Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry and his friend entered the hotel in high spirits. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were already there, and one look told them they had been very worried. Ginny glanced at Harry’s wide smile and the newcomer, and said, very icily, “Who is she?” to Harry.
Harry grinned even wider, and J K smiled. “This, Ginny, is the one and only J K Rowling!” He saw their looks of astonishment. “You know,” he added, “she wrote our books!”
“Oh,” said Ginny, sounding rather relieved. Ron laughed.
Hermione looked surprised, but knowing as to why he had brought J K.
“And why did you bring J K?” asked Ginny. “Not that I have any objection-”
“Yeah right,” muttered Ron. Ginny ignored him, though her cheeks turned pink.
Harry also ignored Ron’s last comment, and said to Ginny “If Meyer challenges us to a duel; we need J K to help us plan our moves.”
J K smiled warmly at them all. “Please call me Joanne,” she said. “Or Jo, whichever you prefer.” She smiled again, and concluded with “You don’t need me to ‘plan’ your moves; you can battle very well by your selves. Harry here -” she threw an annoyed glance at Harry, who grinned, “convinced me to come saying I would get a chance to meet wizards, and Stephanie.”
“So let’s go,” said Ron, impatient as ever. They walked down the street to Meyer’s house, knowing which one it was because of their magic powers. The walk was short, and the friends entertained each other by telling amusing stories – though on the wizards’ side it was useless, as J K already knew everything.
Finally reaching Meyer’s house, the wizards stopped. J K felt nervous, even if she was with the four best wizards of the time.
Ron said, “Blimey. It’s easier to defeat Voldemort than to knock on a door.” Everyone laughed. Indeed, Harry felt his sides aching from laughter.
Now at last knocking on the door, it was opened by Meyer a second later. She looked surprised to see them, but welcomed them in.
“So,” said Meyer, sighing, “dedicated fans you must be, to track me down just for an autograph. However, I will sign, hope you brought your copies of my saga.” And she smiled expectantly at them.
Harry glanced at his partners. Hermione looked angry, and made a small noise of contempt from her throat. Joanne was looking shocked, Ginny even more so, and Ron looked completely dumbfounded. He didn’t know it, being not so good at Legilemency, but they were all thinking the same thing – “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” A rule that Meyer obviously had no clue about.
As it looked as though none of them would speak, he stepped forward. “Ms. Meyer,” he began, “I am Harry Potter.” Meyer looked disbelieving. He was about to continue when Jo stepped forward.
“Stephanie Meyer, I am J K Rowling, and this man here,” she indicated Harry “speaks the truth. Wizards are real.”
Meyer snorted. “Evidently you are crazy fans.”
J K raised her eyebrows, but said to the four wizards, “Let us go. It could not be clearer we are wasting our time.”
Before they turned to leave, Harry performed Legilemency against Meyer, and found out she believed them, but was too scared to acknowledge it. He stopped them from leaving, and took out his wand. “Do you want proof?” he asked Meyer, already knowing the answer.
Meyer nodded, unable to say anything. He pointed his wand at the pen in her hand and said, “Wingardium Leviosa!” The pen started to float upward and Meyer screamed.
“AHHHH!” she yelled. “Help!” J K told Harry to stop. He flicked his wand and the pen fell down. Meyer was staring at it. “W-Where are E-Edward and J-J-Jacob when you n-need them,” she said shakily.
At that moment, the hallway of Meyer’s house started to shine. Brighter and brighter it got, until Harry couldn’t look at it anymore. He turned away and noticed the rest doing the same. The sound of an explosion was made, though Harry somehow knew that only they could hear it. And just as suddenly as it started, it was over.
added by Italktosnakes
Source: Myself :D
added by narniafreak12
added by narniafreak12
This is how I feel about HP vs. Twilight. Twilight fans feel free to state your own opinion but I would prefer no one fights. These are my opinions and everyone is entitled to their own.

I know there are many of these articles on here but this is my own and wanted to share it. Sorry about how long it is! And please excuse any typos!

