My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
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This is the sequel to the story of a stallion named Bob Newhart. He still lives in Fillydelphia with his wife Emily.

Everyday you can see Bob walking around the streets of Fillydelphia, and most of the time he does that, he's on his way to work. Speaking of work, he's a therapist.

One day, Bob was at his office at work, when his assistant Carol knocked on the door.

Bob: Come in.
Carol: *Enters room* Good morning Mr. Newhart. I just wanted you to know that a pony came all the way here from Chicagoat to work as a dentist.
Bob: And, you're telling me this because?
Carol: Well, he seemed like a nice pony, and I thought you two would make great friends.
Bob: Okay. I'm not expecting any visitors for another ten minutes, so I guess now would be the perfect time to go see him. *Walks out of office* Where is he?
Carol: You go toward the elevators, and take a right down the hallway.
Bob: *Goes right down hallway* Alright Mr. Dentist. Let's see if you're what Carol says you are. *Knocks on door*
Dentist Pony: Who is it?
Bob: Uh, somepony named Carol told me to come see you.
Dentist Pony: Come on in.
Bob: *Enters room* Hello.
Dentist Pony: So, you're that therapist Carol told me about, right?
Bob: Yeah. I'm Bob, what's your name?
Dentist Pony: My name is Jerry. Do you like sports?
Bob: Do I like Sports? I love them. They're my favorite thing to watch on television, that, and some classic television shows.
Jerry: Oh really? Do you have a channel called Memorable Entertainment Television?
Bob: Yes, I do.
Jerry: Ah, cool. So do I! I just started watching Happy Days.
Bob: Good for you. What's your favorite sport team?
Jerry: Let's see. For football, I like the St. Foalis Rams. For baseball, I like the San Franciscolt Giants, and for basketball, I like the 76ers.
Bob: I remember one time, two of my nephews came to visit, and I had to take them to a basketball court. One of them said he would be the 76ers, and that everypony on his team was a 76 year old stallion.
Jerry: Ha, *Laughing* That's funny.
Carol: *Arrives* Bob, somepony is here to see you.
Bob: Thanks Carol. It was nice to meet you Jerry.
Jerry: Likewise. Come visit me anytime you like.
Bob: Sure. Here's my address, *Gives Jerry a card with his address* Come visit me anytime.
Jerry: You got it.
Bob: *Goes to office*

After work, Bob went home. He invited Jerry over for dinner, and to watch sports.

Bob: *Enters apartment room* Emily, I'm home.
Emily: Hi dear. How was your day?
Bob: Oh, it was good. I met a stallion that just moved here from Chicagoat.
Emily: Oh wow. That's cool. What's his name, and what does he do for a living?
Bob: He's a dentist named Jerry. Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I invited him over to have dinner with us.
Emily: Oh boy.
Bob: What's the matter?
Emily: Do you remember when Howard showed up last time we didn't have any food for him?
Bob: I could care less about Howard's anger issues.
Emily: But he's your friend.
Bob: I know, I know. But he gets angry too much.
Emily: Then talk to him.
Bob: I will.

The doorbell rang.

Bob: After I get the door. *Goes to door, and opens it* Ah, Jerry. Good to see you again.
Jerry: Likewise Bob. *Looks around apartment room* This is a nice place you got.
Bob: Thanks. We got all these decorations here when we moved in.
Jerry: So, what do we have for dinner?
Emily: Tonight, I made some meatloaf, with a side of asparagus, and apple sauce.
Jerry: Sounds good. *Looks at TV* This is HD, right?
Bob: That's right. Turn it on if you'd like.
Jerry: *Turns on TV* Okay, now where's the sports channel?
Bob: 30.
Jerry: *Goes to channel 30* Ah good. We got the Giants playing against the Houston Astros.
Bob: What inning?
Jerry: The bottom of the 5th.
Bob: Who's winning?
Jerry: The Giants, and the score is 7 to 4.
Bob: Good, I do not like the Astros.
Emily: Dinner is ready.
Bob: Let's get our dinner. *Goes to dinner table*
Jerry: *Follows*
Bob: *Grabs dinner, then goes to couch, and sits down*
Jerry: *Does the same thing at Bob*
Emily: Whatever happened to quality time with having dinner together?
Bob: Sorry Emily, another time.
Emily: *Sighs*

23 minutes later, the game was on the top of the 7th. The Astros were tied with the Giants at 8.

