House M.D. Club
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(Overall view of the prison,zoom into Cuddy's cell.She's sitting on her bed,trying to catch conversation with her cellmate,a tall,black woman)

C:So,how long have you been here?(her voice is trembling)

INMATE:Look,lassie,you won't find a friend here.Don't care who you are,what you are.Ther's one rule here,everyone for themselves.Don't expect us becoming friends.I don't need friends!You look at your business,I look at mine!Comprende?


INMATE:If you want any favours,don't dare ask me!

C:OK.(A police officer opens the door,points at Cuddy and says:
You.Visitation time.(Cuddy looks at him confused but follows him.They walk through the sea of inmates who look towards Cuddy as they pass by.A chill goes up her backside.They pass the visitation area)

C:Aren't we supposed to go there?

OFFICER:Not that kind of visitation.

C:What?(He doesn't reply.They reach the yard and head towards a small building)

O:You've got half an hour(Cuddy hesitates)
"What are you waiting for"?(She sighs and turns the doorknob,looks hastily around the room)

C:Oh,my God!What are you doing here?(House is lying on the bed leering at her)

H:Here to fulfill my marital right.(taps the matress with his hand)

C:We're not married.

H:They don't know.(points outside)

C:If you think I'm going to sleep with you,because I'm in a desperate situation,you'll fooling yourself,buster.(he laughs)

H:You were desperate the first time we slept together.What about a repetition?(She is ready to reply,but stops.House goes near her.)
"I came here to help you.Let me".

C:How?(she's starting to cry)

H:For starters,take off your shirt.

C:I said I'm not sleeping with you!(he smirks)

H:Although,I'd love to see your boobs,Icame here for business,not pleasure.Maybe later.(winks his eye,pointing towards the bed)

C:What are youtalking about?

H:I think someone framed you.If you were to kill someone,that should have been me years ago(relief in Cuddy's eyes).I don't think it's a coinsidence that your symptoms started just before the murder.Do you trust me?

C:Tes.But why are you helping me?Do you care about me,House?(He hesitates,being taken aback by her words.He whispers):

H:One year off clinic duty(she smiles)

C:It's a deal.Whatever you want.

H:Now,take off the damn shiry!(Cuddy turns her back towards him and takes it off.She cupps her breasts and turns)
"Not what I had in mind!(he smiles,examines her belly,ribs...After finding nothing,he asks her to turn.He finds nothing but lingers and strokes her back gently.Cuddy tries not to shiver but in vain)

C:I think you're all set.

H:You're probably right.(Cuddy puts on her blouse)
"Roll up your sleeve(she looks at him incredulously but obeys.House grabs his cane,starts unscrewing the tip of it and taps it.A syringe and 2 vials land on his hand)

C:Are you crazy?If they find out...

H:We'll make upa Prison Break plan.Wilson is totally into tattoos.(Cuddy smiles).Don't worry(takes the injection and is ready to pierce her hand,when she grabs his arm)

C:Wait!It will leave a mark.(House smiles slyly)

H:Got it under control(takes out of his pocket a pen.)

C:What's that?

H:Anti-coagulative gel.

C:OK.(he takes the blood sample,applies the gel on her hand)

H:I need hair and saliva samples too.(after he finishes,he puts the vials and syringe back in his cane)

C:Why is your cane hollow?

H:I ordered it.


H:Secret stash.(Cuddy smiles.An officer opens the door.He cuffs her and they exit the room.Cuddy turns to House and mouths Thank you)
(aerial shot of PPTH,zoom into House's office)

H:41 years old female,complains about fatigue,joint pains,disorientated,dehydrated and is throwing up.

13:What are they doing here?(points towards Cameron and Chase).And where's Taub?

H:He quit last night.


H:He couldn't handle the pressure.And complained about being sexually harassed by 13.(looks at him with a killer glare)They're here to help.

K:Are you sure the patient isn't pregnant?

H:I'd be in big trouble if she were.

