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posted by Irene3691
Some days pass by and they have Endocrinology class, as usually, Greg is late.
‘Where have you been?’
‘Fell asleep.’
‘Hugged to my panties? Or you went to bed late thinking an evil plan to screw with me?
‘Both of them!!!’ He sticks his tongue out at her and the teacher warns them.
‘…and Mr House and Miss Cuddy will do the assignment together. As you like so much chattering ...’ He smiles. ‘Every couple must hand in this assignment before the end of the week.’
‘Oh, God... why have you forsaken me?’ Says House.
‘This is not fun for me either...’
‘How can't this be fun, for God's sake!!!’
Lisa speaks in a low voice. ‘You’re the last person here I’d like to do the assignment with...’
‘Shhhhhh’ The professor looks at them until they are in silence and then continues his lesson.

A couple of days pass by and they haven’t started the assignment yet. House gets out of the shower and goes to meet her in the living room. ‘When are we gonna do the assignment?’
‘The sooner the better.’
‘Good. Shall we start now then?’
She turns off the TV and goes to look for her books to her dorm. She comes back and they spend a couple of hours doing it, then they take a break.
‘You want to drink something?’ Asks Lisa while she goes to the kitchen.
‘Uhh... don't trust you. You'll put some laxative in my drink.’
‘No, I’m not like you.’ She comes back from the kitchen with two sodas and sits down again. ‘Did you buy new clothes, by the way?.’
‘Some... can I trust you??’ Says him looking suspectfully to his soda.
‘It’s your choice.’
Finally he opens it and sips. ‘I know you need me to do the assignment...’
‘I need you... by now.’ She bends down to pick up a book and when she sits up they are looking at each other very close. ‘...Break time is over.’
They spends some hours more doing the assignment.
‘Okay, I think it’s enough for today... We can finish it tomorrow or so.’
‘Good, the sooner we finish the more time we have to rest.’ He closes the books and stands up.
‘Of course, and the more time we'll have to rest from each other.’ She stands up and takes her books. ‘I'm going to sleep at a friend's house, so see you tomorrow in class.’
‘Is that friend a girl?’
‘If it’s a boy I can’t go, daddy??’ Says Lisa mocking at him.
‘No, I'm serious. Is it a girl?’
‘Why do you care?’
‘I just was wondering if your friend, only if it's a girl of course, would make a dream of mine come true: being in bed with two women.’ He mocks at her.
‘Of course not, who do you think you are? You think that all college girls want to sleep with you? And what makes you think that I’d like to share a night with you?’
‘To the first question yes, and to the second one... ummm... everything?’
‘Excuse me? Everything? Keep dreaming boy.’
He smiles exaggeratedly at her. ‘If you change your mind you know where to find me...’
Cuddy rolls her eyes and takes some clothes for the next day. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, be a good boy.’
‘Okay, don’t do nasty things unless you'll record them onto a tape. Bye!’

She goes to her friend’s house and they study until midnight. When they go to bed talk for a while, and she asks Lisa about him. Of course she doesn’t say anything about their kiss and finally they fall asleep.
Greg, on the other hand, spends the whole night doing the assignment. When he finishes, falls asleep very late and he doesn’t attend to class the next day.
Lisa hasn’t seen him during the whole day, and she’s a bit worried because he always gets late, but he never misses a day of class. As soon as she has some free time, goes to their residence and knocks his dorm’s door.
‘Greg?... Greg?’
The loud noise scares him and he wakes up. ‘What's wrong?’
She opens a bit the door and comes in. ‘Haven’t you seen the time? It’s late, you haven’t come to Endocrinology, I didn’t know if you were sick or something...’
‘I was so tired...’
‘What were you doing last night?’ She doesn’t know if she really wants to know it...
‘Hookers...’ Says mocking at her.
‘You missed so much female company last night? Well, sorry but no hookers tonight. I'll come here to sleep and we must continue doing the assignment.’
‘It’s done...’
She looks at him surprised. ‘Done? When did you...? Why?’
‘Not me... hookers... they must be bored... who knows?’
‘Thank you.’
‘I'll thank them when I see them...’
‘Okay, then I will come back to class, I just wanted to know if you were right.’
‘I'm... alive... but don't think I'll go to class today...’
‘Then I’ll see you at lunch time if you’re still alive.’

