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posted by Chandlerfan
OK, this is an AU kind of fic from House's POV, and how he really perceives Cuddy and Wilson. I'm only writing about those two because he knows them more than the ducklings/new team. Sorry if they seem out of character.
Anyway, enjoy! =D

Another Monday came along so quickly, I barely had time to enjoy my weekend properly. I didn't mind too much though, contrary to what others believe. All in all, I had a decent day; in comparison to any other day, that is. As usual, I managed to annoy the two people I care most about: my best friend and my boss. They know I mean well. At least I hope they do. People often assume I'm too miserable to enjoy anyone's company. But it's not true: I enjoy their company. I just don't say anything to make it so.

I came in quite early and saw those two people. First Cuddy, then Wilson. No one else, not a single other soul present in the hospital. Just us three. Workaholics, some might say. Those two definitely are; me, on the other hand, I'm anything but a workaholic. At least, that's what I believe.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I headed straight for the office of Dr Lisa Cuddy. I couldn't tell whether she was happy to see me or not; all those mixed signals!

'House? You're early today.' Lisa Cuddy, always one for stating the obvious at the start of every conversation.

'Couldn't sleep.' I try to be nonchalant, but by the look on her face, I know she doesn't believe me.

'Right, so bugging me is a cure for insomnia. Well in about half an hour you can go off to do clinic duty. That should get you tired'

'Sometimes, I don't know why I come in early. Then I realise that you have an ass; always the first thing I see when I come in here early enough.' I know, it's a cheap shot, but I'm Gregory House, renowned for my snarky comments. I have to live upto that, right?

With that last comment, Cuddy has her mouth wide open in shock, disgust. Perhaps she's secretly flattered, who knows? But before she can say anything in reply, I walk as quickly as a man with a limp can.

Next, I head upstairs to the office of Dr James Wilson. As always he's going through patient files when I enter his office.

'Hello House.' He says without even looking up, in a familiar tone, far from surprise, and I think, How can I only surprise one of them, but not the other. Why not both?

'Jimmy! You're early!' I say in an annoyingly cheerful tone.

It worked. He looks up slightly bemused.

'I'm always early. You, on the other hand, it's a rarity.' He retorts. Damn.

With nothing to say in reply, I walk out of his office and into mine.

As I am sat there in my office, with plenty of time to think, honestly. I ponder. I write. Yes, I write. About the two people I care the most about. It's not like I'll ever tell them any of this. They'll never find out either. I just need to write down my honest feelings about these two. The reasons why I care. I just need to put pen to paper. When I'm done, it'll be paper to bin, or better still, shredder. Then they'll never know, and I'll retain my dignity.

First I start with Cuddy:
Lisa Cuddy, the woman with the zesty bod.
In all honesty, I care about this woman more than myself. It really does break my excuse of a heart when she so desperately wants a baby, but doesn't have time for a proper relationship to do it the original way, and has three failed IVF attempts behind her. But I still admire her for being the strong woman she is. I feel we fit together, in the awkward way a child fits two mismatched jigsaw pieces together. If the child can make it work, so can we. Yes, I admit it to no one but this piece of paper: I want a relationship with Lisa Cuddy. I want Lisa. It's her who marks a permanent smile on my heart. It's her who makes me really think. It's her who I love to tease endlessly, and who loves to tease me so. It's her who I love. Yes, [i]love
. More than I thought possible to ever love anyone. Even though I seem bitter about love. I love Lisa.[/i]

After writing that last line, tears start to threaten me, trying to force their way down my cheeks. Cold tears. But I fight them.

Next, I move on to Wilson:
He is my best friend, and he stands by me through everything, no matter how much I mess up. He's a man with a big heart. He just keeps on giving, not caring about himself, but always putting others first, even people who don't deserve it, like me. Yes, me. I know I don't deserve a friend like Wilson. But I'm too selfish to really want to push him away. He understands me, and truth be told, that's a feat in itself. Everyone loves him. Even though he's cheated, twice, women swoon over him. And it's his personality. The way he is nice to everyone he meets. No hard feelings. He's a generous man. He thrives on people needing him. In relationships that always backfires. He has a need to 'fix' whoever he is with, then he marries them, when they've been fixed and they are happy, with or without him, he loses interest. he finds someone else to fix. It's the same in friendships. At least where I'm concerned. He knows deep down I need him, however much I may deny it, and so he doesn't walk away from me. He's my best friend and my only friend.

