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posted by Chandlerfan
OK, this is an AU kind of fic from House's POV, and how he really perceives Cuddy and Wilson. I'm only writing about those two because he knows them more than the ducklings/new team. Sorry if they seem out of character.
Anyway, enjoy! =D

Another Monday came along so quickly, I barely had time to enjoy my weekend properly. I didn't mind too much though, contrary to what others believe. All in all, I had a decent day; in comparison to any other day, that is. As usual, I managed to annoy the two people I care most about: my best friend and my boss. They know I mean well. At least I hope they do. People often assume I'm too miserable to enjoy anyone's company. But it's not true: I enjoy their company. I just don't say anything to make it so.

I came in quite early and saw those two people. First Cuddy, then Wilson. No one else, not a single other soul present in the hospital. Just us three. Workaholics, some might say. Those two definitely are; me, on the other hand, I'm anything but a workaholic. At least, that's what I believe.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I headed straight for the office of Dr Lisa Cuddy. I couldn't tell whether she was happy to see me or not; all those mixed signals!

'House? You're early today.' Lisa Cuddy, always one for stating the obvious at the start of every conversation.

'Couldn't sleep.' I try to be nonchalant, but by the look on her face, I know she doesn't believe me.

'Right, so bugging me is a cure for insomnia. Well in about half an hour you can go off to do clinic duty. That should get you tired'

'Sometimes, I don't know why I come in early. Then I realise that you have an ass; always the first thing I see when I come in here early enough.' I know, it's a cheap shot, but I'm Gregory House, renowned for my snarky comments. I have to live upto that, right?

With that last comment, Cuddy has her mouth wide open in shock, disgust. Perhaps she's secretly flattered, who knows? But before she can say anything in reply, I walk as quickly as a man with a limp can.

Next, I head upstairs to the office of Dr James Wilson. As always he's going through patient files when I enter his office.

'Hello House.' He says without even looking up, in a familiar tone, far from surprise, and I think, How can I only surprise one of them, but not the other. Why not both?

'Jimmy! You're early!' I say in an annoyingly cheerful tone.

It worked. He looks up slightly bemused.

'I'm always early. You, on the other hand, it's a rarity.' He retorts. Damn.

With nothing to say in reply, I walk out of his office and into mine.

As I am sat there in my office, with plenty of time to think, honestly. I ponder. I write. Yes, I write. About the two people I care the most about. It's not like I'll ever tell them any of this. They'll never find out either. I just need to write down my honest feelings about these two. The reasons why I care. I just need to put pen to paper. When I'm done, it'll be paper to bin, or better still, shredder. Then they'll never know, and I'll retain my dignity.

First I start with Cuddy:
Lisa Cuddy, the woman with the zesty bod.
In all honesty, I care about this woman more than myself. It really does break my excuse of a heart when she so desperately wants a baby, but doesn't have time for a proper relationship to do it the original way, and has three failed IVF attempts behind her. But I still admire her for being the strong woman she is. I feel we fit together, in the awkward way a child fits two mismatched jigsaw pieces together. If the child can make it work, so can we. Yes, I admit it to no one but this piece of paper: I want a relationship with Lisa Cuddy. I want Lisa. It's her who marks a permanent smile on my heart. It's her who makes me really think. It's her who I love to tease endlessly, and who loves to tease me so. It's her who I love. Yes, [i]love
. More than I thought possible to ever love anyone. Even though I seem bitter about love. I love Lisa.[/i]

After writing that last line, tears start to threaten me, trying to force their way down my cheeks. Cold tears. But I fight them.

Next, I move on to Wilson:
He is my best friend, and he stands by me through everything, no matter how much I mess up. He's a man with a big heart. He just keeps on giving, not caring about himself, but always putting others first, even people who don't deserve it, like me. Yes, me. I know I don't deserve a friend like Wilson. But I'm too selfish to really want to push him away. He understands me, and truth be told, that's a feat in itself. Everyone loves him. Even though he's cheated, twice, women swoon over him. And it's his personality. The way he is nice to everyone he meets. No hard feelings. He's a generous man. He thrives on people needing him. In relationships that always backfires. He has a need to 'fix' whoever he is with, then he marries them, when they've been fixed and they are happy, with or without him, he loses interest. he finds someone else to fix. It's the same in friendships. At least where I'm concerned. He knows deep down I need him, however much I may deny it, and so he doesn't walk away from me. He's my best friend and my only friend.

