!) I need to think, alone.

Blair walks away leaving Chuck in the room.

Gossip Girl: # Ouch! Is that tears in your eyes Bass? Looks like someone just got a taste of their own medicine! But dont be too gutted, Queen Bee just needs some time, and swarming season isn't yet due! #

Later on that day.
Serena and Blair catch taxi, to go shopping.
In taxi.

S: Hey im sorry about lunch, tricking you into talking to chuck...he really wanted me to do him a favour...i couldn't say was for your own good.
B: Forget about it...i guess i needed to hear him grovell anyway! (laughs)
S: Wow Chuck grovelled!
B: Well he didnt beg for mercy but he did make an attempt on an apology.
S: Aaaaw thats so sweet! Definately not like Chuck to ask for forgiveness! you did make up didnt you?
B: No, im not sure if he deserves it.
S: Aaaw B! you have to forgive him! Not cuz you have to...but just because you need was sweet of him to apologise the way he did...dont make him sweat!
B: Maybe he needs least it'll make him realise that you can't just go around insulting people like that!
S: B im sure he realises his mistake...otherwise he wouldnt have took a lot for him to do that. just, give him a second chance.
B: I dunno....i don't want him to think he can get away with things just by saying sorry...not that he actually said the word sorry!!
S: Aaaaw...comon's what if he didn't say the "sorry" word, he still apologised didn't he...what exactly did he say then...?
B: A load of stuff....actually what he said was better than saying the "sorry" word....
S: Well there you go then...the word sorry doesn't mean anything anyway unless you fully admit the mistake you made and ask for forgiveness and thats what he did....and did he tell you how he didnt mean the things he said...?
B: Yeh.
S: And do you believe him?
B: I think so...i guess i understand his justification....he said he wanted to hurt me to drive me we....wouldn't get close...because he didn't want me to change him.
S: Aaaaaw, now...isn't that basically what i said!! i told you to trust me!! He obviously saw something in you and he was afraid that he'd develop feelings for you and he wasn't ready for that so he tried to drive you away....and now that he's admitted that to you and he doesn't want to lose you....just forgive him and move on...otherwise you'll end up losing each other...which is what he's trying to avoid in the first place.
B: I hardly know him....
S: (holds blairs hand) Then get to know him...i'll be there for you the whole way through....if anything goes wrong i'l fix it for you...i owe you that much...i and chuck are a lot more alike than you'd both cant admit to you feelings and you both cant open up to eachother....thats whats got you here...the arguments,'s all because of the fact that you're both too stubborn and proud for you're own good, but i can tell how you both feel.....and if you need me to mediate for you like i have been doing then i'll do it if thats what it takes....but you guys just need to learn to trust honest and open about your feelings.
B: Serena...lets just take this one step at a time ok... you sometimes read too much into and chuck...we're hardly friends....
S: And there you go again...denial.
B: (laughs)
S: (laughs too)

Somewhere in NYC.
Serena and Blair are together.
Chuck's Limo approaches and the window slides down.
Serena and Blair stop by Limo.

C: Ladies....looking gorgeous as usual. retail therapy?
S: Hi, you by any chance live in that spend a lot of time in must be really tight in there dont you get lonely....
C: Actually it's quite spacious in here... you can both join me if you like....but if you cant serena thats fine by sure blair wont mind coming in without you...? (cheeky grin on his face)
S: Actually we're going to try our dresses decide what to wear tonight...
C: Whats tonight?
B: There's an exhibition at the sure you've heard...your father owns it!?
C: Oh that....i dint realise you liked art...?
B: It's an occasion...i like attending such things, whether it's art or just an opening of a whore joint.
C: (smiles) Well i'll see you there then.
B: You're going? I didnt realise you liked art...?
C: It's not the art i'll be admiring (looks blair up and down...slowly untill looking her back in the eyes and grinning)
Blair gets slightly embarrased
B: (drags Serena away) ye, see you there...comon S let's go.
C: (shouts after her) Wear something red....that colour suits you.
Blair looks back at him and then away again.

