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Back from holiday...!!!
Back from holiday...!!!

It's been around 2 weeks since Ed and Leighton's month holiday in England, (they got back to NYC 2 weeks ago)
At Leighton's apartment. Her and Seb are hanging out.
They are watching a DVD on the TV, Seb is cuddled up to her and is being very affectionate...Leighton isn't able to concentrate on the movie...every time there is a love scene in the movie, Seb gets more touchy with her whilst all she can think about is Ed.
The movie finally finishes, Seb begins to kiss her and she forces herself to allow it and kiss him back. They continue to kiss until Seb attempts to remove her clothes, which prompts her to move away.

S: Whats wrong?
L: ummm (sits up properly) nothing....im just....not in the mood...
S: (moves closer to her again and strokes her arm) Hey....its been a long time....since we...(kisses her shoulder)
L: I know....im just tired....
S: come on babe....(kisses her on the lips, just a smooch) it'll be fun.
L: No....(gets up) look i would love for you to stay honey but ive got to get to bed....i've got to go to Blake's Movie Premier remember?
S: That's tomorrow?
L: Yeh, you should go home...we can get together another time ok...(she touches his face and smiles)
S: Why dont i come with you?
L: To the premier?
S: Yeh, we can go together?
L: Ummm actually i've already agreed with the others to go with them as a group...i hope you dont mind...i know how understanding you are so i knew you wouldn't mind (she smiles)
S: Oh...okay...yeh of course i dont mind...we can hook up after that because im going out of town the day after tomorrow for a while so i definitely want to see you before then...how about it?
L: Aaaw babe im so sorry...i cant....we've already arranged a party kind of thing at Chace and Ed's house after the premier! It's going to be like a sleep over...cuz they wanted to get really drunk and have lots of fun....(interupted)
S: Well maybe i could at least join you for that...it sounds like fun.
L: (realises that she cant keep saying no to him...) Ummm..well i guess you could....im sure the guys wont mind. (she forces a smile)
S: Great! I cant wait....so when is it then.
L: i'll just text you all the details tomorrow.
S: Great...i wont miss it!
They kiss.
L: You should go now i wanna get to bed.

They say goodbye and Seb leaves.
She regrets inviting him to the after party because she kind of liked the idea of being there without her boyfriend because it would mean she could spend time with Ed. Ever since the holiday in England, things were a little different with Ed. It was better, they were closer, they would constantly be in touch with each other over the phone, but it was just friendly. They were only friends, but now there was some sort of chemistry between them. They would flirt more, he would call her late at night and they would talk for hours about random things, he was really crude and funny and she loved talking to him. He was so complementary of her and he made her feel so comfortable and confident in being herself. Even if she'd had a bad day...speaking to him over the phone was never an annoyance...it made her feel better. No matter how late at night she called him he would never say no. Deep down she knew that this new found closeness to Ed had made her and Seb drift further apart. She felt guilty but she didnt think it was her fault. it was just something natural that was happening. Her and Seb weren't working as well as they had both hoped. He was making a lot of effort but he knew somehting wasn't right. He knew she was losing interest and she knew that she had to start making more of an effort. She had to show her commitment to Seb, he was her boyfriend. But she she couldn't help but be distracted by Ed. Hopefully it was just something temporary.

At the premier for "The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants 2".

Gossip Girl cast members have decided to go together as a group. Minus Blake who is attending with her Movie co-stars and will be hooking up with the GG cast for the after party at Chace and Ed's house later.
They get out of the limousine and walk down the red carpet, fans are taking photos and journalists try to steal interviews...

On their way to their seats...Chace, Penn and Jessica are walking together...Leighton and Ed are walking closely behind talking.

E: So...your looking pretty hot tonight.
L: (blushes and giggles) You dont look too bad yourself.
E: So how was last night....with the boyfriend?

Leighton had mentioned that Seb came round the night before on their way to the premier while she was telling them that she'd invited Seb to the after party.

L: It was ok. we watched a movie and stuff.
E: And stuff...?
L: Yeh...nothing.
E: So you only watched the movie?
L: Then he left. I told him i wanted an early night.
E: Ok...i was gonna call you....just to ask you if you were still coming tonight...but i got caught up in booze shopping with Chace.
L: Ye im still coming you know i wouldnt miss it...
E: Ye...and i see your bringing a guest.
L: Yep...he is my boyfriend you know.
E: I know...it's cool. he's an alright kinda guy.
L: Well......i do know someone better....(they gaze at each other and smile)

They arrive at their seats and sit down.
A few hours later the premier is over and they prepare to leave.
Leighton has contacted Seb who is making his way to Ed's house.