After writing this, I consider shredding them like I had initially planned. But I don't, I shove them into my bottom drawer, pop some vicodin and get on with the rest of the day.

Then there was the end of the day. The end of any chance of happiness. As I walked past Wilson's office, I realised he wasn't in. I figured he was dealing with a patient, so left him to do so and headed straight for Cuddy's office. I was just about to enter and I could hear another voice, so I stopped short and being me, decided to eavesdrop. Oh, how I wish I hadn't.

'As you know, I've been trying for a baby, and I'm not getting any younger, so....' Cuddy tearfully said. Who else could possibly know that Cuddy wants a baby, except for me? I thought she told me because, for some reason, she trusted me. But I'm not the only one.

'I know, Lisa. I know what you're asking. And yes, I'll do it. Let's try for a baby.' The other voice, a man I assume, answered. I just couldn't place it. Who was it?

'Thank you James! That's why I love you!' Cuddy replied all too happy.

James? Who could that be....

Then it hit me. It was Wilson. Wilson? Of all people to fall in love with, she falls for Wilson. I just couldn't believe it.

My best friend and my boss?

My best friend and my boss are having a baby. Together.

The heart made of sorry stone that I possess had been broken. Shattered into tiny pieces. So small, it couldn't be put back together. And all because the two people I care most about are in love. This is not how I planned my life to turn out. There were only two things I really wanted in life: Lisa Cuddy as my beautiful wife, and James Wilson as my partner in crime, my best friend, always. The one dream I had been longing for, broken, like my heart.

Now I have no reason to be happy.

There you go guys. I know it's kind of different but I thought I'd give it a shot.
Btw, in case you don't already know, I'm a full time Huddy shipper, not Wuddy. =]
posted by TheHiddenCane
First attempt at something this medically orientated... bear with me guys, I'm trying. House is sick again: he hides it. Wilson grows characteristically concerned... as Cuddy does uncharacteristically. What happens? How do they deal with it? What becomes of House?

Read, find out, enjoy!

Never Better (Chapter 1)

Bad days were always the same: House woke up in pain, sighed, lied panting in his own pool of sweat as he watched the spasms travel through his thigh. He measured his willingness to go in that day by the severity of the pain, the chance that Cuddy would find him something particularly...
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starting a new fic peoples…its called two’s company threes a crowd…umm, it came to me after reading two similar stories…im trying not to make them exactly like the others, so sorry if it seems I am stealing your idea…yeah…so here’s chapter one…read and review (those on fp, please rate!)


House sat in his office not rally doing anything but staring into space with his feet propped up on his desk. He had recently solved the case of a man who had, had a tumour behind his eye. It was an easy and uninteresting case until the man had complications after surgery. But...
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posted by everybody-lies
Disclaimer – I do not own House M.D. It all belongs to David Shore and Fox.

~Chapter 1~

Lisa Cuddy was sitting at her desk – the one she had in Med-School. Why did House put it in her new office? She didn’t know. She thought about the events that had occurred while she was using House’s office, as small glistening tears rolled down her flawless face. I can’t believe I actually thought that he cared about me, let alone like me! Cuddy thought, I mean, what was I thinking? People don’t change – especially someone like House. She leaned back in her chair and admired her new office,...
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posted by CathCuddy
Chapter 1 - Late -

It was a spring day at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. The pollen was waving with the gentle passing breeze, and the normal daily rush started at 9.00 am for doctor Cuddy. She was in the lobby filling a few papers that the chief-nurse had asked for, when Wilson arrived and gave her a wide-open smile and a very enthusiastic ‘Good Morning’.

Cuddy went into her office and brought her mind to the huge pile of papers that her secretary had waiting in her hands.

