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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & Cosmic_Fusions Present

A My Little Pony Fan Fiction

Starring Tom Foolery & Nikki West in...

Ring Of Fire

Also Starring Komano from SeanTheHedgehog

STH's Larry Wilcox as Fred Greenley

And introducing SeanTheHedgehog's newest OC, Hunter

Also starring Amethyst Star as Melanie Lockmann
Goldengrape as Edward Calabrese
Comet Tail as Carlos Licciardi
Royal Riff as Benny Mulloch

Based off of the 1961 film of the same title

The song fades away as we focus on a gas station. Tom is outside with Komano, and Edward. There are no customers at the moment, so they watch the numerous ponies cruise past in their automobiles, going to various locations in Ponyville.

Tom: It sure is a busy day today.
Komano: For everypony else, thankfully.
Edward: I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of those cars came towards us.

A red Chevrolet Cruze came towards them. The driver is Nikki.

Tom: She doesn't count. She wasn't with those hundreds of other ponies on Church Street.
Nikki: *Stops at a gas pump*
Tom: *Opens the gas tank on Nikki's car* Good afternoon Nikki.
Nikki: Hi Tom. Will you please fill it regular? *Gives Tom her credit card*
Tom: You know it. *Scans her card, then gives it back to Nikki* All good at the landscaping company?
Nikki: We've been selling mostly flowers, but we also got a few trees, and bushes out of the way.
Tom: *Starts filling up Nikki's gas tank* My cousin was just telling me that he wanted to start up a garden back at his house. Now I don't know if you help out any ponies in Frenchtown, but it is in Neigh Jersey. It's right next to the Delamare River.
Nikki: We help lots of ponies in Frenchtown. We even help out a few ponies from out of state. *Gives Tom her contact card* Now you give your cousin this, and tell him to come see me.
Tom: Sure thing. *Watches the pump stop* You only want $8.50?
Nikki: I'm just topping it off.
Tom: *Takes the nozzle out of the car, and back on the pump* It sure was a pleasure to see you again. Want a receipt?
Nikki: No.
Tom: Do you want one now?
Nikki: *Laughs*
Tom: Hey, have a good afternoon.
Nikki: Thank you. *Starts her car, and drives away*
Komano: She always goes to Tom.
Edward: He's a lucky stallion.

After seeing Tom, Nikki went back to the landscaping company to continue her work.

Mare 25: You get to see Tom again at Wawa?
Nikki: Shut up. *Laughs*
Mare 25: When are you going to ask him out?
Nikki: We're only friends.

Another mare walks over to them.

Melanie: Can any of you help me find a tree?
Nikki: I got you covered.
Melanie: Thank you. By the way, I'm new to Ponyville. I'm Melanie Lockmann.
Nikki: I'm Nikki West. Put 'er there. *Shakes hooves with Melanie* So what kind of tree are you lookin' for?
Melanie: Anything with some nice leaves, or flowers on it. Show me the prettiest trees you have.
Benny: *Sitting in a black Audi* Melanie should have been back by now. *Steps out of the car, and grabs a lighter. He lights a cigarette, and starts smoking* I knew I should have gone with her. *Walks towards a big red barn*

The two mares were far from Benny. The tree section was huge.

Melanie: Wow Nikki. You weren't joking when you said there would be lots to choose from.
Nikki: I got the same reaction from many of my customers. Take as much time as you need.
Benny: Your time is up! I want to go back home.
Melanie: Come on Benny, we just got here.
Benny: *Pointing his cigarette towards Melanie* You do as I say, or else.
Nikki: You ain't mentioned this gentle colt to me Melanie.
Melanie: We're dating. His name is Benny.
Benny: That's right. Don't you try to steal my mare from me.
Nikki: I'm not a lesbian.
Melanie: I'm sorry Nikki. When I have enough time, I'll come back.
Benny: I doubt you'll ever have the time to come back. We got work to do, and I gotta buy more cigarettes.

Nikki watched the unfortunate pair leave.

Nikki: Smoking really is a bad habit. I bet he was much nicer before he started smoking.

Benny dropped his wife off at their new house.

