Penguins of Madagascar Club
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I am dunked carelessly into the bone-chilling water. Kicking my legs, I try to make it to the surface. Then, I remember everything over the past few days. I am a disgrace in my father's eyes. I always will be, until I restore my honor.
Accomplishing this will be a small step, but it seems like a good start. I vow, to avenge my place. When I'm ready and properly trained, I will kill a seal and bring it to father.
I look around to check if it's safe to touch the bottom yet. Nothing out of the ordinary swims in my vicinity. Just some fish and a shark. A shark?!
I tug on the rope as a sign for help. A panic arises over my head. Like they're the ones in trouble. I thrust one more powerful yank, and something thin and lengthy hits my head. I cautiously gaze up, dreading what I'll see. Off of the top of my flat head, I pick up the whole rope. John left me to get eaten here.
The shark's black eyes stare at me. Mindlessly, he follows his insincts, and goes to take a bite. I duck, missing the predator by an inch. I foolishly contuine carrying out my mission.
With the monster on my tailfeathers, I sink down. The box-shaped object is there waiting for me.
A sumberged icicle calls to me. It tempts every inch of my conscience. I just can't. I am here to retrieve the lunchbox, and that's it.
The shark circles overhead. There is no doubt in my mind what will happen next. I'll run out of air, and dround. He'll let me die down here, before he feeds.
There's no escaping this terrible fate. I'm not fast enough to out swim him, even if I do try. Then, I remember the whole reason I came down. The lunchbox has fish in it, which have blood inside of them.
I feel my body shutting down alarmingly. Right before it gets worse, a bite the heads off of the fish. Just as the blood pours into the water, I toss them.
It is impossible for the shark to deny his iresistable craving for the blood of my chum. The foe dashes down, but soon met a gigantic feeding frenzy. As I float to the top, I watch in stun at the slaughter of the fish. Any second later, that would be me.
Making my way up, I still wonder if I'll make it. At the last second, something grasps the rope, and forcibly pulls me up.
They came back for me, I think.
When my feet tap the ground, I gasp for breath and rejoice for my life. Deliah is the first one I see, and is quick to untie me. Once that is done, my mother wraps her arms around me tightly.
"Skipper!" She exclaims, tears streaming down her cheeks. I collapse in her arms.
When everything comes back to me, I'm staring at the wall. It turns out, I'm on my side, laying on my bed. Adjusting my body to sit up, I cough.
"Oh, Skipper!" My mother crys, and wraps her soothing flippers around me. It is the only comfort I have experienced in my whole life. The same penguin, who was there the other night, was leaving. He turned to my mother.
"It's completely obvious he was in some sort of shock. Maybe, that's a sign that you shouldn't let your son into the water tied up, especially in shark invested waters." The doctor remarked.
"I can assure you, he won't do anything like that ever again." My mother says, and starts rubbing my head trying to pacify the trauma.
"You should take care of your son more. Why do I care? If he dies, less work for me." The grouchy penguin snarls and slams the door.
"Momma! If we were home, you would have had his job!" I say.
"Skipper, things are different here. I probably should have told you that last night. People don't know who we are, so no one looks at us the same. I'm no longer queen, and you're no longer the prince." Just at that moment, a stampede of stomping enters the village, causing the house to quake.
I recongize the sound from anywhere. There's a proclaimation from dad! I hop to my feet.
"Daddy wants me! Do you hear that, Momma? Daddy loves us again! He's going to take us home!" I exclaim, dashing out the door.
"No! Skipper, wait!" She calls desperately after me. I duck and dodge my way through the crowd. Finally, my eyes meet men waddling in a military manner. I stare up in awe. Then, I realize I'm in their way.
Right before trampling me, the leader stops. My eyes widen with undescribable eagerness. My mother gasps.
"Get out of my way, street krill!" The commander orders, and kicks me aside.
The team haults. A penguin from the back brings up a scroll. My heart beat increases and the pressure is on.
"It is with great misfortune, that I announce the death of your noble king. After the death of Prince Skipper, Cain will be king. His first proclaimations: You'll be happy to know that your enemies from the southern colony are at a losing war with the central colony. (the kingdom) The second, every boy under the age of six will be killed by law under your new king. All hail
King Cain!" He bellow.
"Daddy?" I mutter under my breath as the crowd chants. The commanding officer looked down at me.
"Starting with this brat," He growls. The man swiftly swings his sword, but I jump back into the queue.
"Catch him!" A guard demands.
They hustled through the crowd, pushing down civilians.
"Momma!" I scream. Two flippers draw me two the side.
It's Deliah. She puts a flipper over her beak. We rush out of the flock, unseen by the guards.
"Skipper?!" My mother cries. She's searching for me. I manage to withhold calling out to her. It would only help the guards find me.
Deliah and I reach my house at full speed. It fills me with delight at how we share the same rate. Even though, she might be slowing down to help me keep up, it still makes me happy. No one else took the time to stay at my pace.
"Stay here, I'll get your mother!" She says.
"No," I say, grasping her flipper, "let me go. I don't want them to hurt you."
"I'm not the one who's life is at stake."
"Okay, but be careful." I say, and we hug.
"I'm guessing this is sort of goodbye, huh?"
"Yeah, I'll always remember you."
"Same," She sighs. "Promise we'll see eachother when this is over?"
She trails off in the chaos, that has consumed the rookery. I watch her leave for the last time. I slam the door tight, so no uninvited guests appear.
Just like last night, some one pounds on the door.
"Open up! I know some one's in there!" A harsh voice says. "We're breaking the door down! You've got three seconds!"
I race into a hiding spot. From under my bed, I hear the final warning.
"Time's up," He says, and the door is busted down.
added by Sandrei
added by JediPenguin16
Source: me
added by SPKR689
added by Sandrei
added by fun123fun
Source: me
added by Penguinangel
Source: I drew it. :)
added by Lzk94pzpom
Source: kowalski is just doing math in gothic style
added by GoodCommenter
added by chaos-ice
Source: Time Out
added by spmana123
added by Cowtails
added by Skipperlovah258
added by Kowalski1321
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Best Foes
added by LeonardFan
Source: Me and Paint
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Skipper Makes Perfect
added by Bitt3rman
Source: LisaThePengotter from Deviant arts
added by _Lexii23_
Source: me
added by Blowhole666
Source: dr.blowhole
added by MaraKowalski
Source: Operation: Cooties