Bob: How, and why are the Astros close to beating the Giants?
Jerry: Who knows? Most likely it's steroids.
Bob: That explains everything. Now if they were acting normal, and not taking steroids, then they'd still be playing this game properly, and losing to the Giants.
Astros Pony 3: *Pitching ball*
Giants Pony 6: *Hits ball, and runs to first base*
Announcer: This ball is going way back to center field. I don't know if anypony can catch this.
Astros Pony 8: *Fails to catch ball*
Announcer: And the Astros did not catch the ball, and the Giants have their runner going from first to second. He would go to third, but the pitcher just got the ball, and the Giants would get an out if they tried to get to third.
Bob: That's what I'm talking about.
Jerry: You got that right.
Emily: Bob, when will this be over?
Bob: Soon honey, I promise.

50 minutes later, the game was at the 9th inning. The Giants were back in the lead 10 to 9.

Emily: Bob, you said this game would end soon.
Bob: Yes I did.
Emily: And that was 50 minutes ago.
Bob: Alright, I'm sorry. Why don't you watch the game with us?
Emily: Fine. *Sits down with Bob, and Jerry*
Howard: *Knocking on door* Hello? Can I come in?
Bob: Sure Howard!
Howard: *Enters apartment room* Hi everypony. I see you're watching TV, so I'll just make myself dinner.
Bob: You do that Howard.
Emily: Wait Howard, I already made dinner, and there's leftovers.
Howard: Oh. Well thank you Emily, that was kind of you. *Trips, falls on table, and makes food land on ground*
Emily: So much for the leftovers.
Bob: Why don't we go out for dinner tomorrow?

The game ended with the Giants winning 12 to 11. Jerry, and Howard left leaving Bob with Emily.

Emily: I did not like how tonight ended.
Bob: Well, it's not my fault that Howard is clumsy.
Emily: That's not the point Bob. You should have had Jerry show up at another time, and tell me about it a few days before his arrival.
Bob: Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Are we still going out to dinner tomorrow night?
Emily: Ugh. *Goes to bed*
Bob: I'll take that as a yes then.

Next morning at Bob's work place, he was talking to two ponies that had a problem with their wives.

Bob: Alright Richard, and Al. What can I help you two with?
Al: Our wives keep bothering us.
Richard: We want to do some things together, like ordinary stallions, but our wives won't let us. I try to go to his house, but my wife won't let me.
Al: And every time I try to go to Richie's place, his wife won't let me go.
Bob: Perhaps you should exchange wives.
Al: Are you serious?
Bob: No. I like to have some humor during my job, but here's what I really want you two to do. If your wives won't let you hang out with each other, ask them why.
Al: And then what?
Bob: You explain to your wives why you think it's important for the both of you to hang out.
Richard: Yeah. That's a good idea.
Al: We'll tell them right now. Thank you Mr. Newhart.
Bob: The pleasure is mine, and good luck.
Al & Richard: *Leave*
Bob: *On phone* Carol, do I have any other patients?
Carol: No, not yet.
Bob: Okay good. I want to surprise Emily by making a reservation to a restaurant.
Carol: Who would run a restaurant that has reservations? If they make you wait just to go in the restaurant, there's no point in going.
Bob: I know, it's stupid, but I want to do something special for my wife.
Carol: Go for it Bob.
Bob: I already am.
Jerry: *Enters room* Hey Bob, do you have a minute?
Bob: Unfortunately, I'm busy right now. You can come back in a few minutes.
Jerry: Sure, thank you. *Walks away*
Bob: *On phone* Hi, is this the only good restaurant of Fillydelphia compared to all the other places that has terrible food?
Waiter: Please, just call us Togrofctatopthtf.
Bob: What does that mean?
Waiter: It's short for the only good restaurant of Fillydelphia compared to all the other places that has terrible food.
Bob: That's pretty clever. *Clears throat* Listen, I'd like to make a reservation for a party of two for tonight. We'll arrive at 7.
Waiter: Very well. We will have a table waiting for you at 7. Please, don't be late.
Bob: I wouldn't miss it for the world. *Hangs up*
Jerry: *Returns* Hi Bob, I'm back.
Bob: Hi Jerry. Some game yesterday, huh?
Jerry: Yeah, that was fun to watch. Would you like to do that again tonight?
Bob: I can't Jerry, I gotta take my wife out to dinner, but I can come over to your place tomorrow if you're interested.
Jerry: Yeah, that sounds good. Do you know where the zoo is?
Bob: Yeah.
Jerry: Take a cab there, and I'll give you a ride to my place.
Bob: Sounds good.
Carol: Jerry, somepony is here to see you.
Jerry: I gotta go Bob. I'll see you later.
Bob: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Tonight was the night that Bob was going to take Emily out for dinner, but she didn't know that Bob was going to take her out.

