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posted by Chandlerfan
OK, this is an AU kind of fic from House's POV, and how he really perceives Cuddy and Wilson. I'm only writing about those two because he knows them more than the ducklings/new team. Sorry if they seem out of character.
Anyway, enjoy! =D

Another Monday came along so quickly, I barely had time to enjoy my weekend properly. I didn't mind too much though, contrary to what others believe. All in all, I had a decent day; in comparison to any other day, that is. As usual, I managed to annoy the two people I care most about: my best friend and my boss. They know I mean well. At least I hope they do. People often assume I'm too miserable to enjoy anyone's company. But it's not true: I enjoy their company. I just don't say anything to make it so.

I came in quite early and saw those two people. First Cuddy, then Wilson. No one else, not a single other soul present in the hospital. Just us three. Workaholics, some might say. Those two definitely are; me, on the other hand, I'm anything but a workaholic. At least, that's what I believe.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I headed straight for the office of Dr Lisa Cuddy. I couldn't tell whether she was happy to see me or not; all those mixed signals!

'House? You're early today.' Lisa Cuddy, always one for stating the obvious at the start of every conversation.

'Couldn't sleep.' I try to be nonchalant, but by the look on her face, I know she doesn't believe me.

'Right, so bugging me is a cure for insomnia. Well in about half an hour you can go off to do clinic duty. That should get you tired'

'Sometimes, I don't know why I come in early. Then I realise that you have an ass; always the first thing I see when I come in here early enough.' I know, it's a cheap shot, but I'm Gregory House, renowned for my snarky comments. I have to live upto that, right?

With that last comment, Cuddy has her mouth wide open in shock, disgust. Perhaps she's secretly flattered, who knows? But before she can say anything in reply, I walk as quickly as a man with a limp can.

Next, I head upstairs to the office of Dr James Wilson. As always he's going through patient files when I enter his office.

'Hello House.' He says without even looking up, in a familiar tone, far from surprise, and I think, How can I only surprise one of them, but not the other. Why not both?

'Jimmy! You're early!' I say in an annoyingly cheerful tone.

It worked. He looks up slightly bemused.

'I'm always early. You, on the other hand, it's a rarity.' He retorts. Damn.

With nothing to say in reply, I walk out of his office and into mine.

As I am sat there in my office, with plenty of time to think, honestly. I ponder. I write. Yes, I write. About the two people I care the most about. It's not like I'll ever tell them any of this. They'll never find out either. I just need to write down my honest feelings about these two. The reasons why I care. I just need to put pen to paper. When I'm done, it'll be paper to bin, or better still, shredder. Then they'll never know, and I'll retain my dignity.

First I start with Cuddy:
Lisa Cuddy, the woman with the zesty bod.
In all honesty, I care about this woman more than myself. It really does break my excuse of a heart when she so desperately wants a baby, but doesn't have time for a proper relationship to do it the original way, and has three failed IVF attempts behind her. But I still admire her for being the strong woman she is. I feel we fit together, in the awkward way a child fits two mismatched jigsaw pieces together. If the child can make it work, so can we. Yes, I admit it to no one but this piece of paper: I want a relationship with Lisa Cuddy. I want Lisa. It's her who marks a permanent smile on my heart. It's her who makes me really think. It's her who I love to tease endlessly, and who loves to tease me so. It's her who I love. Yes, [i]love
. More than I thought possible to ever love anyone. Even though I seem bitter about love. I love Lisa.[/i]

After writing that last line, tears start to threaten me, trying to force their way down my cheeks. Cold tears. But I fight them.

Next, I move on to Wilson:
He is my best friend, and he stands by me through everything, no matter how much I mess up. He's a man with a big heart. He just keeps on giving, not caring about himself, but always putting others first, even people who don't deserve it, like me. Yes, me. I know I don't deserve a friend like Wilson. But I'm too selfish to really want to push him away. He understands me, and truth be told, that's a feat in itself. Everyone loves him. Even though he's cheated, twice, women swoon over him. And it's his personality. The way he is nice to everyone he meets. No hard feelings. He's a generous man. He thrives on people needing him. In relationships that always backfires. He has a need to 'fix' whoever he is with, then he marries them, when they've been fixed and they are happy, with or without him, he loses interest. he finds someone else to fix. It's the same in friendships. At least where I'm concerned. He knows deep down I need him, however much I may deny it, and so he doesn't walk away from me. He's my best friend and my only friend.

