Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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OK, before you read..(If you do) I must say this is spossed to be for fun and i was bored, so please please please for the sake of my slitheren heart don't hate on this. Now! I must go on..


On Saterday, Ron, Hermione and Harry go to the movies.
"What are we going to see Harry?" Ron asked filling his mouth with popcorn. "TWILIGHT!" Harry screamed and clapped his hands. "What the heck is that" Hermione asked taking the popcorn away from Ron. "It is this new movie and its about this girl who falls in love with Edward and he is secretly a vampire...AND HE SPARKLES! how awesome is THAT?" Harry dragged his friends into the theatre and sat in the very front. "He sparkles what kind of-" Hermione started to ask but Harry shushed her. "It's starting!" he wiggled in his seat his eyes wide as he looked up. Hermione sighed and slapped Ron for chomping on his gummy worms.
"But dying in the place of someone I love, seemed like a good way to go.." the girls voice said as the poor deer was being stalked by the cameraman. "This is sooo" Hermione began but Harry hushed her again. she stuck out her tounge and looked back up at the screen.
About 20 minutes into the movie the girl 'Bella' was in her new school. And it was at the part where the Cullen kids just arrived. "Thats Rosealie and Emmett, Emmett is like really tall and stuff" Harry whispered to Ron. Ron nodded staring at the blond girl Rose. (What a buthole) Hermione thought.
After the movie the trio walked into Hogwarts while Harry was still talking about how he wanted to be a vampire one day and find his own Bella. 'THAT WAS SO WEIRD!" Hermione shouted. Ron and Harry stared and then started to laugh. "But it was a good movie Hermione!" Ron said. "NO IT WAS NOT!" she hissed back. "Oh well Ron lets go back to our dorm" Harry said as the two left Hermione alone in the hall. That night she had a dream and it was not just any dream. she thought she was Bella and Edward was her lover and she lived in forks washington. when she woke up she screamed wanting Edward. The whole day she went about still thinking she was Bella. At dinner time Draco Malfoy ran into her and made a smirk. "Where were you losers at after curfew last night?" he laughed. "I was out with my boyfriend Edward and my best friend Jacob black, stop trying to follow me Mike Newton!" she shoved him and walked to her table. Draco was so confused he did not know what the heck she even said. "What did you call me?" he asked. "Your name you dummy" Hermione said shaking her head.
Later in the night Draco bought Twilight on DVD and watched it and was amazed. "I want to be just like Edward cullen when i grew up" he said. Just then Snape came in and said "You want to be WHO?" Draco slowly looked to Severus and got up slowly. "What?" Snape asked confused by Dracos actions. "You stay away from my Bella" he said. "Wha-" "I SAID STAY AWAY!" Draco leaped onto Snape biting his neck and pinning him down. "MALFOY! GET OFF OF ME YOU HOLAGAN!" Snape shouted. "NO!" Draco bit him again. Just then Ron came in and got up. "YOU TOO DOG!" Ron got wide eyed. "What?" he asked. "STAY AWAY FROM MY BELLA JACOB! NOW!" Draco ran at Ron. Ron leaped out of the way causing Draco to hit the wall and fall unconsious. Snape got up and rubbed his neck. "What in the name of potter is going on with you children? everywhere i go it has to do with Twilight!" Ron shrugged and walked out. Snape left and Draco was still 'sleeping'.


"Edward?" Bella said walking down the cullens many stairs. "Yes my love?"
She held up a whole stack of mail and turned to him. "I thought you said we were going to the college of Atlanta?" "We are.." Edward told her. "Then how come i got accepted to Hogwarts?"

Just then Nessie came in to the kitchen wearing Harry Potter glasses yelling "WINGARDIUM LEVIOUSA!"

Now here's the thing that seems to be the popular topic now. Harry Potter books and the Twilight series. First I'd like to point out I do not call Twilight a "saga" is because well if you look it up you will know why. There's this whole big clash of the Twilight fanatics and the Harry Potter fanatics. I just need to vent out on how I feel about this situation.

Okay if you love Twilight than that's fine with me. I respect your opinions, but to me the book was terrible. You can instantly tell that it was Meyer's first book she had ever written. I only hate the book, I don't hate you for liking...
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posted by nichole22
please leave comments so i no if this story sucks or not and please read it even if its not the whole story.

Chapter 1: The unexpected

Have you ever had one of those dreams, were you try and run fast but you just keep getting slower, well that's the dream I was having. This is the most strangest dream I have ever had. I was being chased by two wannabe snobs from school, Rachel was the leader from between them, who was tall with black hair tied up in to a curly mini style afro like a thick puff ball at the back of her head. she also had long, sleek legs built for running. Along side her was her...
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I have just tried to refute another "Edward is hot" type fallacy. I've had enough, I'm ready to puke - pardon the language - in link if I see another one. In the foreseeable future, I shall either not bother with such fallacies but instead ignore and ridicule or point to this article. This applies to both sides because some Twilight fans and some new Harry Potter fans here are frequently inferring it.

I point to my previous article: link for the introduction.
I shall here only point out Number Six:
Non sequitur.
What is a Non Sequitur and a fallacy: I shall again refer to Oxford English Dictionary...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry and his friend entered the hotel in high spirits. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were already there, and one look told them they had been very worried. Ginny glanced at Harry’s wide smile and the newcomer, and said, very icily, “Who is she?” to Harry.
Harry grinned even wider, and J K smiled. “This, Ginny, is the one and only J K Rowling!” He saw their looks of astonishment. “You know,” he added, “she wrote our books!”
“Oh,” said Ginny, sounding rather relieved. Ron laughed.
Hermione looked surprised, but knowing as to why he had brought J K.
“And why did you bring...
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added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: Twilightguide.com
added by Fairy8346
Ron just wouldn't can it. We were all at the table, while Ron was blabbing about how Professor Snape had gave him detention. For crying out loud, if he just payed attention in class he wouldn't have!
"'Mione, can you pass the butter?" he said with mouth full of chicken. I scowled at him and passed him some. "'Mione, you don't look so good are you ok?" Harry whispered in my ear. I shook my head. After riding a broom and falling off because of stupid Malfoy hadn't done wonders on the headache i already had. "You want to go to the infarmery, im pretty sure the med-witch has." he began but Ron...
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Here is an 5 Part Essay wriiten by someone on livejournal that proves Edward isnt abusive.