Benny: I'm going to get more cigarettes. You better have that house cleaned up by the time I get back. *Drives away*
Melanie: I love you too.
Benny: *Looks at his gas gauge* I better fill up my car while I'm at it. I only got a quarter of a tank.

Tom, and his friends had five cars at their station so far. Komano, and Edward each had two, while Tom only had one. He was just getting her up to twenty, when Benny pulled up behind her.

Tom: Okay. *Takes the nozzle out of her car's gas tank* You're set to go. May I grab a-
Benny: *Honks his horn*
Tom: Don't do that, I'll be right there!!
Benny: *Leans on the horn for ten seconds*
Komano: *Runs over to Benny* What are you honking your horn for?
Benny: *Gives Komano a credit car* Fill it premium.
Komano: Yes sir, but what was all that about?
Benny: Your buddy made me wait.
Komano: You just got here, and he would have gotten to you in five seconds.
Tom: *Arrives* I was just grabbing a receipt for that mare.
Benny: Hurry up with that card. I need to buy some cigarettes.
Komano: *Swipes the card* Here. *Gives it back to Benny*
Benny: About time. *Walks away*
Komano: *Fills up Benny's Audi with premium*
Tom: Why is it always the Audi's that cause trouble?
Komano: It's a good thing we barely get any of those.

As Benny walked into the store, Fred Greenley arrived.

Fred: *Gets out of his police car* Time to get a hot dog.
Benny: Give me two packs of cigarettes over there.
Cashier: Sure. What brand?
Benny: Any brand.
Cashier: *Grabs two packs of Marlboro*
Fred: *Arrives with a hot dog, and a Mountain Dew* Hey, how have you been?
Cashier: Fine. Just helping this stallion get some cigarettes. $9.50
Benny: *Gives the cashier his credit card*
Fred: You new here?
Benny: Yes. I don't know why I allowed my wife to drag me into this lame city. What's it called again?
Fred: Ponyville.
Benny: What a dumb name. Forget about the receipt. *Grabs his cigarettes, and walks away*
Fred: What's his problem?
Cashier: *Points to the head with one of her hooves*

Back outside, Benny was walking towards his car, and already started smoking one of his cigarettes.

Komano: Excuse me.
Benny: *Stops walking, and turns around* What?
Komano: You can't smoke on the fuel court.
Benny: Why not?
Komano: It's a gas station. You know, that flammable liquid.
Benny: Alright, I'll play along. *Walks towards the curb*
Komano: Great, he's gonna hold up traffic.
Stallion 53: *Passes the Audi, and stops in front of him*
Tom: *Walks over to him*
Stallion 53: What's with that black car back there?
Tom: Just your typical Audi driver.
Benny: *Smoking his cigarette, then throws it onto the concrete*

The wind blew it out within a few seconds, and moved it by only two inches.

Nikki went on her laptop, and searched for Tom on facebook.

Tom: *Uploading a picture onto facebook from his cell phone. He receives a notification from Nikki West* A friend request? This is a nice surprise.

Tom was helping her again at the gas station.

Nikki: You think we could hang out, perhaps?
Tom: I'm down for that. Where would you like to go?
Nikki: The park. I love that stream, and I also like walking past all those trees.
Tom: *Stops the gas pump* You're at 20. You don't want that receipt.
Nikki: That's right.
Tom: *Puts the nozzle back on the pump, then closes up Nikki's tank* You're good to go.
Nikki: *Starts her car, and drives away*
Komano: *Walks over to Tom* Something tells me that you like her.
Tom: I do. She's a good friend.
Komano: So you don't love her?

Meanwhile at the landscaping company.

Mare 25: I'll say it again. When are you going to ask him out?
Nikki: Tom's just a friend. Besides, we don't know that much about each other.
Komano: I checked your Facebook page. She's one of your friends now.
Tom: That doesn't mean we love each other.
Komano: I'll keep my eyes open on there.
Tom: You do that.
Mare 25: I bet fifty bucks that you actually do love him.
Nikki: Anything you say.

One evening, Tom and Nikki talked to each other on Facebook. They used a live chat feature.