After writing this, I consider shredding them like I had initially planned. But I don't, I shove them into my bottom drawer, pop some vicodin and get on with the rest of the day.

Then there was the end of the day. The end of any chance of happiness. As I walked past Wilson's office, I realised he wasn't in. I figured he was dealing with a patient, so left him to do so and headed straight for Cuddy's office. I was just about to enter and I could hear another voice, so I stopped short and being me, decided to eavesdrop. Oh, how I wish I hadn't.

'As you know, I've been trying for a baby, and I'm not getting any younger, so....' Cuddy tearfully said. Who else could possibly know that Cuddy wants a baby, except for me? I thought she told me because, for some reason, she trusted me. But I'm not the only one.

'I know, Lisa. I know what you're asking. And yes, I'll do it. Let's try for a baby.' The other voice, a man I assume, answered. I just couldn't place it. Who was it?

'Thank you James! That's why I love you!' Cuddy replied all too happy.

James? Who could that be....

Then it hit me. It was Wilson. Wilson? Of all people to fall in love with, she falls for Wilson. I just couldn't believe it.

My best friend and my boss?

My best friend and my boss are having a baby. Together.

The heart made of sorry stone that I possess had been broken. Shattered into tiny pieces. So small, it couldn't be put back together. And all because the two people I care most about are in love. This is not how I planned my life to turn out. There were only two things I really wanted in life: Lisa Cuddy as my beautiful wife, and James Wilson as my partner in crime, my best friend, always. The one dream I had been longing for, broken, like my heart.

Now I have no reason to be happy.

There you go guys. I know it's kind of different but I thought I'd give it a shot.
Btw, in case you don't already know, I'm a full time Huddy shipper, not Wuddy. =]
posted by amberRocks
Disclaimer:This fan fiction is made for fun,not profit.I don't own anything about the characters and/or the show.

(Hey guys!So I decided to join!This is my first here so be nice!!!)

Wilson was reading some of his patients tests when 13 came in.
She wanted to ask him a favour.
"Dr.Wilson",she started,"I wanted to ask you a favour."
Wilson was just starring her.Her boobs actually.They looked do juicy and firm.
While he pretented to be listening she continued.
"House doesn't want to do this damn test!Can you do it?":she asked.
Wilson then realised that his down part was lets say getting awaken and decided...
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posted by Immunity
You can't change the devil...the devil will change you...
You can't change the devil...the devil will change you...
When Kutner entered the hospital on the next day, he was confused- really confused. He had probably never been that lost in thoughts before.
The words the stranger had told him were still circling around in his mind, not wanting to leave so soon.
"Let's talk about a certain woman called Remy Hadley."
Kutner pressed the button for the elevator and waited. This whole thing was so weird.
"I guess you didn't know she has huntington's chorea, did you?"
He remembered the smirking face of the stranger as he had said that. In that moment Kutner would have loved to punch him right into his pale face,...
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Summary: Every neighborhood has its legend, Boo Radley, “the town witch”; God knows what the Princeton children all think of House. Neighborhood child Tom has a growing curiosity with his street's "Mad Doctor" the topic of all rumors and tales told on Baker St. Read as Tom explores the life of Gregory House, perhaps learning something along the way.
Title: Neighborhood Legend
Genre: General, Adventure
Rating: K+

Disclaimer: Tell me if you think this answer is gonna be any different from what you see on the millions of other fanfictions circling around the internet. Please, use your common sense...
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Summary: Every neighborhood has its legend, Boo Radley, “the town witch”; God knows what the Princeton children all think of House. Neighborhood child Tom has a growing curiosity with his street's "Mad Doctor" the topic of all rumors and tales told on Baker St. Read as Tom explores the life of Gregory House, perhaps learning something along the way.