Emily: *Sitting on couch reading newspaper*
Bob: *Enters apartment room* Hi Emily.
Emily: Hi Bob. How was your day?
Bob: Good. I got us reservations to a restaurant that we're going to tonight.
Emily: What? Why didn't you tell me?
Bob: I did tell you. Last night, I asked you if we were going out to dinner, and you were just like, "Ugh!" So I figured you wanted to go.
Emily: What gave you that idea?
Bob: I thought you were fed up with making dinner, so I decided it would be nice to go out.
Emily: *Sighs* Fine. Let's go.
Bob: Excellent.

So they drove to the restaurant that Bob made reservations for, which was called Togrofctatopthtf.

Waiter: Good evening.
Bob: Good evening. Newhart.
Waiter: Your table awaits. *Walks to table*
Bob & Emily: *Follows waiter*
Waiter: We got it shiny, and spotless for you.
Bob: Thank's a lot. *Sits down*
Emily: *Sits across the table from Bob*
Waiter: Now, what can I get you two to drink?
Bob: Can you get me a beer?
Waiter: And for the lovely lady?
Emily: Just some water.
Waiter: Coming right up. *Goes to get drinks*
Bob: So, what do you think of this place so far?
Emily: It's nice, but I don't understand the name.
Bob: Why not?
Emily: It's called Togrofctatopthtf.
Bob: Oh, the waiter told me about it when I was making the reservations earlier. It's short for The only good restaurant of Fillydelphia compared to all the other places that has terrible food.
Emily: Wow. What a long name.
Bob: Yeah. Anyway, how is your job getting along?
Emily: It's fine. Nothing happened, and one of the fillies said that I was the greatest principal she ever met.
Bob: Little ponies do need a good principal.
Waiter: *Arrives with drinks* A beer for Mr. Newhart. *Puts beer on table*
Bob: Thank you.
Waiter: And for the lady, a water. *Puts water on table*
Emily: Much obliged.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Bob: Yeah. *Looks at menu* Do you have any fried calamari?
Waiter: Yes we do.
Bob: I'd like that as an apatizer, and for my dinner, please get me a steak.
Waiter: You got it. What would you like ma'am?
Emily: A hamburger.
Waiter: Coming right up. *Goes to get food*
Bob: Well, it's going to be a while for our food to arrive, so what do you wanna talk about?
Emily: Oh, I don't know. What do you think we should do tomorrow?
Bob: I'm actually going to hang out with Jerry.
Emily: Him again?
Bob: Hey, you said I had to plan this, and tell you ahead of time. That's exactly what I did, and I'm going to his place this time.
Emily: What am I going to do?
Bob: What do you normally do when I'm not around.
Emily: Think about you, and love you, and while doing that, I make sure Howard doesn't try to ruin our home.
Bob: Don't you have anypony to hang out with?
Emily: Well, I guess I could hang out with Burt, and Mildred.
Bob: Ah, those two. I remember when they met us on our cruise.
Emily: Do they still come to you for problems?
Bob: Nah, not really. I guess whatever problems they had were fixed.
Burt: *Runs into restaurant*
Waiter: Hey, you can't barge in here like that!
Burt: Is there anypony here named Bob Newhart?
Waiter: Yes, why?
Burt: I need to speak with him.
Waiter: Don't disturb them, they're about to have dinner!
Burt: *Sees Bob* Oh, thank goodness I found you.
Bob: Burt, what are you doing here?
Burt: Me wife Mildred want's a divorce.
Emily: That's terrible.
Burt: And I have no place to stay. Can I live with you?
Bob: You can, but we need to have our dinner. Can you wait for us?
Burt: Sure.
Waiter: Alright sir, get out of here.
Burt: Don't worry, I was just about to leave. *Leaves restaurant*
Waiter: I'm sorry about that, I tried to-
Bob: It's okay, it's okay. Burt's just going through some difficult times.
Waiter: Okay. Your appetizer will be here soon.
Bob: Thank you.