After writing this, I consider shredding them like I had initially planned. But I don't, I shove them into my bottom drawer, pop some vicodin and get on with the rest of the day.

Then there was the end of the day. The end of any chance of happiness. As I walked past Wilson's office, I realised he wasn't in. I figured he was dealing with a patient, so left him to do so and headed straight for Cuddy's office. I was just about to enter and I could hear another voice, so I stopped short and being me, decided to eavesdrop. Oh, how I wish I hadn't.

'As you know, I've been trying for a baby, and I'm not getting any younger, so....' Cuddy tearfully said. Who else could possibly know that Cuddy wants a baby, except for me? I thought she told me because, for some reason, she trusted me. But I'm not the only one.

'I know, Lisa. I know what you're asking. And yes, I'll do it. Let's try for a baby.' The other voice, a man I assume, answered. I just couldn't place it. Who was it?

'Thank you James! That's why I love you!' Cuddy replied all too happy.

James? Who could that be....

Then it hit me. It was Wilson. Wilson? Of all people to fall in love with, she falls for Wilson. I just couldn't believe it.

My best friend and my boss?

My best friend and my boss are having a baby. Together.

The heart made of sorry stone that I possess had been broken. Shattered into tiny pieces. So small, it couldn't be put back together. And all because the two people I care most about are in love. This is not how I planned my life to turn out. There were only two things I really wanted in life: Lisa Cuddy as my beautiful wife, and James Wilson as my partner in crime, my best friend, always. The one dream I had been longing for, broken, like my heart.

Now I have no reason to be happy.

There you go guys. I know it's kind of different but I thought I'd give it a shot.
Btw, in case you don't already know, I'm a full time Huddy shipper, not Wuddy. =]
Chapter 7

Rolling over in bed, Lisa Cuddy sighed and snuggled deeper beneath her down comforter. All around her, bright morning sunshine poured around and through the cream colored curtains hanging in her bedroom windows, its cheerful light pulled her reluctantly but deliberately towards consciousness. Yawning sleepily, she lifting one, then both eye lids then blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the brightness that filled her room. Bring a hand up to rub the sleep out of her eyes, she glanced up at her alarm clock and grunted when she realized it was only just after 7 am. She really...
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Disclaimer: I do not and never will (unfortunately) own House MD (still) But I know one day I shall take buy the show!! And kill everyone by making them wait in suspense

A/N: Okay here is chapter two I was sooo suprised that I actually got it done this soon (even though it wasnt that quick) I apologize for not updating sooner but yeah!! Oh and one more thing I forgot to add in the last chapter, I am co-writing this with not - lupus . everbody - lies haha she's my beta as well!! She is like an expert in Horror Movies so its totally awesome! Anyways, Please R & R

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What actions were considered irreversable, unforgivable? House sometimes wondered.
He often went down the list, because, at some point, he was bound to cross the line. For he was a person who took risks, and, in doing so, he allowed the tipping point.
He usually wound up with three stock answers:
Laziness B) Hypocricy C) Murder (Manslaughter and begrudgingly being escorted home by a secret witch-in-training could be waved, given special circumstances).

What could he have done that constituded either of these three above, that would give Wilson the justification of giving him the Silent...
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Chapter 14: We’ll run ‘til we leave this behind
“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” Kutner said as they walked across the hospital parking lot.
“Transformers,” Thirteen repeated. “That’s the movie you’re looking forward to seeing the most?”
“Why not?” Kutner shrugged. “You should come.”
“When does it come out?” Thirteen asked.
“2009,” Kutner answered.
“A year,” Thirteen said. “I could be…”
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    The team didn’t know what to do, no one wanted to follow him, nobody knew what to say and they really didn’t have a case, so they let him be.


