Penguins of Madagascar Club
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The look of horror on their faces said it all, Skipper' face was bleeding, but he didn't notice... Considering 8 devil-tenticles were reaching out towards the girl he loved...

*March 20th... 5:30 a.m*
He could hear Rico snoring and Kowalski reciting pi. He was to cold to bother to open his eyes, until through his eyelids, he could see a glow. He hoisted himself up, and stumbled to the steel door, ready to slap Kowalski for waking him up. Instead, as soon as the door creaked open, he immediately realised that the glow wasn't from any of Kowalski's new inventions... It was actually from a old back-pack that had been carelessly thrown in a dusty corner of the room. He cautiously approached the bag, lifted it and dusted cob-webs off of it. He reached inside and pulled out a rusty-old necklace, that had a crystal blue gem in the middle, which was causing the glow. He inspected it for a second, where had he seen this before?

The 4 penguins were on a short trip to the Caribbean. Kowalski thought that this might be an ideal place for him to try and study and find the infamous ship-wreck of "The Crakin". "Legend has it that the Captain was the flying-dutchmen's son. He was lucky to not have had the curse of the Dutchman be bestowed apon him. But, he was a killer, he had a pet octopus as a child. He taught the animal how to hate, and how to follow his every command. He fed it, it grew to an enormous size. He released it into the ocean, but every day he would call it by singing it a song, a lullaby. It only came to him and listened to the singers commands."Kowalski said "So how does the song go?" Skipper asked. "No-one knows. It has been forgotten through the generations of storytelling. But legend also states that the ship was crafted out of gold, but it held a treasure much more powerful... A treasure that grants wishes." "Oh yay, wнч not call the fairy godmother?" Skipper smirked. "But... It comes with a cost, if you wish more than 3 wishes and only 3. You will be... *gulp* sent to david jones locker, the bad one." "So you mean hell?" Skipper said bored. "SKIPPER!" Rico blocked Privates ears as Kowalski screamed. "Wa? It aint sailors talk or anything, that's what it is, done and dusted."

Skipper was walking on the beach, when he noticed something wedged between two rocks. He walked over and pulled it out, it was rusted old necklace with a crystal-blue gem in the middle. Skipper placed it into a bag, planning to ask Kowalski about it later...


"But wнч is the gem glowing?" Skipper thought. He inspected it, he saw a shadow behind him. "HAAAYA!" Skipper yelled, whipping back and throwing a karate-chop. "Skipper!!! Ow!" Starlite had blocked the chop, now rubbing her arm. "Oh, sorry Starlz, good reaction." Skipper apologised. "What's that?" Starlite asked, referring to the unnatural glow. "Oh... Its just a necklace i found a while ago, by the Carribbean island-" "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" She gasped. "Wa? This? i found it, as i just said previously, by th-" "No! Don't you get it?? That is the necklace of David Joneis! The flying Dutchmens, son's fiancé!" Starlite gasped "Oh! Kowalski told me about some sort of treasure, but he never told me everything, carry on." Skipper said out of curiosity. "Ok...She disappeared before he could give it to her. The crew was blamed, because she was the most precious and beautiful girl, that's wнч she ment so much to him. When he found out, he put a curse on the ship (He said that the curse could be bestowed apon his ship and crew). Because this causes a LOT of people to be cursed, he basically killed 200 people and their children, thus, being the biggest murderer of all time. Yet, he still wasn't satisfied... i am sure you have heard of the crakin?" Starlite breathed. "Several times, i am a Skipper after all." Skipper said, gesturing her to carry on. "Right, so in addition to all of this. He decided... To put a curse on the necklace, because it was worth so much so no-one could take it. And if they did, they "got what they deserved", here's how it works: You are allowed to wish on the necklace up to three times, only one person, so the next can also get 3. Your wishes will come true, they will make you "happy". Then you will begin to desire more...And more, nothing can stop you at this point of the 4th wish. As soon as you wish the 4th one, you will hear a sweet...sweet lullaby from the ocean. Even of you are in the desert, you will follow the song. You will swim out at sea, there you will become then crakin's next victim and a new crew member to the ship... And about 100 years later *gulp* thrown into the flames of hell." She finished with a shiver, the fact that the necklace was glowing didn't help. "But that doesn't explain the glow." Skipper complained "i'm...i'm afraid...It does Skipper" She whispered, and started to shake. "What???" Skipper shouted "SSSH!!!*sigh* If you have wished a wish...It glows." Starlite whispered in a terrified tone. "Who? Who is it?" Skipper shouted. "i don't know, all i know is if we don't stop them from wishing again, all may be lost." "Ok... Let's first find a solution." Skipper calmed down, gripping the necklace and pressing it against his head, as of hoping an idea would pop-up in his head.
"WAIT! i just remembered! Legend has it if the girl is found and then kisses the son. The person who wished on it will be free!!!" She smiled. "Well... Where do we find her?Or her ghost" Skipper smiled. "Dunno, but what i can say is this... We should keep this quiet, you know? In order not to cause panic?" "Agreed." Skipper nodded, and waddled towards the door. "Skipper wait! i almost forgot! If i'm not mistaken, the person who wished will try to make you wish apon it to. Because they will also want you to be "Happy". So remember...No wishing! And see if you spot anything unusual about anyone? i will also keep a lookout." She yawned. "Ok, i'm gonna keep this on me, to see if anyone bribes me into giving it to them." Skipper lifted the necklace and inspected it, the glow reflecting off his face.

