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posted by Irene3691
Some days pass by and they have Endocrinology class, as usually, Greg is late.
‘Where have you been?’
‘Fell asleep.’
‘Hugged to my panties? Or you went to bed late thinking an evil plan to screw with me?
‘Both of them!!!’ He sticks his tongue out at her and the teacher warns them.
‘…and Mr House and Miss Cuddy will do the assignment together. As you like so much chattering ...’ He smiles. ‘Every couple must hand in this assignment before the end of the week.’
‘Oh, God... why have you forsaken me?’ Says House.
‘This is not fun for me either...’
‘How can't this be fun, for God's sake!!!’
Lisa speaks in a low voice. ‘You’re the last person here I’d like to do the assignment with...’
‘Shhhhhh’ The professor looks at them until they are in silence and then continues his lesson.

A couple of days pass by and they haven’t started the assignment yet. House gets out of the shower and goes to meet her in the living room. ‘When are we gonna do the assignment?’
‘The sooner the better.’
‘Good. Shall we start now then?’
She turns off the TV and goes to look for her books to her dorm. She comes back and they spend a couple of hours doing it, then they take a break.
‘You want to drink something?’ Asks Lisa while she goes to the kitchen.
‘Uhh... don't trust you. You'll put some laxative in my drink.’
‘No, I’m not like you.’ She comes back from the kitchen with two sodas and sits down again. ‘Did you buy new clothes, by the way?.’
‘Some... can I trust you??’ Says him looking suspectfully to his soda.
‘It’s your choice.’
Finally he opens it and sips. ‘I know you need me to do the assignment...’
‘I need you... by now.’ She bends down to pick up a book and when she sits up they are looking at each other very close. ‘...Break time is over.’
They spends some hours more doing the assignment.
‘Okay, I think it’s enough for today... We can finish it tomorrow or so.’
‘Good, the sooner we finish the more time we have to rest.’ He closes the books and stands up.
‘Of course, and the more time we'll have to rest from each other.’ She stands up and takes her books. ‘I'm going to sleep at a friend's house, so see you tomorrow in class.’
‘Is that friend a girl?’
‘If it’s a boy I can’t go, daddy??’ Says Lisa mocking at him.
‘No, I'm serious. Is it a girl?’
‘Why do you care?’
‘I just was wondering if your friend, only if it's a girl of course, would make a dream of mine come true: being in bed with two women.’ He mocks at her.
‘Of course not, who do you think you are? You think that all college girls want to sleep with you? And what makes you think that I’d like to share a night with you?’
‘To the first question yes, and to the second one... ummm... everything?’
‘Excuse me? Everything? Keep dreaming boy.’
He smiles exaggeratedly at her. ‘If you change your mind you know where to find me...’
Cuddy rolls her eyes and takes some clothes for the next day. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, be a good boy.’
‘Okay, don’t do nasty things unless you'll record them onto a tape. Bye!’

She goes to her friend’s house and they study until midnight. When they go to bed talk for a while, and she asks Lisa about him. Of course she doesn’t say anything about their kiss and finally they fall asleep.
Greg, on the other hand, spends the whole night doing the assignment. When he finishes, falls asleep very late and he doesn’t attend to class the next day.
Lisa hasn’t seen him during the whole day, and she’s a bit worried because he always gets late, but he never misses a day of class. As soon as she has some free time, goes to their residence and knocks his dorm’s door.
‘Greg?... Greg?’
The loud noise scares him and he wakes up. ‘What's wrong?’
She opens a bit the door and comes in. ‘Haven’t you seen the time? It’s late, you haven’t come to Endocrinology, I didn’t know if you were sick or something...’
‘I was so tired...’
‘What were you doing last night?’ She doesn’t know if she really wants to know it...
‘Hookers...’ Says mocking at her.
‘You missed so much female company last night? Well, sorry but no hookers tonight. I'll come here to sleep and we must continue doing the assignment.’
‘It’s done...’
She looks at him surprised. ‘Done? When did you...? Why?’
‘Not me... hookers... they must be bored... who knows?’
‘Thank you.’
‘I'll thank them when I see them...’
‘Okay, then I will come back to class, I just wanted to know if you were right.’
‘I'm... alive... but don't think I'll go to class today...’
‘Then I’ll see you at lunch time if you’re still alive.’