House didn’t want to risk running into anybody else, but he was hungry, he had left without breakfast this morning and the hunger pains on top of his leg was just too much. So despite his better judgment he headed to the cafeteria, he thought briefly about gluing the sunglasses to his head, but that wouldn’t work. He was going to have to do something about this sooner or later, more likely sooner. And there...
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Chapter 4: Hiding myself in your eyes

“I can’t believe they all found out,” Thirteen moaned, putting her face in her hands.
“I can,” Kutner said starting the MRI. “’Let me know what I need to bring.’ You’re getting your car fixed. You don’t need to bring anything.”
“What have I done?” Thirteen asked herself.
“It’s okay that they know, as long as they don’t tell House,” Kutner said.
“Why are they any better that House?” Thirteen asked.
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Chapter 4 - Next morning -

House got up earlier that he was used to. Cuddy was picking him up, so he had to be ready by the time that she got there.

It was almost 8.30am and he was ready. For the first time since he started working at PPTH House was going to be there on time. He saw the car arriving, but he didn’t move; he wanted to see Cuddy come up to his door.

The doorbell rang, and after a few seconds House got up and opened the door.

“Good morning. Are you ready?” Cuddy said smiling.

‘God she’s beautiful’ House thought. “Yup. Let’s go.”

“So what do we have today? You didn’t...
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posted by housefrk
This is the chapter. It's from Bo's point of view because if Thirteen were here to narrate, there's no way she'd let Bo do what she's about to do

Chapter 6


I finally managed to slip out when that little bald guy came in and distracted my mom. It was about time. I really wanted to meet Dr. House, but I knew my mom would never take me to him.
I asked the first person I ran into in the hall where Dr. House was. He looked Indian. He was wearing orange converses and I really liked them. He told me to check the clinic or Dr. Wilson’s office if he wasn’t in his office....
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Chapter one

Stepping out the cozy cocoon of her warm Lexus, Lisa Cuddy unfurled her umbrella against icy blowing rain of the early December morning. Shivering against the cold, she shrunk into her coat and cursed under her breath as the biting rain stung the skin of her legs that protruded from under her knee length skirt. Look up into the hazy gray sky she couldn’t help but think how the morning weather was a perfect refection of her current mood. Gloomy as the sky above, the frigid rain seemed to serve as punctuation to her sullen attitude. In all honestly, all she really wanted to do was...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
I completely forgot about this fanfic.*facepalm*
But I decided to post the first chapter her :)


It was a cold wintery day.The snow was falling slowly to the ground.The sun hasn't come up yet.The wind was blowing the snowflakes around.Lisa Cuddy awoke from her deep sleep.She reached for her lamp.The light came on and was bright.Lisa held her hand infront of her face.She got up and put on her olive green robe.She turned around and walked toward her bathroom.As she walked toward the bathroom and stopped in the hallway.A shower could be heard."Who the hell is in my bathroom?" Lisa said in a...
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posted by housefrk
Chapter 3

Thirteen sighed and hung up the phone. Her daughter had a fever of a hundred. It wasn’t like Bo couldn’t take care of herself home alone, but the school wouldn’t let her leave unless Thirteen was there to pick her up, which meant she had to ask House if she could leave.
Thirteen entered the office and approached the desk, where House was playing with his red and grey ball and his cane.
“I need to go somewhere,” Thirteen said. “I’ll be back in a half an hour.” House didn’t look up. Thirteen took it as a yes and turned...
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posted by LisaLover
It was 7 PM. Cuddy fastened her necklace in front of the mirror, she Heard someone’s knocking to the door. She took her purse from the table and went to open. As she expected it was House. He was dressed like always, this time in his motor jacket, helmet in the left and cane in the right hand. He checked her out from her feet to the head and smirked. She always looked like 5 million bucks but this time she applied to look better if that’s even possible. She remembered his words about plunging necklines and short skirts and she knew he wasn’t joking, so she wore her new skirt, same length...
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People have seem to have been getting confused so I thought I might clear this up. Danny=robber/bad guy. Its my fault you guys were confused.. I’m sorry. =) Anyway so I’m back with my next chapter because people again left me death threats. It gets dark and the rating is going to change just to be safe.
Btw am I the only one completely PISSED about tonight’s episode? I mean really COME ON! Sorry done ranting for the moment. Here is chapter 3.
    House spun around...
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Okay so I’ve gotten multiple death threats telling me if I didn’t continue that I would have serious bodily harm done to me. =) So I’ve decided to continue. I don't really like this chapter but this is what I came up with during school. Anyways Here we go