Cameron, Chase and Foreman were at the Diagnostics office waiting for their boss. House was always late,...
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So here is Chapter 4 I know its short I’m sorry I just really couldn’t get in the groove and honestly I really don’t like it.. I actually rewrote it 5 different times and it still hasn’t come out the way I really wanted it to, so I’m sorry if it sucks and thanks for reading! =) O and I’ve grown to love 5x24 because we saw the feeling House has for Cuddy =) and that made me happy! Moving on here is chapter 4


As House walked down the hall he continued to hear the whimpers and laughter...
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My first fanfic guys, I already posted it on the House md site,but I wanted to post it here too!

Chapter One: New beginning

Ok, so here I am. I’ve parked my car in front of this enormous building and I still can’t believe this is happening! I’m actually going to work in Princeton uh… something starting with P, Teaching Hospital. I have to check it’s full name. I’m so excited I don’t even know what its full name is! Wait, I think it’s Plainsboro. Yeah, that’s it.

So, I’m going to work here for the rest 5 years 5 hours a day. Well, not really work- volunteer, and 5 years?...
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Sorry about the wait. My computer had to be repaired

Chapter 6: A life you don’t live is still lost

“Come on, Thirteen,” Kutner said. “Stop being so careful all the time.”
“No way,” Thirteen said.
“Why not? It can’t hurt,” Kutner insisted.
“No,” Thirteen answered. “No matter how much you ask, that’s always going to be the answer.”
“I won’t tell,” Kutner promised.
“Forget it,” Thirteen said. “I’m not telling you my name.”
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Sorry it took me along time to update it.I had PC problems,that have been fixed.


Wilson awoke the next day.He looked around the empty room.He looked at the clock.7:34 AM,it read.He had half an hour until he had to go to work.He thew off the blankets,sat up,and swung his legs off the bed.He pushed off from the bed.He grabbed his robe from the bed frame and put it on.He walked into the coldness of his bathroom.He turned on the water faucet.No water came out.He walked over to his bathtub and turned one of the knobs.Nothing.His water pipes were frozen.He sighed tiredly and walked into his...
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posted by Soccerpersonz10
A Little Speculation On Huddy:

Well, personally I’m not a shipper at all. In fact, I’ve a feeling that that borders beyond obsession into stalking the characters of the show…that don’t even exist. But with all the House/Cuddy hype going on with their ‘kiss’ (By the way, I know this is going up late for all you people over in America and Canada, but bear with me, it’s on on Wednesday over here) I figured I’d put up a little something in my free time on one of the days I actually don’t have homework (Yeah, Oh My God!) But I digress…Going way, way off topic here…

Anyways, like...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Chapter 3 is finally up!
Enjoy! =D

Tears of hope run down my skin
Tears for you that will not dry
They magnify the one within
And let the outside slowly die

She quickly walked towards his door and turned the handle to leave, feeling that this moment was too awkward for her and that she was lost for words for the first time in ages. She was stopped short by Wilson's soothing voice.


She had no choice but to put on a smile, turn around and face him. She just looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

'I need a favour.'

'Oh. OK. What is it?'

'I...I need you to ask Dr Hadley to come and see...
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"As Pale As Death"
"As Pale As Death"
This is the first chapter of my new fanfic "I'll take the rain" :) It contains spoilers for the season 5 finale since it happens in and alters the episode "Both sides now".
There's also a trailer for this fanfic in this spot. I hope you like the first chapter :)

