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posted by Canada24
A king’s power depended on his ability to win battles and so gain land and treasure to give his supporters. He was obliged to keep fighting. If he didn’t he would find himself out of a job or deprived of his life; probably both. The power of any kingdom was only as solid as the strength of its king in battle. To be able to cut down several enemies in quick succession, when in a tight spot, and to be a more efficient killer than one’s subordinates, was essential for a king living in a society which regarded warfare as the natural way of life. What was gained by the sword needed to be defended by the sword; of the eight kings who ruled Northumbria between 600 and 700, six died in battle.One successful monarch was Aethelbald of Mercia, a kingdom that was an amalgamation of 30 different tribes. In a style that was typical of the era, he usurped the throne from his father Aethelwulf while the old man was visiting Rome. By 731 he controlled all England south of the Humber, and was styled ‘King not only of the Mercian’s but also of all the provinces which are called South English’. However, his supremacy was neither easily won nor stable and he had many enemies. St Boniface, Archbishop of Canterbury, for example, constantly reproached him for not taking a wife and instead fornicating with nuns.Aethelbald did marry eventually. On his way back from Rome his father had married Judith, the thirteen-year-old daughter of the Frankish king Charles the Bald, and when his father died Aethelbald took her for his own wife. Even that didn’t satisfy the clergy, who castigated him for marrying his stepmother (she was by then an ancient 15 year-old). The marriage was annulled and the girl returned to France, where her own father, because her marriage had been deemed incestuous, sent her to a nunnery. In a rare breach of Anglo-Saxon fidelity (but not a unique one) Aethelbald was murdered by his bodyguard at Seckingham near Tamworth..

Many believe Ghosts are souls can't get into heaven.
I don't know, just something about that saddens me.
Your basically trapped..

A evil, horrible, person takes control of your body.
Imagine that..

May SOUND cool.
But eventually your lose everyone you've ever loved.
And you can't die. No matter how hard you may try..

#2: HELL:
Hell is a place of torment and punishment in an afterlife. It is viewed by most Abrahamic traditions as punishment.
An endless torture, that you endure for all eturnity..

Ghouls are zombie-like creatures that are created when a vampire drains the blood of a non-virgin human. If fatally wounded, they instantly crumble to dust. They are under the control of the vampire who bites them.
And the victim's soul is taken in by the vampire if they are turned into a ghoul.
As Alucard states.
Most Ghouls weren't made ghouls by CHOICE, and he also asks Seras Victoria to bring peace to the ghouls as they did not "choose" this fate..
Freddy rescues Mackey from molestation, while having the excuse to use one of his cheesy one liners. The irony of this is that is that the REAL Freddy Krueger murdered child with pleasure, and was a pedophile in the remake..

#2: KORN:
Korn becomes, well... Corn.

The one time they chose to do so, is when he is better OFF dead. He's brain dead, and needed in heaven to stop an over the top war against Satan..

In the Family Guy episode Cartman tells Kyle
"That's a cartoon! Millions of people watch it! How would you feel, Kyle, if there was a cartoon on television that made fun of Jews all the time?! Huh?!"
It's nice that people don't judge brony's very much anymore (unless your the type that dresses up in costomes and buys little kid toys)..

Anyone that knows this about me simply just refuses to even CARE that I watch it.. Especially sense I am the type that literary NEVER brings up the characters.

MLP is just like any other show. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don't.
If it ever stops showing MLP.
Big deal. I barely watch it anymore anyway.

The REAL reason I'm a brony is because of sites like this one.
All the online friends I make along the way.
And the level of enjoyment in making in using...
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posted by Canada24
Nnon-caring personality and will often show absolutely no emotion or interest in some very emotional situations, and in other cases draw pleasure from others misery. Some examples being when Meg was upset about not being invited to a party hosted by Chris in "Stew-Roids", she just gives up, gives her daughter some pills and a Sylvia Plath novel, walks out stating "whatever happens, happens". Meg even stated she loved her in "Peter's Daughter", only for Lois to not even respond. When Brian was leaving in "Quagmire's Dad", she doesn't even look away from the television to state...
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posted by Canada24
We love him. But that's not really an excuse.
Unlike Homer Simpson who actually loves and cares for his children even when they drive him nuts Peter treats his kids like dirt in one episode where Stewie suffers a concussion and Meg and Chris try to hide it but Peter knew the whole time but said nothing and his solution for the problem was throwing Stewie under the Car and passing the blame on Lois, he even admitted he hated spending time with his own kids..

