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The Eve of Valentines
The Eve of Valentines
This is set after pret a poor j, so if you dont remember what happened in that episode refresh your memory before reading any further!

Gossip Girl here, and my my its valentines day so love must be in the air right? Or maybe not! Our Upper East Siders are a confused lot, i wonder if cupid will show up and make some magic because my heart is just aching for some love! You Better Love Me xoxo xoxo

Its the day before valentines day and our Upper East Siders are arriving at school.
Blair is sitting with the girls when she is approached by chuck.

C: Ladies...i know you must be busy planning your latest take down but i hope you wont mind me borrowing the brains and beauty of your clique? (looks and grins at Blair)
B: Actually we were talking about the Valentines Ball, but i guess you can borrow me for a moment. (smiles at him as she gets up and excuses herself from the group)
They walk together.
C: Lovely day...
B: Yeah, it should be better tomorrow...dont ruin it.
C: Valentines Day... The most romantic day of the calendar...
B: Shame you don't have a romantic bone in your body!

They stand still, facing each other.

C: You shouldn't lie to yourself Waldorf...(he grins, she smiles back)

they continue to walk.

B: So...are you going to the ball? Tomorrow night.
C: Im guessing you'll be there? Do you have a date for it?
B: Actually i was thinking of going solo.
C: Well that makes the two of us. (they both smile) anyway...i wanted to ask you...what have you brought me for valentines?! (he grins)
B: im supposed to get you something?
C: isn't that what valentines is about? Showing your Lo...fondness...for the person your fond of?
B: I wouldn't know what to get...
C: Good point...its not as though you'd know what id like.
They stop walking again and face each other.
B: of course i'd know! And as if you'd know what id like!
C: Ok, i bet i can find you the perfect gift for valentines and guarantee you wont be able to do the same for me! (he grins)
B: Ok fine, i accept the bet...but if you lose....for a whole week you have to be my slave!
C: (he gets up close to her and strokes her face, then whispers) i already am...(he grins)
B: (sarcastic) Really?
C: You know id do anything for you. (they smile)
B: Ok...if you lose i get your credit card.....for a month..
C: Since when were you short on cash?
B: Im not...i just wanna spend your money..
C: And if i win, you spend the night with me...any time i ask.
B: im not a whore.
C: i know, its not like Im gonna pay you for it.
B: Uggh...get away from me! (attempts to push past him, he stops her)
C: Hey i was joking, of course your not a whore...(short silence) i thought...we had something...
B: im not gonna be your bed mate when ever you feel like it!
C: But you want it too...(short silence)
B: if I lose...you get one night...
C: Valentines night?
B: We exchange gifts at the Ball. You wont win.
C: Come on Blair... We both know we want me to win this bet! (he grins and she cant help but smile back)
B: Get lost Chuck! (she shoves him)
C: Say it again...
B: Say what?
C: (whispers) My name...
B: (whispers) Chuck
They both giggle as she turns and seductively walks away whilst looking back at him, smiling.

Later on that day, S and B are at central park talking.

S: You call that an emergency?!
B: Yes S! It is! You need to help me find the perfect gift for him! I don't want to disappoint him!
S: Huh, really! Cuz to me it just sounds like another game you have to win!
B: That as well... What can i get?
S: A joint and a season ticket to a strip club! (she laughs)
Blair looks at her in shock, clearly insulted.
S: wait, that was a bad joke.
B: Hes not like that any more...i should have known not to ask for advice from someone who cant choose between smarty and arty!
S: what? Smarty and arty?
B: Dan and Aaron! (she storms off)
S: (runs after her) wait...b...im sorry!
B: forget about it, i have things to do...ill see you later. (turns and walks off)
S: See you, and good luck with the gift!

That evening. Blair is at home with Dorota.

B: Hurry D! I mean Dorota...(they look at each other, Dorota looks confused) im running out of time, Chuck probably already has my gift!
D: Im thinking hard Miss. Blair...what about....one of those things which play music.
B: No! I cant buy technology for a valentines gift! It has to be something...sweet...funny...thoughtful...something that has Chuck Bass written all over it...something that would remind him of me...
D: i got it! A pet monkey!
B: a pet monkey? (raises her voice) What the hell would he do with a monkey! I've had enough! Im going to bed! Ill have to figure this one out myself!

Blair is in bed, her phone rings. She answers it.

