Damon & Elena Club
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"I hate love triangles," one Stelena shipper who responded to my comment on a 2x17 promo via YouTube announced. "DE really annoy me and I prefer Stefan anyway."
I thought it was pretty ironic given that the love triangle hadn't featured in the show for months. "How can DE annoy you when they haven't had any scenes since 2x13?" I typed back.
When Kevin Williamson announced that the Season 2 Premiere was their 'underhanded way of saying that this is the year we have to deal with the relationship between Damon and Elena', I wanted to stand up and cheer. It certainly looked like they were promising to deliver the goods. Although 'The Return' seemed to crush DE shippers everywhere, I felt confident that Season 2 would be great. Not only did the writers drop us in the deep end concerning the love triangle, but it was one of the rare episodes when SE's relationship took a backseat and actually had fewer scenes than Delena.
While I knew that it would take a while for DE to recover, I was quite prepared to wait for it. However, episodes 4 to 7 proved to be quite the waiting game. DE scenes were few and far between, and although it showed how much Damon cared for Elena, nothing much seemed to be happening either. It was like they had reached some kind of stalemate when they weren't really the friends they once were, but they didn't hate each other either. A few DE fans were left scratching their heads, or shifting impatiently in their seats, wondering what was going on. (Their unease wasn't helped by the fact that during this time, the show went off on a 2 week break.)
Then came one character-defining, life-altering moment at the very end of 2x08. The 'I love you Elena' scene changed everything, became one of the most talked about episodes on-line, and practically made up for the fact that we'd had so few DE scenes lately.
So it was a major let-down when 'Katerina' aired. It also seemed a bit strange that Elena never asked Stefan or anyone else how she got her necklace back. Damon only took her memory of his confession away from her. I'm assuming she still remembers Elijah ripping her necklace from her, or at the very least, remembers she wasn't wearing it on the journey home. However, we weren't given much time to ponder this, because 2x10 'The Sacrifice' was DE at their angst-ridden best. It also finally seemed to promise that the love triangle was being given a push in the right direction. Stefan was trapped in the tomb with Katherine, Damon was left promising Stefan he would protect Elena and that he wouldn't let Elena near the tomb. So far so good, we thought. Katherine would try to seduce Stefan and DE would spend their time alone together renewing their friendship. Any episodes when they've been left alone together have usually been great for us; (think 'Bloodlines', 'Miss Mystic Falls', 'Bad Moon Rising'). What happened? Absolutely nothing. It was maddening, pointless, and rather bizarre, to be honest. If the next episode was spent tracking down a werewolf, then why did the writers make such a big deal of the situation the 'Core 3' found themselves in at the end of 2x10? Why did the writers deliberately create a potentially tantalising set-up and then do nothing with it? To get Damon out the way so Elena could make a deal with Elijah? To free Stefan? Well, maybe. But as we all know, Elena is going to do what she wants anyway, regardless of what Damon, Stefan or anyone else thinks. There's no reason why Damon couldn't have been there with her, even if it was for only some of the time. Even if Elena couldn't physically leave the house, it doesn't stop Elijah from coming to find her. You would think that Damon was smart enough to have thought of that. There's no other way to put it: 2x11 was an awful episode for DE. Thinking about it still makes me wince.

The second half of the season was a lot more DE-friendly (think 2x12 and 2x13). And then what happened? SE went to the lakehouse for a romantic break, (I can't imagine most teenagers' parents/family being OK with this.) Jules ambushed the Salvatore mansion with her merry band of werewolves. Damon plotted to kill Elijah. Katherine got out of the tomb and up to her old tricks. There was a fire in The Grill. All these things made for entertaining viewing and were fine in their time and place, but there was something missing. There was no DE (unless you count the scenes in 'The Dinner Party' and 'The House Guest'), and it looked as though any sign which showed that the triangle was alive and kicking had all but crawled into the nearest drain and died. Normally, the writers manage to juggle the action part of the show with the romantic side, so the mysterious absence of any story involving the triangle was uncharacteristic of them.
I think that if you examine Season 2 as a whole, you'll find that the writers haven't been as consistent at building the love triangle as they should have been. Maybe they've been trying to tell too many different things at once, and as a result, the love triangle has been neglected. I think they're probably saving the best til last, but with a few exceptions, Season 2 has NOT been the year which dealt with Damon's feelings for Elena. I mean, the writers have dealt with them up to a point, but then they took the equivalent of 400 mega-steps backwards. While I think this is quite clever in some respects, it also poses a lot of challenges.