No matter how drunk (or ghost-drunk) our father got, he never blamed us for how his novel wasn't coming...
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Everyone makes mistakes.
Everyone has things they want to forget.
But they CAN'T forget. The whole fuckin world is judging you over things that isn't even their business to begin with. I can’t imagine wanting to go shopping, or grab a coffee and having to worry about people running after me to take pictures of me..
"No I don't want to sign your fuckin paper! I'm just looking for some fuckin milk!"

Your business is not only yours anymore. It’s everybody’s, apparently. Look at what’s going on with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Funny because I’m not one...
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SPIKE: I kinda like this guy..
TWILIGHT: She's so adorable
RARITY: Kinda annoying
APPLEJACK: Kinda annoying
PINKIE: Really REALLY annoying.
FLUTTERSHY: Don't really care for her
DASH: (watching Ticket master) Oh, it IS a girl.. Why was I thinking a boy?... Weird.


SPIKE: Still like him..
TWILIGHT: Still like her.
RARITY: Still annoying
APPLEJACK: Getting a bit better.
PINKIE: Starting to grow on her.
FLUTTERSHY: ....................
DASH: Starting to like her.


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If you ever see that show Icarly, Jerry Trainor is the immature older brother, and frankly the ONLY watchable actor.
He's always in kid shows, guess this would be okay, except, he's always BAD kid shows.
His talent is wasted..

Alvin in the chipmunks.
Really Lee?
Your better than that.
Stick to MY NAME IS EARL, your awesome in that show..

Love this guy.
But he's in all these STUPID movies.
Even THE NEIGHBOURS isn't all that good.
It COULD of been hilarious.
But Zac Effron isn't really good for that kind of role.
I actually like the guy, but it...
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posted by Canada24


Packie: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Michael!... DAMMIT!... I coulda been nice to him for once in my fucking life!.. Kid only wanted to help!

Derrick: He loved you, Packie. He was happy you spoke to him. Didn't matter what you was saying.

Packie: Yeah, well, now I gotta explain to his folks that their son is, like, lying dead on the floor of a bank in Algonquin.

Derrick: We'll give them his cut. When your kid is living the life, you gotta expect someone to come through the door and break this sorta news.

Niko: That does not make it any easier to hear. And we...
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posted by Canada24


Packie: Gerald was very clear about the way things is going down, boys. Me and Michael are on the civilians, Derrick and Niko are on employee's... (to Derrick) did you sort out the charge for the vault door?

Derrick: What's that mean? Of course I sorted out the charge. What you think I been doing all day?

Packie: I dunno. Nodding off with a needle sticking outta your arm?

Derrick: Patrick, you was such a sweet little boy when I left this city.

Packie You been gone a long time Derrick.

Niko: (sarcastically) This is an emotional moment, I can feel the brotherly love in...
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posted by Canada24
Spinning inside, rotting away.
Something inside of me, has been taken away.
Feeling my heart!
breaking in vain!
It won't get better now!

I can't seem to get awaaaay!
I, feel. I'm here so you can play!
Withhh, my head!
There's nothing I can saaaay!
I keep feeling like, I'm to blame!
When, will, this, end?

Hopeless inside, alone as I wait.
Brewing inside of me, is your endless hate.
Feeling my heart!
breaking in vain!
It won't get better now!

I can't seem to get awaaaay!
I, feel. I'm here so you can play!
Withhh, my head!
There's nothing I can saaaay!
I keep feeling like,...
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Is it legal to live in Canada?
also is Canada even a real country or is it just part of the united states?
"You make me sad"

If you die in Canada? Do you die in real life?
"No, you become a reindeer with red nose"

Do they have birds in Canada?
"Try reading a book once in a while"

Why do Canadians speak English?
"Maybe the fact we were part of England may have a little bit to do with it.. But who knows"

If Canada is America Jr., does that mean New Zealand is Australia Jr.?
"................................... Wow"

Do they use toilet paper in Canada?
"No, we use the flag of whatever...
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posted by Canada24

Ditto: (sees Pinkamena frying in electric chair) I suddenly want BBQ.. Anybody else want BBQ?


MASTER SWORD AND SATEN TWIST ROLE PLAY SERIES: (he's married to Luna in this universe):

Ditto: Celestia told me maybe it's about time I came to visit you.. After I saw her eating to much ice cream.