Once everyone is at the after party they begin getting stuck into the food, booze music and messing around!
Chace is very clear that who ever sleeps over will have to help clean up the house the next day!
they play silly party games just for the fun of it and do some kareoke too.
The Gossip Girl cast are not the only people at the party, there are various other people too, such as people they met at the premier and other friends and friends of friends...!
Even though Seb is there Leighton and Ed have not been able to keep their eyes off each other. Ed sometimes make sarcastic passing remarks to Leighton about the fact that having Seb at the party was a bad idea and other random remarks about how good she looks, or how to get rid of Seb!
Ed has told Chace that this time he will not get too drunk just to keep everything in order and make sure nothing goes wrong...Leighton and Penn have also decided not to get drunk, just to make sure that there are at least a few sane people in the house!

Leighton has however actively encouraged Seb to get very wasted just so that she can have a peaceful night because she knows that when he gets drunk it's not long before he passes out and sleeps till the morning, getting her out of having to sleep with him tonight before he goes out of town! She knows she will be tired by the end of the night and the last thing she wants to do was sleep with him!

Penn: So how is this sleep over going to work Chace?
C: Well there are only a couple of spare rooms up stairs, i know Blake wanted one...(he laughs) so your in for a great night Penn...and im guessing Leighton you and Seb can have one, im downstairs and Jessica is in my room. Ed wants to keep his room...he's really anal about anyone going in his room! And who ever else wants to stay over can just camp downstairs on the floor!
E: Hey there's nothing wrong with me not wanting tresspassers! My room is personal!
P: Why what have you got in there?
E: A lot of personal stuff...my music stuff, my instruments...and a load of other stuff.
C: His collection of poetry...which he reads to me endlessly (suddenly realises that what he has just said may be taken in the wrong way, he blushes)....i mean, only to ask if it sounds right...
E: Hey dont diss my work....its priceless.
L: You know, i dont mind camping down stairs...im sure Seb wouldn't mind either...we dont really need our own room.
S: Why not...?
L: Well just...we dont really need it...if someone else wants it they can have it...(she makes eye contact with Ed.)
it was Leighton's way of telling Ed that she didnt want to sleep with Seb....for some reason she just wanted to assure him that she wasnt going to.
C: Dont be silly....take the room...dont feel shy....have a good time.
Leighton forces a smile and decides not to argue....she didnt want Seb to think she didnt want him.

Later on. They start playing truth or dare.

It's Ed's turn first.

P: Truth or Dare Ed?
E: Urrrmmm...Dare.
P: Dare?....anyone have a Dare for the Dare Devil.
Drunk Stranger: cant you choose Truth? I want to know if your Gay or not! (They all laugh, Ed gets embarrassed)
E: Geez....thats an old joke!
P: Ok seeing as you have the first go....i'll give you an easy, straight forward dare...
E: go on...
P: Ok.....(he looks around) you see that chick there..(points to a girl standing in the distance) go up to her and snogg her face off!
E: (He looks over to the girl and then back to Penn) ummm...(he then looks to Leighton who looks away from him) nah...think of something else...
P: Why you afraid of being rejected?
Drunken stranger: Or dont you swing that way? We hear you and Chace are an item...and you didnt deny it in that interview...on The View....in fact you kinda stumbled on that question! Your not hiding something are you!
They all laugh.
E: I just dont wanna kiss her...
But that wans't entirley true...his mouth hadn't been touched by a woman for a long time...his lips were hungry for a kiss...but deep down he knew there was only one woman who could feed that hunger...and she was off limits. He looked at her...it was his way of assuring her that he wouldn't do it...he wasnt going to kiss another woman.
P: Go on Ed....what's stopping you....you asked for a dare and i gave you an easy one....its just a bloody kiss...and you dont need to worry it wont be over the internet tomorrow...there are no cameras here!
E: I said no.
Leighton gets up as Ed watches on...
L: Ye Ed go on....its just a kiss...not like it means anything...
She watches him as she walks out of the room...leaving the room...it was her way of saying...dont worry Ed just do the dare and kiss the girl i dont mind.

5 minutes later...Leighton is in the kitchen putting herself a glass of water.
Ed comes up behind her.

E: Hey.
L: (she smiles) Hey.
E: I didn't kiss her.......just so you know.
He then walks away and back into the lounge...she follows him in, the others are still playing truth or dare.

Much Much Later...