Starlite looked at him... She hadn't rally noticed how handsome Skipper was before, he was stern, no doubt, but he was sweet, kind, gentle and brave. The sound of a spanish guitar interrupted her thoughts, along with a sound of adoring subjects bowing down to a King, a jazzy voice, new bombs and the sound of crunching peanuts. Her and Skipper looked at each-other. "Holy-" "Crakins" Skipper finished her sentence off...
posted by SkippX101
So what does one do when you can't fall asleep and ur bored? This...These are just poems that i think describe different POM fans (the last is the best)...X3


Stuiped people who couldn't see
How wild and free...
We say what we think
We aren't afraid of the brink (tehe Rico)
They just can't admit
Or else they would be more legit


They still hid
They don't know what they can find
They watch in secret
Never knowing if their thoughts should stay... Akepen
They rather keep quite
Trying their best to fight it


They are proud
Shouting out loud
We are united!
Fights are unacceptable!...
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A police officer is in front of the zoo standing by a dead body. Kowalski and Private walk to the officer.
K: (takes off shades) Alright, what do we have here?
Officer: The victim was punched, pounded, murdered, then slammed into the zoo wall.
K: Good golly. I can imagine someone who'll get pissed.
P: It's hard to tell from the blood and bruises, but it's DEFINITELY Marlene. I'd recognize that white and brown fur anywhere.
K: From the looks of it, a human might've been too big to make an attack like that. And some of our enemies from Hoboken would be unable to do such attacks.
Officer: (coming out...
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posted by kivamarie
the next mourning. my dress was dry again and my shoes aren't wet too. so I woke up and then put on my dress and my shoes back on.

Me: skipper wake up.

Skipper: (wakes up) oh Kiva you're awake.

Me: yeah and I got good news and bad news. the good news is that the boat is okay. the bad news is that the rocks smashed the boat into pieces.

Skipper: well so much for our one only ticket getting out of here.

Me: great were stuck in here with no food no water and no shelter. what are we going to do skipper?! (hugs skipper) I don't want to die I really don't want to die skipper!

Skipper: don't panic. we just...
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posted by CuteCuddly
'Ello, everyone. It's me, Private. I am about to share something very personal with you. I hope you enjoy.

Date: October 17th.

Dear diary: first time writing in you. I guess I'm excited. I am doing this at night, because Skippah might not be happy about it.

I must tell you what happened today.

We were being cute and cuddly as usual. We wanted to get some popcorn. Skippah got Rico and Kowalski to go get it, while I distrcted the boy. I had been working my waddle, so I was well prepared. We succeded and had regurgitaed popcorn. Just like Skippah's mother used to make it.

Then, disaster struck.

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posted by kivamarie
I woke up the next mourning knowing that it is time to find food and water if I'm going to survive.

Me: (wakes up) boy i slept like a rock last night (checks on the fire) yep the fire is still there so it's time for me to look for food and water. food and water will give me energy to survive and to stay alive.

so I started to crawl with one leg to look for food and water. just when i was about to give up i saw food. it was a mango.

Me: (gasp) a mango it's perfect and it's safe for me to eat.

so after i grab the mango I ate the mango. after i ate the mango i crawl with one leg to look for water....
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posted by stlouisfan
Private woke up with bags in his eyes and he carfully climbed out of bed. He looked up and noticed that the other guys weren't in bed. Private just yawned and walked over to the ladder that led to the platform above. He opened the hatch and saw that the guys were already up and training. Private yawned one more time and climbed up onto the platform.