After dinner, Bob and Emily took Burt to their home.

Burt: *Looks around* This is nice.
Bob: Thank you. I can tell you're really going to like living with us.
Burt: You got that right. Not only is this a nice place, but it's owned by two of the greatest ponies in all of Equestria.
Bob: I'm sure there's somepony better then me, and Emily.
Burt: Nope. Not even Celestia herself can be better than you my friend.
Emily: Well, that's kind of you to say Burt.
Bob: So what do you plan on doing now that you're divorced?
Burt: Good question. I'll most likely move back to Scotland. It's a beautiful country you know.
Bob: I'm sure it is.
Emily: What will you do while me, and Bob go to work?
Burt: Hmm. I already know what Bob does, so I might as well see what your job is like Emily.
Emily: Sure, I don't see any harm in that.
Bob: I can.
Emily: Bob!
Bob: What? You're the principal of a school. You're too busy to babysit Burt.
Burt: Oh, I'll be alright. I could even help Emily with her work.
Emily: Yes, thank you for that.
Burt: Not a problem.

The next day, at the school that Emily worked at.

Emily: Alright, so pretty much, all I have to do is sign papers, look at my E-mail on a computer, and talk to students.
Burt: What would you like me to do?
Emily: Read a book or a magazine.
Burt: Okay. *Looks at books in Emily's office* Which one would you suggest?
Emily: Oh, I've got a lot of favorites. How about The Catcher In The Rye?
Burt: I read that, and I don't like it. Too much swearing.
Emily: Then, how about Diary Of A Wimpy Colt?
Burt: Too babyish.
Emily: Is there anything that you do like?
Burt: Hmm. *Looks at books* Oh, I see a book with a bunch of Shel Silverstein poetry. That pony knows everything when it comes to poetry.
Emily: Okay, go ahead, and read it.

As Burt grabbed the book, a green filly walked into the room. Her name was Tasha, and she didn't look happy.

Emily: Good morning Tasha, what can I do for you?
Tasha: I got in a fight, and my teacher told me to come down here.
Emily: Aw, Tasha. Why would you do that?
Tasha: Somepony stole my lunch money.
Emily: That's no excuse to fight somepony. You should have came to me, or one of the teachers, and they would've made that pony bring the money back to you. *Hears phone ring* Excuse me Tasha. This shouldn't take too long. *Picks up phone* Hello?
Bob: How is everything going with Burt?
Emily: Fine, fine. Can we talk about this another time? I have one of the students in my office.
Bob: Oh, sorry. I just finished up with a client, and I thought about you, so that's why I'm talking to you.
Emily: Okay, thank you Bob, but you gotta talk to me later, okay?
Bob: Okay. *Hangs up*
Emily: *Puts phone away* Okay, who was the pony that stole your money?
Tasha: Mat Beene.
Emily: Okay, you head back to class, and I'll make Mat give you your money back. Okay?
Tasha: Thank you Mrs. Newhart.
Emily: You're welcome.
Tasha: *Walks out of office*
Burt: You handled that pretty well.
Emily: Thank you. Enjoying that book?
Burt: Well, it's fine, but when I saw the back of the book, it scared me.
Emily: Why?
Burt: Shel Silverstein looks like a pony that should be robbing banks, or living a life of crime. Not writing books.
Emily: Why? Because of his beard?
Burt: Yep.

While Burt was with Emily, Bob got another patient in his office. It was a pony dressed as a clown.