K:You know the patient?

F:It's Cuddy,you idiot!

13:You're sleeing with Cuddy?

H:Of course not,but I'm sleeping with Cameron.(Chase jumps up angrily,ready to attack House but Foreman intervenes)

F:He's joking.Cameron wouldn't sleep with him.Hey,Cameron?(she doesn't answer)

H:Why did she come here?For the medicine?(Chase tries to hit him but Foreman and Kutner impede him)

13:House,stop this nonsense!

H:Me?Then,what should you be doing?Figured out the gender but mixed up the colours?

CHASE:What are you talking about?

H:She now likes chocolate(points towards Foreman)


F:Don't pick on us 'cause you're dead-sick worried about Cuddy and can't deal with your emotions!

H:Trying to evade the question!It's not going to be that easy!

CHASE:I'm leaving.I am not going to be part of this charade!

CAMERON:House,please!(with tears in her eyes.He looks at her nd sighs.He takes the vials and syringe out of his pocket and throws them on the table)

H:Test them.

13:You took samples from Cuddy?How?(he has a wicked smile on his face)

H:I exhausted her after the conjugal.She didn't even notice.

F:You're sleeping with Cuddy?

H:Sorry,Cameron.Me and Cuddy(starts pointing his cane),Chase and Cameron,13 and Foreman(hesitates at Kutner),if you hook up with Wilson,then we'll become a happy Grey's Anatomy family!Now,go run the tests and search Cuddy's home and office.

(Night falls,Wilson enters House's office)
H:How did the board meeting go?

W:Smoothly,under the circumstances.Jones from Ophthalmology is temporarily head of the board.Did the results come back?

H:They were inconclussive.

W:As always.Any ideas?

H:Lots,the one is crazier than the other.

W:You'll find the answer.You always do.


(Next morning,Wilson is talking to Cuddy in prison)
C:You have no idea how much I appreciate you coming down here.

W:That's why friends are for(squeezes her hand,looks around)Intersting people.

C:Got bored of you and the board members pesting me with your demands.

W:How did your lawyer persuade the judge to allow House to test you?

C:What are you talking about?

W:The samples House took from you.

C:Keep your voice down!(he whispers)

W:He took them without a court order?(she nods her head).Are you crazy?You're risking House lose his medical license!What were you thinking?(Cuddy looks shocked)

C:You're telling me you prefer me rotting in this mad-house?

W:I didn't say that!
C:But that's what you meant!

W:Cuddy,listen to me!If the cops caught House and found out about Tritter,he would be in deep trouble and with you in jail,not able to perjure yourself to save him,House would never see the light of sun again!

C:After all I've done for House and you,this is how you repay me?


C:Wilson,just leave.

W:You're not thinking clearly!

C:Not thinking clearly?What would you know?You're not been followed everywhere,being physically examined by men who treat women like trash,having noone to rely on!You're no constantly afraid whether this night will be the one you'll be raped or stabbed!No!The only thing you have to worry about is what tie suits your shirt!


C:Just go,Wilson,go!(tries to grab her handbut she pulls it away and leaves.Scene changes)

H:What the hell did you do?

W:Why are you shouting at me?

H:'Cause you're an idiot!What did you tell Cuddy that made her ban me from all visitation?

W:Thank God,she still has sense.I told her that she's putting you into danger.

H:In what kind of danger?

W:You didn't tell me you smuggled the samples out of jail!What would you do if you were caught?

H:Tell Cuddy to make out with the guards.

W:This isn't funny!

H:I know(raises his voice)it's not funny,she's facing death penalty!

W:House,listen to me!You've been lucky all these years having me and Cuddy bailing you out,but now you're crossing the line!Your luck won't hold much longer.I'm your friend,not the enemy(Foreman enters the room)

F:We've got a problem(House enters angrily into Cuddy's office where a man is sitting on the couch)

H:You're killing my authorisation!

JONES:Good morning,Dr.House.Glad to meet you again!