    After getting herself composed and under control Lisa Cuddy lifted herself off her hard, cold, wooden floor. She slowly padded her way into her kitchen looking for that bottle of Pinot noir that her sister gave to her for New Years. She needed to relax and the only thing she could think of was to drink wine. She...
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Everyone's recently wonderful posts for the drabble game inspired me to write some more and so I blame all of you for what you are about to read. I also blame my music selection, some of the stories are rather "interesting" due to shuffle on my iPod........

Everybody Dance Now(remix)
Jock Jams- LONG SONG(didn't realize until I wrote it)

Wilson poked his head outside of his office, narrowing his eyes making sure no soul was in sight or a cane either. After deeming it safe, he retreated into his office and made his way quickly over the side of the desk where an iPod speaker lay ready and waiting...
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Chapter 12: It’s all that we need in our lives

“They said they’d be done with my car tomorrow,” Thirteen said.
“It’s no problem. I don’t mind driving you,” Kutner said. “Do you nee—want me to pick it up?”
Kutner had had to cut himself off from saying ‘need.’ If there was one thing he’d learned about Thirteen, it was that she didn’t like to feel dependant on someone else.
“I hate having to ask you all the time,” Thirteen said.
In a way, she was being more honest than...
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Hi, sorry about the wait. Thanks to those of you who had the patients to put up with it

Chapter 9: Nothing is real ‘til it’s gone

They were out for one of their casual lunch dates. Casual because neither of them liked to dress up and both of them practically lived off fast food and things that could be made in the microwave. Plus they only had an hour to eat before they had to be back at the hospital.
They were eating hamburgers and fries on a sticky table when Thirteen spoke up.
“I don’t really feel like we’re…you know,” she said.
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House had stayed up all night thinking about Cuddy’s offer, he had decided to let her do it. After what she had said that afternoon he felt they were finally going somewhere and it would certainly hinge their relationship if he was dead. Sure he could wait on the list for the next time someone becomes road kill, but what if it took too long? He had already been here for 5 days, at best he had about 9 more days, at worst he had 2. So he’d let her do it, and after deciding that he finally fell asleep


Cuddy had slept the whole day and into the next morning and now...
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posted by MonkeysRule
She lied there. Unconscious and bruised, her face was so torn up no one could really recognize her, no one but him.
He stood there over her bed after everyone else had gone. He stayed and watched her with concern. If only he had answered her calls. She might have still been alive. Why did he have to ignore her so much? Why did he even bother to come? Seeing her so torn up was killing him. He couldn’t help but hate himself. He didn’t want to admit it, but he hated himself.
3 weeks ago

“I thought I told you to show up in my office an hour ago!!” Cuddy yelled as she approached him in...
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posted by Irene3691
‘Morning...’ Says House the next day.
‘Hi… how are you?’
‘Fine... and you? You fell more peaceful this morning?’
‘Ha-ha... yes, thank you.’
‘Good...’ He chuckles and they sit up.
‘Are you hungry? We have some cake left...’ Lisa says.
‘Will the cake change your mood?’
‘It will change my hunger.’

They go to the kitchen in silence and have breakfast. His leg is starting to hurt and House rubs his thigh with his hand but he doesn't say anything. Cuddy notices it and asks worried. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah... fine...’ House answers smiling at her. MEEEEEC!!! Lie
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