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Missing Daddy C?
Missing Daddy C?
Episode 7: Empire of the Son

GG: The Bass is dead, Long live Junior Bass. Yes, Our condolances go out to you Chuck. We hope your doing fine. But look on the bright side C, Your about to become the richest teen in New York City...It's not all bad.

At the Van der Bass Appartment.
Chuck is in his room, sitting on the window sil.
Blair enters.

B: Chuck? Sweetie
C: (doesn't reply)
B: How are you?
C: (No reply)
B: Okay, You just stay there, and I'll be here, When your ready to talk (Blair sits down)

(Silence for the next few minutes)

B: Are you talking...At the funeral?
C: What's there to say? (continues to stare out the window)
B: The good times
C: There were no good times, The day I was born he hated me
B: That's not true
C: He'd lost something he loved and gained something he hated
B: Your father didn't hate you
C: Tell you that did he?
B: No, But every parent loves their children
C: (smirks)
B: Come on Chuck, You've got to get dressed at least
C: Fine (Chuck steps down from the window sil too face Blair)
B: If you ever need me, I'm here
C: I know
B: (Blair smiles) I'll just wait outside (Blair leaves, while Chuck gets dressed)

In the Living Room.
Serena enters.

S: Hey, Your here... (Serena hugs Blair) How is he?
B: He's just...numb, Hasn't he talked to you
S: No, He's just been in his room all night
B: That can't be good for him, he needs to talk about this
S: I know, but Chuck's not one for expressing his feelings
B: He will to me, I'll just give him some time, But how's your Mom?
S: She's fine, I think she's dealing with it well, but she's also one for not showing her feelings
B: She's be okay, Your Mom's tough, Chuck...
S: If he's got you B, He'll be fine

Chuck comes out of the bedroom not looking very tidy.

B: Oh Chuck let me fix that for you (Blair tries to fix Chuck's tie)
C: (stops her) It's fine! Well are we going or not?
B: Yeah lets go

Goes to hold his arm but he walks off before she can, Serena holds Blair's arm and they all leave the appartment.

(At the funeral)

Reverand Shore is talking.

RS: And now Mr Bass's son Charles will say a few words...

Reverand sits down.

B: Chuck? Go on...

Blair pushes Chuck up to the front of the church.

C: I didn't really want to say anything. My Dad was one who went after what he wanted, and he would usually sucssed, He was also a man who faught for what he loved, and what he loved was Lily Van der Woodsen, But it's a shame, She didn't feel the same way. (People begin to talk. Blair looks shocked) While my father was living his last breath. You were with another man, and that didn't surprise me. But lets face it you were only in it for the money were you Lily, and you (looks as Bart Business friends) Don't act like you care, Now that my father's dead, you think you can take over the company,

Blair leans fowards.

B: (whispers) Chuck! Stop it
C: Well back to my father, the bastard, I really don't understand why your all here, He wasn't a good father, He didn't care, the last words he said to me were "You dissapoint me",

Blair gets tears in her eyes, because she is upset at Chuck's breakdown.

C: That's all I was a dissapointment, Not quite good enough. Well your dead now Dad, And your probably still dissapointed in me, but don't worry father, I'll carry on to disgrace you, and I hope your looking up from hell, So I can just prove you right.
B: (Stands up) Chuck...Please stop
C: So when we get back to the appartment lets all raise our glasses to Bart!

Chuck looks around the church at the shocked faces, then rushes out.

B: Chuck!

Blair is about to run after him.
Eleanor pulls her arm to sit down and whispers to Blair.

E: Sit down Blair
B: I need to after him
E: He's beyond help, He really is a peice of work
B: Yeah well, He's my peice of work

Blair runs out of the church.

RS: Right, Shall we continue? (Looks at Lily)

Lily nods.

(Outside the church)

Chuck is hiding behind a wall and listens to Blair.

B: Chuck?! Chuck...Please...You need someone, And I'm here for you. (Waits for a response) Fine! Be stubborn, (waits for another response) Ughh.

Blair goes back into the church.
Chuck walks away from the church.

GG: Spotted. Chuck losing the plot, What's the matter C? Are you really missing Daddy? But I'm sure all that cash will soften the blow...

(Later back in the Bass Appartment after the funeral)

Chuck is on the couch drinking from a bottle of champagne.
Lily goes to sit by him. Blair is listening behind the couch.