S: Wow...i almost felt out of place during that round of flirting...
B: Flirting?! What are you on about there was no flirting...!
S: Really....cuz it sounded like flirting to me...!
B: Hush S, he may have been trying to charm me but im not falling for it!
S: Mmmmmhummm, ok.. denial....again....just...wear the red dress you brought ok.
B: S! no! im binning that one for sure!
S: Well...dont you think it's a coincedence that your favorite dress you chose just happens to be the colour he likes to see you in? comon thats some major deal ok...he practically asks you to get in the limo with him in other words asks you out, and you didnt pick up on that and then he says he'l only be interesed in looking at you tonight and then he even tells you what to wear in order to satisfy him and your not gonna follow through on that?
B: He's just messing around. if he wanted to ask me out he would.
S: No, he wouldn't, he's not that kind of guy...
B: Well if a guy wants me, all he has to do is ask...if he can't do that, then he's not man enough.
S: All i'm saying is, with chuck...things wont be by the book. ok, he's gonna have to change for you and you'l have to change for him....just dont wait for him to do what a normal guy would know, like "oh blair i really like you, i want you, will you be my girlfriend"! chuck wouldnt do that kind of thing. if you wait too long...
B: Let's just go to my place and try these on ok.

They walk away. blair has a slight smile on her face from thinking about chucks flirting!

Later that day.
At the Gallery Exhibition.
Enter Serena and Blair.
Serea dressed in a white dress with a silver embroidered top half. hair left out wavy.
Blair in a reddish maroon sleeveless dress with diamante embroidery on top half. Hair curled with maroon diamante headband.
They both look around the gallery and then go to an area where a temporary bar has been set up for the event.

Chuck sits at bar, wearing black 4 piece suit. maroon bowtie. takes a sip of drink before laying eyes on blair.
they make ey contact for a moment before chuck stands up and looks blair up and down and back into her eyes, they both smile as he approaches her.
Serena tells blair she's going to look for Dan just before chuck walks up to them.

S: Hi, look smart!
C: dont look to bad yourself (still looking at blair)
S: Ok just going to go look for dan, i'll catch up with you guys later.

Serena walks away. chuck moves closer to Blair.

C: You look....lovely.
B: Thank look ....uummm (gets embarrased and looks down)
C: (lifts her head up with his hand) Thanks for taking my advice. red dress. it looks perfect on you.
B: it's maroon...
C: ......Do you wanna look around.
B: Me and serena already have.
C: Then let me buy you a drink.

He leads her to the bar.
They sit next to eahother, facing eachother at the counter.
Chuck Orders drinks for them.

C: Do you like any of the pieces?
B: Ummm it's not really my knid of can understand why people see beauty in art though.
C: Ye? ( takes a sip of drink) i have to say....theres only one entity of beauty in this place...and im not taking about art.
B: What is? me...
C: (looks into her eyes) something you could only see in a reflection...

Blair blushes and smiles chuck smiles back
Short silence, as they drink.

B: Actually when me and Serena walked in i saw this amazing painting...i dont know what it was but it had every shade of was amazing, massive! But it's not for sale though...otherwise Serena said she would have brought it for me cuz i said i would love to wake up every morning and like see it on my wall or ceilling or something! it was gorgeous!
C: Are you doing anything tonight?
B: .....(short silence) No....(another short silence) ....are you doing anything.
C: No (wants to ask her out...but doesnt know how!!!)
B: Well are going to make any plans? (waiting for him to ask her out...!!! )
C: Ummm...well...i dunno....
B: (angry at the fact that he hasn't got the balls to ask her out!) excuse me. (gets up and walks away)

Chuck watches her go, thinking he'l try again later on.

Serena passes by the bar and notices chuck alone.

S: Hey chuck...alone?
C: What do you want?
S: Whats wrong? Wheres Blair...i thought she was here... with you?
C: She was here...somewhere (they both look around)
S: Did something happen?
C: No.
S: Well ok, i'll see you later anyway...
C: Serena wait....
S: Ye?
C: Say if i wanted to get a girl to you know...hang out with me would you suggest i pose the idea to her?
S: (laughs) Chuck....the most experienced womaniser i know is asking me for advice!!?
C: Well you know her better than i do.
S: (stops laughing and looks serious) Ok,'s the thing....if you want to ask her it your way...she likes who you are....otherwise she wouldn' know....bother. Just do it soon ok...before you lose your chance.
C: I dont know how....not with her. it's different.
S: I know Chuck...but trust me the way you tell her how you feel is not as important as telling her. so just tell her already!
C: I think she may have left.
S: No, she wouldnt without telling me, i'll look for her...
C: Thanks....for helping.
S: (nudges him) Dont worry about it!

Serena finds blair, who is talking to a guy, it seems like the guy is flirting with blair...