When she comes back home, he is getting up and goes to the kitchen. Lisa looks at him. ‘You’re not gonna sleep tonight.’
‘I needed to sleep now... what are you eating?’
‘Chinese food. There's more in the fridge.’
‘Yours must taste better...’ He approaches to her and takes some food of her plate before she can take it away.
‘You know what “mine” means?’
‘Means Gregory House's property!!’
She rolls her eyes and finishes eating. ‘Can you give me the assignment so I can do my copy?’
He nods and gives her his assignment. When she finishes, gives it back to him and keeps her in her dorm.
In the evening they’re watching TV for a while together.
‘You have nothing to do tonight? No hookers nor something like that?’
‘They were very tired due to yesterday's party... you know... they need some rest...’
‘Yes, yes, I get it, you're too much for them... Well big macho, I’m need to rest. See you tomorrow.’
While she goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth, House goes to her room very quickly to get her copy of the assignment. When she goes back, reads for a while and falls asleep before she can see him.

The next morning, Greg goes to Engocrinology before she gets there, and gives both copies to the teacher. When Lisa is going to give to the teacher her copy, she realizes that it’s not in her bag, but she still has time to give it tomorrow, so she isn’t very worried.
When they get home, Lisa looks for her copy everywhere, but she can’t find it and goes to the living room to ask him.
‘Have you seen my copy?’
‘Your copy? Which copy?’
‘Of the assignment... I can’t find it.’
‘I don't know. I gave it to you.’
‘I know, but...’ She sighs. ‘Doesn’t matter...’
In they afternoon they go out with their friends, but Lisa gets home early and keeps looking for it. Some time later Greg appears and goes to her dorm. Everything is a mess, all the drawers are open and her stuff on the bed.
‘When did a hurricane strike this room?’
Lisa looks at him very nervous. ‘If you’re not gonna help me, get out of here.’
‘Wow, wow... stop a second... do you have PMS or something? If you're angry with something it's not my fault.’
‘I can't find my copy, and I have to hand it in to the professor tomorrow.’
‘Whoops... you're in big trouble...’
‘Greg, seriously, if you’re not gonna help me, get the hell out of here.’

In the morning, she gives up on looking for it. They’re gonna be late and Greg offers her to go with him in his motorbike.
‘Can we go now?’ Asks her hasty.
‘I have to have breakfast first... are you in a hurry?’
‘Not really, I’m desesperate.’ She sits on a chair. ‘Do whatever the hell you have to do. I’ll wait for you.’
‘If you keep on being so nice I think I'll fall in love with you!!’
‘Yes, you are kindness’ realization...’
When he finishes his breakfast they go to class and Lisa goes to talk to the professor.
‘...Mr Harrison... I-I'm so sorry... I've been looking for my assignment the whole night...but I don't know where it is. I can give it to you tomorrow, please, it won't happen again...’
‘Wait, wait, what are you talking about?’
She looks at him confused. ‘What? My... copy...’
‘Mr House gave me his copy and your copy yesterday. Didn’t he tell you?’
She opens her mouth and kills Greg with her look. She feels really stupid in front of all the classroom, then goes back to her seat embarrassed.
‘Whoops... didn't I tell you?’
‘You're a jerk...’
‘Tell me something I didn't know...’ She takes her things and goes out of the classroom. He stands up to follow her. ‘Are you blaming me? I did almost the whole assignment and I handed it in, both copies. Weren't you supposed to say thank you or something like that?’
‘I don’t want to talk to you right now, okay? I’m tired of you. You always have to screw with people and make them look stupid in front of the others.’
‘I was gonna tell you... I just didn't have enough time...’
She chuckles angry. ‘You saw me last night, you knew that I was looking for it.’
‘I didn't know you were gonna talk to the professor right now.’
‘Okay, I don’t wanna hear your excuses.’ She puts her hand on his chest and pushes him to walk away.