When she comes back home, he is getting up and goes to the kitchen. Lisa looks at him. ‘You’re not gonna sleep tonight.’
‘I needed to sleep now... what are you eating?’
‘Chinese food. There's more in the fridge.’
‘Yours must taste better...’ He approaches to her and takes some food of her plate before she can take it away.
‘You know what “mine” means?’
‘Means Gregory House's property!!’
She rolls her eyes and finishes eating. ‘Can you give me the assignment so I can do my copy?’
He nods and gives her his assignment. When she finishes, gives it back to him and keeps her in her dorm.
In the evening they’re watching TV for a while together.
‘You have nothing to do tonight? No hookers nor something like that?’
‘They were very tired due to yesterday's party... you know... they need some rest...’
‘Yes, yes, I get it, you're too much for them... Well big macho, I’m need to rest. See you tomorrow.’
While she goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth, House goes to her room very quickly to get her copy of the assignment. When she goes back, reads for a while and falls asleep before she can see him.

The next morning, Greg goes to Engocrinology before she gets there, and gives both copies to the teacher. When Lisa is going to give to the teacher her copy, she realizes that it’s not in her bag, but she still has time to give it tomorrow, so she isn’t very worried.
When they get home, Lisa looks for her copy everywhere, but she can’t find it and goes to the living room to ask him.
‘Have you seen my copy?’
‘Your copy? Which copy?’
‘Of the assignment... I can’t find it.’
‘I don't know. I gave it to you.’
‘I know, but...’ She sighs. ‘Doesn’t matter...’
In they afternoon they go out with their friends, but Lisa gets home early and keeps looking for it. Some time later Greg appears and goes to her dorm. Everything is a mess, all the drawers are open and her stuff on the bed.
‘When did a hurricane strike this room?’
Lisa looks at him very nervous. ‘If you’re not gonna help me, get out of here.’
‘Wow, wow... stop a second... do you have PMS or something? If you're angry with something it's not my fault.’
‘I can't find my copy, and I have to hand it in to the professor tomorrow.’
‘Whoops... you're in big trouble...’
‘Greg, seriously, if you’re not gonna help me, get the hell out of here.’

In the morning, she gives up on looking for it. They’re gonna be late and Greg offers her to go with him in his motorbike.
‘Can we go now?’ Asks her hasty.
‘I have to have breakfast first... are you in a hurry?’
‘Not really, I’m desesperate.’ She sits on a chair. ‘Do whatever the hell you have to do. I’ll wait for you.’
‘If you keep on being so nice I think I'll fall in love with you!!’
‘Yes, you are kindness’ realization...’
When he finishes his breakfast they go to class and Lisa goes to talk to the professor.
‘...Mr Harrison... I-I'm so sorry... I've been looking for my assignment the whole night...but I don't know where it is. I can give it to you tomorrow, please, it won't happen again...’
‘Wait, wait, what are you talking about?’
She looks at him confused. ‘What? My... copy...’
‘Mr House gave me his copy and your copy yesterday. Didn’t he tell you?’
She opens her mouth and kills Greg with her look. She feels really stupid in front of all the classroom, then goes back to her seat embarrassed.
‘Whoops... didn't I tell you?’
‘You're a jerk...’
‘Tell me something I didn't know...’ She takes her things and goes out of the classroom. He stands up to follow her. ‘Are you blaming me? I did almost the whole assignment and I handed it in, both copies. Weren't you supposed to say thank you or something like that?’
‘I don’t want to talk to you right now, okay? I’m tired of you. You always have to screw with people and make them look stupid in front of the others.’
‘I was gonna tell you... I just didn't have enough time...’
She chuckles angry. ‘You saw me last night, you knew that I was looking for it.’
‘I didn't know you were gonna talk to the professor right now.’
‘Okay, I don’t wanna hear your excuses.’ She puts her hand on his chest and pushes him to walk away.