H:You can't fire me.I've got tenure.

J:I didn't say anything about fiing you.I"m suspending your medical priviledges until the commitee evaluates your file.

H:What for?(looks around the office,notices the white stain again.The windows are open)

J:Now that Dr.Cuddy's gone,things will change around here.First of all,Vogler is returning and you and your stupid friend will say goodbye!

H:First of all,Cuddy has not gone and secondly,the only one who will be leavng is you!

J:Dream on!Your reign of terror is ending.Enjoy the little time you have left in clinic duty!

(Aerial shot of the jail,zoom into the cafeteria.Cuddy is in the ine,seems miserablelost in her thoughts.She reaches to take a chocolate cookie but a squat,middle-aged inmate grabs it instead.

INMATE:Got a problem?

C:Be my guest.(Her cellmate watches the scene from a nearby table.The squat inmate sits at a table,where a young,blonde girl is by herself.She seems terrified by the presence of the particular inmate and her gang.

INMATE:Sugars,where's my money?

BLONDE INM:I"ll promise I'll get it tonight!(the squat inmate grabs her hand and pins it on the table)
INMATE:I don't want to hear your pathetic promises!Want my money!NOW!

INM2:You're hurting me!

OFFICER:Do we have any problem here?

INM:None,officer.I was just chatting with my girlfriend(hits her gently on the cheeck).In fact,I was going to share my dessert.(leaves the cookie on the table and leaves.The blonde continues her food and reaches for the cookie.She sniffs it and eats it.Suddenly,she grabs her throat,begging for help.A young officer runs near her when she falls down.

OFFICER:I need help(Cuddy hesitates,but gets up.The girl's face is steadily turning blue and can't breathe)

C:Do you have a knife?,she asks the officer.

OFF:Yes(reaces for it),but i'm not allowed.

C:I'm a doctor,you can trust me.(he hesitates)If you do not give me the knife,she will die in 30 seconds!(he gives her the knife)I also need a pen or s straw.(Cuddy starts making an incision on the inmate's neck.Blood sprouts out,but Cuddy is calm.The cafeteria is dead-silent.She takes the pen from the officer and shoves it in the incision.The inmate starts breathing.The rest inmates start clapping their hands,the squat inmate looks at Cuddy with fury)

(night falls,Chase is outside Cameron's apartment,knocking the door.She opens it)

CH:We need to talk.

CA:I told you!There's nothing to talk about!I need time on my own!

CH:At least,let me pack my stuff.(he enters the apartment,looking around,Cameron grabs his hand)

CA:Please,don't do this.

CH:I'm not doing anything.You've shut me out of your life.(tenderly he touches her hand and kisses it) We haven't been intimate for the past 2 weeks.The only thing I ever wanted was for you to be happy.If that means that I have to lose you to House,I'll accept it.I love you.(he kisses her forehead and turns to leave,Cameron starts crying)

CA:You love me?(he nods his head)No matter what happens?

CH:No matter.

CA:I'm not sleeping with House.

CH:Figured that out.

CA:Then why the heck did you say all that about stepping aside?Stop laughing!

CH:Oh,come on!(he hugs her,but she pushes him away)

CA:Go awy,you jerk!I hope the baby doesn't take after your sense of humour!

CH:The baby?What?You're pregnant?(she nods her head) This is why you weren't talking to me?You were afraid I wouldn't accept our child?You know,you're an idiot!(he tries to hug her)

CA:Who says it's yours?(in a sarcastic tone)

CH:It's not House's.SO...

CA:I'm not only interested in him!(Chase laughs)

CH:Then it's Wilson's?Kutner's?Foreman's or the whacky janitor's?

CA:Stop making fun of me!

CH:I hope our child doesn't take after your sense of humour!

CA:Are you happy?

CH:Only when you're happy(looks into her eyes and kisses her)

(Aerial sho of the prison,Cuddy is talking with her cellmate)

INM:Didn't know you were a doctor.(Cuddy doesn't reply)Hey,I'm talking to you!

