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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
Steve flies on the trapeze in attempt to save Cat
Steve flies on the trapeze in attempt to save Cat
Voltaire takes a bow as audience applauds
Voltaire: Why thank you! Thank you all! Y'all are too kind! (To cast) So, wasn't that an amazing song or what?
Steve: Bravo! I'd applaud you, but my hands are tied to the back of my chair!
Voltaire: Ah yes. I tied you all in the dark so you don't miss a minute of my show!
Josh: We don't want to see your show anymore! We want our friends back now!
Voltaire: Quiet you! Now watch to see if they can escape their acts before I lead them to their doom! (Chuckles)
Mr. Travis: What are you gonna do to them?!
Voltaire: I'm glad you've asked! I will shoot boom balloons at Junior in ring 1. He must escape the wheel before I shoot his head clean off!
Junior gulps nervously
Mrs. Travis: No! You wouldn't!
Voltaire: Of course I would! And in Ring 2, if Cat does not make it across the high wire before I pull this switch, she'll be electrocuted by the electric current I send through the wire!
Cat: Guys help me please!
Voltaire: You wanna live? Keep walking that wire!
Cat: K K!
Voltaire: As for you guys, just try and escape before your little friends are goners!
Sherlock: Well good thing I have my...wait where's my knife?
Voltaire takes out detective's knife
Voltaire: Looking for this?
Sherlock: Hey give it back! Where did you get it?
Voltaire: While I was singing, I read your minds and you thought that while I was distracted, you would take the knife out of your pocket with your tongue and cut you and your friends loose. So I planned ahead and took it out of your pocket during my solo!
Sherlock: Aw barnacles, you're good.

Voltaire: Indeed! Now to fire the cannon! (Fires cannon at Junior. Loud booms)
Junior: Goo goo Gaga!
Mrs. Travis: Oh my goodness! Someone save him!
Steve: I'd do it if I wasn't tied in an impossible knot!
Voltaire: Steve is right! You can't get out cause I tied y'all's ropes in an impossible knot! Say goodbye to your child Travis family! (Laughs and keeps shooting)
Mr. Travis: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Mrs. Travis: Uh honey, are you okay?
Mr. Travis continues
Josh: Uh oh! I think he's gonna pop!
Mr. Travis (angrily): NOBODY...HURTS...ME AND MY WIFE'S...BABY!!! (Breaks free and charges into Voltaire)
Voltaire falls as Mr. Travis pounces him
Voltaire: Ow! Hey you could hurt a guy like that!
Mr. Travis: I don't care! You just messed with the wrong daddy!
The two of them tackle each other.
Steve: Woah dude! He is one tough daddy!
Mrs. Travis: He sure is.

Mr. Travis (holds knife in hand): Got it! Now if you'll excuse me! (Pushes Voltaire down, runs and frees Steve) Here you go Steve. You go save Junior. I'll take care of this freak of nature!
Steve: Thank you! (Takes knife and goes to Junior)
Voltaire: Oh no you don't! (Powers cannon)
Mr. Travis: No! (Tackles Voltaire offstage pushing cannon away accidentally aiming at high wire switch)
Steve (frees Junior): Here you go little fella!
Junior: Yay!
Cannon fires at switch. Light starts crawling up the wire
Cat: Oh no! HELP!
Steve: Holy shoot! Okay, think, think! Aha! (Runs to Sherlock and frees him) Here, take the knife and free the others! First hoist me up to the trapeze!
Sherlock: Okay!
Steve puts Junior on back
Steve: Hold on tight Junior! Alleeoop! (Gets thrown to trapeze)
Steve: Woah! Woah! This is awesome!
Cat: Hurry Steve! Hurry!
Steve: Don't worry Cat, I'll save you! (Swings a few times) Just...a...little...more! (Big swing) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
Cast: Whoa!
Josh: I'm so making this Internet famous! (Takes out phone and records footage)
Steve:...aaaaaaaaahhh!!! (Catches Cat)
Junior: Wheeee!
All land to safety
Steve: Ta-da! (Bows as audience and cast cheer)
Cat: Oh Steve, thank you for saving me!
Steve: Your welcome Cat! (Walks to Mrs Travis with Junior) I believe this belongs to you Mrs. Travis.
Mrs Travis: My baby! (Holds him) Oh Junior, thank goodness you're safe!
Junior (happily): Goo goo babby blah.
Mr. Travis (enters): Phew! What did I miss?
Josh: Steve's totally spectacular performance! I got it all on video! I'll show it to you later.
Mr. Travis: Great! I took care of that Voltaire. I tied him up and locked him in the ticket booth. So how's the baby?
Mrs. Travis: He's okay honey, just okay.
Mr. Travis: Aw, I'm glad! Who saved you Junior? Who saved you?
Junior: Steve!
Mrs Travis: (gasp) Did you hear that? Junior said his first word!
Steve: His first word was my name? How sweet! (Hugs Junior)