B: what could you possibly want at this time of night, Chuck?
C: i was wondering if you'd found my gift yet?
B: i...have...a short-list.
C: great...me too.
B: really? What have you found?
C: that would be telling! You'll just have to wait till the Valentines Ball tomorrow.
B: Fine with me. So you still haven't found a date for the Ball?
C: I wasn't looking for one.
B: So i'll see you there then...goodnight.
C: Blair...
B: yes?
C: What are you wearing?
B: To the Ball?
C: No, right now.
B: Goodnight Chuck!
She hangs up before he can respond. He smiles to himself.
He hadn't found her a gift yet, he couldn't seem to find the perfect present. He knew he'd have to think fast, it wasn't long until the Ball and he needed to buy her gift before then!

The next day.
It was a busy day, it was Valentines day, Saturday,
Blair and Chuck had gift shopping to do, but they had to think of the perfect gift first!

At the palace. Its the afternoon, 1 hour before the Ball begins. Serena has already left, she is going to meet Aaron at the gallery.
Chuck still hasn't found the perfect gift for Blair, but has a plan B, he has reserved some jewellery at her favourite jewellery store, he knows that wouldn't disappoint her.
His phone rings. Its Nate.

C: Hey man, what's up?
N: Something big actually.
C: Yeah?
N: I need a favour...its to do with the money i borrowed from a friend...lets just say he wasn't exactly a friend.
C: What have you done Nathaniel?
N: look, when i borrowed from him he said it would be a clean deal, no interest...so now he wants his money back...with 40% interest! There's no way im giving into that! He thinks he can switch the deal just like that!
C: you need money? How much, ill have it sent through.
N: No i have the money i owe him, just not the 40% interest..im not giving it just out of principle, im going over there now...i need you to come with me...for backup, just in case.
C: Look man, im kinda busy...im going to the Ball.
N: Are you serious? Your bailing on me for some Ball!? I need you man.
C: (short silence) ok ill pick you up. But im only available for an hour.

He hangs up, and calls Blair, there's no answer.
He gets his coat and heads off to meet Nate.

It been a little more than an hour at the Ball. Serena sees Blair standing alone, looking glum.

S: Hey, where's Chuck?
B: A no show. I should have known not to rely on him.
S: Hes probably on his way. Just be patient.
B: ive waited long enough! Its been more than an hour! I cant remember where ive left my phone so i wont even know whether he's cancelled on me! Another half hour and im leaving!
She storms off towards the bar.

Gossip Girl: # What's this? Cinderella left stranded by her Prince? Bass, you know just how to put a girls hopes up and then disappoint her at the last minute! Wait, maybe this was his perfect gift to her; not turning up?! xoxo #

An hour and a half later.
Chuck finally arrives at the Ball, he looks around, spots Serena.

S: hey! Where the hell have you been!
C: Where is she?
S: Probably fast asleep at home!
C: Something came up.
S: It always does! Your not going to be able to weasel your way out of this one! You've left it too late now!

He leaves and goes home to think of a way to make it up to Blair.

Blair is at home in her bedroom when Dorota enters, handing her a note.

D: There is a vehicle outside waiting for you.
Blair reads the note.


I know you think i stood you up, but something came up at the last minute....something important...ill explain everything if you give me the chance. But first i want to make it up to you. The day isn't over. My Limo is waiting for you outside.


There was a part of her that wanted to give up on him, but she knew she couldn't. There was always something keeping Blair and Chuck together....and she hoped that would never change. She drags herself outside to the limo which was waiting for her. She gets in expecting him to be there. But he wasn't.

Half an hour later she arrives at the venue where the Valentines Ball was held.
She gets out of the Limo once it stops outside. She is told by the driver to go in so she does. It is empty inside and dark, it looked much different than when she was there earlier on...once she entered the main hall, the lights and music were turned on and someone grabbed hold of her from behind. she knew it was Chuck, she couldn't help just to close her eyes and melt into him as he held onto her tightly from behind.

C: Im sorry.
B: (freeing herself from his hold and turning to him) Where were you?
C: I had to take care of something for Nate...it was important...i didnt think it would take as long as it did...i came here but Serena told me you'd left.
B: I wasn't going to wait for ever!
C: I called you but you didnt answer.
B: I left my phone at home.
C: Well...things obviously didnt turn out like we planned.
B: They never do....not with us.....so whats the point?
C: (he looks down...sees a bag that she is holding) Whats that?
B: (she lifts the bag up) Your gift....but im guessing the deal is probably off?
C: Why would the deal be off? Im here now...and frankly this Ball is better when it's just the two of us....(he holds his hand out to her) Dance with me.