C:You're talking to me?I thought you didn't give a damn about who I am.

INM:OK,I deserve this.But, please,I need a favour.

C:You're asking a favour from me?What were your exact words?Let me think."If you want a favour,don't dare ask me"!

INM:Look,if it was for me,I wouldn't be asking.Don't get cocky with me!

C:You think I'm afraid?I'm going to be sentenced to death,I have nothing to lose.What more could you do to me?(the inmate looks at Cuddy and hops on the upper bunker) I was kidding!

INM:It's my baby girl.
(zoom into visitation area,Cuddy is siting around a table,accompanied by her roomate,an old lady and a 9-years old girl)

INM:This is Rose.

C:Nice to meet you Rose.I'm Lisa.There's nothing to be afraid of.(Rose hides in her grandmother's embrace)

GR:I thought I taught you better manners than this!(the girl,hesitates but finally reaches for Cuddy's outstretched hand)

R:Nice to meet you.

C:I'm going to listen to your heart.OK?(the girl nods her head,Cuddy puts her head on the girl's chest) "Cough for me,please"(the girl coughs several times,Cuddy looks worried)
I want you to go to Dr.House at PPTH.Tell him that I sent you.He will proscribe antibiotics.You've got TB.

GR:But,we can't afford it!

C:Don't worry about that.She's going to be fine.(the grandmother starts crying,Rose hugs her mother.)

INM:Thank you.I'm a total stranger to you but you helped me out.Why?(Cuddy shrugs her shoulders)

C:It doesn't mean that because we're living in hell that we have to lose our humanity.

INM:I owe you,lassie.

(aerial shot of PPTH,zoom at a bench where all the diferential team is sitting)

K:He's going to fire us all.

H:Tell me something new.

K:I spilt some coffee on him in the corridor and he just started yelling at me,threatening to fire me.

H:I'd also fire you.

13:The symptoms have waned.It must be poisoning.It's the only thing that fits.

CH:Kadmium poisoning?

H:Have you lately seen Cuddy drinking tons of battery liquid?

CA:What about clorium?

F:She would have died the instant it penetrated her body.

13;What if it was injected in her somehow?

H:There were no marks on her body.Did you find anything at her place and office?

F:No,everything was clear at her house.

H:What about the office?

13:We couldn't exactly get in there with Jones inside.

H:Didn't I speciically order you to search her office?I'm surrounded by idiots!You're fired!

CA:It's not 13's fault!

H:Your hormones have made you more lenient.

CH:You told him you're pregnant?

H:Didn't need to.At last,her boobs reached a B-cup size(Cameron looks at him angry)


F:Time is running up!There's no time for this.Cuddy's trial is tomorrow afternoon.If we don't find the answer,tomorrow night all of us will be looking for a new job.

(scene changes,House is snooping into Cuddy's office.The windows are open,the stain is still there.Suddenly,Jones enters)

J:What the hell are you doing?I'm calling security.

H:Because I was waiting for you in your office?

J:My fat ass you were waiting for me!

H:Prove it!Damn,it's hot in here.You're here 3 weeks and you're already cutting off the expences!(House reaches for the air-con remote)

J:Don't touch that(Jones shouts with fear in his eyes)

H:What?You're afraid of some breeze?(Jones grabs the remote from House's hand)

J:Get out of my office!

H:It's not your office yet!

J:It will be soon(House observes that Jones is not touchng at all the desk.His beeper rings)

H:Love chatting with you,but I have an important appointment.

J:With whom?A hooker?

H:Your mother(House leaves the room.Scene changes,Cuddy is walking diwn a corridor when someone pulls her in a room,the squat inmate and her 2 friends)

INM:Didn't like your stuntback there,Doc.You cost me money.I want it.(Cuddy is walking backwards trying to find something to fend them off)

C:I have no issues with you.