Mr. Travis: Thank you so much Steve for saving us!
Sherlock: I'd say, I'm very proud of you!
Cat: Yay! Steve saved the day!
All cheer
Steve: I'd say, let's get out of here!
Josh: You don't have to tell us twice!
Bleachers roll,away revealing open door
Mr. Travis: Look, the door! It's open we're free!
Steve: Alright! Let's go guys!
Josh: Alright!
Mrs. Travis: Yes!
All run to door. Door slams.
Steve: Oh no! The door closed!
Sherlock: (Pulls on door) Tartar sauce! It's locked shut!
Cat: (Pounds on door) Let us out! Let us out!
Voltaire's voice: Leaving so soon? I think not!
Steve: Who said that?
Voltaire: Ha ha ha ha ha, HA HA HA HA HA HA, AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (Enters spotlight clapping hands slowly)
Cast: Voltaire?!
Voltaire: Bravo! Excellent performance you fools!
Mr. Travis (stuttering): But...but you were...I thought did you get out?!
Voltaire: Ah ah ah! A magician never reveals his secrets, remember?
Mr. Travis: Aw man! I completely forgot you were a magician! (Face palms)
Voltaire: Yes, and I believe you are all forgetting something else.
Steve: No we aren't, Voltaire! I saved Baby Junior and my friend Cat! Which means we won and your circus show is over!
Sherlock: And as an employee of the city police department, I place you under arrest!
Voltaire: No! First of all, I cannot be arrested for I came from a pinball machine. And second of all, you have all forgotten...Ring 3!
Cast: Ring 3?
Cat: What performance is that?
Voltaire: I'm glad you asked Miss Cat. In Ring number three, the next pinball wizard of Cirqus Voltaire must challenge me! And that person is Steve!
Steve: Me? But why me?
Voltaire: So I can win and finally get my revenge!
Steve: Revenge? Revenge on who?
Voltaire: Revenge on you! Every time people play Cirqus Voltaire, they are always hitting me in the face and making me swallow that giant ball down my springy throat! Since you play that game so much, this means I have to suffer all that pain over and over again! Now that I am free, I will make those pinball wizards of Cirqus Voltaire a part of my circus forever!
Sherlock: So that explains why you captured us and put Junior and Cat in your show!
Mrs. Travis: That is just messed up!
Steve: I agree! And plus, that's the whole fun of the game. Most games need a bad guy like you, and without you, Cirqus Voltaire would be, well, Cirqus.
Voltaire: Fun?! Did you say fun?! (Throws thunder orb. Boom!)
Steve and the cast gasp.
Voltaire (furiously): You think hitting me in the face is fun?! Well let's see how you like it! I challenge you, to the Ringmaster Battle!

Sherlock: Steve, you don't have to do this if you don't want to!
Steve: No Detective Squarepants. I got to do it. The book says it's the only way to vanquish Voltaire and set us free.
Josh: Well in that case, good luck.
Cat: And be careful!
Steve: Thanks guys. Alright Voltaire...challenge accepted!
Voltaire: Excellent! Lower the cage!
Cage lowers covering Voltaire and Steve
Voltaire: Ready? Fight! (Throws thunderbolt)
Steve: Woah! (Jumps and catches next thunderbolt) I can hold these? Cool! Hai-ya! (Throws it back at Voltaire)
Voltaire: Ow!
Both throw thunder orbs and lightning bolts at each other. Cast cheers Steve on.
Voltaire: No! I will not be defeated! I will NEVER BACK DOWN!!!
Voltaire makes big thunder orb and throws it at Steve
Steve: Uh oh! (Boom) Aaaaaah! (Hits the ground in pain) Ouch! Oh, ow!
Voltaire: Yes! I won! I finally won!
Mrs. Travis: Steve no!
Sherlock: You cheater! You know Steve has no magical powers like you!
Voltaire: It doesn't matter! He lost the battle and according to his book (reads it) he will now have to be a part of my circus forever! (Pulls out a rolling table with a long box) Now Steve, get into that box!
Steve: Uh...No!
Voltaire: What did you say?
Steve: You heard me! No I won't!
Voltaire: I said get in the box! (Throws lightning bolt)
Steve: D'ah! Okay okay! (Gets in the box)
Mr. Travis: Hey! That was mean!
Josh: What kind of a man are you?
Voltaire: (locks Steve in box) Do you even know what kind of a man I truly am?
Josh: Well uh...
Voltaire: Of course you don't! Because I am wearing a mask!
Mr. Travis: You don't mean?
Voltaire: Yes! There's a face beneath this face! Spooky isn't it?
Sherlock: Yeah, spooky!
Voltaire: And now, for the grand finale! I am going to cut this young man, in half!!! (Takes out chainsaw) But before I do, any last words Steve?
Steve (Sadly): I sure do. Travis family, thank you for hiring me as your baby sitter. I hope you'll find someone as good as me. Sherlock, thanks for helping me find and save my friends. Josh, thank you for letting me play at your arcade and for letting me join the tournament. (Cast replies to Steve's thank you's) And Cat, you are the most beautiful and nicest girl in the world. You're pretty, funny and have an amazing singing voice. What I'm trying to say is...I...I...I love you!
Cat:(Gasp!) Oh! (Runs away)
Voltaire: Well, I guess that didn't turn out as you thought it would! Now on with the show! (Turns on chainsaw) Well folks, hope you've enjoyed the show! Well at least I did! (Laughs evilly as he draws chainsaw to Steve in the box)
Cast place their hats on their hearts or cry on shoulders
Steve battles Voltaire
Steve battles Voltaire
Steve loses the battle and is about to get sawed in half.
Steve loses the battle and is about to get sawed in half.
posted by SgtSkipper
(Please do excuse me for having 3 of my OC's in here but I'm short on deaths so to speak so... You'll see what I mean)