She stands there for a moment just watching him, before putting her things down and taking his hand. They begin dancing to the slow romantic music. Looking into each others eyes. They dance for a while before she leans her head onto his shoulder and he puts his arms tighter around her.

B: You said that in the future....we'd....be together...
C: We will.
B: What about in the present?
C: (he lets go of her) .....talking of presents...show me what you brought for me.
B: Chuck!
C: Hey we had a deal...!

Blair walks over to her things and picks up her bag....

B: To be honest it was kinda difficult to find something perfect....i wanted it to be something you'd like...something funny and something you could actually make use of.

Chuck opens the bag and takes out a large box from inside. he opens the box and laughs when he sees what she has brought him. A scarf.

C: Well....that's definitely.....funny...(they both laugh) and ill definitely wear it all the time, but i have a feeling i've won the bet.
B: Go on then show me your gift...lets see if you've done any better!
C: I cant give it to you right now.
B: Why not?
C: Because, i dont have it yet...ill give it to you on the way home.
B: (looks confused) But im dying to see it!
C: Just shhhh (puts his finger to her lips) and dance with me....the Ball isn't over yet.

They continue to dance. Just the two of them, alone. It was a beautiful scene to behold...Chuck and Blair...they were were all either of them needed. But Blair, with all her insecurities, felt a little uncertain....she felt as though he still wasn't as committed as he made out. But she didn't want to question him because she was afraid of driving him away. She would just be patient and wait for him to be ready.

An hour passed before they stopped dancing, well they were hardly dancing anyway, they were just holding each other, swaying a little to the music, leaning on one another, they would usually hold each other like this...it wasnt the Chuck/Blair way, holding hands being affectionate...they;d already established that....so their makeshift Ball, the dancing, the music, it was just an excuse to be intimate with each other.
Eventually, after what seemed like for ever, Chuck lets go of Blair...

C: Lets go....i'll take you home.
B: And give me my gift?
C: Of course.

He leads her out to his limo and they both climb in.
The limo begins to drive off whilst Blair looks over at Chuck.

B: So where's this gift?
C: (he smiles, then moves closer to her) It was a difficult challenge, finding the perfect gift.
B: Tell me about it.
C: It took me right until the last minute to figure out what you'd like.
B: Give it to me.
C: Ok....but you have to close your eyes.

She smiles at him and obliges, her eyes are closed and she feels his hands on her face, stroking her hair. He whispers to her.

C: You're beautiful, not just tonight but always...and im glad that i can finally give you the perfect gift...the one thing you've always wanted...
B: Can i open my eyes now...
C: No.
B: Then get my gift...im dying to know what it is!
C: Here it is.....(he leans closer to her and whispers in her ear) I Love You

Blair opens her eyes, shocked....she looks at his hand....there was no gift....

B: Chuck?
C: I know now, that money wont buy what you want from me....can it?
B: (she smiled, a little confused) so....?
C: So my gift is this...to say those words you've longed to hear for so long....I Love You...and i really mean it.

Blair cant believe it...she was with Chuck Bass...in his Limo...on Valentines Day...and he'd just told her that he Loves her...Chuck Bass Loves her!

B: I cant believe it...i didnt think you'd say it first, this game, i know you didnt want to lose! I dont even know what to say!
C: Blair dont ruin it....I just said I Love You...there's only one thing you can say to that...
B: (she smiles) ..I Love You Too. (he strokes his hand on her face)
C: Really?
B: Yes...of course really! I do! Do you really...?
C: Yes I do! So i win the bet!
B: (she giggles) I guess so...(she leans over him and kisses him)
C: Happy Valentines Day.
B: (she gives him a warm smile and he smiles back) Happy Valentines Day.

They continue to kiss. Chuck clearly wins the bet and claims his prize on Valentines night, right in his Limo, with the woman of his dreams Blair Waldorf. He and Blair knew this would be the beginning and not the end. And Tonight would be the best night of both their lives.

Hope you like this! I rushed it so im sorry for any spelling mistakes and stuff, i wanted to post it asap before Valentines weekend was over!

3 Words 8 Letters....Say It and Im Yours!
3 Words 8 Letters....Say It and Im Yours!
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