Tom: Hello Nikki.
Nikki: Hi Tom. What's up?
Tom: I'm going to ride my bicycle. I have another one, but it's getting new tires, for a dirt track I want to try out.
Nikki: You do BMX races?
Tom: When I have the appropriate days off from Wawa.
Nikki: I do a little bit of riding myself. One day we should do that together. I know a good path by the Delamare River.
Tom: Frenchtown?
Nikki: Yeah. If you're available next Saturday, I'd be happy to join you.
Tom: Sure. I'm looking forward to it. Hey, what about tomorrow? You have that day off? I think that would be a good day to go to the park you mentioned.
Nikki: Okay. Can you meet me at 10 in the morning?
Tom: Sure. See you then.

Tom met Nikki at the park.

Tom: What do you wanna do first?
Nikki: *Hugs Tom as she kisses him*
Tom: Whoa.
Nikki: My friends told me to. I hope you don't mind.
Tom: Not at all. In fact. *Kisses Nikki*

They walked down one of the path's in the park. Lots of trees were on both sides, and on the right side of the path was a stream.

Tom: Ever since I was five, I always enjoyed skipping stones.
Nikki: No kiddin'. I do too.
Tom: Best two out of three, let's see who can go the farthest.

They both stood inside the water, each holding a trio of flat stones.

Tom: On the count of three. One.
Nikki: Two.
Tom: Three. *Skips his stone*
Nikki: *Skips her stone, but it goes in the water first*
Tom: Looks like I got lucky there.
Nikki: Well hopefully, I can win this one.
Tom: Two.
Nikki: *Laughs* Three.

They both threw their stones at the same time, but Nikki was the one who went the furthest.

Nikki: Woo-hoo!
Tom: One last round, remember?
Nikki: I still have a chance.
Tom: One, two.
Nikki: Three! *Skips her stone, but it doesn't go very far* What?
Tom: Bad luck there, you didn't go far, because of that one stone sticking out.
Nikki: I tried to stay clear of it, but it sorta slipped out of my hoof.
Tom: Let's see what else we can find through here.

They continued walking down the path, and crossed a bridge going over another part of the stream.

Tom: Something about water really makes me calm, especially if it's a waterfall. Not one of those big ones like they have in Africa, but something smaller. Something quiet enough for you to hear everything else. The animals, the leaves in the trees. It's a very peaceful feeling.
Nikki: I only like water for keeping my plants healthy. You should come to my place sometime and I can show you all of my flowers.
Tom: I'd like that. We must do that together sometime after our bike ride on Saturday.
Nikki: How about Sunday?
Tom: I volunteer on the Black River & Western on Sundays.
Nikki: Hey, that sounds like fun. I always wanted to drive engine 60.
Tom: I'll see if I can arrange that for you.

Ringoes, Neigh Jersey.

Tom: *Walking with Nikki* How's 60 today?
Carlos: Tom, good morning.
Hunter: 60's in great shape. We're getting the fire started now.
Tom: This is a good friend of mine, Nikki West.
Nikki: Howdy.
Carlos: I'm Carlos Licciardi.
Hunter: And I'm Hunter. Pleased to meet you.
Tom: We were hoping you'd let Nikki drive engine 60.
Hunter: Alright. She can help us get the passenger cars over to the station.
Nikki: Yay!

Once the fire got ready in the firebox, the water began to boil, and create steam.

Carlos: We have enough pressure to move. Release the brakes, and open the throttle.
Nikki: *Releases the brakes, and makes 60 move forward*
Tom: Very good. Now, we don't want to go too fast. Keep an eye on the speedometer, and keep it below 10 miles an hour.
Nikki: Right, because this ain't like a car. It's gonna take a little longer to slow down if I apply the brakes.
Tom: You got the hang of it.

Nikki gently got the engine to couple up to three passenger cars, and a caboose.