The car pulls up a gravel pathway, the garden is overgrown with various weeds and bramble, nevertheless, an old sycamore stands vigilantly among the tangled vines. The house appears in no better state. Ivy conceals most of it's features but dangles off the porch, forming a dark archway, beckoning the unwary to enter the domain.
Other than the plants, the only other signs of life at the house is a sickly looking pigeon, curled up on the branches of the sycamore, but, it flies...
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posted by coolprivate
(oh dear im trying to figure out how to use bold so..forgive me if im wrong .FT.)
[b]Chapter 1[b] / [b]bold[b]Chapter 1

Kowalski(must always start with him!):
Skipper!i have done it!

Skipper: done what? a chemical reaction nuclear bomb that kills the whole unviverse?

Kowalski: -_- no. i have created *pause* THE HRYDRIGIZER!

Rico: oooo heheh

Private: well, what does it do?

Kowalski: well, it transports "recruits" from the human world to this world!

Skipper: "recruits"?!? we have four men on the team! isn't that enough?!

Kowalski: ah but we only have "men"

*everyone stares at him questioningly*

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posted by kowalskilover13
it was a cold dark night. kowalski was out for a walk in the park. he felt like something was watching him. he turned around again to see a frying pan hit him in the face.

then he was dragged away by a black bird. he woke up to see a huge portal device. it was glowing blue like the night sky. he looks over to his left as he feels something move next to him.

he gasps as he sees Kasey tied up next to him. then he feels his head get lifted up by something. the black bird that had dragged him off earlier was staring at him with purple eyes.

the bird forcefully opened his beak and poured the blue liquid down his throat. kowalski's eyes turned light green but then turned blue again. he fainted after that...
posted by Spi_Kat_Penguin
"Alright, we'll go when your ready, Kat." Ice said. "I'm ready now." Kat replied. Ice slung on his heavy military bag. The waves were calm that night. Kat dove first, followed by Ice. Cool salt water covered Ice's face and his eyes stung the tiniest bit. Kat turned around under the water and saw Ice. She grabbed his drenched flipper and pulled on him. Ice swam trying to keep up with Kat. She began to slow down. The scenery was beautiful. Huge coral reef beds of all colors shimmered under the moonlight. Kat's shiney feathers seemed to shimmer too. Ice watched as a school of yellow goatfish...
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added by Rico4ever16
Source: me
Source: Me, Asdf, and Sgtskipper
Source: Me, the Asdf moives and Tressa. :3
posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
Steve wins the pinball tournament
Steve wins the pinball tournament
Steve: Well folks, this really has been an amazing adventure! I got to defeat Voltaire in person, saved my neighbors' baby, and got me a girlfriend. Well, now that it's all over, let's go play some pinball!
Curtain opens revealing arcade and cast. Steve approaches Cirqus Voltaire pinball machine.
Josh: She's all yours Steve. Good luck!
Steve: Thanks Josh! (plays pinball)
Cast: C'mon Steve! You can do it! Alright! Win this game!
Steve: Alright! I got all nine marvels! Now to join the circus! Almost there! (Shoots) Yes!
Cast cheers
Machine: Welcome to the circus! We need your skills. Spell CIRQUS!
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added by XxRicoRocksxX
posted by beastialmoon
The Penguins of Madagascar. It's the television show under which we are bannered as one, and it is slowly becoming a memory. Even with those few episodes left to air, the Final Season is pretty much over. So where does that leave us?

I've been a part of this club since April of 2010. For an entire year I was on forums, chatting and laughing with the rest of you. I gradually grew out of it, and found myself visiting this site less and less, to the point where it had been months since I had been here.

