Meg Masters Club
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Dean held his hands tightly against his ears, but Cas’ screeching still found its way in. The door opened and Meg appeared.
“Sam needs you in there. He wants to try again” she said with heavy voice. She walked past him to the bathroom.
Dean entered the room and froze at the sight of Cas’ mutilated body.
“Are you with me, Dean?” Sam asked sharp. Dean inhaled deeply through his nose.
“Let’s just get it over with” he replied.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica...”
“Cas is never going to forgive you. Do you know that?” Lucifer said manipulative. “You couldn’t tell he was possessed, you let him kill dozens of people, you stuck your dick in his ass. Even if you can set him free, he’s never going to want to see you again. Your friendship with him is over”
“Don’t listen to him, Dean” Sam snarled. “Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...”
“Your mother’s with me, Sammy. She has a message for you. She says she wishes you were never born. Then she would still be alive and her and John and Dean would’ve had a normal life. Dean would’ve had a normal youth and be married to Lisa” Lucifer continued.
“Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...”
Lucifer leaned against the chair, deliberately pressing and shoving his back against it, knowing how much agony it would cause Cas.
“Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Dean, I need your help. I can’t do this alone!” Sam snapped angry. But Dean seemed unable to speak or move. All he could do was watch Lucifer torture his best friend.
“Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.”
“He wanted to kill those people” Lucifer smiled. “He wanted to make them suffer. He just didn’t have the balls to do it. So when I possessed him I could feel his anger and his humiliation and so I did the killing for him. He’s powerful, because of me. If you exorcise me he’ll be a shell of what he used to be”
“Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos” Sam finished, but Lucifer still hadn’t gone anywhere.
“You don’t honestly think you’ll get rid of me that easy”
Meg was still sitting on the same spot when Céline drove Cas back to her. He had lost the angry face, but he didn’t look happy either.
“And? Did they find out what’s wrong with you?” Meg asked a little annoyed, because Cas walked out of the wheelchair, to the wall and leaned against it.
“Ask the doc” Cas answered short.
“That bad?” Meg raised her eyebrows. And when the doctor joined them she turned to him. “What’s the problem? What did you see on those…scans?”
“That is the problem. We didn’t see anything” Dr. Spencer started.
“What?” Meg said stunned.
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Cas scribbled up and walked to the bed where he sat down. Meg walked to him and also sat down. “Let me see” she said soft and she reached for the buttons on his shirt, but Cas pulled away.
“It’s just a scratch” he objected.
“Don’t be ridiculous” Meg replied and she opened the buttons. She shoved the shirt over his shoulders and then went sitting behind him so she could take a good look at the wound. “It’s not that deep. I think I can stitch it myself” She stood from the bed and looked around. “If I were a needle and a thread, where would I be?” She took a deep breath....
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Cas opened the door of the motel and heard Dean sigh a relieved sigh.
“Took you long enough” he said, but he didn’t sound annoyed. He sounded like he had been worried.
“I’m sorry” Cas responded. “I had to make sure Meg would be okay”
“And will she?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yes” Cas nodded with a faint smile. “She’s trying to make something of her life. She even has a job”
Dean, who had just taken a sip from his beer, choked. Cas frowned and walked towards him. “Are you alright, Dean?” “Yeah” Dean said difficult and coughed. “So, Meg has a job....
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Dean, Cas and Sam were standing in an open field. There was a low wall at the end of the field and Sam had placed some cans on it.
Dean showed Cas how to prepare a gun and then made a few shots at the cans. He didn’t miss one.
“You’re really good at this” Cas said admiring. Dean handed the weapon to him. “Your turn”, he said, when Sam had put the cans back and stepped away from the wall as far as possible. He didn’t really trust Cas with a gun.
Cas aimed the gun at the walls and fired and missed.
“I think you just killed a tree” Sam joked. “If I were you, I’d hide for...
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Dean was sitting on a chair, next to Cas’ hospital bed. There was only one visitor allowed and Sam and Dean had agreed to switch turns.
“Why are you so reckless?” Dean mumbled helpless.
The next moment Cas sat up and gasped for air.
“Cas?” Dean said and he stood up. He wanted to call a doctor when Cas took his hand.
“Am I alive?” he asked faint.
