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As she waited for the final minutes
of the 4 hours to end, Orihime
wondered what she should do. It
seemed that food had an influence
that needed to be controlled. If they
ate the fast food, the additives
made her act strangely. She was
sure about that if they went to the
Italian Restaurant, Ichigo would eat
too much and fall asleep. So, she
should insist they eat something
else. Ichigo did not want to go to
the Sushi bar last time. She'd have
to come up with another
As she remembered the events of
the last 4 hours, she noticed that
some things did not change. Ichigo
said he hated science projects and
the Shinigami Battle Licence had
alerted Ichigo to the presence of
the hollow both times. Thinking
about this, Orihime remembered
something that Jidanbo had
mentioned. Some events could not
be changed, especially if they were
caused by an external influence.
She didn't understand why Ichigo's
comment about science projects
was repeated. It seemed to be a
trigger for something. Orihime
looked at her hands where she was
holding the charm. Should she
repeat the last 4 hours?
It was really a question she didn't
have to ask. She wanted Ichigo's
love and friendship. Orihime had
restored the friendship, she hoped,
but had made no progress in
persuading Ichigo to fall in love
with her. She would repeat the 4
hours. As she sat looking at her
charm, she felt it heat up. That
meant two things. The 4 hours was
up and fate had accepted the
change. That made her feel better.
She would still have Ichigo's
Quickly now Orihime invoked the
charm again: 'Kurikaesu. Repeat'
She felt the same strange
sensation as though she was being
pulled backwards. It was only for a
moment and then she was walking
down the street with Ichigo.
'Let's eat here,' said Ichigo as they
passed a burger chain.
'Another trigger phrase,' Orihime
recognized, but that was only to be
expected. The 4 hours commenced
with Ichigo's comment.
Orihime shook her head. 'I don't
think that is a good idea, Ichigo.
Now she was repeating herself.
'How about we try that seafood
restaurant?' Orihime pointed at a
restaurant that had only opened
recently. 'I hear they sell two meals
for the price of one if you eat
before 6.00 pm. Want to try it? I'll
pay,' Orihime said quickly as she
noticed Ichigo's eyes stray to the
Italian restaurant.
'Seafood is good for the brain,'
Orihime reasoned as she saw
Ichigo frown. Maybe they could
have a healthy light meal and
Ichigo wouldn't fall asleep.
'Okay. I would have liked to try that
Italian place. I hear you can eat as
much as you want,' Ichigo
responded as they entered the
restaurant. 'I'll let you pay seeing
you suggested it.' He looked at her
stunned face and grinned. 'Only
kidding. We'll go Dutch. Why it's
called that I don't know. Maybe the
Dutch are either very miserly or
very sensible. I've never met
anyone Dutch,' Ichigo mused as
they were seated at their table.
The waitress handed them the
menus and quickly reeled off the
day's specials. As Orihime expected,
Ichigo chose the biggest meal on
the menu, most of it deep fried with
a side order of chips. She looked at
him questioningly as he placed his
order. Orihime chose some grilled
fish and a salad. She wasn't that
Ichigo appeared to notice her
questioning glance as he ordered.
'I don't get to eat much junk food,'
he explained, shrugging. 'Karin
insists we eat properly at home.
She's so responsible for a kid her
age. When I go out, I eat junk food.
It tastes good.'
Orihime smiled at Ichigo. It was
nice he'd answered her unasked
question. As they waited for the
food to arrive they discussed the
science project. It wasn't her topic
of choice, but it kept the
conversation going and gave her
time to plan her next actions. They
would eat and then go to her place.
Should they work on the science
project? They'd already worked on
it twice and she wanted a break.
Their meals arrived and Orihime
was unprepared for the size of
Ichigo's meal. As he dedicated
himself to stuffing his face Orihime
played with her salad.
'I hope that isn't too much food for
Ichigo,' she thought. 'I really don't
want him to fall asleep again.
Maybe we could just talk tonight. If
I could understand more about
Ichigo, his needs, his desires, I
might gain an insight into how I
could make him fall in love with me.
Or if we could relax together I
might learn more about him.' As
she thought over her recent
conversations with Ichigo she
remembered that he had not
answered her questions about love.
Was he in love with someone else?
Did the person love him in return?
The fact that he had not answered
those questions and had not
turned around when she asked
them, seemed to indicate that he
was in love, but not with Orihime.
The thought was not one she
wanted to contemplate. She pushed
her plate away, her appetite
vanishing as her dread rose. Ichigo
didn't notice, so intent was he on
his meal. Why hadn't she thought of
this before! Okay she had been
distracted but that was no excuse.
She quickly thought about who
might be the object of Ichigo's love.
At one time she thought Ichigo
liked Tatsuki, but he just treated
her as a friend since they returned
from Soul Society. She quickly
pictured the rest of her female
classmates. Ichigo had shown no
preference for spending any time
with them. Since they returned he'd
spent most of his time with Chad,
Uryu and her. Of course he spent
time with Mizuiro and Keigo. It was
hard to ignore Keigo when he chose
to be annoying. She steeled herself
for her next thought. Could he be in
love with one of them? The thought
worried her as she had never
pictured Ichigo as anything other
than heterosexual. Why would she
as she was in love with him? His
behaviour to the males had been
basically the same, except he was a
little nicer to Uryu, but nothing
overtly sexual. Maybe he was sorry
for the ex-Quincy. No, Ichigo was
not in love with Uryu.
posted by msbeefjerky
Dammit, is that how you greet your son who went out of his way to help a ghost on the way home?!