L: Charles, I know your upset but was that outburst nesessary?
C: You have no idea how upset I am
L: I'm in the same boat here, I lost a husband
C: No you lost a free bank
L: That's untrue, I loved your father
C: Past tense, You loved him
L: Look Charles, We're here to remember your father and it would be nice if you behaved
C: I didn't when he was alive why should I when he's dead?
L: Don't you want to prove him wrong?
C: No, I'm beyond caring, and I know you don't so stop pretending
L: I'm not Charles, I'm still here for you
C: I don't care, as far as I'm concerned your just another one of my Dad's whores

Lily slaps Chuck.
The room goes silent.

L: Charles, I'm sorry
C: You are nothing to me

Chuck goes upstairs and Blair follows him.
Blair pushes Chuck into the bedroom.
Chuck walks over to the window.
Blair closes the door.

B: What was that?
C: I sudden outburst of my emotions, I thought that's what you wanted?
B: I wanted you to express how you were feeling, Not Insult half the Upper East Side
C: They deserve it
B: Will you stop acting like this, and Lily's been amazing to you and your treating her like that
C: What does it matter to you?
B: (sarcasm) Umm. Well I don't know, I'm your girlfriend
C: Maybe that's the problem
B: What?
C: I can't do it Blair,
B: Do what?
C: You and Me
B: That's just your dad's death talking, I know your upset, and I know your going to need time to get back to yourself but I'm willing to wait
C: I don't want you too, You deserve better
B: I don't want better
C: Blair...
B: (Angry) No! I can't believe your saying this...After everything! I thought we were good
C: I want you...
B: (intuerupts him) Then what's the problem

Chuck Looks very upset and takes Blair's hand to sit on the bed.

C: I can't be fair to you while I'm like this,I need to greive and God knows how long that will take, But I need you to do this, Because I can't ask you to wait
B: (silence and tears start to well-up in her eyes)
C: Blair?
B: I don't want us to end
C: It's not the end, it's just a....a break
B: A break?
C: I need to get over this, And I just need to do it alone
B: You want to be alone?
C: Just until I'm ready
B: Then I guess, that's what we're doing

Blair gets up but Chuck stops her from leaving.

C: Look I'm not saying never, Just not now. In the future...
B: I suppose there could be some pleasure in that, we have hope

Chuck and Blair kiss.

B: What are you going to do?
C: I don't know, But...You get on with your life

Chuck leaves the room.

Blair looks at herself in the mirror to whipe away the tears.

B: How can I do that without you?

GG: So Blair and Chuck are over before it even got a chance to get going, So with Chuck going away to "greive", and we all know what that means, and B moving on, can she survive without C? We'll find out soon, You know you love me. xoxo Gossip Girl.

Down and Out...
Down and Out...
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posted by melikhan
Gossip Girl features ensemble cast of nine regular speaking roles which were mainly adapted from the book series. The first few episodes of the first season included the original concept from the books, mainly following the lives of the five teenage characters in their high school years. Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively), is the protagonist of the show, she is very attractive, but also vulnerable, often described as an 'it girl'. It is revealed that she has had a scandalous past, that continues to haunt her, she is known for her many off-again relationships with the male characters and...
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posted by melikhan
Season One: 2007-2008
Season 1 featured 18 episodes and began airing on September 19, 2007. However, due to the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike, only 13 episodes were produced from the planned 22, but once the strike ended, the network announced five more episodes to be produced, and finally the season concluded on May 19, 2008. The season premiered with 3.5 million viewers,and ended with 3.00.Although the ratings were low the network renewed the show for second season due their aiming on male and female demographics on age 18-34.
In the beginning of the first season, the episodes focus...
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Story: 'You make me feel funny'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first day and she really doesn't know why she feels like high school girl around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck Bass run away the second he found out. AU

Some of you guessed what is going on but if you didn’t it’s clear in this chapter. Thanks for reading and reviews. Hope you’ll like...
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Chapter seven – O Christmas Tree.

Chuck was seducing her with Christmas, Blair realized when she awakened the next day. He knew it was her favorite season, and he was taking advantage of that fact, While she’d slept, he’d apparently zipped down to the nearest twenty-four hour store, with Eloise in tow…and obliterated the Holiday Décor section.