I have been having feelings of guilt off and on about shipping Edward and Bella. I'm sure the majority of us Twilight fans of have heard about the accusations of Edward being an abusive boyfriend. The accusers are able to back it up with proof of certain behaviors that count as abuse that you can read off of a red flag list. What they refuse to do though is look at the big picture. All they see is the surface and refuse to ask why. They even go to such far...
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added by RealSunshine
Source: LJ,tumblr,HP fans and Alessia @ FP
added by KateKicksAss
Two days ago, i suffered from a huge headache. Now. it was the size of Hogwarts. HUGE. I stumbled my way down the halls and went into my dorm. While on my bed, i layed down and closed my eyes. Why was i feeling so sick? why was it lasting this long? and most importantly...
why did i want to kill Harry for?
i opened my eyes and gasped. where did that thought come from? Kill harry? I would never! (unless he tried to kiss me again maybe..) "Mione..." Ron said from the doorway. i groaned. "What?" he layed the food tray by my bed and nodded. "Still feeling under the weather, huh?" he asked sitting...
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Legitimate Reasons (I hope :x)
Harry Potter
1. The plot is intricate and detailed, covering easily more than forty-three years (from the time Voldemort rose to power, to the epilogue in DH) and seven books with hardly any questions left unturned. The subplots, which may seem mild and unimportant in book one, actually end up being important later on (case #1: Harry learning to fly becomes important later in book one).

2. The characters are deep and complex – there's a lot more to them than meets the eye and JK makes sure that we know it (case #2: Severus being an ass to Harry). She had every...
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twiligh is so better then harry poter becauz twilight is a LUV stoty and harry potter has no luve at all.it also has VAMPIREZ wich are REEL unlike wizards from hp. plus you can realat to bella more then hary becuz bella has FELLINGS. and do i even need to menchon edward? he is so SEXY. jakob is to. no one in harry potter is as hot as edward culen!! they had rober patenson in harry potter but that was the only reazon i watched it. twilight is also more exiting then harry potteer. whoevr can balence out love and exitment mmusr be a great writer! ans stefinie meyers came up with new creaturs and...
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I would like to start by quoting Susanna Laitala, who wrote a review of Breaking Dawn for a Finnish newspaper: "... by Stephenie Meyer, who, in my opinion, is a very talented writer." I disagree: I do not think Meyer could write even a decent children's book, with a plot culminating in a giraffe finding his lost scarf. She would probably decide that the giraffe is suddenly carnivore who has green stripes instead of brown spots - she has already done so to the beloved villains of literature, vampires. Meyer's vampires are in fact 'vegetarian': they drink only animal blood. In addition, they...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry stood at the forest’s edge without moving. He was thinking to leave, when a flurry of movement within caught his attention. Peering at the massive shape he could see, he realized too late that it was a wolf. He jumped out of the way, and the wolf landed where he had been a second before. He looked down at it. The wolf, which had reddish-brown fur, growled up at him. Impulsively Harry withdrew his wand from his jeans pocket.
The wolf stopped growling when it caught sight of the raised wand. It transformed into a man, and Harry backed up, astonishment on his face. The wolf-man spoke....
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80. In harry potter lots of girls fell in luv with guys. And i could not understand your writing. You sound drunk.

81. Reason why harry potter is better.

82. You just admitted that harry potter story is better. And this isn't a who would win: wizards or vampires.

83. You did not give one reason why harry potter is better instead you went on a rant on how much u luv it and you keep on insulting it. Let me deflect your insults. Harry potter is not nerdy just because he wears round glasses and sometimes smart. Edward is not real to you cause he is a flake. And again it doesnt matter if harry...
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hers ther link


51. Your reason made no sense at all, I think you probably tried to say that it isnt that good

52. This is not a reason, this is just a bunch of harry potter people having dialouge

53. This person is not really saying anything except that they shouldn't be compared and the person just likes the book but she doesnt think that harry potter is better

54. They just dissed twilight and they don't think that harry potter is better

55. Ilike 5 different guys at the same time too: fred, lupin, harry, ron, arthur
anyways just b/c u lik the guys doesnt make it beter, wat do u mean fall in...
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1. Ask him why he doesn't have such a cool scar.

2. Call him The-Guy-Who-Let-The-Boy-Live.

3. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

4. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

5. Ask him when he last took a bath.

6. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again

7. Play "knock and run" at his bedchamber door late at night.

8. Ask him why the Dark Mark couldn't look like something more "sociably acceptable".

9. If you ever need to say "Like taking candy from a baby", be sure to add: '"Of course, SOME of us might find that harder...
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here is the website:


1. he/she just said "its not" (completley agree with them)
1 1/2. (y is there a half?) the person just said that its not.
2. i dont think that many ppl can relate 2 twilight b/c we aren't that obessissive to jump off a cliff or hurt ourselves 4 r sweeties (at least i hope not), i dont feel any emotion at all and i certaintley don't want 2 b bella. Harry Potter has a story 2 and it's better. (response to "It's as if u hav a story")When I read Harry Potter, I feel as if I understand him better then bella because he goes through a lot more then bella.
2. (i think its unfair...
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