Meg Masters Club
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Dean held his hands tightly against his ears, but Cas’ screeching still found its way in. The door opened and Meg appeared.
“Sam needs you in there. He wants to try again” she said with heavy voice. She walked past him to the bathroom.
Dean entered the room and froze at the sight of Cas’ mutilated body.
“Are you with me, Dean?” Sam asked sharp. Dean inhaled deeply through his nose.
“Let’s just get it over with” he replied.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica...”
“Cas is never going to forgive you. Do you know that?” Lucifer said manipulative. “You couldn’t tell he was possessed, you let him kill dozens of people, you stuck your dick in his ass. Even if you can set him free, he’s never going to want to see you again. Your friendship with him is over”
“Don’t listen to him, Dean” Sam snarled. “Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...”
“Your mother’s with me, Sammy. She has a message for you. She says she wishes you were never born. Then she would still be alive and her and John and Dean would’ve had a normal life. Dean would’ve had a normal youth and be married to Lisa” Lucifer continued.
“Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...”
Lucifer leaned against the chair, deliberately pressing and shoving his back against it, knowing how much agony it would cause Cas.
“Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Dean, I need your help. I can’t do this alone!” Sam snapped angry. But Dean seemed unable to speak or move. All he could do was watch Lucifer torture his best friend.
“Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.”
“He wanted to kill those people” Lucifer smiled. “He wanted to make them suffer. He just didn’t have the balls to do it. So when I possessed him I could feel his anger and his humiliation and so I did the killing for him. He’s powerful, because of me. If you exorcise me he’ll be a shell of what he used to be”
“Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos” Sam finished, but Lucifer still hadn’t gone anywhere.
“You don’t honestly think you’ll get rid of me that easy”
Isabel opened hearing two where inspector Anderson was still sitting with Andy. She signed and Anderson walked towards. She mumbled something to him and she and Anderson looked at Andy. Andy took a deep breath. He had a bad feeling about this.
Anderson walked behind Andy and ordered him to stand up. He cuffed him. “Andy Baker, I arrest you for the murder on Shannen White”
“What? But I didn’t kill her! I’m innocent!” Andy shouted. Anderson motioned at the guard who walked to them. He took Andy’s arm with a firm grip and forced him out of the room. When they were on the hallway, Andy saw Zoey and Cas standing a few yards further.
“He’s the one! He killed her! He’s the one you’re looking for!” he yelled.
“Mr. Allen has an alibi” Isabel said.
“No! He’s lying! He lies about everything! Emmanuel is not even his real name!” Andy yelled, while the guard dragged him along.
Half an hour passed by where Cas stared at the ceiling and Dean tried to talk to him. The door opened and Meg entered.
“It’s my turn” she said difficult. Dean pretended not to hear her and stayed where he was. But Cas had heard Meg’s voice and lifted up his head. He cast Dean a begging look and tried to free his hand again. But it was as if their hands were glued on to each other’s. Sam grabbed Dean’s wrist and separated the two.
“Come on, we’ll wait outside” he said and he dragged Dean out of the room.
Meg walked towards the bed and crawled next to Cas. Cas searched for her...
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Anna walked towards a blonde angel, who stared ahead of her.
“You failed” she said when Anna came standing next to her.
“I asked Meg if she wanted me to wipe her memories of Cas, but she refused” Anna defended herself. “What was I supposed to do? Just take them?”
The blonde angel turned to her. “Yes” she replied cold. “Unfortunately, there’s no time for that anymore” she continued, looking back upfront. “We have to prepare. Castiel’s body will shortly return to the Heavens where it belongs”
“Did we have to let it get that far?” Anna asked careful.
The blonde...
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“I’m going to pack our bags” Sam decided. “We’ve stayed in this town for far too long”
“I can call mom and ask her if you can crash at her place for a few days” Jo offered.
Sam nodded in agreement, then he looked at Dean. “I know you want to stay here, to be close to Cas, but I think it’s better if we go somewhere where we won’t be reminded of all this”
Dean shrugged and stood. He walked to the door and headed to his car. He opened the door and got in at the driver’s seat.
“Mom says it’s okay” Jo said soft after hanging up. “She’ll be happy to see you boys...
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Cas’ phone rang as he walked slowly towards the other two men. Without looking he picked up. “Meg”
“Where are you?” Meg asked a little hysterical. She was standing by the table, holding Cas’ note in her hand.
“I believe I left you a piece of paper with my whereabouts” Cas replied.