Tom: Alright, good work. Now back the train into the station.
Nikki: *Gently pulls the throttle back, making 60 go backwards as it pulls the train into the station*
Ponies: *Waiting on the station platform*
Nikki: *Closes the throttle*
Tom: *Looks out the cab, and sees the train stopping perfectly at the station* Alright, good job.
Nikki: I'll see you later Tom.
Tom: You're not going to stay?
Nikki: I have to buy a ticket if I'm going to ride this train, don't I?
Tom: Hunter, what do you and Carlos have to say to that?
Hunter: You can stay Nikki.
Carlos: I'm glad Tom brought you over here.
Nikki: Thanks guys. *Kisses Tom*
Tom: *Kissing Nikki*
Hunter: Hey, when'd you start dating?
Tom: Yesterday.
Nikki: I love him.

Monday morning, Tom was back at work at Wawa. The gas station had seven cars. Tom, Edward, and Komano were having a good time.

Edward: Alright, have a good day.
Mare 52: Thank you. *Drives away in a Pontiac*
Tom: *Opens a gas tank on a mini-van* Good morning.
Mare 88: Hi, can you fill it please?
Tom: I'd be happy to, but with what?
Mare 88: Regular.
Tom: Yes ma'am. *Takes her credit card, and swipes it*
Benny: *Arriving in his Audi*
Komano: Uh oh. It's this stallion again.
Benny: *Steps out of his car, and smokes a cigarette*
Komano: Tom, look out!
Tom: *Turns around, and sees Benny smoking a cigarette*
Benny: *Walking towards Tom* When will these two cars be out of my way?
Tom: Stay back!
Benny: What is wrong with you?
Tom: You don't smoke cigarettes at a gas station!
Benny: Why not?

The wind started to blow towards Benny. Vapors from a gas pump caught on fire, and it set the car on fire.

Stallion 95: Whoa!
Mare 88: *Looks back*
Benny: *Running towards the curb, and throws his cigarette onto the mulch* There. Mulch doesn't catch on fire. Right?

Benny was wrong. He started a second fire as the cigarette made the mulch go into flames.

Tom: Call the fire department! I'm gonna grab an extinguisher, and try to put it out myself!
Edward: I'll evacuate the customers.
Ponies: *Running towards Edward*
Edward: Follow me! Get to a safe distance!
Benny: *Running towards his car*
Komano: Oh no you don't! *Stops Benny* You need to get your head examined.
Benny: Buzz off!
Komano: You're going to stay here until the police arrive. This is your fault. You will suffer the consequences.
Benny: I didn't even get to buy my cigarettes.
Komano: Your life's not important right now? Cigarettes are more valuable? You're pathetic.
Tom: *Runs over* Did you call the fire department?
Komano: Yeah, and the State Troopers are also on their way.
Tom: Good. *Looks at Benny* I hope you're proud of what you've done. I was able to put the fire out on this car, but the second one you started with that mulch is too big for me to handle on my own.

Benny stayed silent until the police arrived.

Fred: Hello everypony.
Tom: Goodbye Benny.
Komano: Don't come back ever again.
Benny: Don't worry. When I get out of jail, I'll move straight back to Manehattan.

The fire was getting towards Route 31. It got too close to a propane truck. A big explosion occurred, and the fire continued spreading around Ponyville.

Fred: *Pushes Benny towards another police pony* Take him to our barracks in Kingwood. I'm going to stay here and try my best to help out until the Fire Department arrives.
Police Pony 55: You got it Sarge. *Takes Benny away*
Fred: We may have to evacuate everypony out of here.
Tom: But where, and how?
Hunter: *Arrives in a Toyota Camry*
Fred: Ringoes?
Tom: *Sees Hunter* Good. I know how we can do this.

The Fire Department was on it's way to help, but three cars, and part of the fire was blocking their path. A small explosion sent some fire to one of their trucks.

Fire Pony 49: Put that fire out, now!! HURRY!!
Fred: How much time until the fire department gets here?
Police Pony 19: One of their trucks caught on fire, and they're blocked by a few cars, and part of that fire.
Fred: Alright, we gotta evacuate everyone out of here.
Tom: Hunter and I will get 60 with a few passenger cars. We'll get everypony to safety with our train.
Fred: Good luck.
Tom: *Nods* Komano, let Edward, and our boss know where I am.
Komano: Right Tom.
Tom: *Runs into Hunter's Camry*
Hunter: Where to Tom?
Tom: Call Carlos, and let him know to meet us at Ringoes. We're getting a train set up to get everypony to safety.
Hunter: You got it. *Drives away*

Komano was telling Edward about Tom going to Ringoes.