Skipper looked at Private and said, "Finally up Private?"

Private nodded and said, "Why didn't you guys wake me?"

Kowalski looked at Private and said, "Well it looked like you could use the sleep. You have another sleepless night Private?"

Private nodded...
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So here is an interview I happened to find a while back on one of my profiles and she e-emailed me the code to post it up on my profile hehe. I am not sure if I still keep in touch with her, but she gave a GREAT interview hehe.

My Interview with Kowalski - By KoealskiLover

I: I'd like to start off with a hello, how are you today Kowalski?

K.: I..'m doing great

I: Now if you don't mind let's get started on this shall we?

K:Please proceed

I:First of all are you the REAL Kowalski?

K:Yes I am, want me to prove it?

I:Ok, how does it feel to be famous like?

K:Well, we just startd off but we..'re coming...
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posted by sweetyKneul
Hey everyone! This is my first Story on fanpop. First of all I am from Germany, so my English isn't very good. But I hope you understand everything!


Today was a normal Saturday morning. After training Kowalski went in his lab. Rico read a comic (because he was unable to read, he just looked at the pictures). Private sat, with his winkies, in front of the TV. Skipper sat at the table, in his fin a coffee cup. In this moment Kowalski came angry out of his lab. "What's up with you?" Asked Rico without having to remove the view from his comic. "I'm just…" Kowalski fell silent when he saw,...
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In the "Simpsons" universe
Marge: Alright, Homer, normally I'd say to slow down so we can avoid going over the line of safety, but i think we already crossed the line a couple of times!
Homer: Well, Bart, you got your skateboard?
Bart: Right here, Dad.
Homer: Give us a boost. (Bart gets out of the car, ties his skateboard to the bumper, and rides the skateboard)
S: Rico, deploy chainsaw. (Rico hacks up a chainsaw)
K: I'll just attach it to this boomerang. (hacks up a boomerang and a rope, ties the chainsaw to the boomerang and throws it to a tree. The tree falls down in front of team Simpson)
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posted by EppofangirlXD
I sighed in the darkness of the small, wooden crate. A sudden jerk from the truck made me bang my head on the side of the crate. I groaned in annoyance, but remembered my promise and sighed again. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, but I knew I had to, and I wasn't backing out now.

It had been 'The Day'. My goodbye party had looked more like a funeral in my old home, the otter habitat in the California Aquarium. My wooden crate had been waiting for me at the side of the habitat, and I had been staring into it.

"Are you sure?" My mother, Helen, who was standing right beside me, had sniffed....
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Kowalski's in the park putting the finishing touches on his new laser. I find him and see what's going on.
Me: What are you doing, Kowalski?
K: Oh, I'm just putting the finishing touches on my new Undeadinator.
Me: Let me guess, it brings anyone back from the dead?
K: And plants. Now, i just need to find a target.
Me: How about that dead sunflower across the street. (pointing across the street)
K: Good thinking. Now, I just need to aim percisely. (Kowalski shoots the laser, but instead of hitting the dead sunflower, it hits a truck with a mirror on it and bounces back to me knocking me on the ground)...
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Lexii stepped up to the shipping crate. She was shaking with both excitment and fear. She had never met another lemur or a penguin. There had been a few animals at her past small zoo but she was the only lemur and there was no other animals except 2 lions, a tiger, and a couple of tropical birds.
She shook her head. She had to do this!
She jumped into the shipping crate. It was just big enough for her to sit down in. If she stood up her ears were about an inch from the top of the box. This is what she would be living in for the next 5 hours.. Oh joy..
Lexii: *kicks the inside of the crate gently*...
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posted by anna446
one night as a storm hit marlene was asleep but mort came in and he could not sleep. marlene remembered a song her mom used to sing to her when she could't sleep so as she put mort on an spare bed she sang:

go to sleep
rest opon your bed
may this night bring dreams to your head
hear my voice
never let it die
keep this lullaby
soon the sun shall sat on
long it will be till dawn
never from you will I be gone
carry on
with this world of fear
now the time is near
peace will soon rain here

as marlene completed the song mort was fast she was walking outside she saw skipper
marlene:hey skipper so hows the team?
skipper:marlene theres no time to talk my team said that they heard a girl singing.
marlene:skipper that was me.
marlene:mort could't sleep so I just sang a lullaby my mom used to sing and mort was out like a light.
skipper:wow marlene your song lulled privete to sleep.
posted by Kowalski355
Skipper: Kowalski? You ok?