Bob: So, what exactly can I help you with?
Clown: I'm always tired of everypony making fun of me.
Bob: What do you mean by that?
Clown: Everypony keeps laughing at me!
Bob: That's the problem?
Clown: Yes!
Bob: Did you ever think about why they're laughing at you?
Clown: No, that's why I came to see you.
Bob: Did you ever realize that the reason they laugh at you is because of what you do?
Clown: What are you talking about?
Bob: They way you dress, what you do for a living, and some of the things that you do.
Clown: Are you suggesting that they should laugh at me.
Bob: You're a clown. They're supposed to laugh at you.
Clown: Oh, I thought they were supposed to be scared of me.
Bob: I'm sure there's a few ponies that are scared of clowns.
Clown: Okay, thank you Mr. Newhart. *Leaves office*
Jerry: *Walks into office* What was that all about?
Bob: Somepony confused about what he wanted to do in his life. What's up?
Jerry: I got this patient that thinks I tried hurting him on purpose.
Bob: Why does he think that?
Jerry: This pony is like 12 years old, and still has a few baby teeth. I was trying to pull one of them out, but my hoof slipped, and it hit that colt in the face.
Bob: I'll be there soon. *Gets on phone* Carol.
Carol: Yes?
Bob: Jerry needs my help with something. I'll be out of my office for a few minutes.
Carol: Okay.
Bob: Let's go.

Jerry took Bob into his office.

Jerry: *Sees colt in chair* Alright kid, here's a friend of mine I'd like you to meet, his name is Bob, and he's a therapist.
Bob: Hello.
12 year old: Hi.
Bob: So, Jerry says that you think he hit you on purpose.
12 year old: He did!
Bob: Well, to tell you the truth, he didn't.
12 year old: What are you talking about?!
Bob: You know how sometimes, when somepony tried to carry, or pull something heavy, their hooves slip.
12 year old: Oh, I see now. So his hoof slipped, and hit my face when he tried pulling my tooth out.
Bob & Jerry: Yes.
12 year old: Okay. Well, I'm ready to have my baby tooth pulled out.
Jerry: Alright. Back to work. *Grabs medical tools*
Bob: Alright, you two have fun. I'm going back to my office. *Walks back to office*
Carol: Bob, do you want anything to drink?
Bob: How about a water, instead of coffee today?
Carol: Coming right up Bob.
Howard: *Walks into office* Hey Bob.
Bob: Howard, what are you doing here?
Howard: I got a vacation from work, and I decided to come see you before going to Manehattan.
Bob: What can I do to help you?
Howard: I think I'm obsessed with food.
Bob: That's not a surprise.
Carol: *Arrives with drink*
Bob: Thank you Carol. *Takes drink*
Carol: You're welcome. Call me if you need anything else.
Howard: You don't understand, I think I eat too much.
Bob: Then stop eating. You don't need to come see me for this.
Howard: But I do. You're intelligent, and you know how to solve everypony's problems.
Bob: I think I knew that.
Howard: Okay. I'm going to Manehattan now. I'll see you when I get back.
Bob: I'm looking forward to it.

Another day's work was completed for Bob. He was at his house, getting ready to meet Jerry.

Emily: Where are you going?
Bob: I'm going to see Jerry. Remember, I told you about this yesterday.
Emily: I don't like him.
Bob: Emily, just because Jerry is a new friend that I like doesn't mean you have to hate him.
Emily: It's not that, but what happened two days ago, with you not being with me, and Howard showing up, and destroying the dinner I made. Then, Burt shows up-
Bob: Okay, really? Jerry had nothing to do with Burt's divorce.
Burt: *Arrives* What are the both of you talking about?
Emily: Somepony that Bob is friends with.
Bob: Look Emily, I really need to get going. He wants me to meet him at the zoo.
Burt: I love zoos. May I come along?
Bob: No, but I'll take you to the zoo another time. *Leaves apartment room*
Burt: How about that?
Emily: Bob is like that sometimes.

Bob took a taxi cab, and went to the zoo, where he was supposed to meet Jerry.

Bob: *Looking around*
Jerry: *Arrives in a brand new corvette*
Bob: *Looks inside car* Jerry?
Jerry: Yeah. What do you think about this beauty?
Bob: Well, you never told me about your interest in cars.
Jerry: You never asked. Get in.
Bob: *Gets in*
Jerry: *Turns around on other side of road, and drives to his house*
Bob: So, what do you want to do when we get to your place?
Jerry: A football game is gonna start in ten minutes. If we get to my house on time, we'll watch the game.
Bob: Good.

