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Harry Potter Question

Why do so many people Hate Harry/Ginny?

Fans (usually yaoi sluts) complain about how the two are not well-suited and that Harry only goes out with her because she looks like Lily, when in the books it's a coincidence, because there is no reference from Harry's point of view that mentions he is attracted to her because of her red hair, or that she looks like Harry's mom? Seriously, what the fuck people? Go argue it with J.K
I doubt you even know what a slut is. -_-
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
I don't meant slut in the literal sense of prostitute. It's meant to illuminate to the fans who are unhealthily obsessed with sex, to the point of liking and reading fanfictions with non-con.
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
@Sindhwal - FantasyNerd's saying the same as you. It's just one of the false arguements anti-shippers use.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
 FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

DR76 said:
I don't hate Harry/Ginny. I think they're right for each other. My problem is that I don't think Rowling did a good job in portraying their relationship . . . like she did with Ron/Hermione.
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posted over a year ago 
rebecaleia said:
i'd like to know but maybe because Harry is the main character and Ginny is not and people think that an important guy deservers an important woman and they think Ginny isn't an important woman because she is not one of the main characters... i don't know if it is cause personally i love Harry and Ginny
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posted over a year ago 
teacupitty43 posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said:
There was no need to call yaoi fans,sluts. Anyways,people hate it probably because they feel like it was just sudden. It's hard to explain really. That or they don't see them as a good couple.
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posted over a year ago 
Again I'm not calling all yaoi fans sluts, I'm saying that some have an unhealthy obsession with their ships, to the point of seeing stories of non-con and rape as romantic
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
I don't hate it, I like it more then Ron/Hermione. Both relationships weren't portrayed good, she didn't go far into their relationship enough. Probably because she actually was going to make Harry and Hermione be together, but at the last minute she changed her mind. Most likely just so Harry could be apart of the Weasley family. So most people hate it because it was just to quick, you hardly saw their relationship at all. It's just 'Oh they are dating, they broke up, back together, married'. While I dislike Ron/Hermione, I do like Harry/Ginny. But it's just, it is not so great, it was just a quickly thrown together couple. Frankly, I still think she should have stuck to her original plan and had Harry and Hermione together. They would have worked better, also if she was trying to make another James/Lily couple, they would have fit that better. Plus it seems like their relationship build up was put to waste.
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posted over a year ago 
It's funny but if she had written the in-between part, and not just the epilogue, it might have had less hatred.
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
darange said:
i dont hate it it just bothered me. i never really liked Ginny's character, she fades in the background, she is less seen then Neville! and all of a sudden Harry likes her?? he never showed interest in her! sure he saved her once but that was it! it just bothered me that he all of a sudden liked her, there was nothing there! it went like this in my head: girl knows about boy, boy meets girl, boy saves girl once, boy forgets about girl for 4 or 5 years, all of a sudden boy likes girl for no reason, boom there together.

i just dont see how that makes sense! he liked her as a sister then this? what did J.K.R want harry to have a redheaded wife like his father did? like father like son? it just bothers me thats all.
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posted over a year ago 
Book-Freak said:
I think it might because it was a very sudden relationship. Unlike Ron and Hermione, which was developed very slowly over seven years, Harry and Ginny fell in love very quickly over the course of a couple of months. Personally, I like it, as it demonstrates that people fall in love differently but some people don't, because they think it's slightly unrealistic.
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posted over a year ago 
I don't think they necessarily fell in love right away. I don't really like Romione (Yes I'm a hypocrite, don't judge me -.-) because the main reason why hermione started liking Ron is because he needs a book to figure out how to tell her. Harry/Ginny is not the same way, because Ginny eventually matured.
FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
I disagree - Hermione liked Ron a long time before he started reading that advise book. Her reaction to his relationship with Lavender and indignation whenever he said anything about choosing looks over brains is evidence of that. Ron just needed a little help on how to approach her romantically.
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
tammy63 said:
I think it is because the relationship occurred so quickly and practically came out of nowhere. Not once in the previous books had Harry saw Ginny as anything other than his best friends sister, but suddenly he wants to be with her. Also, I thought in the movies the actors did not really have much chemistry together to make the relationship believable
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posted over a year ago 
shanyuisboss said:
I don't hate them as a couple, but....

1. She isn't an important character
2. We barley got to see there relationship develop

And that's basically it. It would've made more sense if he went with Luna.

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posted over a year ago 
Joker78 said:
Because Ginny Loved Harry even she didn't tell him
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posted over a year ago 
Was this comment directed towards me?
shanyuisboss posted over a year ago
LadyAmortentia said:
I don't think the relationship was portrayed very well in the books and especially the movies,

We didn't see the Relationship evolve we just knew Ginny loved him from the moment she saw him and it took Harry a few years to see that he liked her too.

I think the relationship between Harry and Cho was portrayed better and may have gotten a few tips from that.

As to the Whole Lily lookalike its possible he loved his mum and she was his hero the whole dying for him, it's likely that he misses her and Ginny just happens to be like her.

I think he the relationship progressed on screen or in the books then people wouldn't be so disgusted with the pairing.
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posted over a year ago 
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