It's OK for SE to remain a devoted, solid, completly boring couple, but DE have quite a journey ahead of them. The writers have made no bones about how much Damon loves Elena; they have not, however, shown us what she feels for him in return. Or have they? Is it not strange that they seem to have re-edited scenes/episodes which could give us a hint into what Elena feels for Damon? First, they cut what could have been a significant scene in 'The Descent', of Rose telling Elena that it's OK to love both brothers, and judging from a still of an unaired scene from the same episode, it's likely they have cut a scene of Elena comforting Damon too. One theory I have about this is that they want to make it even more of a shock when we discover how she feels about him later on.
I suspect that there will be a lot of DE in the upcoming episodes. Because the writers have side-lined the triangle so much in favour of more action-based themes, they have a lot of ground they have to gain. They cannot possibly end Season 2 without something dramatic happening to shake the triangle up.
I know a lot of fans don't think we'll get any scenes in the next episode but we should never judge an episode by its promotional pictures. It would be a waste if the writers didn't make the most of Isobel's return to town and use her to stir up trouble among the Core 3 + Katherine. One 'little spoiler' that was tweeted over the weekend and caused immense excitement among DE fans seems to indicate that the love triangle is being revived in upcoming episodes.
Our quest for the missing triangle might just be coming to an end...
“So, where exactly are we going, Damon?” Again he told me I’d have to wait and see. We drove for a long time until we reached a huge forest. Driving through the thick undergrowth made me remember what Stefan had talked about the night before and I shivered.
“You ok?” Damon looked at me, a puzzled look on his face.
“I’m fine, don’t worry.” I sat back against the seat and closed my eyes. Suddenly someone was shaking me gently.
“Elena, wake up, we’re here,” a voice drifted into my consciousness.
“Wha- Did I fall asleep?” I said groggily. Damon laughed softly.
“Yes you...
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the vampire diaries
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: -insignificance.tumblr.com
added by vanszerelem
How many love stories begin with hatred? Maybe more than you think...

"...I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry."
(Elizabeth Bennett's rejection of Darcy's proposal in 'Pride and Prejudice'.)

"I peeked up at him one more time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion.
(Bella's first encounter with Edward in 'Twilight')

"He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated, it's just easier that way. He got his wish. I hate him Stefan."
(Elena, 2x01 'The Return')

It might seem odd...
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I'm sure you're aware that there are many arguments against Delena; why they shouldn't be together, why it wouldn't work out, why Elena will choose Stefan in the end. These arguments have been bothering me for a long time, especially when I realised that there was no factual basis to back them up, relying instead on what would probably happen. I came up with nine answers to the nine arguments I thought were commonly used. They are all arguments I've heard used by people, I did not make them up. If you love SE and BD and are here by some accident (I know it can happen), or if you don't ship...
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posted by Delenafan2
This is the follow up to my last story. This is some adult content.

Elena and Damon Shower Scene
This story has some adult content to it which I’ll have to say it’s rated MA for some content.

The house was quiet when Elena came in. She wanted desperately to talk to Damon about their kiss last night.

“Damon? Are you here?”, she called out. Hearing no response she headed upstairs towards his bedroom.

“Damon?” she said before entering his room. She heard water running in the bathroom. Was he in the shower? She grimaced hoping to not find him in there with Andie. Her curiosity eating away...
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added by KatherinePierce
Source: facebook
added by gracery
Source: me
When I had seen the preview for The Dinner Guest, I couldn't resist playing on it, but instead of Katherine always mimicking Elena I decided that Elena would try to pass herself off as Katherine for a change. And passing herself off as Katherine she would give in to getting together with Damon.
Given the content of some of this I would have to rate it MA. Hope you enjoy :)

Elena Gives in to Her Naughty Side

Elena came into the study to catch Katherine doing her best impression of her. As Katherine, Damon and Stefan caught sight of her the all fell silent.
“Wow. I’m getting really good at...
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posted by niadk
Patience is a virtue my fellow Delena shippers and I felt the need to write that article, because I see a lot of DErs feel dissapointed after the last episode. Let me start by saying that I also felt that the writers "let me down" and I was really pissed off once the episode finished because I expected some development in their relationship. The thing is, that after I calmed down I realised that I shouldnt ask for something more, now. What I mean is that for me Damon and Elena's love story IS the story of that show. I honestly feel that the whole show is based on the development of this relationship....
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posted by inuyashagirl82
SEer on twitter comes at me with "stefan and Elena belong together. Damon said it himself" I told her "Maybe Elena should see stefan's rutheless side 1st. Kill someone for fun. Then see if Elena feels the same." She responds "but that's not Stefan, he's too sweet."