Luna: (finally arrives at ponyville with her stagecoach).
Ditto: (feeling qeezy) Warn me the next time your gonna spin around so much
Luna: Whatever.. We're still here now.

Ditto: Hey Luna... Ever think we should.. Go out?
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posted by Canada24
Heck,. Here's BEST OF GOVERNER: If you want to see best of Merle... It's in the original...

(deleted scene)

When the car finally arrived out approached the Philip Blake, aka, the Governer, but he was dizzy and speaking drunk gibberious.

"Have you been drinking ser!?" Cried leader of the soldiers.

"Not since I got outta the car!" Governer cried drunkenly.

"But you just did get out of the car!" The Sgt cried.

"I'm sorry.. I just wanted to help Brain run for mayor.. I guess I forgot what really matters" Philip cried drunkily.

"Just get outta here!" the sgt cried angrily.

"Fine.. I I'll go, but then I'll...
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I never seen ALL Full Metal Jacket. But I seen most of Hartman's scenes..

I am always unsure how to feel about this character.

Sure his foul mouthed, slightly racist, rage filled, rude attitude, might be pushing the limits a bit.

But for the most part, Drill sergeants are SUPPOSE to be yelling at you, and scaring you.

The point of this, is their suppose to knock the innocence out of you.

War is no place for innocence.

It's a place of murder, and little else.
Why you think so many Veterans go crazy without the proper help.

In some ways, Happy tree friends isn't THAT far from the truth.

People are so use to killing with out remorse.
That they still have the "beast" inside.

But anyway..

I am always mad Hartman dies.

He didn't deserve it.

He was just doing his job (for the MOST part)..
Carrey has been in serious work before.
But to me, nothing compares to his perfamance in "the number 23".
The thriller were Carrey protrays a depressed, averaged married man.
Who, while reading book called "the number 23". Begins seeing the number everywhere he goes, and he slowly starts going a bit crazy.
But not your average "Jim Carrey crazy".
But much spookier.
I won't give away the ending, but let's just say he "discovered who he truly was"..

Another thriller.
Although Bateman wasn't above still throwing in several jokes.
For the most...
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posted by Canada24
1: Step Brothers:
The comedic duo of Will Farrell And John C. Riely, take you on a ride as they protray two dimwits who still act like their 14..

2: Dumb and Dumber:
It's amazing to think Jeff Danials is usually a serious actor.
He and Carrey make a perfect pair.
As Jeff dose his best to match with Carrey's, almost childlike, slapstick comedy he became famish for.
Though. Sadly this series ALSO proves how WRONG it is, to have different actors, it only succeeds in "ruining everything"..

3: Anchorman:
Will and Carol are both at their prime in this movie.
And you often find yourself repeating EVERY line...
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Though out the game, Roman is often trying to get Niko to learn to forgive.

Espically after he finally finds the guy who betrayed his war team.

And if you kill him, Niko feels empty, and finally realizes Roman is right.

Taking deal means you finally decided to learn to forgive.

But of coarse, this innocent idea, caused the death of Roman.

The death is saying, you CAN'T forgive, only revenge is the answer.,

But maybe I'm thinking too much into this :(

It's pretty much saying "haters" can only destroy your life if you allow them too. Something I myself already knew, and its why any time people flame me on Fanpop, I just tell them to continue till they bore themselves and stop on their own..

Hard to explain..


#4:EVERYBODY HURTS: (forget the band):
Stopped sucides of the time.. That's saying something..

Hard to explain..
#5: Walking dead series
That's one thing Walking dead has plenty of, its satisfying battle scenes..

#4: Taken series
No comment..

#3: Fury
It's a WWII movie, so we wouldn't except anything less out of it..

#2: Hellsing Ultmate
Like walking dead. It's the one thing they have PLENTY of..

#1: Purge series
Other you like Purge or not (I sure do, so do most of my friends).
They sure as shit got lots of awesome battles, espically the second one..

Please leave comments

posted by Canada24
everyone knows how I feel about cupcakes.
I find it enjoyable.
And so.
It's obvious why Iwould make such a list..

It has one similarity to Rocket to Insanity, both have the fact that Cupcakes was all a bad dream.
But not as tramatic as Rocket to Insanity..
Plus, it's Pinkie herself who has the nightmare..

It has the reactions of all the main six, after Celestia sents the book to Ponyville.
Pinkie herself is the first to read it. And becomes somewhat traumatized.
As do the others, except Dash didn't read it.
Everyone wants Dash NOT to read it, but he dose in the end....
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