I see. So basically, you're a shinigami? And you came all the way from some place called Soul Society to vanquish evil spirits? Which means that monster earlier was one of those evil spirits? And it attacked that little girl? Okay, I belie-- NO WAY I'LL BELIEVE THAT, DUMBASS!

[After the hollow of Orihime's brother threatens to kill her] Do you know why the big brother is born first? It's to protect the little brothers and sisters that come after him. A brother telling his sister, "I'll kill you..."...
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here is another one of my funny bleach storys here you go

while ichigo was fighting grimjow, grimjow stabbed ichigo's hand to the ground. then rukia comes

rukia:ichigo what happened to your hands
ichigo:well i was fighting grimjaw and he stabbed me
grimjow:for the last time its grimjow not grimjaw

then shinji comes and rukia ask why he is here

rukia:shinji why are you here
shinji:because this manga says im in this chapter and its in my contract
rukia:then when do i fight
shinji: you fight in two more chapters
rukia:i cant wait that long im getting out of here

ichigo:no rukia if...
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This story was when Ichigo ws trying to plan and save Rukia. And plus in this story Ichigo has a retainer. Thank you I hope you like the story!

Ichigo,Orihime,Chad,Uryu were thinking of a plan how to save Rukia.So Ichigo said,
Ichigo: So Orihime try to heal any one who is hurt okay?
Orihime:Okay Ichigo.
Ichigo:Alright Chad you go use you Elderectoe if I get a srcatch!
Chad: What?! Why a scratch? Can't it be like your blood gets out of your mouth or something?
Ichigo: Well lets just stick with scratch.
Chad: Well okay then Ichigo. Goss.
Ichigo: Now Uryu use those two-million thingy okay?
Uryu: Really...
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Everyone you meet appears to have tentacles growing out of places that you wouldn't expect tentacles to be growing from.

You start out each morning with a 30-minute jog around the bathroom to practise your shunpo power.

You write to your mother in Karakura, Japan every week, even though she sends you mail from Iowa asking why you never write.

Every time you see a street sign, you have a tremendous urge to relieve yourself on it.

You put oranges on your head because you heard it will ward of evil dandruff spirits.

You're always having to apologize to your next door neighbour for setting fire to his...
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posted by rusty746454
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:

Shi-Kai → Unknown

Ban-Kai → Kokujoutengenmyouou An armoured giant appears.

Komamura Sajin first appears in the emergency Taicho meeting that questioned Ichimaru Gin’s apparent slip of duty in letting the ryoka go. Standing next to Tousen Kaname and Aizen Sousuke his relatively bigger size was readily apparent, but beyond that little is known of him except that he wears a sort of helmet.

After Aizen’s death, we again see Komamura as he visits Aizen’s body in the 4th Squad Relief Station, accompanied by Tousen, whom he appears to be rather close...
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ENGLISH version
I can't sing
a song
honest lyrics
because I always end up sugar
coating the words
When will someone as laid-back as
realize he had something worth
Don't leave me, Sky Chord,
You would've stayed here back
then, yeah yeah...
I've lost you, Sky Chord,
It's not anyone's fault, but...
I know there are things more
important to me
than becoming an adult.
But I'll be growing up the whole
I'm trying to figure out what they
You said we can't stay like this
I know..
so let's take that first step.
sunao na
uta ga
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posted by blackpanther666
(Raijin sat up, having pushed himself to the limits again; he had spent days on end doing push ups and sit ups, training his body to the absolute max. It wasn't exactly surprising - ever since he had been rescued, and had killed Arrancar Ichigo, he had been a different person; he had never exactly been talkative, but now it was like he couldn't find words anymore, a strange resolution that words could never undo the terrible things he had witnessed in his short life. Raijin was almost reaching the mature age of 300, but it felt like he had been through a thousand years of hardships, since his...
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Bleach has been a popular anime and manga series for quite some time and to this day the fandom continues to grow, people write stories, they develop relationships with the characters, cosplay, and well....people Role Play! This is my first ever post here and I really hope it doesn't get taken down because I assure you this is proper advertising in a sense that I really want you all to join us on a wild adventure to see a text based RPG site ACTUALLY LAUNCH! Yep! Thats right! World of Bleach is currently in its pre-launch phase and with the server alone you are able to create your very own...
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