Edward: What's he doing there?
Komano: He's a volunteer on the Black River & Western. He's helping everypony evacuate to Ringoes.
Edward: Well, I hope it doesn't take too long.

Over at Rutgers Landscaping Nursery in Ringoes, Nikki heard some of her co-workers talking about the fire in Ponyville.

Mare 68: They're planning to evacuate everypony, at least that's what I understand so far.
Nikki: Where?
Mare 25: Ponyville.
Nikki: That's where Tom works.
Mare 25: You wanna leave early, and see if he's okay?
Nikki: What'll our manager say?
Boss: *Behind Nikki* Yes.
Nikki: *Turns around* Thank you.

Hunter and Tom were getting close to Ringoes.

Tom: Hopefully Carlos has 60 ready at the station with our train.
Hunter: And with some of the burning trees, we might even get some extra fuel. *Chuckles*
Tom: Sure Hunter.
Hunter: *Turns into the parking lot* I can see the smoke from 60. Carlos got everything ready for us.
Tom: Good. We can't afford to waste anymore time. *Runs out of the car with Hunter*
Carlos: *Watching Tom arrive with Hunter* About time you showed up.
Tom: *Climbs into the cab with Hunter* You ready?
Carlos: *Nods* Let's do this. *Makes 60 go backwards, pulling the passenger cars to Ponyville*

Everyone in Ponyville was preparing the evacuation. Many police cars were blocking intersections to make it easier for everyone to make it to the train station. An alarm was heard all over town: link

Ponies: *Driving out of Ponyville*
Police Pony 74: Attention. There is a large, uncontrollable fire in Ponyville. Everyone must evacuate. If you do not have any means of transportation, go to the train station at once. We repeat, if you do not have any means of transportation, go to the train station at once.
Tom: *Stops the train at the station*
Hunter: I'll help the others get on board.
Nikki: *Slides her car into a parking lot, and runs to the train station*
Hunter: We're getting the engine onto the other side of our train. Please remain calm, and get on board the train one at a time.

Everypony slowly got on board the three passenger cars.

Nikki: *Running into the cab of engine 60*
Tom: Nikki, what are you doing here?
Nikki: I heard about the fire, and I came to make sure you were alright.
Tom: Look, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
Nikki: *Hugs Tom* I'm not leaving you!
Tom: Alright. Carlos, you okay riding in one of the cars with Hunter?
Carlos: If I must. *Steps out of the cab*
Hunter: *Sees Carlos* What's going on?
Carlos: Tom's girlfriend arrived.
Hunter: Oh. Well, at least you can help me get the passengers out of here once we reach Ringoes.
Carlos: *Watching five more ponies get on board* Is that everyone?
Mare 92: I think so.
Hunter: Okay!! *Waving to Tom* We're good to go!!!
Tom: Alright, let's move. *Drives the train to Ringoes* I could use you as my firepony.
Nikki: Okay. When do you want me to start putting coal in the firebox?
Tom: When the time comes, I'll tell you.

They left Ponyville, and were entering Ringoes. They almost escaped the wildfire. They just had to cross a bridge going over a road, and a stream. Above the bridge was a tree, and it caught on fire. One of it's branches were close to falling off. If it did, it would destroy the bridge.

Nikki: Tom, look at that big branch on that tree.
Tom: Don't worry about it. We'll make it across. Only trouble is we need to slow down. We could derail if we don't.

The train slowly made it's way across the bridge, but the branch was slowly moving closer to the ground.

Hunter: *Looks at the branch* Oh god.
Carlos: It's alright. We need to get the other two coaches across, and we'll be okay.

By the time the third coach passed the tree, that's when the branch snapped. It destroyed part of the bridge, and the last coach's rear wheels were stuck. Engine 60 was slipping as the train stopped.

Tom: What happened?! *Closes the throttle*
Nikki: *Looks back* It seems that the third coach is stuck.
Tom: *Pouring sand on the rails, and opens the throttle again* We'll make it out of here.