Looking around, Blair elbowed herself upward against the bed. She blinked groggily and made her way out of the room. Sure the overall look Chuck had achieved wasn’t Martha Stewart. It wasn’t even Martha Stewart Dose Kmart. But the multicolored...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: "Sparks"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl. Title is from Coldplay’s song.

Summary: „We’re inevitable Waldorf.” How they could hook up or get/stay together in each episode starting with Pilot.

So here is next chapter: The Wild Brunch. Sorry it’s only one chapter by week but I have my second fic too and a lot of homework and tests as it’s end of the semester. Like I wrote last time these chapters are not related and what happened in Pilot happened like in show not my previous update. Btw are you too so excited about Chuck/Bart...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: ana-12.

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl or used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has butterflies for and what if it’s too late?

Here’s next chapter and please review if you’re reading I really want to know what you think. And if you have time read my oneshot “Missing Butterflies”.

“I forgot to say out loud
How beautiful you really are to me,
I can't be without
You're my perfect little punching bag,
And I need you
I'm sorry.”
“Please don’t...
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A/N: Ok so I know it’s been forever seen since I updated. I suck. But I have a ton of summer homework for my AP class. And since I just moved and I’m about to go to a brand new school I’ve been way too scared to think about writing anything.
And again thank you soooo much to anyone reading this! And please review! It really helps my self-esteem, especially since I’m kind of unsure about how good this chapter is.

    There was complete silence in the aftermath of the previous events. Blair hadn’t moved from her position on the couch, her eyes staring emptily out...
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posted by lozxtitchx
This is going to be my final chapter in the Chuck and Blair story, there is going to be lots of fluffiness.

Chuck had never realised how much he loved Blair until he almost lost her, he never wanted to come that close to losing her again, and he wouldn’t, he would make sure of it, he would keep her safe, he would keep his children safe, he would keep his family safe.

Chuck and Blair were in the kitchen one morning, Dorota had just walked out to go and see if Harry and Lily were ready for school when Chuck raised a happy subject…

‘’How would you feel about us renewing our wedding vows?’’...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Six

Blair snatched her hand out of Chuck’s boxers and hurriedly tied her bikini top while Serena stood there with her mouth still gaping open. She noticed that Chuck was just glaring at Serena and still had his pants hanging open. She reached out to zip them up and turned back to her best friend.
“Serena, couldn’t you have knocked?”
Her mouth clicked close and she sent an angry glare at Chuck. “What the fuck is this?”
She grabbed his hand and made her way over to Serena. “This is the guy I’ve been telling you about, Serena. It’s Chuck.”
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"Not confessing his real feelings to her after their amazing S2 kiss..."
"Not confessing his real feelings to her after their amazing S2 kiss..."
Hey everyone!My name's Vanessa and I was lucky enough to get to interview some of the fans of the month for March!One of the fans I got to interview was Mary(sophialover),one of the winners of the Serenate FOTM pick(the other winner is Leightonfan).Anyways,congrats Mary!And I hope everyone enjoys this interview!

1.What do you love most about Serena and Nate?Why?

Serena doesn't have to be another person around Nate. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone else because he understands and respects her.
They are pretty much on the same level. They...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
She was sick.

Half an hour after, Blair was hunched on her floor, curled over with her arms wrapped herself to protect her sore stomach.

Her face was pressed into her knees, soaking them with tears.

She couldn’t believe what had just happened.

In her bathroom, she had made herself sick.

She couldn’t face the other side of the room, the bowl.

Any evidence was flushed away, but it still taunted her, the image unable to leave her mind; a testament to her broken promise.

Her imperfections.

Blair had never thought this would be her, on the cold tiles, weak and crying.

She wanted to be strong.

She was...
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posted by Serenahatepage

Literally everybody calls her a queen and all that stuff but she’s not.

She’s just a selfish, PRIVILEGED LITTLE RICH GIRL!

For example she think Donovan (or whatever the prison teachers name is) is suppose to forgive lily. I can’t remember what episode but she got mad when Donovan didn’t want to help lily be he didn’t think that anybody should be hurt doing stuff for her! HES RIGHT! SERENA LITERALLY GOT MAD AT HIM🙄! LIKE BABE SHE PUT HUM IN JAIL!! YOU CANT EXPECT HIM TO RISK HIS (limited) FREEDOM JUST BECAUSE SHE’S YOUR MOTHER!!

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