INM:The moment you saved that nitwit's life,you got one.I rule the prison and it's time I taught you a lesson.(the 2 inmates grab Cuddy's arms.The squat inmate takes out a knife)
Noone messes with me!(the moment she's about to stab Cuddy,her roomate enters the room and hits the squat inmate,the knife is thrown on the floor)

"Kill her",the squat inmate shouts.(Cuddy hits the one inmate in the ribs who falls on the floor in agony.The other one pins Cuddy on the floor and takes a piece of string and puts it around Cuddy's neck,starting to strangle her.Cuddy is trying to reach the knife which is inches away from her left leg while trying to get rid of the string with the other.Cuddy's roomate knocks out the squat inmate and shoves away the one attacking Cuddy.Cuddy takes off the string and starts taking deep breaths.)

INM:Let's get out of here.

C:Thank you for sving my life.

INM:We're even.

(scene changes,House is sitting in the warden's office)

WARDEN:I'm sorry,Mr House but Miss Cuddy is not allowed any visitations.

H:I'm not asking for a conjugal.

W:All kinds of visiation.She was involved in a fight and now is in isolation.

H:Cuddy in a fight?You have no idea how much that turns me on!(the warden straightens his back awkwardly and gets up)

W:I'm sorry.I can't do anything.(House looks at him for a while)

H:Problems in paradice?

W:Come again?

H:Having problems with the blue pill?

W:How did you know that?

H:You're recently divorced and you're sleeping with your scretary(the warden looks shocked)
I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

(aerial shot of the prison,House is sitting on the bed of the conjugal room.The door opens,Cuddy enters.House looks at the red mark around her neck)

H:Let me see that(points at her neck.He touches it causing Cuddy to flinch from pain.)
I'm sorry.

C:You didn't do it on purpose.

H:No,about not finding out what you have.I'm sorry.(Cuddy is taken aback by his words)

C:It's not your fault.

H:If I had more time...(Cuddy touches his shoulder and looks in his eyes)

C:You gave me the best thing I needed.Hope.I will always thank you for that(Cuddy hugs him.House doesn't reciproate the hug,has his arms firmly on his side,but eventually hugs her and strokes her head.They part,stare into each others eyes for a while and lean in to kiss each other,when the door opens)

OFFICER:Time's up.

H:Warden Marten said 30 minutes.

OFFICER:Change of plans.(points at Cuddy)Your trial is starting earlier today.(Cuddy stares at House for a last time and exits the room)

(House is in his office alone,walking nervously.He looks around.He suddenly grabs his cane and smashes the first thing in front of him.The scene changes.Court.A judge is talking:

JUDGE:How do you plead?(scene changes again,House smashes his table.Scene changes again.Court)

CUDDY:Not guilty(another hit from House,court again.Cuddy looks around and sees Wilson with Foreman,Chase,Kutner and 13.Tears trickle down her face.Scene changes.Another hit from House.House is breathing heavily,realising what he has done.Looks around the office.He bends down to reach a coffee mug that has spilt its liquid all over his desk and is trickling on the rug.He looks at the rug,he smiles and reaches for his cellphone)

H:Foreman,it's me.

(House enters Cuddy's old office.Jones is sitting on the sofa.The windows are open.House smiles)

J:Well,well.Look who's here.Counting down the last seconds you'll be a physician here?

H:No,I was imagining you wearing an orange suit.You killed Del Rossi.

J:You're mad,House.

H:Thank you!The only thing I don't understand is why you killed him(Jones doesn't reply).Your idea of using arsenic to poison Cuddy was innovative.(Jones looks at House for a moment and starts searching him.He extracts a tape-recorder from House's pocket)

J:You think I was born yesterday,House?(he tears the cassette)

H:It was worth a try.(House tries to hug him)

J:You know you're pathetic.You've always thought you were invincible,but the truth is that you are weak.There's no Wilson and Cuddy to save you now.