The party is almost over....only because either people are too drunk to carry on or too tired. Many have decided to go to bed. Ed, Penn and Blake are doing a bit of cleaning up before they all go to bed. Leighton has helped Seb up to their room and both go to bed also.

It's around 3.30 am. Everyone is sleeping.

Ed's room.

The light is off, it's pitch black. He hears someone come in to his room. he looks up but cant see who it is. All of a sudden he feels a hand over his mouth. its a womans hand. She then lets go and just as he is about to speak a word she puts her finger to his mouth to silence him. Her way of saying...Stay quiet.
She then climbs up on top of him and strokes his face. She bends over him and kisses him on the lips. His suspicions are correct...it's Leighton.
He kisses her back and they begin to kiss passionaltely as he grabs at her clothes to remove them. It isn't too difficult as she is only wearing a robe. It's not long before they are sweating and panting...they've been waiting for this moment for too long. all the tip toeing around each other...the looks, the glares...the flirting...the unspoken lust between them...every time they saw each other there was a chemistry that they both could never deny...but there was also a force field keeping them apart...in the darkness and the silence they could finally break that force field, they could finally release all that repressed passion...they could finally let go of reality...this wasn't gossip girl...there were no cameras or filming crew...no director to tell them what to do...this was just them...they were finally alone at last...they could do this on their own accord...they had kissed many times whilst acting...but that was like a different world to them....it wasn't them, it was Chuck and Blair...this was Ed and Leighton time...and it had been a long time coming...
They begin to make love and all with out saying a word....it was better that they both pretended that this wasn't happening. She wouldn't feel guilty about Seb and he wouldn't feel guilty about taking her away from Seb. Even though they were so familiar to each other...this was something special...it exceeded all their expectations...eveytime he touched her she felt spasms throughout her body...his hand digging into her back...he would definately leave marks on her but she didnt care. it was all worth it...
Ed at first thought he was dreaming...but nothing was more real to him than Leighton....she was his everything...he'd known it from the moment he'd first saw her...there was an infatuation he had for her...he always cared for her...he had always been attracted to her....but ever since that night in England when they'd almost kissed...that was the defining moment for him...after that he couldn't get his mind off of her... and now he finally got to make love to her....he had only imagined this in his wildest dreams...he never thought it would ever happen...........It felt like so long before it was all over...they were gasping for breath...it was like coming up after being immersed in water for too long...all your blood rushing to your head...the feeling of relief and undeniable satisfaction....but regret that it was over at all. They just lay there for a moment catching their breath before she leapt out of the bed and managed to recover her robe from the floor...she touched his face again...kissed him once on lips and then put her finger to his lips to remind him that this was their secret...they were never to mention it to anyone...not even each other.

The next morning.

Ed wakes up. in his bed alone. he looks at the time. it's almost 1pm. He climbs out of bed and goes to the bathroom. When he's done he goes down stairs to find the others cleaning up. They were almost done.

E: Where is everyone. (he stretches and yawns)
Blake: We threw them out. we've been up since 11 cleaning up!
Chace walks into the room with Leighton.
C: Oh...sleeping beauty awakes! (they laugh. Leighton and Ed make eye contact while she laughs at Chace's joke)
E: Well...what can i say...i had one hell of a night.
C: What? A Good or bad night?
E: ...The best night of my life...(He and leighton look at each other...she blushes and looks away)
C: Well....glad you enjoyed the party...now help us clean up...

2 weeks later.
Seb visits Leighton at her house. He has returned from his time away out of the city.

S: So...thanks for answering my calls and returning my texts.
L: (looks gulty) I know....im sorry...i've just been busy lately...
S: Let me guess...Gossip Girl.
L: Well yeh....it is my job you know.
S: Why do i get the feeling that your not .....i dunno...committed?
L: To what?
S: To....us...?
L: (laughs it off) What? No! Of course i am....(she turns away and walks towards the kitchen) You want a drink?
S: No...look can we sit and talk...for once...without you thinking of an excuse to get rid of me...

Leighton realises that he is serious so she sits down next to him.

S: Look...i've noticed that things haven't really hitted off for us....i feel as though....you aint interested
L: What makes you think that...? (she begins feeling guilty...she did like him....there was just someone she liked better)
S: Well....we hardly hang out....we dont do stuff that normal couples do...

She thinks back to last week...the normal things Seb was talking about....she did those things with someone else...Ed....
She realised that this wasnt right...she wasnt that girl...the cheat....the liar...that wasn't her....it had to stop....she couldnt lead Seb on....he was right she wasnt into him...not anymore....there was no point hurting him by being dishonest and stringing him along.....it wasn't fair on her or Ed either...