S: Hi,....Blair...could i just speak with you for a sec? (smiles at guy, who walks away from them)
B: Whats up S?
S: Who's he?
B: Oh, him...his name is Samuel. isn't he cute!
S: Ummm the last time i saw you, you were with Chuck...remember him?
B: Ye i remember! He's....boring! Samuel is going to take me out tonight!
S: What? What about chuck...i thought you guys were trying to work things out?
B: Work things out! if he wanted me all he had to do is ask! im not interested in playing his...guessing games!!
S: B? Im sure if you go speak with him...he might have something to say...?
B: No! If he cant make an effort why should I! Anyway...we're just friends....if even that!
S: B?...

Blair walks away towards Samuel who puts his arm around her. and they walk off.
Serena watches after them...

Chuck is standing with a drink.
Blair and the new guy walk past.
Chuck quickly intercepts and grabs Blairs arm...

C: Blair...
B: What!
C: What are you doing?......who's....he? (referring to samuel, who joins the conversation, putting out his hand for a shake)
Sam: Hi, Im are?
C: (thinks he's too good to respond and instead looks to blair) Where are you going....i....need to...can we talk in private?
B: I'm busy....sammuel is taking me out tonight (then whispers to chuck) atleast someone was man enough to ask me out.
Blair storms off with samuel, leaving Chuck alone.

Later...Serena approaches Chuck...

S: Hey have you seen Blair yet?
C: She's gone...she was with ....some guy.
S: Oh Blair! Chuck you should have done something!
C: Like what! She was ...leaving with him.
S: You could have stopped her! All you had to do was ask her to stay....with you.
C: Really, while she's hanging off another guys arm...i don't think so.
S: Look, i told you that if you took too long, you'd lose your shouldn't let anything stop you...chuck...she should be here....with us...not some stranger...we dont even know that guy...he could be a psycho rapist or something...!
C: Oh, ye that makes me feel much better....
S: Look you have her number don't something.
C: Like what?
S: I cant give you step by step instructions....figure it out yourself.
Serena walks away.

Chuck takes out his phone.
Begins writing a text message to Blair.

C Text: whr r u? com bak 2 d gallery. i wna tk u owt some plc.
B Text: its 2 l8 now. im with some1.

Chuck puts his phone away and returns to the bar area.

Blair phones Serena.

B: Hey S....uummm i dont know what to do.
S: About what B? (serena walks around....eventually enters bar area)
B: Chuck texted me...he asked me to come back to the gallery...said he wants to take me out some place! What shall i do...
S: Come back of course he's been wanting to ask you all night! and why did you go off with that guy...he was totally not your type!
B: I dont know S, what if i come back and he changes his mind again? Where is he can you see him....does he look down?
S: I'm looking for him...found him...ok! ...(looks towards bar and see chuck....with a couple of girls who are all over him...) uummmm...on second thoughts maybe you shouldn't....he's...
B: What?.....S!? What! tell me!
S: Nothing....look i...
B: S please why are you acting wierd...whats wrong?
S: Ok, i'll be honest...he's....lets just say you've found alternative company...and so has he.
B: He's with another girl?
S: Girls.
B: Well i have my answer then....see you tomorrow bye.

Blair hangs up.
Serena looks in chucks direction, disgusted look on face, shakes her head.
Serena gives up on chuck and goes to look for dan.

Gossip Girl: # They say cupid was sent on earth to learn the lesson of love to the heart that knew not love...maybe this cupid's arrow missed it's target...too bad Serena...venus wont be too impressed. You Know You Love Me xoxo Gossip Girl #

Keep Tuned for the next instalment which will be posted possibly on Thursday...I have 11 episodes so far and will be posting them every couple of days rather than weekly....hope you like them! Leave your comments good or bad, i can take constructive criticism!
Back to Bass...
Back to Bass...
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
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Source: me :]
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Source: me
added by HadMeUntilTroll
Source: YHMUT
added by laurik2007
Source: tumblr
added by atomicseasoning
added by atomicseasoning
added by falloutboy13
After being avid fans for four and a half seasons, recent episodes of Gossip Girl have been a hard pill to swallow. That being said, we have in no way given up on CB or even the show. However, we do have a bone to pick with the nonsense that is Season Five. Oh, and pardon the surplus of f-bombs to follow.

The GG Writers are on something, and we’re both intrigued and terrified about what it could be. All we know is that Gossip Girl no longer makes sense, and we wonder if watching while on the sauce might make the show better (doubtful). It feels as if the GG Writers sat around and were like...
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I know my last one of these was posted on the Gossip Girl fan page but I know there are a lot of Dair shippers there and I really don't feel like arguing with them about this. So to just save everyone some annoying fighting I'l just write here where hopefully most of you will agree with what I have to say.
So just as a disclaimer I have not yet watched the most recent 2 episodes. Meaning the Valentines Day one and the one after that. But I just cant bring myself to watch the Dair show. Gossip Girl is not the same show it was 2 or 3 years ago and its becoming hard to watch. And yeah, I know it's...
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important call bass?!
important call bass?!
Please Review this skips ahead one month so enjoy
blair was walking around the house, she was 8 months pregnant and she couldn't wait for her little boy to be born. she sat down beside her eldest daughter and set her hands on her stomach. her baby had been quite most of the morning and now it kept kicking her. and not gently.