Disclaimer: If you can’t see this disclaimer then Adobe Flash Player isn’t on the correct resolution.

Author’s Note: The chapters after this may not come as frequently as they have been seeing as tomorrow is my first day of school and I...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
You Betrayed Me.
You Betrayed Me.
I've decided to post chapters 1 & 2 at the same time, just because there's a constant flow of articles here and it seemed easier to just do it this way.

Wilson knocked on the door... he knew House wasn't obligated to let him in at all; that, as a matter of fact, House probably wouldn't let him in... but he tried none the less, because there were things he had to say... because he was Wilson and Wilson never left.
"I know you're in there... look, I have to tell you something: I'm sorry."

"Since when is that good enough?" House whispered... a bullet was staring at him from the barrel of a gun......
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posted by Chandlerfan
This is a little Huddy fanfic I made, which I guess is set in Season 5. And it's written differently to my normal fanfics. First paragraph under each heading is House's POV, second is Cuddy's. Anyway, ENJOY! XD

She came into my office today, lecturing me about some procedure or another being ethically wrong or something. I don't know, I never really listen, fantasising instead. Every time I see her that day, one more button on her shirt, undone. Every time she lectures me, she smiles seductively before she leaves again. What does she mean by this? Before the end of the day, I march into...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
The sun was just going down.The reds,oranges,yellows mixed in with the purples of the night.Lisa Cuddy was in her office working up a storm.Everybody in the hospital was leaving for the party that Cuddy had planned for everybody.At noon she picked up her long cherry red dress,it had a plunging neck line,and black stilettos.They all lied on her couch in her office."Dr.Cuddy,aren't you coming to the party?" asked Allison Cameron.Cameron was once part of Gregory House's team.She now owns her own department,the Emergency Room.She was trying to win House's heart,once again.Cameron was dressed in...
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posted by Chandlerfan
I know most of you have already read this but here it is again if you want to read it again, or if you're fairly new and haven't seen this yet. Also on

[Shot of squash court, two girls, best friends, playing against each other. After the game, shot of changing room, they are just about to leave.]

Anna (1st girl): I’ll see you tomorrow. Give you another thrashing.

Leah (2nd girl): Yeah, we’ll see about that! (laughs) Need a lift?

Anna: No, I’ll walk home.

Leah: OK. Bye

Anna: Bye

[Both girls leave at the same time. Leah gets in her car and drives off. Anna is walking in the same direction....
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Okay, so this is quite old and was the first drabble i had ever written before. Enjoy! :D


She told him there was no way that he could make her smile.

He smirked and walked out of her office, telling her he would be back after lunch to prove her wrong.

She just rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

It was a bet.


The brush of his hand against hers as he took a file from her.

The way his blue eyes had a familiar way of piercing through hers, reading her very soul.

The expression on his face as he...
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Okay, so i wrote this a while ago and i posted it over at House may be a little 00C, but i tend to get slightly carried away when i write Huddy fics. :) So here it is, some pure Huddy fluff.


“Damn it!”

House rummaged around his desk, cursing to himself. He couldn’t for the life of him remember where he had left his medical journal. Opening and closing the drawers around him roughly, he made a mental note to never have Cameron re-organise his desk again.

Sighing in frustration he leant back in his chair and let his eyes scan his office....
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I have one single day at school where I have absolutely Nothing to do… It’s a Tuesday, so I decided to start drabbling and I’ve affectionately dubbed my little creations:

The Tuesday Series.


“I have the right to walk away from you, House…” House’s eyes darted towards the floor… he seemed to be collecting courage:

“Wilson?” House asked before said man had the chance to fully close the door:

“4 months with her? And they were really that much better than what… a decade with me?” and House wished Wilson would just say it: show him that being open really only got you hurt…...
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posted by Immunity
When Remy woke up she was surrounded by complete darkness, she wouldn´t even see her own hand.
It was quiet around her, there was not a single sound, but still she knew why she had woken up.
Her stomach felt as if someone had ripped it apart and she felt really sick.
She knew that she had to go to the toilet immediately or otherwise this wouldn´t turn out well.
The next thing she had to discover was, that she was completely naked. No bra, no panties, she was as nude as god had made her.
That was strange, usually she never slept naked, she wore jammies.
Wondering about that she tumbled up, whereby...
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posted by Immunity
The devil is watching you...
The devil is watching you...
Please comment when you rate low! I want to get better. Btw english isn't my first language, so please be nice..