When they got to Jerry's apartment, Jerry's son was watching TV. He was a white eleven year old colt, with a brown mane, and tail that looked exactly like Big Mac's. On the TV was a commercial, where a mare was showing a pair of dentures/

Mare: If you wear a denture. Take this simple test. Press your tongue against it, like this. *Presses tongue against dentures* IT MOOOOOOVES!!!!! DO YOU FEEL IT?!!!!? IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!
Jerry's Son: *Switches channel, but another commercial is playing*
Stallion: Do you go on the internet a lot? Do you hate seeing all the advertisements that pop up out of nowhere? Then, allow us to give you our free services, with a new company we created called Spamdex. We do the opposite of what you want us to do, and constantly make more advertisements pop up on your computer. Spamdex always finds commercials that will...

*Replay when it gets to the ending, making you get off the internet just to make it stop.
*Annoy you.
*Cost you money. In fact, we collect one dollar a minute for every commercial you watch.

Stallion: And the best thing is that we put a virus on your computer, so you have to accept what we're doing. Is it illegal? Who cares? We'll do it anyway.
Jerry & Bob: *Walk into house*
Jerry: Hi son.
Jerry's Son: Dad, how's it going?
Jerry: Excellent. I'd like you to meet a friend. His name is Bob.
Bob: Pleasure to meet you. What's your name?
Jerry's Son: Dylan.
Jerry: Hey good, the game is on. It's like you knew we were coming Dylan, thank you!
Bob: We got stuck behind red lights on the way over here.
Dylan: Got ya.

Bob, and Jerry were watching the football game on TV. The Fillydelphia Eagles were going against the St. Foalis Rams.

Jerry: This oughta be an interesting game.
Bob: Personally, I think St. Foalis is good with baseball, but not football.
Jerry: Hey, everypony has their own opinion.
Bob: Can I ask you a question?
Jerry: Yeah, but make it quick. I wanna watch the game.
Bob: I'm kind of surprised that you wanted to meet up at a zoo, because you're a fan of sports. I thought we'd meet up at a ballpark, or something like that.
Jerry: As much as I like sports, I thought the zoo would be a good spot to meet up.
Bob: Ah, excellent.
Announcer: And one of the ponies for the Eagles has just got the ball, and he's running to make the goal. The twenty! The ten! Touchdown, by the Fillydelphia Eagles, making the score 6 to 0.
Bob: Ah, good.
Jerry: Hey Dylan, how would you like some pizza?
Dylan: Sure. Do you want me to make the call?
Jerry: Go for it buddy.
Dylan: *Grabs phone, and starts calling a pizza place*
Bob: He's gonna make the kick off.
Eagles Pony 3: *Kicks ball*
Announcer: And the kick is good. The Eagles now have 7 points, and are winning against the Rams.
Dylan: Hi, is the The Only Place In Fillydelphia That Sells, And Makes Pizza?
Pizza Pony: Please, just call us Topiftsamp.
Dylan: What?
Pizza Pony: That's short for The Only Place In Fillydelphia That Sells, And Makes Pizza.
Dylan: Okay. Dad, what do you want on the pizza?
Jerry: Get half of it sausage with broccoli. The other half will be for Bob, and I'll get two slices for you.
Bob: Can I have pepperoni on mine?
Jerry: Alright. Make Bob's half of the pie pepperoni.
Dylan: Got it.
Pizza Pony: Are you ready?
Dylan: Yeah. Can we please have a pie that has sausage, and broccoli on one half, and pepperoni on the other half?
Pizza Pony: You got it. Will you have your usual Dylan.
Dylan: Aw *Laughing* How'd you know it was me?
Pizza Pony: Because you're always ordering pizza on the phone. How's your father?
Dylan: He's great. Right now he invited a friend over, and they're watching football.
Pizza Pony: Okay. I'll come by with the pizza.
Dylan: Good, thank you. *Hangs up*
Announcer: And, we'll continue with the game after these commercials.
Bob: Hey Jerry, can I tell you something?
Jerry: What?
Bob: My wife doesn't want me to hang out with you.
Jerry: What? Why not?
Bob: She says it's because of what happened two days ago when we were watching baseball at my place. She wasn't expecting you over.
Jerry: That's not fair.
Bob: I tried explaining that to her, but she won't listen. I'll try to talk to her again tonight when I get home. After we talk, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Jerry: Alright. Thanks for telling me. Back when I was at Chicagoat, many ponies would just stop being friends with me, and they wouldn't explain why.
Bob: Well, it's not that I don't like you, it's my wife that doesn't like you. I'll talk to her tonight, okay?
Jerry: Yeah. Thank you.