To be continued...

Irene3691 ~ SandraCH91 ~ diego27rg
posted by lizzie22xo
Loud music flooded through his small apartment off campus. Students scattered everywhere, from his kitchen, to his living room and through the hallway of his place. He sat there on a wooden bar stool, hunched over slighty, and taking swigs of his cold beer in his hand. He watched in the living room, as couples grinded to the music together. He tooks another swig of the beer, now staring from across the room as the green door to the outside creaked open, letting in a cool refreshing breeze, though he could barely feel it. Then he saw her legs, pale but very smooth. Her legs seemed to go on...
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Hey everyone so I decided to enter this round, little bit of a warning I hope the ending isn't to abrupt but I was pushing the word limit, hope you enjoy.

A cloud of dust descended upon Cuddy and she coughed and winced against the fragments of forgotten suburbia. She flayed her arms widely in the air trying to wipe away the particles that were scratching at her eyes and flying up her nose, but the dust had its own motives. She regretted opening the hatch, but once the dust had cleared and she could see again, she peered into the darkness of her parent’s attic and into a part of time she...
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posted by CathCuddy
It was late afternoon and after a busy day at work she was eager to spread out on the couch and rest. She stepped out of the car, it was a cold afternoon and the pavement was covered with a thin layer of water from the last time it rained. Once inside, she let her keys fall on the little table right next to the door; her shoes and coat were left where they dropped as she made her way to the living room.

Little Rachel was with Wilson, who had volunteered to pick her up from daycare and stayed with her. He made an excuse that he needed more contact to his cute new “niece” and that the new...
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posted by lizzie22xo
I have been writing Huddy fanfics about when they were in college, I'm currently working on a different one right now, but I decided to write another one as well. So hope you enjoy it!

The sound of her staletoes clicked as she walked on the cheap tile floor, her pace wasn’t too fast nor too slow, it was just right. Her walk showed confidence, constantly moving her hips in a rhythm. Her skin like porcelain, and her eyes blue with a hint of gray in them. The toned muscles in her legs were astonishing, every inch of was beautiful. She looked as if she were hand crafted by...
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Again, this is part of the Broken Bride fic. If you havent' read Broken Bride, Save Our City, and Tonight's the Night, you should read them before you read this one so you'll know what's happening, because I'm going to tell you right now, if you don't, you won't.

This one is very long and is the main reason for the PG-13 rating, though Save Our City ended up being pretty gruesome too. So just a warning

Part III: The Lamb and the Dragon

Note to self: pterodactyls don’t have night vision. Raptors do. I basically dive into my machine after nearly having my head torn of my a pack of velociraptors....
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I hope you find the plot interesting!! Anyway, chapter two is in front of you!

Reviews are delightful!


Chapter two: It’s Summer!!!

“Oh, don’t act surprised”, my aunt started, “You know she was coming and you agreed on involving her as a part of the team if she took some of your clinic duty. That is 2 hours a day!”

“And yet, she is 3 hours with me. Somehow I think that’s not fair.” You could hear House from behind me, being sarcastic again.

“You’re an adult, House. Get over it.” And with that my amazing aunt left leaving the diagnostician a little bit confused. God, she...
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Sepia Memories:

A blue moon echoed across the lake, dipping into the earth with each tender wave that crashed against the jagged rock. Restless creatures spoke into the night, whispering platitudes across the water, wishing for the new daybreak. These sounds of the early morning were as scary as they were calming, and although four walls and locks surrounded Cuddy, she still lay awake.
    Her fingertips filled with color as they moved lightly across her forehead, trailing down to her right eyebrow. Closing her eyes at this touch, she sighed. A lump, which she had come to...
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posted by ToEkNeE
[House staggers into Wilson's office. He limped all the way to his couch to lay down. Wilson knows he's there but doesn't bother to look up from his paperwork]

Wilson: Avoiding Cuddy, again?