Kutner didn’t show up for work the next day.
House had no idea where he was, but he seemed to be more interested in Thirteen anyway. His eyes were on her more often than usual and she wondered if something was wrong. She wasn’t sick, so what was so interesting about her now?
At the end of the day he finally asked her for a blood sample.
“What do you need my blood for?”, she asked sceptically.
“Ah, nothing important. Just some experiments. I love playing with other people’...
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added by oldmovie
Hello a facfic Trailer of HOUSE MD this story alike a movie... I HOPE YOU LIKE!!!!
house md
posted by Chandlerfan
Sequel to The Surprise so if you haven't read that read it first! =]

When Thirteen had gone home after talking to Cuddy that day, she reminisced over that passionate night she had with Wilson and Kutner a few weeks ago. She was very drunk but she remembered everything. The way they touched her, the way they smell, the way they felt inside her. She also remembered who was just that little bit better. Wilson. She should have known it; he was slightly older, more experienced than Kutner could have been, and she knew that; it was part of what made her want him more.

She knew she had to tell one...
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Lol Now I'm addicted. I'm sure by now you've all heard about how House MD is in fact a modernized version of Sherlock Holmes, or at the very least based on it. So I thought it would be an interesting idea to base a fanfic off of it. I wrote this a long time ago, and I'm still not sure if I will continue, have to be smart enough to come up with twists and turns for a Holmes mystery. Well I hope you like it, comments and critiscm are welcome :)

Throughout the many years of working together, never have I enjoyed such a case that had been brought to our attention at 221 Princeton Street as the one...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Thirteen woke up one day and headed straight for the bathroom to throw up. She wasn't even hungover or anything, and she went through all the possibilities.

She cursed herself when she looked at the time knowing she was going to be late. Again. She rushed out the door and ran back in realising she still had to get changed for work. Again she cursed herself and ran out the door to the hospital as quickly as she could.

She walked into House's room and all the talking stopped and all eyes were on her. Four grown men staring at her in silence. What were they thinking? She caught Kutner's eye as...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
This is a new chapter

Cuddy sighed.She began to rub her temples.House didn't want to see her like this.Miserable.Hurt.House limped to her and wrapped his arms around her.Cuddy put her head on his chest."Should I go?"Cuddy asked."It's your choice.Your mother."House said with no emotion in his voice."Oh Greg..."Cuddy sighed."You never called me Greg.Even during sex.The last time you called me Greg was..."House began.He started to think about how he'd been with Stacy.He remembered the face Cuddy made when she saw him in pain.Hurt and guilt.House snapped back into reality.He put his head on...
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posted by salemslot
This is a Cuddy centered ff.There is no House/Cuddy interaction except for the first scene;) but there is the idea of Huddy in the air.The medical stuff is make-belief to help the plot of the story.Didn't really know if this is PG13 or 15(I'm too corrupted to know the difference),so VIEVER DISCRETION IS ADVICED.Hope you enjoy it :)

Night.The door of House's apartment opens abruptly.Through the door storm House and Cuddy in a passionate,tight embrace.House pins Cuddy against the wall and the two lovers start kissing each other as though their lives depended on it.The only thing that mattered...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
As the person knocking on Cuddy's suite door,she got worried.
"Who is it?"Cuddy asked."Room service."the person said.She knew that voice.It was the same voice."I didn't order anything!"Cuddy yelled.The knocking stopped.The door's handle start to jiggle.Cuddy ran into the bedroom and locked it.She heard the door in the main room open.She ran into the bathroom.It had 5 locks on it.The bedroom door got kicked open.Cuddy got into the bathtub.She curled into the fetal position.Her heart started to race.There was banging on the bathroom door.She looked out of the bathtub that could help her."Damn...
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