To be continued...

Irene3691 ~ SandraCH91 ~ diego27rg
Some months go by and Lisa is huge. She is eight months pregnant and her belly now is really, really big. One morning they wake up. She doesn't have to go to work and House has taken a few days off to take care of her.
He opens his eyes and yawns. ‘Hey... how are you?’
‘I feel good. Like last days, about to explode.’ She chuckles. ‘No, seriously, I'm good. And how are you?’
‘I'm fine... anxious to see our son's face...’
‘We just have to wait a couple of weeks for that.’
House smiles at her. ‘I love you...’
They are still lying on bed and she holds his hand. ‘I love you too.’...
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
The next morning his leg pain wakes him up and he gets out of the bed to look for the bottle of vicodin. Cuddy wakes up and looks at him in silence from the bed. He can’t find it and is looking for it everywhere when she finally speaks.
‘What are you looking for?’
‘Vicodin... you know where is it?’
‘I gave you the bottle yesterday.’
‘Well I don't have it now!! Can you help me to look for it?’
‘Sure...’ She stands up to help him but they don’t succeed. ‘Maybe I have any in my purse. Wait a minute.’
‘Right...’ He wait for her sat on the edge of the bed.
‘I just have...
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posted by Irene3691
Next morning she wakes up early, has her shower and breakfast and sends a message to Lucas to go to have dinner with him tonight. She waits until House gets to her home. He is there on time and when Cuddy goes out, he gives her the helmet. ‘Hey...’
‘Thanks for coming...’ Says Lisa.
‘It's nothing...’
About twenty minutes later they get to the hospital. ‘Thanks again.’ Says her giving him the helmet. He nods.
‘You want me to take you later to my home? I mean... so you can call someone to fix your car...’
‘If it's not too much trouble...’
‘It's okay... come to my office when...
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posted by Irene3691
Some months go by and Lisa is huge. She is eight months pregnant and her belly now is really, really big. One morning they wake up. She doesn't have to go to work and House has taken a few days off to take care of her.
He opens his eyes and yawns. ‘Hey... how are you?’
‘I feel good. Like last days, about to explode.’ She chuckles. ‘No, seriously, I'm good. And how are you?’
‘I'm fine... anxious to see our son's face...’
‘We just have to wait a couple of weeks for that.’
House smiles at her. ‘I love you...’
They are still lying on bed and she holds his hand. ‘I love you too.’...
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posted by Irene3691
Next morning when Cuddy wakes up, House is looking at her.
‘Hi there...’
‘Hello...’ She touches her belly.
‘Hi to you too, buddy!!’
Lisa chuckles. ‘It was a bit weird before... It felt strange...’ She looks at him. ‘But I liked it.’
‘Of course it was strange... there was someone else in bed with us!!’
‘You’d better get used to it!’
‘Oh God...’
‘What?’ Lisa asks.
‘I'll have to get used to having a "menage a trois" every time we're gonna make out...’
‘You have a wish to cross off your list then.’ Jokes Cuddy.
‘My fantasy didn't include a child taking part...
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posted by Irene3691
After four weeks, they're resting at home while they watch TV lying on the couch. Cuddy touches her belly.
‘House... I… I don’t feel well...’
‘What's wrong?’ He turns off the TV and looks at her.
‘My belly... I think there’s something wrong...’ She curls up on the couch. House stands up and takes the car's keys.
‘Come on, we'll go to the hospital...’
She stands up and holds his hand. They get on the car and he drives to the hospital as quickly as he can. Once there, doctors start running some tests on her.