Bob enjoyed visiting Jerry, but was looking forward to talking to Emily about seeing Jerry.

Emily: *Watching TV*
Bob: *Arrives at house* Honey, I'm home.
Emily: Great dear. How was your stay at Jerry's?
Bob: Not too bad. Listen, about Jerry, I want to talk to you about that.
Emily: I do too. Why don't you talk about it first?
Bob: No, I think it would be best if you talk first.
Emily: Very well. I was thinking about it, and I think it's great that you're making new friends. That's part of the job for being a therapist, and I want you to know that I'm fine with you seeing Jerry. Now, what do you want to say?
Bob: I think you said it all for me.
Emily: Okay.
Bob: What are you watching?
Emily: I was watching Gilligan's Island, but now there's a commercial on.
Commercial Pony: Mom!

A random noise could be heard, but no one is entirely sure what the noise is.

Commercial Pony: *Running upstairs* MOOOOOOM!!!
Commercial Pony's mom: *Asleep in shower*
Commercial Pony: Oh no.
Random Pony: This mother was lucky her daughter happened to stop by. Can your mom or dad reach a phone in such an emergency?
Bob: Nope. Let's change the channel.
Emily: *Changes channel*
Random Pony: For over a year, the internet has shown many ponies advertisements, and nearly everyone that goes on the computer gets annoyed with it. Because of this, we created our own company called Spamdex. Spamdex constantly sends advertisements to interrupt you, and prevent you from doing what you want to do, which is called spamming, and that's why our company name is called Spamdex. We know you won't want us to send you advertisements, so we send a virus that you can't get rid of. This virus stays on your computer, and allows us to do what we do best. Spam the internet with advertisements.
Bob: I saw one of their commercials already. Let's find something else.
Emily: *Changes channel* Great. Another commercial.
Bob: Oh no, not this commercial again.
Emily: You saw it before?
Bob: Yeah, just watch it, and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Mare: If you wear a denture. Take this simple test. Press your tongue against it, like this. *Presses tongue against dentures* IT MOOOOOOVES!!!!! DO YOU FEEL IT?!!!!? IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!
Emily: *Turns off TV* I see what you mean.
Bob: So, there's nothing to watch, and I guess it's almost 10, so I'm going to bed.

The next day, Bob was back at work.

Bob: *In office*
Jerry: *Knocking on door*
Bob: Come in.
Jerry: *Enters* Hey, what did your wife say?
Bob: She said it's okay for us to hang out together.
Jerry: Yes! *Jumps in air with joy*

The End.
added by TimberHumphrey
added by TimberHumphrey
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
Poor Brad :(
my little pony friendship is magic
added by zanhar1
Source: Yunyin
added by Jade_23
Source: Equestria Daily, DeviantArt
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook
added by twinklestar11
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: 2xq
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor, EQD
added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Classroom

Starring Snow Wonder as Ms. Schultz
Tom as Gary
Astrel Sky as Maria
Sunny as herself
Pleiades as Brianna
Double Scoop as James
Aina as Lauren

Today was just like any ordinary day at school. It was very boring.

Audience: *Laughing*
Gary: I don't know why we still have to go here, when most schools are already finished.
James: I heard the principal was high on something.
Gary: Typical.
Audience: *Laughing*
Gary: Ah well, at least Lauren isn't here.
Lauren: *Arrives*
Audience: *Laughing*
James: You spoke too soon man.
Lauren: Where's the teacher?
Gary: I don't know Lauren. Why don't...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by Seanthehedgehog
More ponies speaking Japanese for your entertainment. Especially you Mirage, I know you liked hearing a certain pony that's addicted to sex speaking Japanese.
rainbow dash
my little pony
my little pony friendship is magic
awwwww~ i wish i have a big brother like that...but im the eldest...well,i guess i have to be a good big sister then :)
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joyreactor