Last night, my brothers took out an official Penguins DVD I had bought years ago. As I laughed...
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After training, Emma decided to visit Marlene. With all of this business with the equas and their unexpected new arrival, she hadn't seen her best friend in a few days. A thought crossed her mind about Skipper and Tia, and looked towards Marlene's habitat in concern.

I guess I'll have to tell her lightly. Emma thought, strolling out of the penguin habitat, and making her way over to Marlene's. She smiled as she climbed the wall and made her way over to the cave. Emma had always thought that Marlene had the prettiest habitat in the zoo. She knocked on the side of the cave loudly, and was surprised...
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posted by CuteCuddly
Rune led Private into the room she shared with Lexii. She went to one of the drawers on the bedside table, and opened it. She pulled out a rectangular object, wrapped in blue and yellow paper. She handed it to Private.
"You can give her this," she said. Private frowned.
"But weren't you gonna give it to her?" he asked.
"Yes, but I don't mind you doing it."
"Yes, but I do!"
"But you were so upset that your present was destroyed!" Rune exclaimed. Private sighed, as she thrust the package into his flippers.
"Tell you what," he said. "Let's both give it to CC." Rune thought about it a moment, then nodded....
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posted by Rico4ever16
“Are we there yet?” moaned Loren. “almost” Responded Kowalski while rolling his eyes. “yeah, stop being so whiny Loren” said Skipper. “well it’s not my fault I didn’t get anything to eat before we went on that stupid top secret mission, I’m starving!” Complained Loren. “well that’s a REAL bummer” said Skipper in a sarcastic tone. “don’t worry Loren, were almost home.” Said private “thanks Private” said Loren thoughtfully. Loren seems to always treat Private as a little brother, as if they were siblings. And not the type that always fight either. A few minutes...
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posted by E-Scope90
There’s a ghost down in the hall
There’s a ghoul beneath the bed
Now it’s coming through the walls
Now it’s coming up the stairs
Then there’s screaming in the dark
Hear the beating of his heart
Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere
I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It’s you who’s scorning me
She wanting me
To be the stranger
In your life
Am I amusing you
But just confusing me
Am I the beast
You visualised
And if you wanna see
Eccentric oddities
I’ll be grotesque before your eye
Let them all materialise
Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you
Is it scary for you baby
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posted by skipperfan5431
Skipper looked up at Lilly in an unamused fashion. "Okay. You introduced yourself. Now Leave." He said dryly. Private came up behind him. "Don't be so rude Skippa!" The cute little penguin exclaimed. "Im Private, and this is Kowalski,Rico and Skippa." Lilly giggled. "Wow. Kowalski is a cute little name." Kowalski blushed and looked up at her. "Hee hee...thank you miss Lilly." Skipper just rolled his eyes. "Come on boys, we have a mission to do remember?" Skipper pointed his flipper to the tuna truck that was driving in through the back of the Zoo gates. Just as they were about to slide off,...
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Skipper woke up, he was extremely hung over, so he had a splitting headache from the beer. He looked around, realizing that he slept through closing hours, he then saw a shadow in the other end of the bar. Drake. 'What're you doing here Drake? I thought you've been dead for 4 months!!' yelled Skipper. Drake inched closer to Skipper. 'People find ways Skip, you just need to find those ways,' said Drake, rubbing his grizzled flippers on his forehead. 'I gotta get some food around here, REAL food!!!' yelled Drake. Skipper gulped, then he spoke again. 'You can find real food, there's a shipment...
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posted by Tressa-pom
Scene 1- Owl City Night
Emma:(surprised) Wow! I don't know there is a place called Owl City.
Lexii: Me neither.
Tressa: Because this place's name isn't Owl City. I gave there this name because there are so many owls.
Icicle: Actually there are places call Owl City.
Catherina: So, what will we do next?
Tressa:(excited) I made a list. *tries to find* Wait a second.* takes the list* Hmm. Check time. Is everybody here?
Lexii: Yes. Except Monique, Mya, Dylan,Kiva, Moonshadow.
Kate: Oh dear.
Lexii: Maybe some others...
Tressa:(depressed)Rune, please tell me you sent invitetion cards to...
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posted by kowalskirocks14
It was about midnight. Amber was texting away on a phone. Every now and then she would cough or sneeze or something. 
I doubt she's sick, but I winced every time it happened. 
Kowalski was in the lab with private, and Rico was in there. 
Suddenly there was a large crash. 
Only when I jumped did I notice I had spent the past half hour staring at amber. I creeped myself out.
Rico came burying through the door. He piled amber, by the arm, off her bunk, and dragged her into the lab. I followed.
In the lab, I saw private, so sick he was almost dead, but on the floor in front, kowalski had passed out....
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Source: Me, asdf creators and Kait
added by AgentJazzy00
Source: me!!!