“Yeah” Dean nodded relieved. “You’re alive”
Cas closed his eyes and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later he woke up and saw he had company. Dean hadn’t left, and Sam, Jo, Ellen and Anna had joined him.
“You gave us all a big...
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Meg sat on her knees, outside the police station. With her right hand she held her stomach and with her left she tried to pull herself up on the wall. She closed her eyes and focused.
Meg opened her eyes and saw Sam walking in her direction. He helped her up, while Dean frowned.
“How did you get out?” he wanted to know.
Sam helped Meg to the couch, but she refused to lie down. She groaned from the pain.
“What is wrong with you?” Dean asked.
“Daphne attacked me” Meg said difficult. “My stomach hurts, my hands hurt”
“Cas’ ex attacked you, why?” Sam asked surprised.
“It’s not her fault” Meg said. “Zoey manipulated her. Where’s Cas?”
Sam looked at Dean, who scratched his head.
“Please, tell me you know where he is” Meg said weak.
Summer 2007

Daphne and Roland were lying in the woods, enjoying the sun and playing like teenagers in love.
At the shore of the lake there was a handsome twenty-five year old man.
“Go on, Martin” a female voice said. “You can do it”
Martin turned around. “Zoey!” he said enthusiastic and clapped his hands. Zoey came to him and he hugged her tight. “Martin loves Zoey”
Zoey caressed his hair. “I know, darling, I know” she said sweet. “You want to go take a dip in the lake?” she suggested.
Martin looked at her and she could see the conflict in his eyes. It was really hot and...
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Goes straight to after the season 7 finale

Right after Cas leaves Dean in Purgatory.
Meg was hanging on a rack, cuts running over her entire body. A demon, assigned by Crowley, was curving and cutting in her naked skin. Her screams echoed in the entire Hell, while Crowley was watching.
“Mr. Crowley!”
Crowley groaned and rolled his eyes. “What?” he said short while turning around.
“I found an intruder” a demon said. He was holding Cas’ collar and dragging him along. Cas looked up and saw Meg hanging, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.
“Well, what do we have here?” Crowley...
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“What do you mean, she’s gone?”
Cas and Zoey had been told that Daphne was gone.
“She’s not in her room. But we’re searching the entire building and the neighborhood. She can’t get far” the head doctor said.
“How could this happen?” Zoey asked mad. “Don’t you have some kind of security system here?”
“She stole a badge. She didn’t have to break into the system. She could just open the door” the doctor explained.
“And who’s the idiot who let her steal his badge?” Zoey asked demeaning.
“He’s waiting in my office” the doctor answered. “He already told me what happened. Listen, Mrs. Moore, Daphne can’t get far. We’ll find her by the end of the night”
He walked away from them; he had to go fire the nurse.
Zoey looked at Cas. “We need to find her” she said, slightly panicking.
It was early morning. The sun was nowhere to be seen and it drizzled, so most people stayed inside if they didn’t really have to leave their house.
Jessica was one of the unlucky ones who had to face the bad weather. That what’s you get when you take a dog.
“You better make it quick” she told the golden retriever walking next to her. He pulled her forward and they walked behind the first corner they encountered, into an alley. The retriever did his thing and Jessica cleaned it up. She was lucky, there was a garbage container. Jessica wanted to walk out of the alley. She didn’t feel...
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Shannen pushed Cas off of her and quickly winded the sheets around her. Cas rushed in his clothes, with his back towards Alexia. He tried to push his cock down, but it was too hard. He looked helpless at Shannen, who put on the babydoll. She walked to him and took his hand. “Take him in your hands” she ordered. Though Cas thought that was a little weird, he did what she said. “Now move your hand up and down until you’re relaxed again. But wait until Alex and I are gone”
She let go of him and walked to Alexia. “Come on, poppy, let’s go downstairs” She softly pushed Alexia out...
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An hour later.
Cas was back home, washing Daphne’s bloody sheets in the sink when the door opened and Zoey and Alexia came in.
“The hospital called” Zoey said, before Cas could greet her.
“Is there something wrong with Daphne?” Cas asked concerned.
“No, they said she calmed down a little” Zoey reassured Cas. She paused for a minute. “I want to try and talk some sense into Daphne. She has to realize she needs help and that we can’t give it to her. The only problem is that I need someone to watch Alex while I’m there. Gerard’s gone working, but I called Shannen and she said...