“Yeah. Dear Meg, I have some unfinished business I have to deal with. I’ll be back tomorrow” Meg read from the note. “What unfinished business? Where are you?” she repeated a little angry.
Cas didn’t answer immediately. He had spotted his targets and caught up with them. “Do you remember...
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“Claire, when you get this, please call me back. I’m not angry with you for taking the car without asking. I’m just really worried” Amelia said, trying to stay calm. Claire had pretended to be listening to her IPod, while those morons were questioning her about Jimmy’s whereabouts. Soon as they had left Amelia had heard the car and noticed Claire was gone.
She hung up and went to the kitchen to make some tea. When it was ready she took the tea upstairs and walked inside her bedroom.
Five minutes later the sound of breaking porcelain was heard on the floor. Amelia opened the door,...
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The Impala was still parked on the same spot. Meg walked around the car and opened the trunk. She opened one of Cas’ bags and pulled out the first shirt she got her hands on. “Get in the car” she told Cas. “No, passenger seat” she added, when Cas wanted to step inside the driver’s seat. “You can’t drive like that”
She put herself behind the wheel. “I’m surprised you can drive at all” she mumbled.
“I can’t” Cas replied. He leaned backwards and closed his eyes.
“Keys?” Meg said to herself, looking at the connection. “Keys” she answered her own question as...
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Sam, Jo and Ellen were standing around Dean’s bed in the mortuary. There was a book where people could write down their condolences, but since Dean didn’t know that many people, the book would be as good as empty.
Jo took Dean’s hand and brought it to her lips. She kissed his fingers, while tears rolled over her face. Then something magnificent happened. Dean pinched Jo’s hand.
“Dean?” Jo said breathless. Sam and Ellen looked up at Dean. They saw his eyelids move and slowly they opened.
“Dean!” Sam exclaimed. Dean blinked his eyes and sat up. He looked around. “Where the hell...
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“What do you mean, he couldn’t?” Ellen asked upset.
“He said he tried to, but he failed. He said his powers don’t work” Sam explained.
“Why don’t they work? Where is he?” Ellen asked angry. “I’m going to kick his ass until he heals my daughter”
She turned around and started walking.
She turned around. “What?” she snapped.
“I don’t think yelling at him will do much good” Sam warned.
“Then I’ll save that for plan B” Ellen said.
“What’s plan A?” Sam asked.
“Begging him” Ellen said. “On my knees if I have to” And she turned around.
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However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.

The door of the court building opened Zoey’s heart jumped up when Cas came outside. The fact that he was alone made her even happier.
“I’m glad you’re not gone yet” Cas said. Zoey died inside, but managed to stay calm.
“I waited for you” she said. She defended Daphne and tried to make Cas understand why she did it, but secretly...
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Anna threw the phone at Meg. She caught it with one hand and examined it.
“I’m still not sure what you’re going to do with it, since Cas won’t be able to use a phone while he’s in prison” Anna said.
“You gave one to him, too, right?” Meg checked.
“Yes, and it only has your number and yours has only his number, so the two of you can start having phone sex with each other to pass the time” Anna said sarcastic.
“Or you can finally get me out of here, so I can go punch a little common sense into Castiel’s pretty face and then he’ll leave prison on his own” Meg suggested....
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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For the third time that day someone was ringing the bell. Cas walked in the hallway and stared at the door. “Daphne and Zoey are not here. Maybe you should come back at a more appropriate time”
“Emmanuel, open the door”
It was Meg and she sounded scared to death. Cas quickly opened the door and looked at a terrified Meg. Before he could ask what was going on she threw herself in his arms and started crying. Cas, not knowing what else to do, tapped her on her back.
“This feels rather uncomfortable” Cas said difficult. “Perhaps you could let go of me?”
Meg let go and took a step...
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Anna materialized in the ICU. The doctors had brought Cas here. There was nothing they could do as long as they didn’t have the donors they needed.
Anna, holding a pair of kidneys in her left hand and a liver in her right hand, quickly walked to the bed. She removed the sheets with her mind and cut open Cas’ belly. While blood streamed alongside Cas’ unconscious body and on the matrass, Anna put the organs in their rightful place.
The monitor started beeping and Anna vanished, when a team of doctor’s came rushing into the intensive care.
“I need to talk to security” the doctor said, when he’d fixed up Cas’ properly. “Someone was here. Someone attempted to kill this man”
“Someone who gave him the organs he needed?” his assistant frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”
“I don’t know” the doctor said. “But I want someone to keep an eye on him, as long as he’s here”
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