1. The character have personalities and depth. They grow and change and even minor characters are so complex
-Dobby: Dobby was a house elf that belonged to the Malfoy family. At great risk to himself, he tried to keep Harry from danger by attempting to persuade him...
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Twihards or Rabid fans (thats obsessive Twilight fans, all of you): Don't read this. I don't want to get mauled or drowned.
I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors.
Don't get me wrong- I like Twilight just fine. However, many parts of it really annoyed me. Here are my reasons why I liked Harry Potter better.

1. Characters.
Lets compare:
Lead female role in HP: Hermione Granger. Flaws: a bit nerdy, Know-it-all, and Bossy. Good traits: Stood up for herself (as well as think for herself), worked against racism (for house-elves), was loyal to Harry at all times, and didn't try to kill herself...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
Rhytm of Poker Face

I’ve been in Azkaban for more than a decade
So if you’d cross my way you don’t think I’ll be afraid
I’ve become an icon in the whole wizarding world
And you’re not even hot enough to be an escort girl

Whoa (x8)
You think you’re the best
But your hair’s like a mess
Whoa (x8)
You got no style
You love a dude who’s dead nor alive

I would like, I would like
Now I would really like to Crucio your face!

Death Eaters:
You just insulted her lover
No not my, no not my
Don’t you mess with my pretty face

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Whoa. Its the final battle already? It seems like this all started a week ago....which it did....so...yeah.
NOTE: I am a Twilight fan, so do not suggest that I think all Twilight fans are crazy. I also think HP is better than Twilight, though. Just a little.
NOTE:I like HP and T, I am not trying to make fun of either, I'm just having fun with some of the ideas.
NOTE: okay, I'm just putting this note in to build suspense.
NOTE: This is it. The big one. The end. The last one. The one and only. The awesome one. The one that is the end. The climatic one. The one that, if you do not read, will send...
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posted by SpeedyGonzalez
I, SpeedyGonzalez did NOT write this. I just merely copyed and pasted it.

Ah, yes, Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series. My opinion of her, from the way that she has presented herself to the public in interviews and such, is that she is a whiny, self absorbed woman with the mind of a 13 year old. She can't deal with criticism because it hurts her delicate little feelings, and believes that she is an amazing writer and that her story and characters are somehow superior to those seen in the works of people such as Jane Austen and William Shakespeare. Here's one statement that shows that...
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So Harry Potter is MUCH better than some stupid book about wimpy girls and sparkly fairies. First off:
ALL the Twilight people are UGLY! I mean seriously, Taylor Lautners muscles are gross and he has ugly man-boobs. He looks like a creep on steroids. and Robert Pattison looks like a bum, and Kristen looks like a drug aggict as Bella. I mean, EW! Who wants to watch a movie with eyesores like them? Harry Potter is WAY better, I mean we have HOT guys, and the girls aren't half bad either! I mean. we have Lucius, Draco, Sirius, and Snape to say the LEAST! Plus like a zillion other eye-candy dudes!...
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1. It has better writing.
2. It's plotline is better.
3. I'd rather read a book about a teenage boy going to a wizardry school and fighting a dark sorceror than one about a ditzy girl who's way too obsessed with her sparkly boyfriend.
4. The characters are more relateable.
5. J.K. Rowling is not afraid to kill off plenty of good guys.
6. Most of the characters' educations actually matter to them.
7. It doesn't have thousands of rabid fangirls.
8. The characters are more three-dimensional.
9. It stays true to mythology.
10. It has more types of love in it, not just romantic and sexual love (or should...
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The Golden Trio
The Golden Trio
I'll Start with Harry Potter:

1.The Characters are more likeable.
4.Even the villans are likeable.
3.You can related to at least one of the likeable characters.
4.Harry Potter has Bellatrix Lestrange where vas Twilight only has Isabella Swan.
5.The villans actually seem thretning unlike the Volturi.
6.The cast seems friendlier.
7.The relatonships in Harry Potter are taken one step at a time.
8.Harry Potter is more realistic; the characters each have a flaw as well as some good traits
9.Harry Potter shows real life issues such as; the loss of someone dear to you, child neglect, (the dursleys) and raceism....
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Before you start reading, I'd like to say this is my personal opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am, I'd appreciate you don't get mad because I don't like fighting. It wasn't meant to be rude, mean or hurtfull to anybody.