After a couple of hours, a doctor comes to talk to Greg. He says the...
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posted by Irene3691
‘And the Oscar goes to...’ Tries to joke House.
She walks nervous across the room. Wilson sighs and looks at the test. ‘Lisa... you are... not pregnant.’
‘Oh God...’ Sighs she relieved, but actually she doesn’t know if that’s what she wanted to hear. Lisa doesn’t know if she has to feel happy or sad, she feels confused, but she guesses that that’s the best way for everybody.
‘False alarm then...’ House sighs and she smiles slightly.
Wilson sees her looking at the floor and touches her shoulder. ‘I’m sorry, Lisa...’
She shakes her head. ‘Sorry? I already...
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posted by Irene3691
When House gets home, leaves his things in the living room, then takes a bottle of bourbon and a glass and sits in the garden while he drinks. From outside, Lucas sees him. ‘Hmm sitting alone, drinking...’ He doesn’t answer and doesn’t even look at him, but Lucas jumps the garden’s fence.
‘Oh God, I wish the ground would open up and swallow me...’ House keeps on drinking trying to ignore him
‘So… I guess it’s over, isn’t it?’ Asks Lucas.
‘Now I know why you're a PI, smart boy...’
‘Do you give me the go-ahead? Actually I'm not asking for your permission, but you know......
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posted by Irene3691
When Cuddy gets to the residence, she goes to the kitchen and takes a small tablet of broth from the cupboard and puts in the in shower head, so later, when he has his shower, he’ll be covered of soup. After carrying out her evil plan, she goes to her room.
House gets home and doesn’t try to talk to her. He goes straight to his room and after studying for a while, goes to the bathroom. When he’s about to start, he is covered with soup and jumps out of the bathtub. ‘What the heck is this?!’ He wraps himself in a towel and goes to her dorm. ‘Is this your way of revenge? Are you gonna...
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posted by Irene3691
Next day, they wake up and go to the hospital. Cuddy is working in her office and the alarm clock sounds. She picks up the phone and calls him. ‘Greg? Can you come to my office?’
‘Right coming for another injection of love!!’
‘It even sounds good that way...’ They hang up and in some minutes he is there.
‘Good morning sunshine, let's see that gorgeous ass of yours!!!’ He prepares a syringe while Cuddy draws the curtains and goes to the table. ‘Do I really have to go through this twice a day...?’ She lifts her skirt and turns, leaning on the table, giving her back to House....
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posted by Irene3691
After their… demonstration of love, she looks at him and smiles. ‘We gotta to go to work...’
‘Yeah... unfortunately...’
‘Come on… get up.’
‘Ohh, well... just because I want to get up, uh? Not because you said so...’
‘Sure.’ Says Lisa mocking at him and they get up.
After some minutes they are ready to go to the hospital.

‘Another day in Heaven begins...’
‘I love your sense of humor...’
‘Sense of humor? I was being serious...’ He says mocking at her.
‘Don’t lie, you are never serious…’
‘Words can hurt, you know?’
‘Not to you...’
‘Stop it!!’
She smiles....
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa gets dressed and goes to William’s room. He puts on his T-shirt and they go down to the cafeteria to have breakfast. After that, Will and Lisa go to the bus to go sightseeing with the rest of their colleages. Greg runs before the bus leaves. William sees him and thinks: “Damn it... he’s a pain in the ass.” Before Greg can see them, Will kisses her girlfriend, so she can’t see him either. They get off the bus and get to the Louvre Museum. When they’re about to come in, Greg sees them and approaches. ‘Wow, what a conincidence!!’
‘Yes... how are you man?’...
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posted by Irene3691
They get to the hospital and House goes with her to her office.
‘Well... here we are...’
‘Yes... thanks for coming with me. If someone comes can you say that I’m busy? I don’t feel like seeing anybody.’
‘Okay... Now I should go to my office... I have to work a little bit...’
‘Yes, actually you should... I pay you for that...’
‘Oh... I forgot it... I thought it was just for the sex...’ He smiles at her. ‘See ya later.’
‘Yes, I fell in love with my pimp...’ She smiles slightly. ‘See you.’