The eight drive wheels began to slip again, but after a few seconds, and with more sand, 60 managed to get the third coach's rear wheels back on track.

Nikki: *Sighs* That was close.
Tom: *Looks back, as the rest of the bridge gets demolished*
Nikki: So what do we do when we reach Ringoes?
Tom: Get everypony to a safe spot. I'm very glad we survived. I don't think anypony even got killed from that fire.
Nikki: That's good too, because we gotta go on that bicycle ride on Saturday.
Tom: *Chuckles, and kisses Nikki*

The End

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog & Cosmic_Fusions Production.

The Leaders In Fan Fictions

Copyright. July 16, 2018
posted by Seanthehedgehog
When Gordon heard what Pete said, he went to work right away. His job was very easy, pushing freight cars very slowly in a train yard.

Worker: *Uncoupling freight cars*
Gordon: *Going slowly*
Red Rose: *sees chemical car* Oh jeez. Everytime a chemical car is in this yard, things always go wrong.
Worker: *Sees Chemical car* I'm going to put the brakes on this thing before uncoupling it. *sets brakes on*
Gordon: *Notices something* Why are we going slower? *Pushes lever to go faster*
Worker: *Falls off chemical car*
Red Rose: Gordon, slow down!
Gordon: Shut the fuck up, you worthless prick.
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“Mush! Mush!”

“Will you cut that out?!”

Off to the west, amongst towering thunderheads and unsettled rainclouds, Wild Fire and her passenger touch down. Much to Stylo’s relief, this ride was much more enjoyable than the last one.

He hopped off Wild Fire’s back and took a look around. They weren’t alone – many other pegasi darted this way and that, clearing away the stormy vapor. He spied colts and mares of all different colors – there was an orange one, and a pink one, and a gray one, and… a rainbow one.

“Oh hey, there’s Rainbow,” Wild Fire commented, waving to her captain....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Gordon, and Coffee Creme kept arguing about who was to blame for breaking the heater.

Gordon: You broke it you piece of hell! How am I supposed to stay warm while it's freezing?
Coffee Creme: Uh? You could go excercize?
Gordon: NO!
Coffee Creme: Ok...
Hawkeye: Hey, I have an idea. Let's not argue, and head to the kitchen to get some beans.
Gordon: No, I don't like beans. You two go in, I'll stay here.
Hawkeye: Ok, but you won't get warm over there. *Enters kitchen*
Coffee Creme: *Follows* Are we allowed here?
Hawkeye: Yeah, this place is closed, and we're workers on this line. Now let's find some...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is the 16th Con Mane story. I know I said I wouldn't do these anymore, but how could I stop making these? It all began in San Franciscolt.

Con: *riding taxi*
Taxi: *Stops at drug store* That'll be three dollars.
Con: *Pays taxi driver* Thanks. *walks out of taxi* *enters drugstore*
Cashier: Are you 0007?
Con: Yes.
Cashier: P is waiting for you in the back parking lot.
Con: Thanks. *Walks away*
P: *Waiting by car*
Con: *Arrives* Hello sir.
P: Hi Con.
Con: What did you want to show me?
P: I've got a video sent to me from M.I.6. They're saying that a pony in Scotland is trying to create a zombie...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
When I got home that afternoon, I went straight to my room with Leo.

Rafe: Let's see here, I've got 105,000 points.
Leo: And three lives left. That thing you did in English was pretty awesome if I say so myself.

For a moment, I thought he was shouting at us, but he was mad at Georgia for switching the channel on the T.V.

Georgia: Nothing. I just wanted to-
Carl: I'm watching that! Don't change the channel.
Georgia: But you were sleeping!
Carl: No buts! You can watch the game with me, or get lost. Which one is it?
Georgia: *goes to her room*
Rafe: I hate when she yells...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Previously in Octavia Unchained, the KKK were complaining about what they wore, but now....