House: No, I just love hiding out in your office.

Wilson: She'll turn up, eventually, and then you will have to see her.

House: Not if I know where to hide. After here I go to the clinic, because she's supposed to go check on the team today. And when she sees that I'm not there she will go look for me and that's when I go back to my office and wait for my teams arrival with the results of an MRI scan.

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posted by house_amy2
This is my first attempt at House fan fiction.

I'd love to get some tips on how to improve my writing. XDD

Basically, House is practising his rubber band firing skills, with Cuddy's backside as his target.

One shot.

The art of rubber band flicking takes a considerable amount of skill. Not only must one have already mastered the precise finger techniques of firing a rubber band, but one must also take into consideration a number of variable factors including wind velocity, the elasticity of the rubber...
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posted by housefrk
This is the third installment of the Broken Bride fic. If you haven't read Part I: Broken Bride and Save Our City, please go read them before continuing.

I apologize for the shortness. Not much happens in this song. Hopefully I'll make up for it. I'm expecting the next one to be pretty long

Tonight’s the Night

I pace the cave as the sun disappears under the treetops once again. I’ve been in this cave for three days, but the pterodactyl hasn’t moved. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s waiting for me. These things are smarter than people give them credit for.
I just...
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posted by Squibblings
House spends the night on a mystery after the clues, and Cuddy taunt him. Spoilers if you haven't seen much past season 5 episode 10: "Let Them Eat Cake".
The words had not moved.
And yet House stared at them intently, as though, when least expected they would tip their hand and reveal something- anything, which would solve this case.
The sun and clock rotated on their timetables into dusk. His team left for the night, but the words still have not moved. Yet, from his vantage of them on the white...
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posted by zubeerfaan
i was bored and wanted to write something and this is the first thing that came to my mind and so i wrote it
hope you like it and plz comment!!;D

ohh and i am sorry for my typing english is not my first langue i am from sweden and i am only thriteen so i havent been learning for a long time


House,wilson and cuddy are going on a conference in Amsterdam


PATH hallway
,,HOUSE!! We are going to amsterdam tomorrow you can go home and pack,, cuddy said to house Monday morning at PPTH
,,wait?? What?...
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posted by housefrk
This is chapter 2 of the Broken Bride fic. If you haven't read Part I: Broken Bride, go read it before continuing.

Save Our City

Kutner sprints back through the doors of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, brushing himself off as he goes. He is covered in ash, but it’s difficult not to be when it’s raining from the sky. The lobby is filled with chaos. Clinic patients are cowering in corners and under chairs. Taub and Thirteen are hurrying past, their arms loaded down with anything heavy enough to result in a fatal blow to the head or light enough to be lit on fire and launched into the...
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added by Chandlerfan
I finally managed to write these drabbles for the shuffle game, but I'll warn you now...happy songs, you will see not.
Now you've been warned, enjoy! =D

We Are Broken – Paramore

I am outside
And I’ve been waiting for the sun
And with my wide eyes
I’ve seen worlds that don’t belong

She stood outside the diner they were supposed to be meeting at; her hands shoved deep into her pockets and her shoulders hunched up to keep as warm as possible on this bitterly cold day.

She had waited inside for long enough already; she had already had about three cups of coffee.

She knew he wasn’t coming and...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
Soft chords drift across the hallway...
There's bourbon on the lid of the piano, that's all he needs:

Will you tell me
again tomorrow
That I won't be there
because of my sorrow?

Will you send those yarmulke's flying
only if
there's not me eyeing
everything the room does,
I know it's me
You've made that clear...

It seemed you wanted me to go
for you
like it'd be happy, smiling and not home
for you
I think you'd forgotten who you were facing, though
White winter snow, is best viewed from a window and...

That's why I didn't go.

Will you taunt me
again tomorrow
Facing a cane and a grin
that I'll borrow?

Will you...
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