Kowalski: *opens eyes * Uhh… *stands up* what?

Private: Are you ok?

Kowalski: Uhh…. What happened?

Skipper: Oh, you were experimenting on Ally and….. You kinda blew Ally and yourself up and you both knocked out, but she woke up before you.

Ally: yeah, why’d you even do that? I mean, really, a super-ray gun that makes people switch feelings….. That already happens in real life!

Kowalski: well, sorry, im not the one that got knocked out!

Private: actually. She and you both got knocked…

Kowalski -_- never mind……

Skipper: eh.. Oh well… *sits in front of TV...
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Skipper woke up with the sound of Hans voice

"hey skippa!" he shouted

"wha?" he said mumbling

"my date with Marlene was perfect! I asked to be her boyfriend and she accepted, I am sooo in love with her!!"

"ahahaha, h-how good Hans, how good..."

"skipper, you really like her right?"

"no, NO! I dont like her!"

"hahaha, anyways, you lost, I got the girl skipper, so you lost the oportunity!"


Just when the conversation seemed to continue, Marlene entered though the fishbowl

"hey skipper, hy hans" she said as she rushed at him, hugged and kissed him, Hans continued hugging her, and turned to skipper,...
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(story about drama, adventures and friendship, I will change the point of view every chapter)

:::private view:::

I sat, lonely at the tv, some kind of hungry, seeing how skipper drank his coffe, rico was trying to change the lunacorns fighting with me, at the end I let him, but I realy was hungry

"maybe a fishy will change my actitude!" I thought

I went and opened a bottle of sardines, but they didnt taste like they taste, so I wanted to add some sauce - a terrible mistake

I forgot that the sauce was actually truth powder, and I lost control of myself and said 3 things I wish I had never said

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posted by AgentJazzy00
-------in HQ---9:34------

As Marlene lead them inside,she said,"So here's the HQ.That door right there leads to Kowalski's lab.If I were you,i'll stay away from it unless you want to be turned into something weird,like opposite genders." Kassie/Kowalski had to force a smile and said between his beak,"Yeah,we wouldn't want that to happen."

"And there's the guys bathroom,so only...What's your name?",asked Marlene."Oh,I'm Jamie but you can call me James.",answered James/Jazzy."Ok.", Continued Marlene"So only James can use it,even though there's four stalls.And you girls will have to share two stalls...And...
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Central Park was finally closing for the evening, it was a particularily exciting day, now that the situation with a gas leakage being fixed by Kowalski. After a few minutes of guests leaving, Skipper then got up and stopped wagging his tail feathers for the guests. "Good job men!! We have finally flaunted our stuff out there for the kids!!" good job!!" praised Skipper. "Um, Skipper, if I may, isn't today "role check evening"?" asked Kowalski. "Right you are Kowalski!! We must do something to determine who goes out, alright, let's knock over the ninjas, whoever knocks the least amount of ninjas...
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posted by Cherpeng
Before sunrise on a beautiful Friday, everyone in the zoo (only the animals) were packed up in the gift shop wondering why there was a meeting. Everyone was so excited and chit chatting they didn't hear Skipper yell "QUIET!!" in a very firm tone. Finally, Private screamed in the top of his lungs "BE QUIET SKIPPER WANTS TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!" Everyone finally quieted down and looked at Private, then Skipper, then Rico and then Kowalski.

It was quiet for a moment until King Julian yelled "Welcome animals to the King Julian annual gathering!" Skipper slapped himself on the forehead and said "RING...
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Place:Central Park Zoo

*Screech, CRASH*

Have:We broke the car, again. How are we gonna tell Skipper?

(Rico barfs missile launcher)

Rico:Eh? Eh?

Have:I wish, no Rico.

Rico: Awww.

Have:We need to put it into the garage, I bet nobody's there anyway.

Rico:Yeah yeah!
Place:The garage(In the base)

Have:Rico,why do we have to work in the dark?

Rico: Shhhhh!


Kowalski:Have! Have! Where are you?

Have:I got to go.
(Rico holding have back)
Rico: Nuh Uh!

Have:Dude if he finds me in here he's gonna see this jacked car he might...
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