Octavia: *putting away cello*
Dexter: *looking out window* Octavia? We got company!
Octavia: *goes next to Dexter* Oh great. The bloody KKK. *grabs gun*
KKK Ponies: *riding towards house*
Dexter: They're on humans too!
Octavia: Not all of them *shoots pony*
KKK Pony 5: Our leader is dead!
Dexter: *kills KKK Pony 5*
KKK Pony 2: I still can't fucking see!!
Octavia: *kills more KKK Ponies*
KKK Pony 2: Are we the only one's left?
KKK Pony 1: I don't know!...
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After getting the Cello, Dexter gave Octavia some time to play it.

Octavia: *playing Octavia's Overture*
Dexter: *sits by Octavia* Have you played before?
Octavia: Yes, but not in a long time.
Dexter: You sound wonderful.
Octavia: Thank you.
Dexter: Please, continue playing.

While Octavia was playing her music, a group of ponies in the KKK were making a plan to attack. They were riding humans, and were all armed with guns.

KKK leader: Alright, see that house?
KKK ponies: Yeah.
KKK Leader: That's where Octavia Melody is. We need to get in there, and kill her! Now, put your masks on, and let's...
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"CoME B@cK!!! We jUsT w@Nt to plAy with YoU..!!" the gruesome creatures kept chasing after them,seeming tireless despite being dead

the trio let out a terrified scream as one of them emerged from the ground blockng them in all directions..but luckily Moonshine teleported and the chase continued,the journey to finding their companions,endless...with the evil creatures still onto them,not knowing how long it will take until they finally run out of energy...going through the blood red forest

"huh? i think were lost..." Moonlight said observing the environment "but since were already lost from...
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Twilight: Spike, take a note please.
Spike: -takes out paper and a quill-
Twilight: dear Princess Celestia, i'm here to report that we are stranded on a deserted, unknown island due to a plane crash. could you please send help? Your faithful studdent, Twilight Sparkle.
Spike: -blows note to Celestia's castle-
1 minute later....
Spike: -burps up a note from Celestia- Dear Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student, we are sending help right now. just stay calm and stay with your friends.
Rainbow Dash: wait wait wait wait wait. how long until help arrives.
Spike: hmm...about.....1 month.
Rainbow Dash:...
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posted by karinabrony
Hey, everypony! Today I will be talking about the app and telling you about it.

How to level up: By leveling up, you have to buy some shops. You can put ponies to work on there, for example, if you make Twilight Sparkle work there, and the flour is finished, you click on it to collect, and then you collect some experience points and bits. The more shops you have, the more experience and bits you will get.

How to send presents: You tap on your menu, and it says friends. You have about 8 or so. Tap them and press the present. That means you're giving them a gift, and they will give you one back...
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posted by alinah_09
The next was a holiday and also the time for that party in Ponyville

in Flame's home..he was eating breakfast and put his luggage in his living room

"i didnt get my name in that book but at least i got extra cake...besides i didnt really do anything special" he said munching his cereal

in Moonlight and Moonshine's home..they were also eating their breakfast...daffodil salad and orange juice

"hehe..cant wait.." Moonshine said eating a part of the salad with her fork being levitated

Moonlight washed down the salad with orange juice then replied "yeah,me...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It had just snowed barely an inch, and now we are focusing on the protagonists, as most of them are waiting in a house.

Sigmund is disguised as one of the hearse drivers, and is wired. The others are telling him what to do.

Ringo is waiting in her car. Buddy, and Click-Clack are in the house.

Buddy: Just wait here for a while. When they start moving, we give Ringo the word.
Click-Clack: Got it.
Rice: *parks his car*
Mafia: Hello boss. Do you have our cop?
Rice: Yes. We killed him yesterday, and we are going to incenerate him here.
Clint: The perfect opprotunity to do this, while we mournfully...
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>What is your OC's name?

>How old is he?
> 19
>What is his hobby?
> drawing
>Does he have any relatives?
> no relatives
>What is his personality?
> shy but assertive and competitive
>Does he know how to make friends easily?
>he doesn't know how to make friends easily
>Has he met any pony from the mane 6?
> he has met Rainbow Dash (they butt head quite often!)
>What was the most important thing he did in his life?
> he drew a picture of Celestia using magic
>What is his achievements?...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Number 7, and counting. I present to everypony Diamond Tiara's Are Forever.