L: Im so sorry seb...your right....i've been the worst girl friend ever...i cant keep treating you this way....it isn't right...
S: So what does this mean...?
L: Maybe i was never right for you....you deserve so much better...
S: Thats what people usually say when they're breaking up with someone....(he looks at her and she looks away) is that what this is....? Is it over?
L: (she looks up at him again) I ....im so sorry Seb....i really like you but....im not sure if it's as more than just as a friend....i dont want to string you along....hoping that one day you'll be the one...
S: (he looks down) I knew something was wrong...but i ignored it...i thought that things might fall into place for us...
L: (holds his hands) Im sorry Seb....maybe we just rushed into things....you're a great guy...but i dont know if i want this relationship...maybe we should just...give it up...
S: Leighton....i wish things could have....worked...but maybe you're right....theres no point dragging this on if its not working for either of us.
L: sure....and we can still be friends....no hard feelings...
S: (he smiles)...yeh of course....id like that...(they hug)

2 days later.
On set of Gossip Girl.
Filming for Season 2 has begun.
The cast are at the Hamptons...they have just been in a few "E Entertainment" interviews and are now on set to begin breifing over the new scripts.
They do some rehearsals for the first few scenes of "Summer Kinda Wonderful", mainly involving Blake, Chace, Penn and Ed.
After rehearsals the gang go to the buffet to pick up some lunch. Leighton hovers past Ed, he sees her walk by and follows her as she gives him a look over her shoulder. She sits down and he sits next to her.

L: Hey.
E: Hey (they smile)
L: Me and Seb broke up....just so you know...
She then walks away and goes inside to join the others who are eating their lunch indoors leaving Ed to ponder what her intentions were....

End of the day.
Leightons trailer. she is packing a few of her things...ready to go back to her hotel room.
Someone knocks at her door. It's Ed. She smiles at him and lets him in.

E: So...hows it going...?
L: (smiles) great....(he walks closer to her) You?
E: Fabulous....(he plays with a strand of her hair) so...i hear that apparently there a some fan sites dedicated to us?
L: Really? (she giggles)
E: Ye... a lot of people out there think we make a magnificent couple...perfect in fact.
L: Really...(she teases him) Well a lot of fans must be pretty crazy.
E: You think? I reckon they have.....a legitimate conviction...
L: (she blushes) maybe you and the fans have confused us with Blair and Chuck
E: Actually there's a considerable fan base for Blair and Chuck too. They call them Chair...
L: So what do they call us...?
E: I dont know...maybe...Edton...Meestwick...there maybe endless combinations...(they laugh)
L: Well at least the fans notice the chemistry.....its a shame we didnt...
E: But we do now right...?
L: (she smiles) I guess the fans must be right...they usually are....and im sure they'd love to see this...
She kisses him....then wraps her arms around him as they kiss....
E: I think....you owe me a massage...(they both giggle)
He kisses her again....they continue to make out.......


I know you might be thinking....is that it? and yes it is! I didnt want to drag out the last scene any more because it may have got boring! so i kept it short and sweet! (just incase your wondering...they obviously get together in the end!)

Just a note of reflection...
A Lesson Learned:
After writing fan fic i have realised why the writers havent made chair get together. As much as i ache for them to get together i can now relate to the difficulty they face...when i write chair fan fic, i dont want to write about them as together as a couple, ive tried but it eventually gets boring. The best part is writing about their journey.
So i hope that all chair fans, like myself, can see the positive side of chair not being together yet. Just hang in there and enjoy the ride, hopefully the writers arent that stupid and they'll always keep chuck and blair 4 each other. Even if that means we have to wait till a 10th season to see it happen! I hope we dont have to wait too long though! I dont mind as long as in the end they are together because lets face it they are perfect for each other.

Also im so sorry for portraying Leighton as a cheat but this is FICTION and the pesonalities presented in this fan fiction DO NOT intend to reflect the TRUE personalities of the gossip girl cast, and it was only done for the sake of entertainment! Hope i haven't offended anyone, i know the real Leighton is an inspirational amazing and very talented person and is probably nothing like the character i have portrayed, in fact that goes for all the people in this fan fic!

I appreciate your interest and thanks for reading, rating and leaving comments!
Hope you liked my fan fic. I will be returning once more to chair fan fic as i have one new storyline in mind! So ill be back soon! xoxo GGirl_CB4BW
Finally together! Its what most fans want...?
Finally together! Its what most fans want...?
gossip girl
season 2
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