V: you ok.
B: yes your little brother is very unsettled today.
V: which one?
B: what do you mean?
V: little bro gregory and his new girlfriend rachel humohrey have been in and out of this house all day.
B: it's only normal, this...
continue reading...
Like most Chair shippers, I'm totally rooting for a little Baby Bass running all around the Upper East Side. But unfortunately, the Gossip Girl writers have not been very attentive to our Chair shipping needs as of late. Although it's been confirmed that Dorota is NOT our mystery preggo lady, we still don't know who will be sporting a baby bump come September 26th (stylishly, of course). So, we have two options. Pass the 29 days we still have left until the GG season premiere binging on Chair-heavy episodes, or start making speculations as to who will become a mommy in less than 9 months. I...
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They kηew each other iη a way ηo oηe else ever could, yet they contiηued with their lives ηever realisiηg what was right iη froηt of theм. That is, uηtil oηe unexpected м o m e η t opeηed their eyes aηd chaηged their lives f o r e v e r.
He tried to fight his feeliηgs all he could. She tried to coηviηce herself she didη't care. But try as they мight, it's clear to us that these two were ηever м e a η t for aηyoηe else. They are Chuck aηd Blair, Blair aηd Chuck, aηd they are truly ηothing without each other.

˜*. ˜*.*˜ .*˜
˜*. ˜"*°.˜"*°.°*"˜.°*"˜...
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what's wrong georgie?!
what's wrong georgie?!
please review i woul love to know how to make my story better i dont think it's that good.
GG: Spotted an arguement between Georgina sparks and a certain bass. why did you return G? we all want to know it is a little odd. also spotted blair listening in on the conversation tell us what they're saying B.

Blair had been wondering all week about why georgina was back. of course she knew she was looking revenge but that was two years ago. she was on her way to chuck's when she heard yelling around the side of the palace and decided to listen in. she...
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whats wrong C?!
whats wrong C?!
this is a sad episode. based around 2x13.
GG: the death of a loved one drive peoples emotions wild. they cry, they act out and in a certain basses case they cut of all communication to the outside world so you cant tell what they're really feeling. so what do you feel about the death of daddy C?

The waldorf apartment:
(Blair has been trying to get in touch with chuck for three days since his father died and he wont answer his phone)

B: Chuck call me back when you decide to check your messages. im worried about you.
E(Elenor): he'll call you when...
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what happened last night?!
what happened last night?!
hope you enjoy it i'll right episode 4 tomorrow
GG: hey upper east siders its the next day and i dont have any evidence on how chuck and blair's date went. get me anything you can because you know how i love a scandle.

Waldorf apartment:

(blair is getting her nails done by dorota)

B: god i hate that basshole.
D: what happened miss blair?
B: nothing last night didnt happen i had a boring night in and did not go on a date with that chuck bass'tard.
D: well whatever happened maybe it is a misunderstanding.
B: no its chuck being chuck, he's so far up his...
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posted by emmagossipgirl7
what are you up to chuck?!
what are you up to chuck?!
hope you enjoy this script of chuck and blair's love story. you can also read my season five finale page on the gossip girl fan site or go to my page.
GG: rise and shine upper east siders today is another day full of sex, lies and scandle. i hear N and B broke up last night after finding out that N slept with S. deepest condolenses B.

(Blair wakes up to see chuck standing in her room)
B: what are you doing in my room
C: you havent read gossip girl, the post went up last night that you and nate broke up.
B: yes thats true but it still doesnt explain...
continue reading...
posted by edwestwick
Story: "French Kiss"

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl or movie 'French Kiss'

Summary: After being left by her boyfriend Blair Waldorf goes to France to get him back. But what will happen when she meets not really honest guy who will not leave her alone? Based on the movie 'French kiss'.

AN: Dan’s not Jenny’s sister (she’s Nate’s sis). Chuck knows Dan but Blair doesn’t. And Chuck doesn’t know Nate or Serena. Ok I hope it’s not confusing.

Here’s new update and to the guardian izz review – I don’t EXACTLY follow the movie (which you will see...
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