Wilson goes to Cuddy's office and comes in. House is still there. ‘I'm sorry,...
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posted by Irene3691
When they get to France, they go to the hotel by bus and get to their respective rooms. When Lisa finishes putting her things on the wardrobe, goes to William’s room. Greg opens the door in order to go out, then he sees that Lisa is knocking nextdoors, what means that that’s William’s room, and he thinks to himself: “Great, the best neightbour I could have...” ‘Hey...’
Lisa sees him and thinks to herself: “Damn it, why does he always have to be around?” ‘Hi...’
‘Come in, it’s open.’ Says William from inside.
‘Have fun, I’ll see you later.’ Says her to Greg before...
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Fanvideo Tribute to House MD. The best TV show ever made... "It's all for House... Everything WE do..." ;)
house md
posted by Irene3691
A couple of months goes by and his leg is getting better. He wakes up and Lisa is still asleep. Greg stares at her belly and smiles. He hugs her and then thinks of their baby. Cuddy opens her eyes and smiles.
‘Morning. I’m huge, uh?’ Today they’ll know if they are having a boy or a little girl. ‘Are you coming with me later?’
‘Of course, I'm not gonna leave my little whale alone...’ House smirks.
‘I don’t like that nickname…’ She says serious. ‘Wow, aren’t you a bit nervous? What do you think we’ll have?’
‘Hmmm... I think we'll have a boy, I had a hunch!!’
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
Time goes on and everything's alright. Lisa is totally healthy and Greg is glad for seeing her so happy. One evening, he gets in from the hospital. ‘Lisa, I'm home!!’
‘Hey.’ She stands up and goes where he is. ‘Hard day of work?’
‘Well... I could get away with it since my boss is not in the hospital right now.’ He chuckles and gives her a kiss. ‘How are you?’
‘Bored... There's not much to do alone at home. I thought I'd never say this, but I miss doing paper work.’ She chuckles and touches her belly. ‘And I'm always hungry, so basically the most interesting thing I do...
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posted by Irene3691
Lisa gets home and after having dinner and a shower she is really tired and goes to bed. It feels strange to have the whole bed for her; anyway she falls asleep very quickly.
House spends the whole night moving from one place to another and running a lot of tests with his team. It's been a long day and he finally goes home. When he gets there it's early yet. House tries not to make much noise and has a shower. After that, he goes to bed and lies next to Lisa. Some minutes later, she starts to open her eyes and sees him sleepy.
‘You haven't waked me up...’
‘You haven't tucked me in either......
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posted by Irene3691
In his home, House phones Wilson and they start preparing everything. Wilson starts phoning some workmates and so does House. After that he goes to her home and knocks the door. She opens it. ‘I think I should give you this back...’ He comes in and Lisa gives him the key.
‘Thanks...’ He puts it in his pocket. ‘What are you cooking? It smells delicious!!’
‘Some couscous and mixed vegetables, but if you want I can cook a steak for you.’
‘No, it will be fine... it smells really tasty!!’
‘Thank you.’ She smiles at him. ‘Can you set the table?’
‘Yep...’ He leaves his coat...
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posted by Irene3691
They sleep until the light starts to fill the room and it bothers his eyes. He stands up, draws the curtains and goes back to bed again, sleepy.
‘Morning...’ Whispers Lisa.
‘I'm sleeping, leave a message...’
‘You wish...’ She is still sleepy and smiles with her eyes closed. ‘I’m not gonna give you a massage...’
‘Well... you can give me a massage if you want... I won't blame you...’
‘Would you give me a massage if I give you one now?’ They stay with their eyes closed.
‘We could deal...’ House stays lying on bed while Cuddy sits up.
‘Okay, but don’t get used to this...’...
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