Chapter 1- As Pale As Death

He didn’t get a response.
„Cuddy.“, Wilson said, his voice even softer now. This time she seemed to have heard it and slowly raised her head, trying to clear her mind. A pair of swollen and red eyes looked back at Wilson, who gently handed her one of the two cups of coffee he had just got....
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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter 5: Forgiveness
Cuddy gave Thirteen a couple of hours to cool off before she went back into her room. She entered and began to speak to her daughter.
“Remy I really want to be here for you and talk to you please let me do that.”
“What is there to talk about you gave me up! Why do you care so much now? Where were you the first twenty-five years of my life? Please leave.”
Thirteen shifted in her bed and then glared back at Cuddy.
“Fine if you won’t leave then get me a cup of water and the TV remote I’m going to watch TV. You can… sit there!”
Cuddy got up and got Thirteen...
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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter 2: Secrets Untold
Five o’clock rolled around and Cuddy asked House and Thirteen to step into her office. She held out Thirteen’s file and began to speak to her fellow doctors/estranged family.
“Dr. Hadley you’re probably wondering why we have called you in to meet with us.”
“I’m not getting fired am I?”
“No that’s not what this is about. Dr. House and I have some important news we need to tell you and talk to you about.”
“Good. I just new you called me in here to fire me.”
“Not today.” House said.
“Dr. Hadley when Dr. House and I were in college we had a relationship...
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posted by LisaLover
“One… last.. time” he thrust into her and she cried out loudly. House step back from her, quickly pulling up his boxers and trousers, hiding the scar by the way. Cuddy was standing still for a few seconds based on the wall, looking around for her underwear. She took few deep breaths and started to dress up in hurry as House pushed the button. The elevator took them on a hospitals ground floor, open the doors near the clinic. Nurses were running around, letting some patients go out as the fire alarm stopped.

„What happened?!” Cuddy shook the closest standing nurse while House didn’t...
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A/N: Okay so far I have 2 chapters and a little of the 3rd chapter for this story written, I've been writing it for a month or two now so i have a clear vision, I just hope I dont get writer's block again
The rain poured over the PPTH as the doctors and patients rushed in. Not even five minutes ago, it was a warm clear evening when the rain snuck up and attacked. The lobby quickly filled as everyone tried to get inside and get dry.
“Are you kidding me,” Dr. Lisa Cuddy said, “This is the sixth time this week it started pouring without warning,”...
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Limping slowly up the sidewalk towards the front entry of PPHT, House carefully picked his way across the ice covered cement, his anger growing with each hesitant step. The morning had started off just cold and wet, but in the last hour the temperature had dropped ten degrees and turned the rain into sleet which now covered every surface making the park lot and path to the door into an ice rink. The drive to the hospital had been treacherous, but for House it was a cake walk compared to the 25 yard walk from his car to the front doors of the hospital. His cane had slipped on the slick walk...
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The surgery went off without a hitch and they both recovered wonderfully. One day after the surgery Wilson went in to visit Cuddy and she asked him if he would wheel her down the hall to see House, he was out of the clean room, his immune system no longer needed to be suppressed. It wasn’t attacking the liver, he took her down the hall and left her there with House alone.

“Hey stranger” she said as she wheeled up to his bed

“Hey you”

They were about to start talking about “it” when Chase walked in “Hey what are you doing in here?”

“Just visiting a friend,...
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Chapter 12 – Good Kiss Good Dream -

Cuddy got home and kept that strange moment in her mind. He was so close to her. Was he thinking about giving her a chance? Was he giving her a sign? She was confused and tired. Once inside, Cuddy left her briefcase and purse on the floor, took her coat and fell on the sofa. She fell asleep instantly.

Suddenly, she heard her mobile ringing. Not now, she thought. Yawning she picked it up.


“Were you sleeping?”

“House?” She asked, more awaked.

“Who else...” He said.

“What do you want? I’m tired I need to sleep.”

“Don’t hang up!”...
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Chapter 10 – Coming back home, alone -

Cuddy opened her door and went straight to her room, she had completely forgotten about Wilson and Erin. She stopped at her bedroom door while her brain processed the last piece of information that she had seen. She gave a few steps back and looked at her couch, and there they were; two people, Erin and James. Wilson’s arms were around Erin’s body, they hugged and looked so peaceful; she wished she was in their place, she wanted to feel a hug, the warmth of his skin against hers. But tonight she was going to be all alone, once again, and this time...
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posted by oldmovie
“You can’t honestly wear a wonder bra to work, hold a sexual harassment seminar and then not expect me to make some jab at you in front of the staff,” House said sitting comfortably down in the chair across from Cuddy’s desk as she made her way around. “I wouldn’t be me without my wicked sense of humor.”

Or your over-inflated ego

“Or your over-inflated ego,” Cuddy muttered, flattening the back of her skirt with her hands as she sat down. It was strangely refreshing that Cuddy didn’t hold back on the insults her mind tossed around about him. House looked at Cuddy she didn’t...
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