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A sweet scent penetrated in Cas’ nose and he opened his eyes. A small waffle was floating above his face, but when he blinked and looked a little better he saw a hand was holding it. He followed the hand with his eyes until he saw the person who it belonged too.
“Good, morning, Manny” Meg said. She jumped on the bed. “Is it okay if I call you Manny? It’s just that Emmanuel sounds soooo looooong” she added.
“I suppose it is okay” Cas said. He rubbed his eyes. “How did you get in here?”
Meg pursed her lips, like a little girl who had been eating cookies before dinner. “Well,...
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Zoey walked into a bakery and put down a pile of flyers on the desk.
“Do you know this man?” a customer read. It was a teenage girl. She looked up. “No, I do not. Is he a convict? Or is he missing?”
“He’s not missing” Zoey said. “He lives in my house. And as far as being a convict, let’s say it’s still undecided”
“Who is he?” the girl asked. She picked up a flyer. “Mind if I take one of these?”
Zoey shook her head. “Maybe you could help”
“Sure, anything you want” the girl said and she and Zoey left the bakery.
“Thanks” Zoey said.
“You haven’t answered...
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Jack walked the steps to his front door and opened it. As he hung his coat on the coat rack he shouted: “Darling, I’m home!”
His wife didn’t respond, but there were noises in the kitchen, so he assumed she was cooking dinner for him. That was one of the things that made her so amazing. No matter what time he came home from work, she would always prepare him a fresh meal. And in return he would flirt with every woman he came across. She really deserved better.
“You know that guy I had to interrogate, the one in the hospital?” he said. “There’s something really off about him. I’m...
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Jack was putting on his coat when his phone buzzed. He took him out of his pocket and smirked when Zoey’s name appeared on the screen.
“Miss Allen, I’m just finishing up here and then I’m going straight home, so that drink you’re dying to have with me, it’s going to have to wait”
“Check her facebook profile” Zoey said.
“What?” Jack asked distracted.
“She posted some pictures of her and Emmanuel on her facebook page” Zoey explained. “You can cut her out of it and scan the photo. See what you come up with”
“Are you still there?” she asked slowly.
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“He’s a cop, Zoey!” Daphne exclaimed. “What else do you need?”
“I’m sorry, D, I wasn’t thinking” Zoey said.
Cas was sitting at the kitchen table watching Daphne and Zoey arguing.
“Perhaps it might be better if I would find another place to stay” he suggested. Zoey rotated her head to him.
“Finally something smart coming out of your mouth” she said. “You know what? Get up, I’ll drive you myself”
Cas stood up, but Daphne walked to him and pushed him on the chair again.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said sharp.
Zoey took a deep breath. “Maybe we should...
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Zoey was walking down the food department in the supermarket when she collided to someone.
“I’m sorry” the man apologized. He squeezed his eyes. “Zoey? Zoey Allen, is that you?”
Zoey rolled her eyes. “That has got to be the worst pick up line ever” she said disdainful.
“You don’t recognize me?” the man asked.
“Of course I recognize you” Zoey said contemptuously, while she threw some food cans in her cart. “I’d recognize your dumbass face even if it were covered in…well, I’m sure you can think of something” She pushed her cart forward, hoping this would be the...
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“What did you do that for?” Cas asked breathless.
“I wanted to” Daphne said obvious. “And so did you, at least I thought you did” She looked away. “Guess I was wrong” She got up, but Cas took her hand.
“It’s not you, it’s me” he said.
“You’ve been in a bad relationship?” Daphne guessed.
“No, that’s not the problem” Cas said.
“Believe me, I get it…It was nice to meet you” She walked to the door.
“I’ve never been in a relationship before” Cas confessed uneasy.
Daphne turned around and her eyes were big. “You have got to be kidding me” she said...
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“Is it better yet?” Meg asked careful, knowing better. Some cold water and cream weren’t going to help. Cas needed medical attention.
Cas shook his head, trying really hard to keep it together. “No” he said difficult. “I need a doctor”
“We can’t take you to a doctor, Cas. Everyone out there is looking for you” Meg explained remorseful.
“Then get Anna here” Cas panted. “She can heal people”
Now that Cas had said it Meg could slap herself. Why hadn’t she thought of that herself? She looked at the ceiling and called for the angel.
“Why are you calling me?” Anna...
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