--> gahhhh! are you kidding me with that.! This is part of who stefan is. He may not act on it but it doesnt just disappear either. Stefan only ever shows elena his "good" side. SEers say Elena does know his Dark side. He goes to great lengths to hide it from her. He doesnt say about his dark past cuz he doesnt trust enough in...
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posted by delenasalvatore
I didn't think it was possible to love Damon or Delena more than I already did after watching 'The Return'.
I was wrong.

I didn't know what to call this article. I decided to name it after a movie because the DE scene in 'Rose' reminded me a little of one of my favourite scenes in the film 'Love Actually'. In the movie, one of the characters, Mark (Andrew Lincoln) is in love with a girl he can't be with, Juliet (Keira Knightley). Juliet has always thought Mark didn't like her, and is shocked when she discovers the truth about how he really feels. On Christmas Eve, Mark shows up on her doorstep....
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'The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart'

Florence and The Machine, 'Cosmic Love'

Every DE fan wants it to happen. But not every fan of 'The Vampire Diaries' feels the same way:

'The only way Elena will end up with Damon is if Stefan dies.'

'It would be wrong for Elena to sleep with Damon after she slept with Stefan.'

'If Elena had sex with Damon she would look like a slut/tramp/whore.'

'Elena could not possibly choose Damon who has a history of shredding innocent people to death.'

I'm sure you've...
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posted by shannon9396
1. Kings of Leon - Closer
You shimmy shook my bone leaving me stranded all in love on my own
Do you think of me? Where am I now? Baby where do I sleep?
Feel so good but I'm old, 2000 years of chasing's taking its toll

2. Hedley - Perfect
Falling a thousand feet per second
You still take me by surprise
I just know we can't be over
I can see it in your eyes
Making every kind of silence
Takes a lot to realize
It's worse to finish than to start all over
And never let it lie
And as long as I can feel you holding on
I won't fall
Even if you said I was wrong...

3. Evanescence - My Last Breath
Hold on to me love
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Chapter 1: Denying it

Damon Salvatore. Damon Salvatore. the name felt so familiar and comforting. it soothe me in times i thought nothing in the world could. at the time, stefan tried everything in his power to try and make me smile or at least make my worried dissaper. but he couldn't, as hard as he tried he just couldn't. it wasn't his fault. and it wasn't my fault for falling in love with damon the way that I did, i'm not to blame. i mean who wouldn't fall in love with Damon Salvatore?? he was the perfect guy. i loved him. but there were times that i couldn't admit that even to myself. damon...
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“How….” I said slowly, trying to get my head around what Katherine was telling me. I was her humanity? I was her SOUL? “How…” I said pathetically again. She sat down on the sofa and held her empty glass tightly. She looked up at me.
“When Emily removed my humanity, she locked it away. She told me that the only way I could ever get it back was if it was…born again. Then she would chant a spell and my souls would be united.” She stared sadly at the floor. “But Emily has gone. Her spell has gone. There’s no way I can get my humanity back…” Damon’s mouth stopped hanging...
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Again im not a writer but i am so in love with the couple !!! x damon and elena

Damon and Elena school love part 3

It was stefan, i had no idea what to do my mind just froze all i could think about was getting damon out of my room, damon stood up and walked slowly over to the window without taking his eyes off me and picked up his shirt where he had thrown it off in the heat of our passion. He just stood there looking at me but i was panicing that stefan would come up and see .
"DAMON!" i shouted but damon flew across the bedroom and put his hand over my mouth
"You shouldnt be so stupid to shout...
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I gasped and moved away from him. “Stefan…you didn’t…Oh my God, you killed that little girl!” He looked at me apologetically and his face filled with guilt.
“Elena, the pull of human blood is very strong. I couldn’t resist, it was too much…” He move closer but I sprang up and backed against the wall.
“Stefan…I don’t…I think I’m going to be sick…” I felt ill thinking about that poor little girl…having her blood drained from her body… “Stefan…get out. I…I can’t hear anymore…Not now.” He nodded and got up. I couldn’t look him in the eye.
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added by RubyRing
the vampire diaries
elena gilbert
damon salvatore