H:I know how you did it.You contaminated Cuddy's air-conditioners with arsenic and also coated her desk with it.You knew she was a work-holic.(Jones claps his hands)

J:Bravo!I never doubted your deduction methods,Dr House.It was like stealing candy from a baby.

H:That's why you always had the windows open.You didn't want to be contaminated.

J:The idiots on the board weren't granting me access to the hospital funds yet so I couldn't replace the desk and air-cons.

H:Why did you kill him?

J:I lost a great amount of money gambling.I knew Del Rossi was cheating on his wife so I backmailed him to take hospital funds.Cuddy found out about the missing funds,he was going to reveal everything to her so I had no option.With one stone killed 2 birds.Del Rossi's out of the picture,so is Cuddy.

H:And you cut a deal with Vogler to replace the money.Brilliant plan.

J:Yes.And now that Cuddy's going to be convicted, I can't be touched.

H:I've always wondered why on earth criminals are so confident and alway confess what they have done.Don't they know there is something called technology?

J:What are you talking about?

H:You really think I'm stupid enough to come here with only a tape-recorder?I bugged you(He reaches for the "bug" on Jones' shoulder.Police officers enter the office)

"You're under arrest"

H:Cuff him,boys.(he smiles)I've always wanted to say that!

(scene changes.Court.Cuddy is surrounded by Wilson and the rest of the team)

F:He pulled it through again.

C:You have no idea how much I'm relieved.

K:You are?So, are we!You have no idea how bad it was with Jones in charge.(everyone laughs)

C:Where's House?

CH:You know him.Never wants to take credit for his accomplishments.

CA:Or because the judge is the same in his trial.

C:Wilson,I"m sorry for attacking you like that before.You didn't deserve it.

W:Don't mention it.You were under pressure.(Cuddy smiles) Do you need a lift?

C:They're taking me back to prison for my stuff.I'll see you tomorrow.

W:You're coming in tomorrow?Thought you'd want vacations after all this!

C:You're kidding me!These 3 weeks were the worst vacations ofmy life!

(Scene changes,Cuddy is walking for the last time down the corridor of the prison.She is accompanied by an officer,she's holding a bag with her belongings.)

OFFICER:Do you want me to call a taxi?

C:Yes,please.(they exit the prison)
Never mid.I've got a ride(House is waiting for her on his motorcycle.Cuddy approaches House,he is smirking.She hugs him,so does he.When the hug ends,House leans in to kiss her,but Cuddy pushes him away)

C:You think I'm that easy?(House is ready to reply)
Don't you dare answer!(Both are smilng)

H:I want my reward.

C:It's a done deal.

H:Then, why the hell aren't you kissing me?

C:We didn't agree to that!

H:The deal clearly stated that I'd get whatever I want and I choose a night of outrageous sex with you!

C:Oh,no,no!You picked clinic duty!

H:Give me a break!That was a decoy!

C:I'm not sleeping with you.I'm not that desperate anymore!

H:I saved your rottundas ass AGAIN an that's how you repay me?

C:You can't always get what you want!

H:(House smiles)Tell me about it!You can't always get what you wany but sometimes if you try hard enough,you get what you need!(they both smile.He looks at her.)
So,I'm not going to get laid tonight?

C:Don't count on it!

H:It's a pity I have to throw awy all these condoms.(reaches for his jacket pocket and takes out a rather tattered rose)

C:For me?

H:Not really.It was meant for inmate 1925 but she's playing hanky-panky with warden Marten.
(Cuddy smiles,takes the rose and kisses House on the cheeck.House looks at her with an evil smirk on his face)

H:I'm SOOOO going to get lucky tonight!(She looks at him with a sexy smile)

C:Maybe,maybe not.The night is young.(House smiles and takes her hand.They get on the motorcycle.Cuddy puts her arm around House's waist and places her head on his shoulder.Thr moment her head touches him,he shivers,but a hugesmile forms around his face.He starts the engine and they head into the night leaving the prison behind them.)

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added by Dutch_House_Fan