Doughnut Joe................................Con Mane
Diamond Tiara...............................Miss. Filly
Silverspoon....................................Miss. Silver
Carrot Top.....................................Bambi
Berry Punch...................................Thumper
Pinkie Pie..............................................P
Discord............................................Ernst Staverald Discord
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The last solstice

Chapter 18: Truth revealed

The Princess of the Sun gazed at the spot where Nocturnal Mirage sat earlier this day. Celestia still could not believe she actually let him inside her fortress of solitude. She could not find a logical explanation why did she let a perfect stranger into places she blocked out her family and her closest friends from. But she knew one thing. Ever since the cobalt stallion set hoof in her suite, the voices in her head retreated, finally offering her a little peace.

The white alicorn idled in front of the busted mirror, stroking the burnt scars on her...
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posted by applejackrocks1
It was a Monday morning. As usual, Nikki got up very early. As she rubbed her eyes, she saw her little sister, still sleeping. She smiled. She immediately took a shower. She then brushed her teeth and mane. She placed her green bandana on her neck.

Meadow: *wakes up* *yawns*
Nikki: 'Morning Meadow!
Meadow: Good morning Sis.
Nikki: Any plans for today?
Meadow: Well, I was gonna go meet new friends.
Nikki: That's nice. *grabs apple*
Meadow: *brushes teeth*

Nikki's phone started to ring..

Nikki: *answers* Hello? Uh-Huh, yes, This is Nikki West. Yep. Yeah...Oh, okay.... Yeah, I know...Sure. I'll be...
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posted by applejackrocks1
Pinkie: NO! Rainbow Dash and I are going to beat you up!
SS: Really? So, you'll also say that you guys are better than me?
SS: Hush Rainbow, no need to cry.
SS: *whispers* yet...Anyways, let me finish what I've started. *charges at Pinkie*
Pinkie: *trips SS* *giggles*
RD: Pinkie, take AJ, Rarity, and Fluttershy to a safe place. I'll deal with her.
Pinkie: *salutes* (drags the 3 ponies somewhere)
SS: Come on Rainbow-
RD: How do you know my name?!
SS: I know everything dweeb. So, will you join me?
RD: Never. I prefer to die than to be a villain.
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con was at the airport about to make his way back to Canterlot when...

German pony23: *walks into airport*
Con: I'd like one ticket to Canterlot, Equestria.
german pony88: Sure.
German pony23: Con, come over here, quick!
Con: I have to go!
German pony88: But, your ticket!
Con: What is it?
German pony23: Fenix has gone missing, and his wife is beat up badly!
Con: Let's go then.

They arrived at Fenix's house

Con: Wait here, I'll be right back.
Roseluck: Con!
Con: Roseluck, what happened?
Roseluck: Some russians came here, and kidnapped Fenix, then brought his body back here.
Con: *spots body* There's a note....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The mountain with the buildings is the one Con must get up to.
The mountain with the buildings is the one Con must get up to.
Raiden didn't survive, but the secret weapon did. It wasn't until two days later when Con & The Resistance found out.

Con: I thought thta weapon would be gone.
Edward: You thought wrong my friend. Now the Irish are about to make the deal with the Mexicans in 3 hours, at this place north of our position.
Con: Then we'd better get a move on.
Edward: I don't know lad, there's hundreds of them, and we have only five stallions.
Carole: And one mare.
Con: Then we must go.

They arrived at the place, and Con got ready to climb the mountain.

Edward: You sure you got this?
Con: Yeah. *climbs up*
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
When Con got back from flying Little Mily, M.I.6 found the building where the W.M.D's were being manufactured.

Rareesa: It's at the space station?
Con: Looks like we might be going to where Luna was for 1,000 years.
S: We're not going to the moon Con.
Con: Well lets just stop these ponies now!

So they left, in Rareesa's EMW & with some pegasi carrying the others.

Rareesa: Here we are.
Con: Let's do this. *grabs MP5*

Con, and M.I.6 stormed into the space station killing some ponies that got in there way.

S: *grabs pen*
Con: You gonna blow someone up?
S: Pens don't always explode *shoots tranquilizer*...
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