For me Twilight was too easy to read. I could predict what would happen and the plot was too easy. The thing is, the plot isn't bad. Vampires exist, that's cool. You know one, yes, very cool. But the way Stephenie Meyer introduces it, how she developed her characters, how she modeled the vampire species, that is where Twilight gets people annoyed. It represent the iceburg that...
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posted by GemonkDruid
First, let me get this straight: I'm not a fan of Twilight. In fact, I hate it. But I can see why everyone's so hyped up about it.

You see, I've recently been introduced to a new theory- The Twelve-Year-Old girl theory. It's mostly used in music, like for popular icons like Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, the Jonas Brothers, but Twilight also fits into this catagory.

What is the Twelve-Year-Old girl theory, you might ask? Well, let's just look at people at the age of twelve first. When you turn twelve, you're on the thin line between childhood and the teen years. You're young and vulnerable,...
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This is an answer to a question posted by coolbek. If you read it, please feel free to provide constructive criticism. However, please don't post hateful comments without backing up your opinion - it just makes you look foolish.

These are my reasons as to why people like Harry Potter more than Edward Cullen:

1. Harry has flaws - anger, sometimes arrogance and a few more. These flaws make Harry a character with depth, and also a character that we can relate to. Nobody can be perfect in the real world – our flaws are what make us human. The saying “Perfection…is apt to be dull” explains...
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Alright,I don't know where to begin,I guess I already begin.

I can't believe I've taken months to conclude that I was being something humiliating,nasty and dumb for those past months.I loved Harry Potter with all my heart,its the very first novel I would not eat to have it.I used to like Twilight too when I watched the movie in the first place.

However,its pretty obnoxious when media started to compare my most favorite book with a simple love story like Twilight-no offenses,just how I used to think.That's why I joined this site,to prove that all the "move on Harry Potter.." things was wrong.
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posted by Sophia21
Ah well, in the name of justice now I will take it a little bit against Harry Potter. For starters I will only mention consistency errors or plot mistakes. Scientific and lore mistakes will be included later. HEY! They are 7 very long books, and unlike Twilight were mistakes were easy to spot amongst the constant lovey-dovey of Bella and Edward, Harry Potter has a lot of information going around. Now then.

1)Where did Voldemort stick his wand?
Explanation: Yeah the title doesn't give a very nice image. But seriously. Voldemort went on a solo mission to kill the Potters and their baby. Due to...
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Before you start reading please understand that this is all based on MY opinion and not everyone can think the same.If you are a Twilight fan you don't have to start a fight,just say you disagree and tell us why.

Before,i posted an article from someone who made a few reasons on why Harry Potter is better but it got flamed(I'm guessing because it was too direct.) so i decidet to point out my main 5 reaons on why i think Harry Potter is better.

1.Harry Potter character are more..alive.

Harry Potter characters have so much personality,they are interesting because of it.I can tell you so much about...
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posted by KateKicksAss
NOTE: This interview is written as if Bella is still human. Think after Eclipse but before Breaking Dawn. And I don't mean to offend Twilight fans with any of the questions that Rita asks Bella in this article, based on Rita's personality in the books, I'm assuming she'd ask awkward questions.

Me Myself and I
By Rita Skeeter

Today's interview is with popular fantasy book character, Bella Swan. Captivating readers in Twilight, read on as I interview Bella, and see if there's more to her than just an obsession with Edward!

*The door opens, and in walks Bella......with Edward.*

Bella Swan: Can...
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1. The writing is better

Is it f**k Stephanie Meyers is diabolical and quite frankly paint drying on a wall is more f**king exciting than her writing and compared to Stephanie Meyers writing, J.K Rowling's writing and detail about each and every character even if some of the characters are only briefly mentioned are absolutely genius

2. The Actors/Actresses who film the movie are talented

What a load of bull for one Kristen Stewart can not act the emotion she shows throughout the entire saga is moody, moody and a little bit more of moody and don't get me started on Robert Pattinson he's not that...
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Kristen Stewart screen test interview with W magazine about filming Breaking Dawn
kristen stewart
w magazine
breaking dawn